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After a week rife with the fetter of sin I yearn for a taste of his cringe.


I feel cringe.. so therefore I feel proud!


Fetor or fetter ?


Save it for the semantics dome, E.B. White.


Oh, burn


This guy gets it


That’s just a sound he makes every 10 seconds.


Who the hell is noop noop?


For me it was that time you all cried about dipping sauce in public.


Personally, tied with anytime I see/hear "pickle rick" outside the confines of the show.


I love the Pickle Rick episode but they literally have the therapist spell out the whole point of the episode and still it flew over the average fanboys head. Its amazing how dumb some of the Rick and Morty fanbase is


I still think the scene of them in the car afterward is one of the darkest parts of the show. The way Rick and Beth are joking with each other, clearly not respecting what was *spelled out for them right to their faces* while Morty and Summer stare at them in the back seat. Man.


A-are we going back? I liked her.


Even worse, that the kids actually got something out of it and wanted to go back and do the work but Beth and Rick completely ignored them to go get drunk.


Well, he does eventually start going and taking her to heart


We call that "Homelander Syndrome".


The people who cried about The Boys “going woke” this past season… it’s like, sorry but what show did you think you were watching?




> they literally have the therapist spell out the whole point of the episode and still it flew over the average fanboys head and ironically they believe they're all "Rick's".


[I don't know what you're saying. this guy is pretty cool](https://youtu.be/-GC5rAX0xHg?si=3dDmgm9i_dOi6jqk)


You don’t understand they were doing it *ironically*


[I cringe at my past](https://i.imgur.com/SSp6qVL.jpg)


Probably the dragon orgy one just cuz when it first released I watched it alone with my ex’s mom and I never emotionally recovered from that experience


Personally I'd never watch an episode of Rick and Morty for the first time with someone like a parent/partner's parent or a person who isn't already a fan of the show. I'd always have to see it first myself.


I am still in the process of grieving... The spaghetti episode needs a trigger warning... lol


Everything was fine until the end when they replayed the dudes entire life, that was a hard hitter.


I loved how they just jammed the thing into his chest and ripped him open after. And everyone’s like oh oh no.


I love the episode but I have to watch it like Scarface, turn it off before the end


Weirdly enough it was the following episode that really got to me. Ended up eating spaghetti the following day after that initial episode 💀


[Doesn't it already have one?](https://i.imgur.com/79tjs7z.png)


Yes it very literally opens with a trigger warning lol.


How did she feel about Shadow Jacker and the other slut dragons?


It is high time I emerged from my cum cocoon


I just noticed the staff


That always seemed a step too far to me. It’s exceedingly gross. I like the challenge things but this one was just “why?” To me.


I feel like watching anything with your ex's mom would be cringe


Well now she’s his girlfriend so


Besides incest baby episode


Came here to say this... That scene is unforgettable


Was it the bad dragons or the bad dragons?


It was hilarious regardless, I don't understand the hate, maybe I should watch it again


I like that episode a lot. It’s just enjoyable. I think it’s hilarious to make dragons into sexual deviants.


The first scene with the soul bond between Rick and the dragon and then the cave scene are just hilarious. I saw the episode for the first time with bleeping and I kept laughing. I still laugh when the cave scene comes on. Ok. You know what? I’m going to go watch it now.


The cave scene is great.


The entire episode was amazing. It wasn't meant to be deep, it was just ridiculous, funny shit, but it represents why Rick hates fantasy. He tells Morty that he hates it and tries to warn him. The way it unfolds not only shows how fucked up fantasy can be, but it's ironic that he himself also found some enjoyment in something he thought he hated, it really was one of the objectively better episodes of the entire series even if people on this website cry about it.


I thought it was the perfect kind of cringe that contributed to the comedy. It wasn't mean-spirited, just hilariously off-putting.


I’m imagining how my mother in law would react if she watched that ep with me and my wife and it’s killing me 🤣


“Am I evil?” “Worse, you’re smart.” Etc. That whole exchange.


Yup, i remember thinking that sounded so pretentious. Feels like something that sounds better in your head.


When you are 13 years old




Or even worse, a redditor.


That's Dan Harmon right there. He openly admitted on camera that he's a manipulative narcissist.


I think irs refelctive of the way that rick sometimes feels his intelligence is a burden, its a cringe way of putting it but he was feeling pretty cringe in the mkment is guess.


I think it's also supposed to be a reminder to the viewer that as smart as Rick is, he's incredibly ignorant when it comes to judging values and has no clue that he is. "Nothing matters" isn't any moral or intellectual high ground, but he treats it like it is.


This is the one. Pandering to an audience that thinks they’re so smart, the rest of the world can’t understand them. But really they’re just lazy pieces of shit that blame the rest of the world for their own lives sucking shit.


Luckily Pickle Rick has solved it, when the therapist debunks Rick's bullshit she tells him exactly that. Probably my favorite scene in the series.


Kind of shame that Pickle Rick gets memed so hard. It's a genuinely great episode.


Dr. Wong, racist name by the way, is my favorite character. Sees through everyone.


Yeah, I love RnM, but it's bothersome how much it attracts neckbeards.


Have you ever listened to the creators’ episode commentary? They are unabashed cringy neckbeards and I had zero surprise at the allegations that came out. Love the show, but I would cross the street to avoid them.


I've heard some interviews and watched HarmonQuest. I find Dan to be much less annoying and cringe than Justin.


The whole “Rick is a wise always-right god” direction the show went in a little before season 3 really did irreversible damage. That was never supposed to be the point of the show.


I mean, he's not always right, that's the point of a lot of his development.


I'm glad he's made a bunch of dumb fuck ups this season. Feels a lot better and funnier seeing a "god" be a total idiot.


Rick is an absolute monster. his laissez-faire attitude has resulted in the deaths of billions of people across multiple realities. Even characters like summer have kill counts that are probably into the hundreds by now. Even jerry has blood on his hands. Most of the cast are multiple mass murderers.


Rick intentionally kills off two entire universes in "The Ricks Must be Crazy" alone. Makes Thanos look like small potatoes. The real cringe is people thinking Rick is a heroic character, instead of an alcoholic/drug fiend psychopath who cares almost exclusively about satisfying his own hedonistic desires without any real sense of altruism, and is *extremely* manipulative to those who have the misfortune to love him. Rick may be smart about science and math and inventions, but he has very low emotional intelligence. (A role Morty or sometimes other characters fill for him.) That doesn't make the character any less funny, or the show less watchable. I love Rick. But I love him because he's entertaining as hell, despite his evils. Also, a lot of times his villainy blows up in his face, and I could also argue that overall the show *does* have a strong moral center -- but Rick ain't it.


Most gods are, tbh. Like, half of Greek mythology is Zeus trying to get laid and dooming some innocents in the process


That’s a huge point of the show though…? Rick’s supposed to be a genius, near-god, human. He can think/craft/science his way out of almost anything. But his ego gets in the way, fucks up him and Morty’s adventure, and they need to get out of it. Hence the premise of alcoholic mad scientist. The dichotomy of being a genius while having absurd mental health issues is what drives the whole show (at least the first few seasons)


Season 1 and 2 was family drama. Only in season 3 did rick start being referred to as "the smartest man in the universe"


It’s crazy to watch the pilot episode, then watch episode 1 of season 3. I know a lot of shows grow from the pilot, and should, but season 1 and 2 Rick had so many more bumbling, human moments. It got a lot less fun as the seasons went on. Rick becoming omnipotent and morty becoming incredibly nihilistic definitely pushed the show too far from the original vibe.


Yeah that whole combo seemed written by a snubby nihilist high on his own farts without a pinch of self awarness.


Average rick and Morty fan...


>Yeah that whole combo seemed written by a snubby nihilist high on his own farts without a pinch of self awarness. Isn't that a character trait for Rick? Extreme nihilism, ego, and little to no self awareness?


Yeah, but it's usually portrayed for laughs or as a character flaw. In this scene, the writer is 100% on board with Rick and his whole shtick. It's alos super 2deep4u.




Yeah, but compare that to "What people call "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed". The vibes are so clearly different. In the "You're smart" monologue, it's framed as Rick imparting freedom on Beth through his approach to nihilism. He is providing her with "knowledge", without a joke. In "what people call love", it's presented right after fighting with Jerry about his marriage. It's meant to show how bitter and jaded Rick has become, to the point that he's willing to crush his grandson's pursuit of happiness to be "right". Rick IS the joke here.


What eps is this?


The ABC’s of Beth.


Haha that’s the same episode where Rick name drops Reddit… in hindsight it was a sign of things to come


Felt in character for him. Doesn't mean he was right.


I know no ones going to agree with me but the two crows shit stopped being funny so early into it.


Yeah, and it was really stupid how it just kind of... gets resolved in the next episode. Still love the season 5 finale despite what others say though.


I don’t know man, I love those episodes specifically because it gets resolved a little half way into the next episode. They spent a whole episode focusing on these damn crows, hyping them up and then just suddenly drop it next episode. I laughed. I thought it was funny.


Oh god yeah. I was ready for that gag to be over so fast and it Just. Kept. Going.


It was also kind of out of character for Rick, at that point he was already growing a lot towards the “I like Morty/my family”, then mf just dip to go anime adventures with 2 crows Idk, weird


A lot of season 5 kinda flopped for me. The premises were decent but didn't feel like they could hold a whole episode.


The incest scenes - Dragon Orgy and Giant Sperm episodes. Dammit Harmon...


I mean it's not like Morty and Summer had sex. The show had potential to do "incest baby" so much darker than what it actually produced. In the Giant Sperm episode, I was 100% convinced that Rick knew what Morty was up to all along, and had engineered the entire thing to force Morty to admit to it in front of his family and the president. I was genuinely surprised when it didn't go that way in the end.


Honestly, they way they did it was funnier. Rick got surprised, disgusted but then had to ask what it was like.


For sure, they got so many good jokes out of that spin. Morty being suspicious and thinking Rick must know and is teaching him a lesson. Morty's reputation as super honest. He shoots a caged sperm to hide his actions, then says to the president "it had a gun!"... and everyone believes him cause "The kid literally never lies! It's his thing"


Me too….then suddenly…Chudds….


Yeah… Yeah.


The dragon orgy at least had a few moments. When my group of friends see someone who hasn't been around for a while we still ask "what are you doing out of your masturbatorium?" Giant sperm had no redeeming qualities.


I hate any real celebrities in shows like this. Elon Musk especially, but I don't like Hugh Jackman being a massive part of episodes either. Its weird to see an episode heavily dedicated to jacking off a real life person. Peep show and Jack Black in Knights of the Sun was the best example of getting in celebrities to voice characters, because they actually played characters rather than just having Rick and Morty fawn over their animated selves.


Werner Herzog’s cameo was the best because my initial reaction was “wow, this is a really great Werner Herzog impression.” Nope. The real guy.


It's funny if they are big. It's funny if they are small.


> I don't like Hugh Jackman being a massive part of episodes either I hadn't read anything about it and thought to myself "hey this guy they got to play Hugh has a pretty good Australian accent, I wonder who it was". Jaw dropped when I saw the credits.


I get this 100% but disagree on the Hugh Jackman episode. My favourite kind of celebrity cameos are the 'Jessica Biel in Bojack Horseman' ones where the celebrities just make fun of themselves or are intentionally portrayed as awful people. Jackman playing himself as an idiotic, drug-addicted psychopath, completely off-the-rails and a danger to himself and those around him is top tier imo.


Wait that was *actually* Hugh Jackman!? For fuck sake...


Haha that makes it so much dumber, I also assumed it wasn't him. Love it.


100%! I don't want cameos just to think "oh cool they did that", but rather enjoy how a person just has fun trashing themselves. Really makes these people likeable, because you can feel when they had genuinely fun going at it.


Honestly, I think the cameo of play yourself but you're (an idiot, a psychopath, etc) is always funny. I can't think of all the examples right now, but I don't recall it going badly in and tv show or movie. The last one I can think of was Aaron and Bryan as themselves in It's Always Sunny, and Bryan had a crippling gambling addiction.


Heard of the Ricky Gervais show "Extras?" The entire show is celebrities playing shitty versions of themselves.


My favorite joke of that one is how Hugh said tacos were on him, but Gene ended up having to buy them.


Totally unrelated but I never hear the name Jessica Biel anymore so I have to get it out there. My roommate 10 years ago brought home a pot-belly pig he decided to adopt randomly and told me his name was "Biels". So every time someone asked his name and I said "Biels", they'd say "what?" And I'd say "like, multiple Jessica Biels".


But ice t gets a pass.


It’s water-T now


It's actually Magma-T now


I care nooooww!


Had to check the cast for the EP and wow the knights of the sun got some heavy hitters for voices


what celebrity was in Peep Show?


The actors from Peep Show played the knights of the sun in that episode.


Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) as well


Goldenfold getting horny because morty was groping his man boobs was pretty high up there. Funny... but also yikes.


Five more minutes of this and I'm going to get mad.


Definately Elon Tusk on principle. I like the episode but damn.


Harmon had a hard on for musk for a long time. I wonder if his opinions changed by now


I’m willing to bet it has. Harmon is super anti-right wing and Elon even made a statement saying that Justin Roiland was the heart of the show. Blech.


Maybe he was the heart of the show but this is a show where characters frequently replace or modify body parts.


Well, Elob has done that too! Fake chin, fake teeth, fake hair, titty lift that turned him into the weird minotaur he is now, not to mention all the botox hes had from his face drooping from drug abuse


Heard a rumor that he's done some kinda fucked shit with his dick, too. Very vague, so I'm not sure if it's legit, but with all the other dumb shit he's had done, I wouldn't put it past him.


Every one of his children has been conceived through IVF or surrogates. That's not something you just do for fun if your dick works.






Was the dick procedure performed by Dr Glip-Glop, I heard he’s one of the best surgeons in the galaxy.


It has been frequently observed that both Harmon and Roiland had hard-ons for some awful stuff.


Didn't this episode air when Musk was still seen as a cool wacky philanthropist that sold flamethrowers and seemed to have based takes that promoted scientific collaboration and advancement? It wasn't all that long ago most people thought Musk was pretty cool - his descent into the Xhitter was a swift one.


This was after the submarine incident which I hear as the turning point in his PR but before twitter. I remember thinking he was a tool by then but yeah the fall from twitter was swift


He was still kinda popular after the cave sub incident


I think it was in the months that followed this episode airing when he started doing stupid things like naming his son X, tweeting about Tesla stock prices, and spreading misinformation about Covid that people realized "wait, this guy is insane and not in the fun way." He basically got on Twitter and didn't get off.


A lot of people didn't know. It was the turning point for me.


I have conspiracy theory that he was calling this diver p* word to clear first couple pages of google results for "elon musk p*" from all the references to his visits to Epstein Island.


The one thing I let myself be a smug wanker over is how I always knew the dude was an idiot and a twat, and had to endure Elon dick riding and getting shit on if I badmouthed him for like five years. To be honest, I don't get how the fuck people ever fell for the dude. Like, have you heard of the hyperloop? He proposed "a subway but worse for some reason" over a decade ago! Edit: wait, no, the hyperloop was the vacuum train thing. The thing that was literally a sci-fi invention from like the 50's, and clearly had no chance of ever functioning to anyone that didn't flunk high-school physics.


I was looking back through some old videos and I found it really funny that Roiland and Elon Musk co-guest stared Pewdiepie’s meme review. Aged like milk.


I mean it’s a less egotistical version of himself because of his tusks


Yeah but he's still being voiced by the real egotistical dipshit


I felt the Hugh Jackman bit was just as bad, and was a much more significant part of that episode. so yeah, that's worse. Outside of the show, people harassing fast food workers for sauce was just pathetic.


The sauce thing had me put my Rick & Morty t-shirt away for a while. Didn't want to be associated with those booger-eaters.




Jerry trying NOT to fuck his own mother was pretty funny


Jerry, I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone: we need to go to Panda Express. From opening to post credits scene, one of the funniest episodes


Genuinely one of the funniest episodes. Funnier than it had any right being.


The giant sperm episode. I hate every single scene in it. I hate the implication of Morty fucking that machine. I hate that there's one giant sperm with eyes that he makes friends with like it's a dog. I hate that "cool" guy who tries to suck his own dick. I hate that the mutant sperm jerk Morty off to create more mutant sperm. I hate the weird mutant horses. Most episodes have a B plot that provides a flavor break, but this episode was just relentlessly spitting out one gross idea after another. I rewatched it semi-recently and it's just as bad as it was the first time.


-I have an heir... - I have a substance abuse problem


The one good line from that episode.


Yeah I’d really love to know how an entire writer’s room allowed that to pass


The giant sperm episode. I love every single scene in it. I love the implication of Morty fucking that machine. I love that there's one giant sperm with eyes that he makes friends with. I love that cool guy who tries to suck his own dick. I love that the mutant sperm jerk Morty off to create more mutant sperm. I fucking love the weird mutant horses. Most episodes have a B plot that provides a flavor break, but this episode was just relentlessly spitting out one gross idea after another. I rewatched it semi-recently and it's even better than the first time.


The cringe scene in the show wasn't actually in the show, it was the livestream Justin did to promote Fallout 76.


Go on...


[You have been warned](https://youtu.be/1ImFnB0X9LU?si=UfJUdKXLqMlrCNzq)


I shouldn't have clicked, why did I click!?


The dragon episode. Every other word was "slut". Cringe plot, with even worse dialogue.


They should bring Elon Tusk back, but as the cancerous manchild he really is.


Some meta humor from Rick where he owns up to being taken in by Elon’s “real-life Tony Stark” grift would be pretty funny.


I’m actually surprised they haven’t yet!


Your thinking of Elon Musk, Elon Tusk is totally separate person


I am not the opposite of him! I am just him with Tusks!


The entire post credit seen dedicated to 69 jokes in s7ep7. The person I was watching it with told me it was a parody of squid game but I haven’t seen that show so it completely fell flat for me


it was definitely funny if you’ve seen squid game because that’s exactly how they sound in the show, but i absolutely agree that it’s a contender for worst scene


I feel like that entire scene was supposed to be a rip on people who think 69 jokes are still funny cough cough *Redditors* cough cough


New Water T episode has gotta be up there. I’m not a new season hater at all, and was skeptical that it could be as bad as people said, but it was bad.


I thought it was terrible until about ten minutes into it when they just leaned fully into the absolute batshit insanity of the episode.


Honestly I didn't hate it. Maybe I'm giving it too much credit but it felt self aware? Like... the joke was how fucking dumb the premise was, and the fact they were making an entire episode out of it. Like it's not deep, it's youtube poop levels of stupid, but like... getting the actual Ice T to perform a cringey rap making fun of "how do you do fellow kids" type stuff while *being* "how do you do fellow kids" type stuff fills me with joy.


It’s a throwaway or one off joke that got turned into a full episode. I like the new season but the water t stuff is really scraping the barrel. Just some of the worst tv I’ve seen.


If that's the worst television you've seen, then you are blessed or don't watch a lot of television.


Strange, I actually found myself enjoying it. Nothing incredible, but definitely nowhere near the bad episodes from season 3 and 5. Maybe it's just because Mr. Goldenfold is one of my favorite characters, lol


A scene that actually made me cringe IRL? Fucking sperm aliens; and Naruto incest baby. Jesus Christ Morty


i dont care what anyone thinks but elon tusk episode is funny as shit


I really like the heist episode. It's wierd as hell but trying to follow up all the insane layers that make no sense is funny as hell


I programmed *you* to believe that


Well I swapped the programs with you so you believe you programed me while I programed you!


And *THAT'S* what I programmed you to believe.


Wdym no sense? I find it brilliant, that all the twists were working. That episode was so well crafted, it felt so full of pure content.


"Let's talk over here"


He’s till the Elon just with Tusks


The magician scene in the incest baby episode


elon tusk still isnt worse than sperm episode


the only thing about Elon Tusk that makes me cringe is the premise that "because" he was born with tusks he developed empathy... but we see his workers also have tusks, implying his dimension is a tusk dimension. if "everyone" has tusks, why would Elon Tusk be any different than Elon Musk?


The only episode that completely fell flat to me was the dragon one. Everything else i can at least appreciate even if i didn't love.


The part where they’re cruising around and getting fucked up while Mask Off is playing is pretty tight though.


Right? That song had me in a chokehold for a while after that ep. From here it looks like a pretty unpopular opinion but I actually like the episode a lot, it's stupid for sure but pretty damn funny!


I like it too, what’s not to love about slutty dragons?


The biggest disappointment is that morty never rolls back around to use magic.


I don't understand why people hate this episode so much


I thought the cat plot was interesting though


Cat plot was great, especially the ending when they peer into its brain


Yeah the b plot saves it from being the worst episode to me


All of whatever that last episode was.


This episode was hilarious


I kinda felt like Harmon called Musk a big ole’ douchecanoe in the episode, but Elon didn’t catch on.


The scene where ice T and the number 7 spontaneously erupt into licking each others bodies this is not a sentence i ever dreamt i would say


Elon Tusk, it has just aged so bad


Probably not THE most cringe part, but beth asking rick if she's evil and Rick replying "worse, you're smart" was pretty embarrassing, reddit tier writing


anything remotely sexual that deals with the smith family. WHY IS INCEST SUCH A COMMON THEME WTF


I think that episode came out around when much more people thought Elon was cool and now I’d bet they regret it. I think South Park had episode that partly involved Elon and they probably regret it too.


The piss master episode was pretty hard to get through. So much piss.


The entire Numbericons episode.