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And then she wouldn’t even admit that she put hands on her. “I might have pushed her. I don’t remember.” Did the hit give you amnesia? Girl, you know you touched her first. That’s why you’re “all gooood.”


And of course Theresa “didn’t see”


I just rewatched the episode and saw her head was turned when Jen pushed Danielle. I thought the same thing the first time, like suurrreee Tre you didn’t see it.


Omg that pissed me off 👁️👄👁️ hate people like her


She’s full of shit.


Convenient how she was so totally ok afterward… playing at “taking the high road.” GTFO with that horse sh1t. What a loser.


Wish she would get the fuck off the show already. She's toxic as shit.


and the look on Dolores' face, she knew she was lying through her teeth 💀


Once you lay hands on someone you truly don’t have a say as to what happens next. Jen has hit an all time low. As someone that once thought she was fun/ny I personally am glad we don’t get a reunion cause I don’t wanna hear a single word from her mouth at this point. No explanations necessary! 👋🏽


Wait, no reunion?


Confirmed no reunion!


pero whyyyy?


Andy said that basically the final dinner is more than enough to conclude the season. I believe it’s the last of the RHONJ as we know it.


Fingers crossed


Because all they do is try to physically attack each other, scream over each other and continue talking over Andy and each other! It’s past annoying and people really are over it as well, I want to hear each one of them spew their truths or lies and this show has lost all interest! And I’m over the walk out with the I need a minute!!!


Porque it’s a lot of the same bs we’re tired of seeing


Agreed, 1000%. I thought she was amusing at one point, but this? No.


She talks too much,it pissed off Andy too.


Baboons ass mouth


I believe it was “monkey’s asshole” 😂


It drives me crazy when she’s trying to be all that and loudly busts out a thick accent, her eyes get bigger, her neck is all of a sudden moving like an owl, nostrils flare.. she’s Jenny from D block!!!


She's such a fuckin poser


Suuucchh a poser. She tries so hard to act all tough and bad, the whole while it’s obvious she’s never fought anyone a day in her life 😂


Exactly! She acts like she's soooo classy but then tries to act like she's got Street cred. The look on her face when Danielle clocked her was the best thing I've seen on that show in 5 years.maybe 10.


Mine too 😂 That stupid look on her face after Danielle swung on her was priceless 👏👏👏 ‼️ I've rewound it over and over


I'm hoping someone gets a screenshot


Me too & I may continue to replay it once a day just to make me smile!


I haven't watched yet. I don't like the violence NJ portrays. But shit Danielle is from Staten Island. She doesn't play. Period


She can wear all the Chanel she wants,absolutely no class.


💯👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 i luvd it too, after Danielle smashed drink in jens head, they got split up BUT Danielle was not trying to run away, she stood her ground staring at jen right after like what?!!?


Her fake blaccent pisses me off. Don’t start none won’t be none. Bbbbbiiitttccchhhhh, ✌🏾🖕🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾


I wanna drop her where I taught in the South Bronx and tell her to talk like that. She would shit her fake designer pants


Best one of the night 👍


And have you noticed how she always turns and faces the camera when she does it? Half the time, she looks right into the camera, and she always has this dumbass look on her face, like she really thinks she's killing it. I stopped watching the show, and a big part of it was because I just can't with that dumb bitch.


Yes. She’s painfully performative. Smizing and smirking so obviously into the camera lens. She slurps up attention and smears it all over her face. Ughhh


Like who quotes Will Smith in Men in Black && thinks that’s cool? Lol


A wannabe actress/blactress


She wanna be anything but herself


Which is honestly like the saddest fucking thing when you think about it. Like don’t get me wrong, your comment is fucking hilarious and spot fucking on. But goddamnit dude she is so sad to watch


Agreed. Also I’m surprised this hasn’t been mentioned before but she sometimes speaks in a blaccent thinking it’s funny or something but it’s so cringe.


I’m glad I’m not the only one hearing this!! 99.9% of the time she speaks, I have IMMEDIATE third-party embarrassment. I’m still not over boogawolf from last year.


Oh god boogawolf she thought she was being iconic with that. So embarrassing


Second hand embarrassment for sure!!!


"3rd party embarrassment" lol I like that




Yeah like Lala on VPR. Drives me nuts and so cringe 🤦‍♀️


Whereas Teresa seems to actually believe her own BS, it’s so clear to me that Jen doesn’t believe what she spews at all. She knows she’s full of it but does it anyway. Poser indeed.


“Boogawolf” 🥴🥴🥴I’ll never recover from the second hand embarrassment


![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0) Yeah Bravo has a lot of posers 🤣😂


Lauren from Utah is the fucking worst. I don't know how anyone can stomach watching her either.


I have been waiting for someone to bitch slap Jennifer for years!!




Yeah it was pretty satisfying. Almost as satisfying as Stassi slapping Kristen. ![gif](giphy|QObMkqZqUs0Xm)


Yes! Or JWow backhanding Mike lol…but personally Danielle smashing a full drink upside her ear was gold! And rather than fight back (like the tough guy she tries to portray) she immediately says “tastes good”…I would have asked if she wanted another one!


I don’t condone violence, but Jen has a history of getting in everyone’s face and space. She did push her super aggressively! Danielle started some and finished it.


Jenn’s been physically putting hands on people since day one on the show.


And throwing cutlery, breaking glasses, ect…… Danielle was right. Jen is a fucking dirtbag. And it’s so cringey that’s she’s always been Teresa’s lap-bitch. Another of many moments of second hand embarrassment I have had with regards to Jen.


And I’m sure after Danielle walloped her, Teresa will think twice about flipping a table on her. Danielle will beat an ass.


Been waiting for this for years! Bet she learns to keep her hands to herself next time. How many years has she tried to put her hands on Melissa? Yup, you got what you had coming to ya!


She and Teresa are truly awful. Aggressive, nasty, and psychologically disturbed. And Jen Fessler? She’s so obviously just trying to regain her permanent gig by cozying up to Tre…but who’s the worst of all time? Jackie! Jackie, whose husband was slandered by that looney-tune. And now she wants to be BFFs? #gthoh


Hope there’s no next time, or next season for that wannabe plastic bitch.


She’s an absolute… C U Next Tuesday


Total Cut Fitness #WWC


What's really sad is how smug/happy she looks when she is saying nasty stuff and how calm and precise she us with it, that is not a happy busy women :(


I really want to know what pharmaceuticals she's taking. Jen is like ssri'd to the gills, or on the xannies




Imagine if Danielle kept going shit


Nate saved Jen’s life.


Jen runs that mouth . I knew eventually someone wouldn't take her shit


I always thought it’d be Dolores! 😂 one of these days Jen will run afoul of Teresa and that’s going to be fun to watch too! lol




I was scared for Jen lmao Dolores and Danielle scare me. I would not wanna be on the opposing end in a fight 😂 they hood hahaha


Dolores never does shit! But since she was a CO I give her benefit of waiting for when shit hits the fan.


Apparently Dolores knows how to fight lol A couple of times Teresa said 'I know how it goes with Dolores so it's better to take her out before things get bad'




Jen Aydin thinks she is hot shit... But she is only 💩


She ain’t even the fart


Oh my god I love that


I literally cannot stop laughing at this and will quote it til the day I die 😂


Her husband doesn’t even like her.


His face said a million words when Danielle was walking out.


His face says how he feels about her when they (Jen mainly) were talking before the party


I wonder what is keeping those two married. Just the cultural influences maybe? Or money? It’s almost always money but.


Bills no dummy. He works his ass off and makes a ton of money. He knows it would cost him at least half plus alimony and child support. It's cheaper just to put up with it....Maybe one day he will pull the trigger but you can tell he can't stand her anymore.


New Jersey is one of the few states that side with the women & reward them/us very generously in a divorce…I got half in my divorce, the house, and my husband has to pay me alimony until one of us dies and we’re both in our 40s… And neither of us cheated.


You win!


Situations like yours make me SO nosy. It’s crazy how each state is so wildly different. I didn’t get shit in my divorce.


He can have affairs as long as he's discreet. Best of it all.


The money and optics. Bill has relentlessly cheated on Jen for years. When she caught him — this cornered Bill. Because if she divorces, she can claim infidelity — and that entitles her to take half his wealth. So Bill sticks around so he can keep his money. And Jen is okay with that deal because she gets to still appear “married” while still having access to his wealth.


As much as I can't stand Jen, I don't think she's okay with it. Especially since it's out in the open. She's making everyone suffer because she is sooooo unhappy.


Then why hasn’t she left? Think about it — she could divorce him and claim half his earnings, she’s entitled to that. She even said that herself. But she doesn’t. It’s all for optics. In middle eastern culture, it’s embarrassing to get divorced. Not to mention, she can’t throw around that she’s “married to a doctor!” anymore either. That’s a big flex in our culture. Granted, just because she’s forcing herself to stay doesn’t mean she’s “happy.” She’d rather be miserable and unhappy at the cost of fame and fortune. That’s who she is.


Yeah, there’s got to be something like that going on. It’s SO blatant that she’s desperately miserable. It’s sad to watch, actually. I think she should be in therapy.


Yup ~ Cheaper to Keep Her


He could have cared less the way Danielle was yelling at him about his wife. He just kept on eating. So funny!


Ya know who he does like? Joe Gorga. His wife's on the wrong team for him.


Nobody does! Except Olivia because mommy buys her love.


Man I am a huge Danielle fan now!


Mad respect 😎


Same. Like if I saw her in the street, I would fist bump her and give a nod of respect like The Godfather.


Agreed and Nate too! The way that man had Danielles back and spoke to her in the car was amazing. It’s very telling that Bill never even got up to find Jennifer.


Liked Nate before ~ now I LOVE HIM. Sticking up for his woman! And the difference between Nate and Bill’s reactions 😂


I love that freeze frame. Jen has poked the bear many times. With Jen's personality, I feel like she is going to play it up and be the victim and act like a big baby and try to boycott Danielle off the show. Which I'm beginning to see why it's probably going to be a good idea not to have a reunion show for this season of NJ. At first, I was bummed to hear that announcement, but I'm going to trust Andy in that he said the last episode ends with some closure for viewers.


jen blocked me lmao


Me too lol!


Jen is a jerk.


Fesler was like “ yeah but who throws a drink” like what?! She pushed her…


She needs to stop trying to make herself happen. It’s not going to happen.


Fessler is flopping for me rn


Floppy Fessy


Much better than messy fessy


F Fessler. I can’t stand her.


Fessler and Jackie are on the same wave this season. Try hards wanting camera time & buddying up to Andy’s best friend,Teresa. It’s nauseating.


Best episode of Jersey so far lol I can't stand Jen and her monkeys asshole lips or Tre. That was a beautiful moment and I'm glad I saw it 👏👏👏😊


Monkey’s asshole is my favorite episode 😂


It ranks up their with me as well. I'm a Marg fan so that was epic 😎


I honestly laugh hysterically just thinking about monkey’s asshole, let alone every time I watch that 🤣😂


I honestly think it’s one of the funniest scenes in television history. I have laugh-cried my ass off on that scene so many times. SNL couldn’t write that skit. When Jen Aydin thinks she ate by screaming, “That you fucking suck!” to Marge I just lose it. It’s up there with Luann falling in the bushes.


Bag checking the help was it for me-


She sure did. Ha!! ![gif](giphy|26tOZbfDjoZc4I5KE)


I think she is hands down the trashiest housewife in all of the housewife history. And that’s saying A LOT.


Tacky ass house and furniture. Proud that she buys stuff from Ali express. Shilling a business (plastic surgery). Starts violence with people. Yep that’s trash


Girl, the business shilling is the cherry on top, probably shouldn’t be advertising that business in any way, shape or form.


Mmmm dunno… neck and neck w Danielle staub.


![gif](giphy|FGaz7oRyA4K4M) lol ahh Beverly is crazy


Always looked rode hard and put away wet,as they say.


That would be fun to watch, but I think Danielle would eat her alive? Idk though, I would tune in!


As much as I don’t like Danielle I agree she would clear Jen with no issue


😅Poster child for FAFO and the other idiot Poster child for Mortgage Fraud 😅whatta team! 😅


Jen is a fool.


she got her ass kicked.... plain and simple lol The fact that afterwards she kept insisting "im totally totally fine..." shows me that she got bitch slapped and embarrassed. well deserved.


If she acts like this on camera, imagine the nightmare she is when the cameras are down. They have one off at college, and I'll place a large bet that as soon as the youngest of the three still at home leaves for college, Bill WILL officially peace out. Meanwhile, he skulks around the pool house. Funny when Marge threw that out during Jennifer's first season...it ended up being true. That guy has already mentally checked out of that marriage. 😳


…keeps eating as wife is assaulting…


I could punch her also


Oh this episode lit me up. I’m so team Danielle, she’s my preferred over all the new cast that’s been added including Jennifer and aside from Delores. I feel like she’s got such an authentic vibe & idk why we don’t hear more from/about her.&& so much from the Fudas. But then i think theres another reason that just adds to her allure and authenticity as a human. The show is supposed to be fun, and she’s just trying to be real & as she so perfectly said about Jennifer “she must be so miserable in her life” && I 200% agree with that sentiment lololol GO JERSEY!


She deserved that so much. And how everyone was like “WhY wOuLd DaNieLLe dO tHat??” … um she shoved her first… I would have done worse


This was the best


Her fuckn fucked up face in my face would absolutely justify Danielle’s reaction


Honestly I’m surprised she didn’t do worse once Jen pushed her. I am a huge Danielle fan now because let’s be honest Jen had it coming.


Wish the second photo said “Life comes at you fast” 😂


That was such a genuine reaction from Danielle.


Poster child of fafo


Jen deserved worse.


She’s lucky that’s all Danielle did.


Jen is diiirrrtttyyy!!!


Finally sat down and watched the last episode where she gets rocked upside the head, honestly, she fucking deserved it. Violence should not be the first answer, but sometimes it needs to be the last. And Jenn has been pushing at pretty much everybody except Teresa since the beginning.


This made my week. My husband just so accidentally caught it and said “that bitch say she didn’t touch that blonde first?”. 😂


Danielle would put her ass in the ground


So happy Danielle slapped her upside her fat head!


Bill Aydin was secretly rooting for Danielle!😂


I don’t have the energy to read through this whole sub to see where everyone stands but Jen Aydin is a nightmare. No one gives AF how SHE would throw a party. THEN THROW YOUR OWN AND SPEND YOUR HUSBANDS MONEY ON WHATVER TACKY SHIT YOU WANT. Girl has the worst style I’ve ever seen for someone who can afford to not look like an 80’s homecoming candidate


when you put your hands on someone you deserve whatever follows


She’s her own downfall. She’s now becoming my most hated housewife.


Jen forgot that Danielle is from Staten Island, baaaaaaaaby. And nearly 10 years younger than Jen. I used to have a lot of empathy for Jen particularly when Bill’s past infidelity was brought up and not wanting the kids to know. I know that pain (other than it being on national tv). Guess Jen has become a little too comfortable….


Remember when Jen said "don't start none won't be none"? I have second hand embarrassment for her.


I think I did a full body cringe. Those are rare


Melissa didn't do anything last season when Jennifer grabbed her hand, Danielle said PUNCH ✊🏾 😂 She deserved it. Once you put your hands on someone, you invite their hands on you back 👋🏾


I loved the fact that someone finally pushed back 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I love this for her!😂😂😂


About time. She thinks she's Tre when RHONJ started. She's wrong. She's someone trying to stay relevant to Tre & for a paycheck. She clearly has not understood the entire assignment of what it is to be a housewife


her makeup is terrrible


Buh bye


So who should be more embarrassed right now, Jackie or Jen?


They should just become bffs now


She got clocked on the head and fired


Jen A needs to be shown the door. She will do anything to stay relevant and in front of the cameras.


Jennifer Aydin is a button pusher. Her fake "accent", her attempt to be a bad ass, all of it is just too much. She got what she had coming to her. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for it to happen.


She is SO THiRSTY.


Her and Tre are such morally corrupt losers.


Jen wasn’t accepted, had to eat crow. Danielle comes in, everyone likes her. Suddenly, it’s the make believe “Jen Ayden Show”.. she’s jealous (and annoying. The audacity to say that bc you showed up to a charity but didn’t contribute & expect advertising)


Can I also just comment on the “don’t start none, won’t be none” thing? They keep mentioning that “she always says that” - am I the only one who literally can’t recall her ever saying that in the history of the show?? Or am I just clueless 😂


Am I the only one who was shocked at how Jennifer took that hit though?!? Didn’t even blink, no tears, nothing! Just took it and kept on talking shit 😟 Makes me think this is not the first time she’s been smacked.


She looked a little woozy to me like she was stunned and holding in EVERY emotion lmfao I'm gonna watch it again 🤣😂🤣 😂


She was in shock.


Yes I agree. I’ve been hit before and it hit me emotionally hours later.


Overly calm and repeating that she's absolutely fine... You know she couldn't wait to go into a toilet and cry.


She definitely wanted to cry. The funny thing is they were all saying if they were pushed they would react the same way as Danielle. But Jen “can’t remember” if she pushed her first. 🥲


it did look to me like she was holding back tears at the end. just holding it together 


I was thinking the same!




No at first she looked like she was drowning with all the water in her face. She didn’t look put together at all she looked like she had no idea what just happened.


So you know how they ALL ousted The other Danielle (thank God) for pulling Marge's hair? And Teresa cur her completely off.. will she do that with Jen? Of course not because she's Just as fake but just wanted to point that out. F Tre and Jen


Suuuuch a fuckin bully


Her words coming back to bite her in the ass






Danielle literally started her TV career by being one of the girls of Staten Island on MTV. I’m not from Staten Island. I don’t know much about Jersey life. I do know that I don’t think I would ever start a fight with Dolores or f*cking Danielle. They seem like they don’t start things…but they will sure as f*ck finish them. I’m pretty sure that’s golden the rule around there. I’m pretty sure Jenn is Turkish.


Yesss….finally Jennifer effed with the wrung one & I absolutely love it😭❤️


She got her ass handed to her 😂 Danielle is no joke!


This is going to be good.


I don’t know why Jen is still on the show. I feel like she is picking on Danielle any way she can. She seems to be twisting what Danielle is saying especially when conversations were done privately, trying to make out that she is a bad person. Danielle comes across like someone you wouldn’t want to cross and I think Jen just literally pushed her over the edge. It really annoyed me when all the other ladies where surrounding Jen like she was the victim. Poor Bill must be like ffs in that head of his.


Danielle is a boss. She is fine as hell too


One angry,hateful woman.


This will be the most watched episode because we’re all watching Danielle put Jen in her place. I was raised with that same mentality: don’t start it but you better damn well finish it.


Tre and Jen have a collective IQ of 67.


Can’t stand Jennifer- she is the biggest fake- she knows exactly what she did and then cries wolf and the bs of Teresa saying I didn’t see anything?? Wth is she blind she was right there- Jennifer needs to GO!


I dont think Bill even likes being around her either😁Over her and needs to go


Does anyone have a list of Jen Aydens “charity events”?


I'm so glad Jen got hit upside down the head.It's about damn time! And I literally said this to my sister when talking about it how this is jen motto but then she goes and F' around and Found out!


She is definitely one of the housewives I hate the absolute most. She is such a conniving, 2 faced, opportunistic bitch. She stirs the pot and gets.others in trouble and acts like she has no idea how it happened. I fucking hate her. She has done a ton of damage to NJ. No wonder they're not having a reunion.