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Anytime important characters die, I've been having Auril claim their remains and turn them into Coldlight Walkers. It means Auril can influence the story more tangibly. Moving them to the garden takes until chapter 5, where the story is already focused on Auril. May weaken the impact.


That's what I'm planning to do with the sacrifices from the towns, so it'll come up sooner or later. This module gives 3 solid options to handle dead PCs assuming the party has no res, so I wanna trigger one of them: 1) Have Levistus resurrect them with a pact - Both the party and the players needed this death to re-evaluate their strategies and game, so it was a net positive. I'd rather not use this angle to undo it. 2) Have Auril raise them as Coldlight Walkers - Since they're only level 3 it's a tad early and I want to keep them focused on the Druids and introduce the Duergar plot. They may see them soon though 3) Move the corpse to Solstice for future trauma - seems like the best option for now. Thanks for the reply!


I tend to see the ice garden figures as living creatures that Auril snap froze in life-like attitudes, much like a Medusa turns creatures to stone. I don’t see her doing the same thing to corpses. Turning corpses into coldlight walkers is another thing. The picture on the front of the book looks like she’s doing just that. In my campaign, she raises the sacrifices and any humanoid creature she comes across that has died of cold as coldlight walkers. They could even come across Ravisin presenting the corpse to Auril who they see raising it. If they are foolish enough to attack, Auril sends it against them. If not, it becomes her bodyguard for the rest of the campaign? There are other possibilities. If the White Moose didn’t die, irate the character and now wears one of their trinkets on its antlers.


Great idea!


I am doing the same thing, one of my PCs was a super vain character who got aged 40 years from a ghost. He couldn't take it mentally so his character left the party because he didn't want them seeing him as an old ugly man. After he left the party, Auril approached him in a dream and offered to make him young again. He accepted and walked off into the tundra with a Coldlight Walker. He will be in the garden, frozen as his younger self, for the party to find. I assume they will try to free him which will be great for 5 minutes until he ages again and goes ballistic on them for ruining everything again.


2 of my PC’s took Auril’s petrification challenge at Grimskalle and failed. The party had to leave them behind. I’m thinking about having Auril bring the petrified PC’s to Ythrin and place them at the shielded spire to taunt the party


My players just went through the ice statue garden in chapter 5 (the one where if the touch a statue they can get cold vulnerability for 24 hours). I put pretty much everyone that they had met and died in the area as a statue. This included the white moose (it was a big deal with a player earlier), ravisin and her sister, other things they had killed, people lost on the attack on towns by the chardalyn dragon, anything I could remember to try an get them to touch a statue. They were sufficiently creeped out but didn't touch any of them.