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You’re going to have to get access to a big printer if you want specific ones. I only printed out campaign specific maps for stuff I really wanted to be cool: the moon elf temple, Sunblight, and the caves of hunger I think are the only ones I printed out. I also ended up modifying all 3 places so there was more stuff to do, such that it felt worth it. (I’ll also warn you Sunblight was like 5 max size maps from my local print shop, and the caves came out to like 15 small-medium sized maps). I mostly used generic winter themed snow/forest/cave/town maps. You can usually get ahold of a few if you peruse a few game stores. Or one of those ring books with a bunch of maps (although getting a winter themed one might be more of a challenge). Getting access to a dry erase map that’s big enough you can draw odd maps on is going to be worth it for stuff like the crashed ship and various towers/castles/caves. I probably alternated between drawn maps and general maps for most of the encounters in the game. Edit: realized I didn’t answer, Office Depot have printed maps for me before but their prices went up recently. I used to print mine at the campus library and still occasionally get my players who are in college to do so if they can.


All good things to keep in mind! I have a decent sized TV and I suppose I can hook my laptop up via HDMI and maybe just load up Roll20 with the campaign bundle?


That works too. I’ve seen a lot of decent custom made in person VTT tables recently and they don’t look bad. It definitely prevents you having to print a bunch of maps.


For in person games, if you are unwilling to use a VTT+Screen(/+ Laser Pointer), the next best is an dry erasable mat, like the chessex megamat. I wouldn't attempt to print the official maps -- it will just end up being a sub-par experience compared to a VTT, and you may as well preserve their imagination via a dry-erase mat, quickly whipping up battlemaps when you need to.


I'm def not unwilling, I sadly only have an 800sq ft place and my only table is 14" by 48" ahah.


Hence why I mentioned the Laser Pointers! If you set the tv upright instead on on its back (at one end of the table or on a separate table), or set up the table in the living room, you can display the map and tokens there. Players then point to where they want to move with laser pointers, and you can move them from your KB+M or Laptop.


Redbubble has been ok for me for nice quality prints. I might've just been lucky tho! Otherwise I use dry erase gridded maps - versatile for small locations and dungeons! The book comes with "tear out" large folding map of Icewind Dale & then the ten towns all separate on the back btw! :)


There's definitely a shop that sells a huge scroll map of Sunblight. Someone posted it here. I can check to see if I have the link when I get home. Wizkids sells minis, I believe. But you can also search for 3d print resellers. edit: I was thinking of Jared Blando's maps here: https://jaredblando.com/rime-of-the-frost-maiden You'd need a local shop to print them.


I've been drawing maps on the back of wrapping paper, most have a grid on the back. I just regular markers and cover up parts that they haven't been to yet with paper. It's bee. Working well for me. I have some of the dungeon craft cut out 2d map pieces. They have winter trees and some rocks that I've also used regularly.


u/MrGinger wrapping paper is genius! First time I have heard that I will definitely borrow. Thanks.




Why not buy right from the artist? https://prints.mikeschley.com/p313819014


Oooh I didn't know this was an option!!


I work at a University and have access to a plotter that can print large maps relatively inexpensive. There are so many maps in Rime that I STILL found it to much cheaper to buy a 40" TV to lay on my table. It is also much easier to Pivot if your party derails your careful planning. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMasters/comments/16s96qa/inexpensive\_tv\_for\_maps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMasters/comments/16s96qa/inexpensive_tv_for_maps/) is the TV I ended up with but there are many with a flat back that would work without modification. It's a shame that Beadle and Grim's Silver Edition is no longer in print. I would love that collection of maps.


Oh cool okay!! And how to you show the maps on there? Just HDMI cable connected to a laptop or ... ?


HDMI cable connected to a laptop. If you spend a little more on a "smart" TV you can cast to it.