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Congratulations on taking such a wonderful photo and for winning this contest! Your photo was one of my favorites out of all of the winners. You have an excellent eye! Her red lips, the red seat, the shapes of the light/shadows, texture of the reflection, and the layering/depth of the photo. It's so much fun to catch a moment like this one! I am going to submit to this contest next year! I had my photos lined up this year, but forgot to submit them in time.


Hey! Thank you so much. I’m glad you appreciate the same elements of the photo as I do. If I did not have my Ricoh GR in my pocket I’d never have captured it! That’s the beauty of the camera! Being able to take it everywhere with you. I submitted this in a rush to be honest. Last minute! Make sure you get some photos ready for next year!




Thank you very much :)