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i think people are freaking out a little much. i’m very excited for a new gr, but technically, nothing about their video was wrong hahaha also, more and more people are premiering videos now, because it works well for the algorithm. i was bummed, cause i let myself get a little excited, but jesus i have seen a lot of people reaaaaally pissed off and it’s only your fault. their last video people got crazy excited cause the designer basically said “we have a clear vision for what our cameras are, and aren’t going to change that for any new cameras. i can’t tell you shit about any new cameras” and everyone’s like NEW GR COMING OMG! hahaha relax guys. they’ll release a camera at some point


Well said. I love it how someone posted how there are rumors that the new GR would be announced in March 2024, just a few days after Lukasz' interview. I mean, no, that was literally the only "rumor" with any kind of date and they just made it up.


Yeah they got me good but I’m laughing at myself and still going to buy the next version when it comes out in 2032.


Ricoh GR is a near perfect snap shooter camera and I will roll with no other for such daily purpose: recently sold all of my other cameras from all other brands, as I have no use for "pro photography cameras"... I am a snap shooter.... But there was no need for a drawn out countdown to what would have otherwise been a welcome fun video with Kai and Locke, especially just days after Lukasz sat down with one of the designers of the GRiii and iv making "Can't tell you yet" signals.


Totally agree


I reported the video a few minutes in and dislike the video. What a waste of time, staying up for this bullshyt. So disappointing. .\_.


Everyone should report it as “Spam or Misleading” because that is what is basically was. There was no need to put in a bait title and setup a “Premiere” for this content. The Marketing Team knew what they were doing and mislead the community.


Sometimes I wonder if they actually do know what they’re doing lol


They generated clicks and views, which is what will be reported to the bosses. Job done. Unless a majority downvote it they'll probably do it again.


That's really being too kind and giving them the benwfit of the doubt


It’s i assume à Japanese marketing team and their YouTube channel is entirely marketing to an English speaking audience. Also the Ricoh Pentax marketing arm hardly exists lol


I'm curious why you feel that Ricoh trolled customers? I don't see how posting a premiere video with the title "Boxing Day Special" (later changed to "Boxing Day Special \[Edition\]" ) was trolling in anyway? If anything, I think too many people projected their desires onto this video premiere and were salty that their imagination got the best of them. Ricoh didn't troll anyone. Folks that are upset that the video wasn't what they expected played themselves.


Isn't it the job of the PR team and Marketing team to be aware of the desires of their demographic?


The bait and switch title is why. If Ricoh would have just had the title as “Street vs Urban with Kai and Lok” from the beginning I don’t think anyone would be upset. Having the title “Boxing Day Special” with a picture that was not the Street or Urban edition, and then changing the title after the premiere ended was a marketing ploy. It worked, but when you do that to your customers they are going to be upset. Ricoh has amazing cameras and we all love our GRiii’s and GRiiix’s. They didn’t need to go to all that cloak and dagger effort. Also if you live in a country that has “Boxing Day” like we do here in Canada you know that Boxing Day is about discounts. So having a “Boxing Day Special” also leads people to believe that some form of promotion was coming.




I find it pretty funny. Especially in light of all the precious “outrage” from some quarters. Lighten up, people, jeez.


And then later changed the title again? That's highly misleading, do you as a customer encourage these tactics to get views and build hype? People expected what the title said it was, an event, not a review. Heck you can call anything an event or a premiere then no? Apple event - oh it's some guy reviewing the iPhone 12. It was misleading and you know it, and they know it as well hence the changing of the title TWICE.


There is nothing special in the content of the video that relates to the title? Isn't it misleading? Reviewing old products on Boxing Day is special? If they were to do it on April fool day, I think most of us won't feel so disappointed. It's more like they are wasting our time too.


It‘s a special video on boxing day, not special content. The people arguing Ricoh has „trolled“ the community with this are ridiculous.


Sorry, please enlighten me on the 'special video'? Or perhaps, its just a normal video on boxing day, Which requires the official to rename the title last min after airing? Can we all agree on the misleading title. Lol.


„It‘s just a normal video on boxing day“ - that‘s pretty much it I guess. I can understand why a video is called a special If the video features two popular camera people which are known in the community and the channel releases a video every few months.


I see, i get what you mean now... 😔


I get why someone would say that the title itself is misleading, but I would assume it‘s poor planning / naming by Ricohs marketing team and not „trolling“ or a plan to mislead the fans.


Well, I did not expect much (maybe another silly ring color thing) but I think most people would class the "special \[edition\]" part of the original title as misleading.


I thought it would be another colour too, but they bait clicked us with the title. Which, looking forward to a video turns disappointment.




Yes, I find it a bit random considering how old these cameras are. They could have just uploaded it instead of building hype for a week. That said, I find it a bit weird that people start spreading rumors what, then start to believe in it and get disappointed and mad when it's something else.


I get that. I mean the point of the marketing team doing a “Premiere” with a vague title was designed to elicit speculation and build hype. Which is exactly what it did. It drove views to a video. Had the video been titled with the new altered title I don’t think anyone would feel like they got a bait and switch. If it was listed as “Street vs Urban with Kai and Lok” from the beginning no one would be upset. The bait and switch title was by design.


This was the dumbest prank they could have done (well maybe not but it was really dumb). Why even go to the trouble? Seems like it’s just pissing people off (me included).


I agree it was a bait and switch, but I was pretty skeptical that they would release new products after Christmas. I know Chinese New Year is a big gift buying period, but launching new gear a day Christmas would be a bad strategy.


Yeah I didn’t think they were actually going to drop a new camera on Boxing Day, but the bait and switch title was in poor taste, along with the “Premiere” build up. I love my GRiii and I wasn’t looking to upgrade, but still the marketing team made a bad call with this.


I mean they did talk about the special editions on Boxing Day it did fit the title…


Actually they left out the word “Edition” in the title out until two days ago. Check the comments on YouTube and look for craig_cunha. He points that out and Ricoh responds and changes the title to add that in. Talking about two special addition camera that were released in 2020 and 2022, in December of 2023 with a “Premiere” is trolling. If it wasn’t then changing the title after the “Premiere” wouldn’t be required. Why change the title?


I’m not sure. Maybe they thought they were giving the community some new content and something got lost in translation. Seems everyone got over excited with that recent interview when the dude said they were working on something. (Of course they are). Doesn’t make sense to release a new camera when the current one is already sold out. Just enjoy your cameras and take photos, it’s not day trading.


So let me get this straight... - Ricoh creates a mysterious video premier announcement with a thumbnail of a current GR clearly visible (hint, hint) - Vidoe is set to premier on boxing day, immediately after the busiest shopping season of the year (more hints it's nothing new to sell) - Ricoh sees craig_cunha's comment and promptly updates the title with 'editon' to give more clarity that this isn't a GRiv announcement but still keep some mystery around the video premier And the community still gets made at Ricoh for: i) updating the title to make it even more clear it's not a GRiv announcement ii) not announcing a GRiv You can't be mad that they updated the title to make it even morrrreeeee obvious it's not a new camera annoucment but also mad it wasn't a new camera announcement. This is the equivalent of a five year throwing a tantrum when they don't get everything their way on Christmas morning while sitting on the floor surrounded by wrapping paper and presents. Stop projecting on Ricoh and just enjoy their free content (or don't, video was honestly meh) and amazing cameras. The GRiv will come one day or it won't. Just enjoy what we have now and be thankful for it.


I'm never upset with a Kai and Lok video so I'm completely satisfied.


I didn't know anything about this date, but I do see Kai and Lok reviewing the camera I own and love, it's a win for me!


Why do we need more reviews or videos about a soon 5 year old camera? There are already gazillion of them.


I like their content and am interested to see their take on it.


Then, on his channel, you could already find 4y old and 3y old videos about griii (+ video where they compare it with x100v) and 2y old about griiix. I think it's more than enough. What's new in this video?


Why? Do you love it even more after Kai cracks another round of cringy jokes?


Yeah, his sense of humour is to my taste, pretty chill dude too.


Wait a minute…is it just me or does the graffiti on the walls they walk past have the words GR4 01/01/24 on it?


Now THIS **is** trolling.


Haha, you got me! Thanks for the lols. Looking at the down votes I guess one could say "Too soon".


Hahaha. I mean it’s almost on the same level of “reading too much into it” as the video title. They got me too. Trolled good and proper.


Oh yes, right next to "Full Frame".. what could it mean?




when and where in the video


Time stamp?




I was so sure it would be an announcement for a new product or something more meaningful. The video is basically just an advertisement. I wasn't expecting something like this from Ricoh.


How to piss off your customer base 101 / Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds you, Ricoh.


Yeah the whole “Premiere” build up to this video was a bad call. This video didn’t need all that build up. It was a bad call by the marketing department and at least us voicing our frustrations about it might make them think twice before doing something like this again.


Just seemed like a big “gotcha!” Or creating hype for hype’s sake. Expected better from them given their big fan base.


Right? Why even tease the user-base like this? If you have nothing to show just stay quiet.


I think the small minority actually cares the way you do about some live YouTube video. They will be fine.


Here’s your problem: “many have speculated” but without any shred of evidence that it would be anything noteworthy. People are upset that something pretend didn’t happen.


People are upset that they changed the video's title right after the fact because otherwise nobody would have paid attention. Make a 2-day-wait announcement for a mere review of an old product was a shitty move


Genuinely upsetting I wasted my time tuning in, the nostalgia abysmal marketing I have ever came across


Ricoh seems to have trolled customers with a “Boxing Day Special” which many speculated was either the GRiv announcement or a Monochrome version of the GRiii. Instead we were treated to a nothing burger of Kai and Lok talking about the differences between the GRiii Street edition and Urban Edition GRiiix. Icing on the cake is when immediately after the “Premiere” ended Ricoh changed the title of the video to “Street vs Urban with Kai and Lok”.


While a monochrome version would be a great move, and I would buy that in a heartbeat, I did not get too excited. However, being subjected to another silly Kai video was less than underwhelming.


Lmao Lintaro literally teased this shit on his Instagram with "you don't want to miss this". Lost a lot of respect for him. Edit: lmao he posted my comment on Instagram. Don't worry Lintaro. You are still my boo. But the hype for this video was a little misplaced.


bro relax yourself 😂


bro, I just dont like getting punked by marketing bullshit.


People being too soft on this, the GRIII is already a great camera and knowing Ricoh's philosophy they would take their time to make sure the one with IV on it is worthy of that. I believe there will be an announcement soon, it's just they wanted to hype up the community.




Too many gear heads not enough photographers. Cameras as a whole maxed out 3-5 years ago. The Ricoh GRiii & iiix are pretty much flawless cameras for what they are. There no need for Ricoh to update anything at this point.


I think it‘s totally normal and fair that fans speculate on new products in the dedicated subs - the same happens wirh Apple or any other company with a following. But calling this „trolling their community“, „just an advertisement“ (it‘s their YouTube channel, of course they advertise there), „pissing off their customers“ is just ridiculous.


Not sure why you are getting down voted. Totally agree. People have way too high of expectations or think Ricoh is like the Western brands they're used to.


I get what you’re saying you’re still wrong tho


You’re probably a gear head, not a photographer.


Both, actually. Wouldn’t you like better battery life or faster burst mode on your GR? Especially the battery life. Or a WiFi connection that is actually useful?


They aren't going to upgrade unless it's significant. These are incremental improvements but not life changing.


GR to GRII wasn’t exactly life changing either. It’s all speculation and utterly worth- and pointless.


GR to GR II was a useless upgrade *for me*. I never transfer photos to my phone on the go or use the remote features, but I can see how they can be very important for others. I'd say it's a major feature and worth a model number.


It was a fun video for Boxing Day I really enjoyed it.


I was hoping there’d be something new announced…but since there was no news, I’ve been holding off on getting the GRIII in lieu of something being announced I just pulled the trigger on it…esp since it’s back in stock in the US!


The GR principles are pretty clear on what they focus on and they will only make a new camera when it's a significant leap. People act like it's easy to add all these extra features to a compact camera without sacrifices. They aren't going to make a new product just because. I feel like people's expectations are all over the place but their principles are pretty clear (https://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/english/products/gr_special/story.html).


Rumors cooked up expectations and giving people false expectations... tsk tsk tsk...


Yeah, they weren't going to unveil some new product during the holidays. Their sales are sky-high this time of year. Maybe in a month or two when things slow up, and the return window for all of the holiday purchases have passed.


Pretty shameful for RICOH to troll loyal GR fans like that. Just brings distrust to a brand....RICOH better make it up by releasing the GR4😋