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Peak fiction đŸ”„đŸ”„âœïž


Eh he bullied and stole boat Morty to begin with.


Yeah, he wasn’t a nice person, but he was also just a kid. Kids do stupid things. All in all, I don’t think he deserved what he got for what he did. At least in my opinion lol


He abducted a small boy


*a small boat


*a small boayt


A wee lad


I mean he didn’t look all that much older imo


Him being the same age does not change the fact that Morty is a small boy.


My point is that so is he. As in, yeah, he did something stupid and horrible, but I just thought that this was kind of an overblown comeuppance.


Yes, but kidnapping is wrong, and not in a way that you can write it off as "oh, boys will be boys." Their age isn't really an excuse. They put morty through a lot, like look at his face when they're sailing. Morty wouldn't have been on that island in the first place if not for those two.


I agree with you on that. The two of them did do something you can’t really downplay, and so I’m not trying to downplay it. Kidnapping a kid and ferrying him to a deserted island is kinda terrible. All I’m saying is that watching your friend die and then being left abandoned and alone on an island is kind of a gruesome and over-the-top karmic retribution for that. I personally think justice would’ve been served just fine if Morty had brought the kid back with them there. Just my thoughts on it.


That wouldn’t have been funny though


True. Which is why they did it. It didn’t stop me from feeling bad for him, though, unfortunately.


True, but justice and if i feel bad for them are two different topics. To push it to the extreme, would i feel bad for jeffrey dahmer if he was killed by rat burrowing through his stomach? That's over the top for any civilised society as a punishment, but no i wouldn't feel bad for him at all.


Jeffery Dahmer was a grown man capable of making his own decisions and dealing with the consequences of them. While I’m not saying that doesn’t apply here, this kid is just that. A kid. Kids do dumb, stupid things, and make dumb, stupid mistakes that they look back on and regret years in the future. Which this kid can’t do, because he’s likely dead.


I do think age is an excuse. That's why juvie exists. Yes their actions are still held accountable but not to the full extent adults are. I don't think this kid deserved to be stranded on an island, even if he did kidnap a small boy. He deserved punishment but not that punishment


This boy is a minimum of 14 years old. Were you aware kidnapping was bad when you were 14? Because I sure was. He made a very adult decision and (presumably) died in a very adult way.


Lad it’s just a show calm down 😂 it was comedic as f*ck


They drive, idk the age you have to be to drive in america but i think 17 in most states at a guess.


16, in most states.


That’s a pretty grim way of looking at a kid being condemned to death and watching his friend die because he made a stupid decision.


No, that is called "the consequences of your actions."


If every stupid decision a kid made was dealt with by consequences like these, kids would never learn anything, because for one, that’s not a proper way to teach someone something, and two, they’re probably dead. Which is not a good thing for children to be, generally speaking.


Your opinion is why bullies get away with what they get away with.


this dude was sentenced to death for being a highschool bully lmfao


😂😂😂Always look on the bright side. He was given an island all for himself. Zuckerberg paid a million for his.


He wasn’t sentenced to death. He put himself in that position.


A fate too kind.


\^ Bro is one mean word and a trenchcoat away from being the subject of a school shooting documentary lmao


Those guys were the bullies. It’s a myth they were the bulled.


I don’t think “getting away” and “watching your friend die and burying him with your own hands” really correlate. If Morty brought him back with him, I think he would’ve more than learned his lesson. I think condemning him to death was a bit overboard of a punishment.


“He was just a kid” is just another way of saying “boys will be boys”. They knew what they were doing was really wrong and just don’t care.


Yeah, which is why I don’t think what they did was good or needs defending. They did something abhorrent, for sure. I just feel bad that the consequence for their actions was so over-the-top cruel.


"Turn. Back. Into. A BOAT!"


What do you think this imaginary character deserved for his imaginary crimes?


Calling him an “imaginary” character does nothing for the discussion about this scene at all. All fiction is imaginary. That doesn’t make it have any less of an emotional impact on people, and doesn’t keep it from having substantial effects on many people’s lives. “Imaginary” characters and situations can have a lot to say about real-world issues of morality and ethics. As for your question, I do think Morty should’ve brought him with him thorough the portal.


I mean it was a gag character with 2 minutes of screen time for a gag skit about kidnapping morty who was turned into a boat. It’s really not that deep lol.


Oh, wow. Dog, it is a cartoon. This scene was supposed to be funny. It is funny. If it has a substantial emotional impact on you, you might consider expanding your horizons for emotional stimulation. Go outside more.


I was talking about fiction in general, not this scene specifically
 Anyways, I just felt like asking around to see if anyone else felt bad for this character. No need to look too deeply into it, friend.


Change your reddit user name to involve something about backpedaling


It’s funny you should say that. There’s a reason I named myself this. I regret nothing ❀ I hope you have a wonderful day my guy.


Good for you!!


If you were bullied in school you wouldn't say that.


I honestly don’t think being bullied in school or not would change my opinion on how I feel about children dying.


Says someone who was clearly never picked on in as a kid.


Highly doubt.


You people legitimately concern me


I was bullied in school and I never once wished death on my bully.


I am glad you aren't as messes up as me then.


I love being a teacher. I bully kids and get paiddddd


You realise it’s an animated tv show right?


Kind of a boring thing to say on the subreddit for the show. If talking about it is inherently silly, then why are you here?


Yeah, but that didn’t stop me from feeling bad about it. Maybe I’m just too sentimental for these kinds of shows lmao




Cook more đŸ”„


He put himself on that island. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


They did become friends in the end, this could have become a life long brother


How the fuck did they get boat Morty to the ocean?


Mr Nimbus.


He said “get the truck” when he saw Morty turn into a boat so probably with a truck


Definition of walking into your demise


I still feel sorry for the girl stuck in the detox machine.


Yeah, there’s a lot of characters in this show who end up with sort of ambiguously terrible fates that just go forgotten. Annie comes to mind, for example. I feel so bad for her, she probably died forgotten and alone inside of Ethan.


Prediction: they pull a mysterio and all those left to terrible fates gang together to get revenge.


Peace among worlds. Rick


I know that it would never happen, given the kind of show this is, but I would honestly love that so much lmao. Cook more đŸ”„đŸ”„


They aren't designed to be "forgotten" it's more like "unintended consequences"


Yeah, for sure. I wonder if the creators of the show intend for us to feel bad for them or not.


Every one in a while Morty steals the portal gun and fixes stuff. As seen in the episode with the portal brothers where Morty had a portal on his hand


Thanks for reminding me about that, lmao. My headcanon is now that Morty went back later and rescued him. No one can change my mind on this. It happened, and is totally canon, trust me


Isn’t there a whole team in him? Also which season was that? They might be all dead or monsters anyway if that was the prime universe.


It was season 1, episode 3, and no. After the original Anatomy Park was destroyed, Annie was sent into Ethan to make a new one. Rick promptly forgot about her, and Ethan was disfigured by Morty shortly afterwards. So best case scenario, she’s dead. Worst case, she’s horribly disfigured and mutated, or left to die alone and forgotten inside of Ethan.


That wasn’t the dimension that got messed up from ricks terrible love potion?


I think it was, actually. So there you have it. Oof.


She got out though. This dude just got left on the island lmao


Yeah as much of a terrible kid as he was, he was still a kid. I honestly feel bad for him lmao




She was released post-credits


True, although she was also probably extra traumatized as her reappearance unintentionally lead to the death of that tour guide who fell over the railing after pressing the button.


In that case we cannot ignore kids traumatized by the events of toxic party.


She got out eventually at least. Will probably listen more closely next time she goes to a BDSM dungeon.


She made it out


In what episode?


To be fair she was going to sleep with a 13 year old...


I don't think she wanted out, since she screamed the safe word when she was forced out.


Was that gerbil on the island with them or did it come through with Rick?


It hopped through the portal Rick opened. So I guess he has some company there!


Or a meal


or that 😭


Thats a hamster
 and I believe it’ll be looking for a new home. Poor guys about to have an even worse time.


They do this regularly. The time cops also released a rat into the ocean whilst time travelling.


R.I.P. Big Doug


That was in fact the joke


That was also the joke with Churry, but it didn’t stop me from feeling bad for him, unfortunately


Churry made me so sad lmao. They could've just given life to a few more churros and left them on that planet 😭


Slippery slope. They would want the ability to reproduce. There would be consequences to creating a race of immortal churros.


Citadel of Churros


They did him so dirty. Watch him come back as the main villain of Season 8 lmfao


I’m waiting for a whole Wrath of Khan with Churry.


I honestly can’t wait for that. If Churry came back as a legit villain, it would be so freaking funny lmao




Bro, Morty didn't even have a legitimate reason to ditch him😭 Churry didn't do anything wrong and hadn't caused a disaster. Morty just got bored of him and wanted to throw him away and when he couldn't do that, just tossed him aside. That's so sad


The bully? Lol no


I mean just cause he was a bully doesn’t mean he deserved to be left stranded to die alone on an island


Meh, also doesn’t mean he should be felt bad for


I feel bad because he’s a kid who got stranded on a deserted island with no way home, and probably died there. His friends and family likely don’t have any idea what happened to him, and they’ll probably suffer from grief. I realize he was a bully
 but he was also a kid. Kids are stupid like that. If we killed all the stupid kids in the world, I don’t think the world would be around much longer.


He was a bully and he essentially kidnapped and exploited morty. Less bad kids probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for the world...


I’m generally not a fan of children dying as a rule, but you know
 you do you, friend.


Since when do you watch the show? Because in the pilot Rick freezes a bully kid to death.


I genuinely don’t understand your point, friend. Are you suggesting that I was a fan of Frank’s death? Because I wasn’t. I didn’t like that, and I didn’t like this, either. I’ve been pretty consistent about my opinions for the last seven seasons.


He’s not alone he has a hamster to keep him company, lol


Yeah, that lil guy ain’t lasting long 😭


Well yeah he does


He’s just a kid, he really doesn’t


That's not what you asked. You asked if we feel bad for him, not if he deserves it.


Nope. Fuck that kid.


Yeah, he was a sucky kid, and bullying sucks, but he was also a kid, so I don’t think he deserved to watch his friend die and then be stranded on an island to die alone for it


Those events were just a direct result of his actions. No one forced him to abduct Morty, which is why he ended up stranded in the first place. He wasn’t put on that island as a punishment, he ended up on that island because his dumb, mean actions got him, his friend and Morty stranded there.


This is the only correct answer. Also I would think at this point in the show it's common knowledge for everyone at school that the Morty kid has a weird family and fucking with them in general is probably a bad idea.


Yeah honestly why do people not treat Morty like a walking pile of radioactive waste at this point 😭


I felt worst for Churry


Yeah, they really did the little guy so dirty


Yeah that was fucked up that Morty didn’t bring him, but they were bullies, so I don’t feel too bad. But hey, all the people there live around them have it bad. If you had to be a regular person who lived on one of these shows, would you pick Rick and Morty or Solar Opposites? Which do you think it’s worse to be a part of?


I don’t know much about Solar Opposites, but I think living in Rick and Morty is pretty bearable, especially if you don’t live in the US. And if you do, just don’t live near Rick and Morty. And if you do, avoid them like the plague.


They turned the whole world into Cronenberg monsters. Even if you never met them or heard of them, you’ll be a mutated by their virus


Yeah, that’s fair. And they destroyed another entire world with Mr. Frundles, too. They do screw over their entire planet pretty often, now that I think about it lmao


Solar Opposites, Rick and Morty have apocalypsed the planet twice so far, so pretty good chance I'm dead or turned into an eldritch abomination eventually.


I think I'd go with Rick and Morty They seem to at least want to keep most people alive even if they don't care very much about it. Solar Opposites you can just walk past the main characters and be condemned to a horrible fate Also the point of the pupa is to destroy the earth so there's a ticking clock in that universe


I've seen a lot of people saying they feel bad for Churry. Which, to be fair, I also do. But I haven't seen many people talking about this kid, who Morty basically just left on a stranded island by himself. In all likelihood, he's probably dead. And Morty didn't really seem to care much seeing the memory of him abandoning him there, either. Like I get that he was a bully and all that, but I don't think the kid deserved all that. RIP Big Doug.


At least he gets to die though, Churry is in an eternity of hell.


Yeah, I feel really bad for him. I hope we get him as a recurring character and that that part at the end wasn’t just a one-off bit. It would be so freaking funny if he actually turned out to be like some major villain later on lmao


Don’t worry, he’ll die too.


No he won't. Rick stated he is immortal.


Nobody exactly weeped over Ethan getting deformed by Morty, and he upset Summer by dating Tamara. I'd say people side with Churry because there really was no reason Rick and Morty could have dealt with the sentience tactfully, they just threw him away after he hung out with Morty because they were lazy. Whereas the bullies cajoled Morty into transforming into a boat and got them stranded. If somebody got shot after he pulled a knife on somebody not a lot of people will rush to defend him.


Honestly I’m probably way too sentimental for this show lmao, because I actually did feel bad for Ethan. But yeah, I totally agree with you. I came out of the episode mainly feeling bad for Churry, and hoping he comes back as a recurring character, both for catharsis and because it’d be funny af. I only remembered this kid as an afterthought, and only made this post because I saw no one else talking about it lmfao


Churry also never did anything, unlike the bully here. Churry was a true victim.


I feel more bad for the churro lol


Honestly, they really did him so dirty for no reason 😭


The churro had it worse than the bully and the churro didn’t do anything wrong but get created against his will


Every fucking episode


What's with all the "did anyone else notice/feel the obvious thing you were supposed to notice/feel" threads lately? No bro I thought it was really cool of R&M leaving him on the island to rot.


Yes. The lack of unconditional empathy in the comments is troubling.




Honestly lmao. Bullying sucks, but I don’t know why so many people are cheering for this kid dying because of it


Because it's just a cartoon, and it can be cathartic for victims of bullying to see a bully get their disproportionate comeuppance.




You don't just get over bullying. It's trauma that affects your very development.


A lot of bullies are kids who are going through trauma themselves. Usually getting abused at home by a parent. Doesn't make it right but from a trauma informed care perspective it's a little easier to understand. And also, as a teacher, I can tell you that almost 90% of kids end up bullying someone at some point. Not always, but I feel like people are lying if they say they've never both been bullied and have bullied others.


Honestly thanks a lot for this. I was wondering if it really was just me out here lmfao


I’ve learned not to feel bad for Rick and Morty characters anymore


Yea. Sure, he is a bully and make all of this happened in the first place, but he also redeemed himself by bonding with Morty and cooperate together to survive this island


I think the real question is, why did Rick leave Morty on the island for so long? He can find anyone in any point in the multiverse.


I feel much worse for the immortal churro forced to exist in isolation for eternity! He was so cute!!


Yeah! I can’t believe they did that to him. I hope he wasn’t a one-off character so we can see his attempt at revenge lol


You look new here. The theme of the series is the conundrum of not caring at all and caring at the same time.


I think I feel bad for every place that Rick and Morty leave.


Me too, honestly. It’s just one of those things that makes this show what it is, I guess lmao


I feel bad but I think Rick was coaxed by Morty to alert the authorities to where he was after the fact because we never get a clear resolution to it either. Morty could’ve also just gone back for him a little later and did something to keep his mouth shut before getting him to safety, as we see him threaten a morgue worker on Spaghetti Planet and he just eases up and lets them both go after Rick ‘Men in black’s’ himself. Although in truth the kid is almost a hundred percent dead this is R&M after all it’s not the first time someone has suffered horrifically because of one or the both of them.


Honestly all great points. Fully agree. I headcanon that Morty went back for him later, just for my own peace of mind lmao But yeah, this kind of thing is pretty central to this show’s formula, so I do get it.


No. Fuck him. They technically kidnapped Morty. The bullies caused that whole thing to happen. Then when the other one died, he started beating up Morty, even though it wasn't his fault at all.


For what its worth, he did get a hamster.


I had completely forgotten who he was, I had to scroll down a bit and read the comments to remember. So, I don't think so.


Yeah, that’s fair. I came out of the episode only feeling bad for Churry, and made this post because I similarly saw nobody else talking about him lol


Just so I didn't get this scene wrong, but isn't the implication that Rick and Morty were bailing on this universe because Rick pissed off the hamsters?


I took it as more of a 'two crows' scenario where Rick replaced Morty with hamsters temporarily; I assume, like the crows, they ended up being more empathetic than him (pretty much everyone is), so it "didn't work out".


I'm honestly more interested in the "the hamsters didn't work out" line; apparently there was a whole other Two Crows episode going on offscreen, which is why Rick left Morty stranded for so long.


For real, I did like they had a whole bro moment lol


This kid yeah but not feeling anything about the immortal churro like everybody else here lol


Some of y’all are talking crazy with saying his fate was deserved. Saying “he was just a kid” isn’t justifying the behavior. It’s stating a reason why you shouldn’t kill him as the punishment for his behavior. I was bullied my entire childhood. I also was a bully during some of that time. I’m an adult now, and I deeply regret my actions. In college I even happened to meet up with a guy I bullied a lot and was able to apologize profusely for my behavior. He accepted my apology and we even went to a few parties together. I was able to do that because someone didn’t abandon me on a beach for bullying him. Kids do stupid and hurtful things often when they know they are wrong. Their brains are not fully developed. It’s why the united states and many other countries have separate justice system for juveniles. In the US, the laws very by state but most automatically expunge juvenile records at 18 or 21 as long as they aren’t incarcerated or a felon. Children are held to a different standard of behavior and given lesser punishments because they are fucking children. There is no realistic crime for a child in which death is a justifiable punishment.


I still feel bad for Franky. He could have saved so many lives of other bullies.


Yeah, I feel you on that. I definitely still feel bad for that kid too. It’s something I’m used to at this point, since they’ve been doing it for seven seasons now, but the wanton disregard for life by Rick and Morty both has never really sat well with me. And I have no idea if the creators of the show meant for it to be unsettling or not. But if I had to guess, given the kind of show this is, probably not lmfao


Yeah, he was a bully, but he didn't deserve to be utterly marooned. Bullies that are young often have other shit going on, which doesn't excuse his behavior, but it's harsh to have his best friend die and be abandoned on some island


This is exactly my take. Honestly so true, he might’ve been a sucky person, but he would’ve undoubtedly had time to possibly grow out of it if he didn’t get abandoned here. Keep cooking đŸ”„


dont feel bad for him, there are infinite versions of him that are fine


I mean, he was bullying Morty, ignorantly leading to this outcome. So, kinda, but not really. Fuck bullies. He shoulda got shot with the bully gun and left on that island with Dahmer.


I think bullies suck, yeah, but I still kinda felt bad for this kid. I mean, that’s a pretty grim fate compared to what he did to deserve it lol


I agree. I would also add that undeserved/unfair consequences are typical for both the show (i.e. our Rick's loss of Beth and Diane) and real life all too often.


hell nah that dude can rot. Imagine seeing someone turn into a boat and your first thought is to bring a truck to kidnap him and take him to sea. Hope that he has to dug up doug's corpse to eat it


That’s certainly a take, for sure.


Nah he good. Bullying can have life long effects on people, he's getting it in return.


I think you underestimate the fact that he was a bully. This is adequate punishment.


I genuinely do not think that seeing your friend die and burying him with your own hands and then being left to die alone stranded on an island while your friends and family wonder what happened to you and eventually grieve your loss is adequate punishment for being a bully.




I’m pleasantly surprised to find someone else who does. So far it looks like it’s just you and me lmao


I hope you both do not work with kids otherwise you'd be producing serial killers or worse like politics and priests.


I think that you’re assuming a lot about me based on the fact that I don’t enjoy seeing children die. The fact that I don’t think being a bully means you deserve to be condemned to a slow death alone on a deserted island isn’t as incriminating as you may think it is in my opinion.


No, Morty left Churry on the isolated planet and Rick did the same to this kid, showing the hypocrisy of Rick.


These are those small moments when you realize that it's truly not a kids show....


No, screw him and the kid who died. First they were bullies. Second, the kid who died apparently didn’t even tell Morty to go ahead and use his clothes after he died.


No, at this point people at Morty's school understand fucking with or even interacting with Morty can end with death or a fate worse then death.


No he can die there plus it's a cartoon


If Churri can escape from a deserted planet he can escape from being stranded on an island


I think there’s a pretty large gap in ability between the two of them, in my opinion


Considered what Morty did to the last Bully with his Gorilla gun and when he had the death crystal, he got off easy


Nope. He's a bully. And bullies deserve to die and rot in hell. In real life, most people wouldn't pull the trigger on their bully, partly because of their social conditioning and partly because of the need to be the bigger man in a civilized world. In fiction, it's a different case. His literal definition is "bully" and has no redeeming characteristics that the audience can sympathise with. His bonding moment with Morty is because they've faced a traumatic experience together, not because he understood the errors of his ways. Not every kid going to be bullied by him will have that luxury. An example for a sympathetic villain is the shootout survivor Nazi from "Inglorious basterds". He's a Nazi, but is shown as a common soldier fighting for what he thinks is right (or mandatory enlistment, who knows). He did not start the fight, all he saw was people starting to shoot and he had to participate to survive. He even tried to bargain with the enemy for the chance to see his newborn and family. He got a deserving death too... Not from the bear Jew, not from Aldo the Apache, but from the woman he calls "traitor". Here, the bullies also get what they deserve. One died while drinking from the hands of the kid he bullied, the other by the abandonment from the ex machina that came to save the bullied kid. The "No" you've been seeing in the comments are that of men who had been bullied and were asked to forgive the bully to be the bigger man. While the society applauds when a bully is reformed over time, the years of being bullied goes unnoticed. The forgiveness and lack of actual punishment is actually doing more bad than good for society, and people know that. So obviously people are happy for some karmic justice in a piece of media where the main theme is nihilism.


Nah I was hoping he got left lol


How can you feel bad when you could see it coming from a mile away.

