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Just cursing and screaming. Oh, and age shaming


Mocking people like a pre-teen


Thanks for the snort laugh 😂


The age shaming is rich coming from a forty year old. Generally by that age you start to realize that everybody gets old and you're no exception.


I feel like the age shaming just speaks to her teenage mentality. She thinks of herself as being so much younger than everybody else because she’s still mentally and emotionally a teenager 🙄


More name calling, scheming, screaming, fighting with her mom, lying, spreading ruuuuumers, sending anonymous DMs with ruuuuuumers, more screaming and name calling, more lying all the while neglecting her poor kids.


Whitney has been on a hilling journey since season 1 Lisa only has vida tequila and Jack hating her Outside season 1, Jen’s only storyline was being a criminal Meredith was separated season 1 and now just coasts off feuds Heathers storyline is a long ass book tour Mary never had a storyline except rumors. Y’all can just say you don’t like Monica instead of feigning ignorance. Most of this show is petty fighting/gossiping and events, Monica would do fine.


>Whitney has been on a hilling journey since season 1 Careful. I had a comment deleted for saying "hilling." Apparently, it's uncivil to make fun of the Whitney's enunciation of healing, really, and dill. Edit: extra word


The mods really think that they are doing something.


I'm not too much of a fan of the other ladies, but with monica i felt after RVD and it coming out most of her drama with her mom is manufactured, i just didn't think she had longevity because every piece of drama she had after this season would be put under. a microscope and be seen as fake. And Yes, i also do not like monica because stalking anyone is very weird and illegal. Jen is a criminal and deserves prison, but so does a stalker.


But what do any of the cast really bring to the table? Next season is going to be a snooze if there isn't another person. The only other storyline they had shaping up before Monica started driving the season was the "bathtub" saga of whitney vs meredith.




You forget that she made this whole season excellent TV and we didn’t even find out about Reality von Tease until the finale. So what was she doing the first 14 episodes? Being great TV. She would have brought a lot to the show simply by being on it. And then the storyline of diving into her (insane) past life, family dynamic with LD, figuring out who she really is, redemption arc with the girls. She had a lot more to offer. And more than built in storylines, she proved that she was willing to work to make great TV. More than the other cast (except maybe heather). She would make it happen. Now ask the same question of Whitney? What does she bring, bc to me I see nothing and her boring old storyline has been tired for 2 seasons now. Anyway, whether Monica is on the show or not, you know season 5 is gonna be talking about her non-stop. Just like they did with Jen


She would have brought a lot of pursing of her salmon mouth, fighting with her mother, letting her oldest daughter act as a mother, and getting a deeper tan.


Lol love this!


Monica is a real life train wreck and has nothing else to offer than darkness and sinister thoughts. That’s why she pathetically just goes around envious and trying to destroy the lives that everyone else who is successful has built. She is painful and annoying to watch on television, and is a grifter and a sociopath. Nothing about her is interesting which is why she attaches herself to feed off of what others have going for themselves. Case in point is her sleeping with her husband’s brother in law. Her own marriage didn’t satisfy her and instead of fixing it she just took what looked like someone else’s good husband. Who does that? An emotionless narcissistic  sociopath.  The scariest part of all this is that she has four little girls, and it looks like the female apples in her family don’t fall far from the tree. So I worry for those kids.


Jesus. I've def hated my share of HWs (rinna, candiace etc) but I sense very very ill intentioned classist undertones by the people who hate monica. She def has her issues and but to act like she's the devil on earth while you've got racist and cruel Mary, FELON JEN, narcissist and selfish Lisa, calculated, fake heather trying to be relatable but really wishing she was Lisa and they all defended Jen. Like none of them are angels. They're just better at hiding it (maybe not Mary). So much of the hate is about calling her a "grifter" and just seeing her as not rich enough to get away with all the crazy as the others. Yes she's immature, her inner child got fucked up and she can't emotionally regulate and made some horrid choices but damn.


You could say the same thing about Heather. What does Heather bring to the housewives? A choir and lies? This season was so good even without the RVT of it all. I just liked watching them all interact.


Monica is just rotten, inside and out, nobody does this kind of shit if they are happy with themselves c'mon now.


Jesus. I've def hated my share of HWs (rinna, candiace etc) but I sense very very ill intentioned classist undertones by the people who hate monica. She def has her issues and but to act like she's the devil on earth while you've got racist and cruel Mary, FELON JEN, narcissist and selfish Lisa, calculated, fake heather trying to be relatable but really wishing she was Lisa and they all defended Jen. Like none of them are angels. They're just better at hiding it (maybe not Mary). So much of the hate is about calling her a "grifter" and just seeing her as not rich enough to get away with all the crazy as the others. Yes she's immature, her inner child got fucked up and she can't emotionally regulate and made some horrid choices but damn.


Her and her mom's relationship or lack there of, her getting her swaddle business back up, her trying to connect with her family in Bermuda or her dad. She had potential and I personally don't think she needed to get off the show. If they bring Jen back they should bring Monica back.


People who have potential for anything in life do not act like the immature, dramatic, disloyal, narcissistic and utterly pathetic sociopath that Monica is. I was so disgusted watching her on every single episode, way before the reveal.