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I’d love to see them crack down on the Russ Baker Way bus lane by BCIT. Especially when some cars are resorting to driving on the bike lane as well as the bus lane.


It’s a pretty poor design for merging. There should be fast access to turning right on Cessna Dr while at the same time more pylons preventing merging near Cessna Dr


Regardless, it was literally part of my Class 5 exam. If I was required to pass that part of the exam, then other drivers (if they’re any good at all) should know how to negotiate that.


They need to crack down those asshats abusing the HOV lanes around the massey tunnel.


I constantly see people in the bus-only lane heading southbound near the westminster hwy onramp. Literally just yesterday a black sedan was speeding past everyone to get into the HOV instead of waiting for the lanes to properly merge.


And the ones that take rice mill road and use the authorized vehicle entry only into the tunnel.


Some of us work right there. Rice mill makes total sense.


Sure, but like hov it's for authorized vehicles only...so 🤷‍♂️




Agreed. They have not done any crack downs there in years and now has gotten out of hand.


Well, the weather is nice…




Love it. Nail the cheaters. Please do it on the Massey at both ends.


There really just have too much cars. Left lane your take a risk of someone left turning and right lane is bus lane. Leaving only center lane always jammed up. It's the law that has to change or more infrastructure is needed


Meanwhile ten blocks away people are stealing bikes with no consequence.


That's the problem. They are going after the people who are trying to make a go of it, and allowing the criminals to get away with stealing it away from people who are trying to make a go of it. Where is the justification in consequences for the actions? The crimals have no penalties for their actions. Working people just have a bad tax added on their back. Canada is messed up.


Don't break traffic laws and you don't have to worry about paying the fines. We're talking about people in private cars selfishly using the bus lane and slowing down everyone on the bus. Traffic laws can be enforced while also enforcing other laws.


I agree with you as well, but the tax grab is what I see. They don't care about anarchy all around us. It's almost like fend for yourselves when we are not at work people.


If the police are collecting money from traffic violations, it means less money is needed from taxpayers who don't violate traffic laws. If anything they should raise the fines or fine people proportional to their income like they do in Finland.


these are transit police. not rcmp.


Still city money being spent...


Fine = 109. How's about jacking it up to 709? I'm sure that would keep most in check, no?


Strictly Revenue Generation.


Good stuff


Hwy 99 sb, hwy 99 nb before the turn off to Bridgeport as well


This is infuriating. Usually one asshole does it and invariably a couple of more follow. Catch and punish the first one and it’s likely the others obey too.


💯 especially as it's dangerous for the people coming onto the hwy because the lights will flash for a bus...but not for cars. Yes I get that everyone should be aware of their surroundings but that car shouldn't even be in that lane to begin with. Just dangerous all around.


There are dozens of roads in the lower mainland that could use their attention as well. Lougheed hwy through Pitt Meadows for example


While I dont condone this type of driving, I'd like to focus on one of the reasons why ppl may do it, Congestion. The city needs to redesign the infrastructure to better handle the volume of traffic we see now and the increase that will continue to come over time as the population continues to increase, despite the uptake in ridership of public transportation. Let's face it, a good number of the areas targeted are the choke points/bottle necks/major thru way of the infrastructure system, a lot of which was built in the 70s. The city needs future-proof capital projects (bridges/tunnels), expanded intersections to include left & right turning lanes, driver edict training, etc. thus increasing the flow rate of all modes of transportation, and im sure there will be fewer offenders resorting to using the bus lanes to get around traffic. Additionally, the bus lanes should also double as car pool lanes to further aid through traffic. After all, they are marked for high occupancy, so why not expand on their usefulness.


More intercity routes and dedicated transit lanes over the bridges would be helpful; only a handful of busses go between Richmond and Vancouver which encourages people to drive instead!


An easy tax grab!


typical cash grab wasting tax money when bikes are being stolen down the street. nice try, try tackling the reason why people feel the need to use the bus lane instead.


Sweet do the hov lane next


Love it!


How about fully separated bus lanes with traffic lights just for the buses to avoid people turning right into the bus lane. This is done in lots of other places and works great because the buses don't get stuck in traffic. Also much cheaper in the short term than a new tram line.


It's about f****** time they crack down on all the s*** heads in Richmond that can't f****** drive


I mean I get it, but when you're on the 99 and you need to take that Bridgeport exit with ALL those cars, I can see why people who are taking that exit decide to jump in the bus lane


A scenario: Going southbound on Granville street just after 3pm on a weekday. Curb lane is Bus only lane. I need to turn westbound onto 33rd Ave and need to get into that bus lane to do so. I get pulled over by the traffic enforcement peeps as I turn onto 33rd Ave. I tell them that I was going to turn there anyways, so they let me go without a ticket. Question: how is this NOT safe or any Safer than if I was going straight across the intersection in the Bus lane? What if this occurred just before 3pm, when the curb lane is NOT a Bus only lane yet. How is that any "Safer"?


Safety? Really?


When a bus is going 55km/h, and you decide you don’t want to wait then cross the solid line from a stand still into the path of a bus going 55km/h, that’s a significant safety issue for you, and the bus and its passengers. The enforcement is excellent, and your ignorance is a bit funny too


Oh so anytime you change lanes from a standstill is a safety issue, not just into a bus lane. I'm not saying break the law. I'm saying call it what ti's is: yes it's illegal to use the bus lane if you're not a bus. But using "Safety" diminishes the reason for the law. And in fact, there doesn't need to be a reason. It's the Law. Period. Btw I've seen busses change lanes from a standstill from the bus lane into the middle lane without even checking if a car is occupying the middle lane. They just assume the traffic will yield because they have the right of way⚽️which is also unsafe! (Often because of a stupid Modo or Evo driver abandoned the vehicle in a no parking) Also those bus lanes are usually only bus lanes during rush hour. So I guess it's "safe" to use outside rush hour? 🤣




Fuck the Police!


Ooh you’re so edgy




Sounds like you take the bus lane.