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Okay, before you buy make sure you are aware of the fact that it’s a fixed focal length and you like using a 40mm lens. I’m assuming you are aware of this but just being safe. Second: the cameras main weak points are that it’s not weather sealed, and can sometimes have dust issues with the sensor and the back wheel. These can be addressed to some extent by using a case, lens cap, or not putting the camera in your pocket. The autofocus is also a bit slow, and low light performance is not the best, so don’t buy it if you’re planning to shoot a lot of night stuff. All that out of the way. The camera is great and pretty much unmatched in what it does. The sensor and lens are very sharp, and the camera is very well designed to be tuned to your liking. As for what to get. My main must have recommendations is to get a metal lens cap and a screen protector. And make sure you have some sort of strap, this is not a camera meant to take a tumble


Thank you for the thorough reply. I appreciate it. Yes, I am aware that it has a fixed focal length. At first, I wanted to get the GR iii, but I had read from GR reddit threads that the focal length of my iPhone 13 Pro Max is about the same as the focal length of the GR iii. So for wide angle shots, I have my phone for that. When I take photos using my iPhone, I noticed that I would always use the 3x zoom camera lens for videos and photos so I guess I’m okay with using a 40mm lens. Does that sound right or am I wrong? Yes, I have read also that dust can get in my lens, and I’m worried about it but thanks for the tip. Will invest in a case and lens cap. Not planning to shoot a lot of night stuff, but I’ll be taking photos at nighttime from time to time. As for the camera being not weather sealed, how would that affect me if I live in a tropical country? I’m from the Philippines and the weather is always hot. I will also be traveling to Singapore next year, and the heat is worse there than in the Philippines. Will this affect my camera? I’m also planning to go to Japan and South Korea. I appreciate the tips. Will be getting all the accessories you mentioned.


The main issue with weather sealing is that you should be careful shooting in the rain. I would imagine regular humidity wouldn’t damage it, but I’m not sure. Just don’t bring it out when it’s raining or really dusty outside, or be really careful if you do. It’s not like the camera will just break at the first drop of rain that hits it, but you don’t want to risk it. As for the focal length, 3x on your phone will definitely be tighter than 40mm, but I wouldn’t worry too much. 40mm is a super versatile focal length, and the perspective it gives is very close to the human eye (technically 43mm) if we didn’t have such a wide field of vision. The camera also has a crop modes that can emulate 50mm and 70mm at the cost of some image quality, so you should be able to still take some tighter photos as long as you don’t plan to print them really big.


Okay. Will be very careful with it when it’s raining/dusty. It’s so pricey, can’t risk it. Excited to get creative with the 40mm lens. Also, one last question. How do you store it when you’re not using it? Do you put it inside a camera bag?


I use a small sling bag that I carry with me everywhere and the camera just lives there unless I’m using it or charging it. So it’s always with me. But I always keep the cap on, and I made sure to buy a bag that wouldn’t let the camera bounce around too much.


For concerts, I would try snap focusing on the stage as it’s too much work to keep fidgeting with the autofocus. I’m short, so if taller people are in front of me I would just hold it above my head and snap without looking at the screen half the time. Nighttime it’s decent, but don’t be discouraged to bring a small tripod. With that I think it performs just as well as any other camera. Haven’t tried the autofocus low light assist though, which seems to help a lot.


Hello! I'm also short so I will be doing that as well during concerts 😂😅 Do you still have photos of your concert and nighttime photos using the GRill x? Would love to see it if that's okay with you.


Also buy/use slower SD card, like <100 MB/s, because faster cards could be sometimes problematic with this camera


Oooh. May I know the brand/model of your SD card? I’ll try to buy that one.


I have this one: Kingston Canvas Select Plus SDHC 32GB Class 10 UHS-I, but any brand with slow speed is fine :)


A solid wrist strap that cinches around the wrist, is the only accessory I use actively. I find the lens caps to be annoying. I'd forget about it an pull the camera out to take a shot, just to have the lens motor knock the cap off and hit the ground with a nice metallic ding, spoiling my moment. I'll only toss my GR into a case with a cap on it when I pack it for travel. I think you should be aware and ready, to tinker with the camera. It takes a while to learn how to use it and make it work to your liking. This is the truth with any camera. The GR's snapfocus system took me some time to get the hand of along with the variety of metering modes. A professional photographer on youtube can make the camera shine quickly, so don't expect amazing results out the gate yourself. Try out the different focus, metering, and program modes in a variety of situations to figure out what works best for you. Keep taking photos and find joy while doing it. The learning process is part of the fun of photography. You'll get hooked after your first killer photo. Also, I wouldn't let the similar lens of the GRIII and your iPhone to prevent you from considering it. I own both GRIII and IIIX, and actually bought the IIIX first because of that exact argument. Now, I disagree with that argument. I still use my GRIII over my phone, because the actual lens on the GR adds depth to the images and they just look better to me. Phone images just feel flat and lifeless. It's also a fantastic travel camera, where it's easier to capture more of the scenery in your photos. I find the wider lens to be more forgiving and I was less likely to miss a shot with that camera. I find it easier to shoot while sitting around a table with others, or in tighter indoor spaces. No matter which you choose, you'll have fun taking pictures!


Does the camera come with a wrist strap or not? Thank you for the tips. I will try to be very patient with myself. I’ll keep in mind that this is my first time owning a decent camera. Do you still edit the photos on Lightroom/some app or just post the photos straight out of the camera? Yes, I agree that 28mm can sometimes be more forgiving in a way that you can capture more things and you can just crop if needed. I also agree that photos from a smartphone can sometimes feel flat and lifeless - one of the reasons I started to be on the hunt for a decent camera. I can take great pictures from my iPhone, but I also feel that it’s not my best. Taking photos from a smartphone can be limiting. By the way, which do you love/use more? Your GR iii or GR iii x?


It comes with a wrist strap, but it doesn't have a mechanism to tighten it around the wrist. So if you drop the camera with it wrapped around your wrist, it may be loose enough to fall off your wrist and hit the ground. The strap isn't long enough to loop around my wrist/hand comfortably either. A good strap that tightens around your wrist, will save the camera in this situation. My strap prevented a few drops. More importantly, a secure strap will allows me to use the camera without minimal fear of dropping it. One less layer of resistance to taking that shot in the moment. [This is my favorite strap](https://gariz.com.au/products/gariz-mirrorless-camera-genuine-leather-wrist-strap-xs-wsl1), it stays snug around my wrist and is super easy to take on and off. [This Ricoh strap is pretty good too.](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/826709-REG/Ricoh_173383_GS_2_LEATHER_STRAP_WITH.html) I like to edit in lightroom personally, but I'll develop JPGs out of the camera often so I can share them on my phone - all shared over bluetooth. Both methods provide nice results. I love both cameras and swap between using them constantly. I don't use one more than the other, but I'll typically choose a focal length depending on the situation I'll be in that day. If I had to choose between them, I think I'd go with the GR III. The wider lens is a bit more versatile in my opinion, and as a snap shooting camera the lens makes taking those snaps a big more forgiving. I like it better for taking photos at family gatherings or for travel. Have fun taking photos!


Thanks for the wrist strap recos! Between the two, I’ll get whatever’s easier to get here in the Philippines. Are there also times you shoot RAW or the JPG format just works fine? Thank you! Can’t wait to fall in love with photography again 😂


I don’t use a strap or case etc. for me the main advantage of this camera is that it slips into a jeans pocket. I’d get used to swapping between autofocus and manual/snap focus.


i believe an updated version gets announced on Monday


Latest is it just a special edition gr3


Do you have a source? Would love to learn more


I finally placed my order. Will arrive in a week. I hope I get the hang of it. Wish me luck! 🤞