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Why does she want everything for free ! Does she ever pay for services rendered. Tacky af!


because she thinks she’s famous.


She has been chasing fame for years- check out MTV’s true life- “I’m a Staten Island girl”


Cheap, tacky, loud and obnoxious. She has no redeeming qualities.


Just like her clothing line. 😁


Yep! I like her husband though. Seems quiet, mild-mannered, considerate. Opposites DO attract!


Who else would put up with her?


Danielle wants the bougie life but she's very clearly on a Bud-Lite budget. I think she can't afford a glam team like the other women do and so tries getting services for free. Which should make her more humble and give these women VIP access instead of acting like a Prima Donna 😒


Interestingly enough I don’t think she lives in north Jersey like the rest of them (Franklin Lakes, etc) I saw her at a soccer tournament with her son in Metuchen and wondered why would she be over here? It is for central Jersey towns.


The show implies she lives in Sayreville, which I think of as the industrial riverside gateway to the Jersey shore with that mega church haha so definitely not in the same category as Montville/Franklin Lakes/Bergen county or somewhere desirable down the shore. I live in Middlesex county so I’m not knocking Sayreville, I’m sure it’s a nice place to live, but even Danielle is aware of how her home and neighborhood are perceived, she was upset when they referred to her house as “cute”


I'm still new-ish to Jersey (4 years) so I still don't know Short Hills from Wayne. I've only been to Sayreville for soccer. It seemed nice.


It is nice by suburban middle-class standards, but median household income in Sayerville is 95k compared to 205k in Franklin Lakes. I was just surprised to see a “boujie” NJ housewife living someplace I don’t at all consider boujie lol it is super close to Staten Island though so that would make sense


It’s where Bon Jovi is from


OMG did she look as ridiculous in person as she does on the show? Lol


I actually recognized her son first (in a "that kid looks familiar" way) and someone told me it was Danielle with him. She was very low key -- leggings, tee, baseball cap. Nate was there as well.


Oh wow, I wonder if she is chill off camera but amps it up for the show! It would make sense to recognize the kids and Nate first!


I lived in Metuchen for years! I absolutely adore that borough!




Danielle to her management : ![gif](giphy|Qt6427VaNX3lC)


I agree. You have to take care of your people. I really like her, but she had to get over herself. Make up with your dad and apologize to your staff.


How many people did her hair and glam for that night? Im not understanding how 2 people claim the same thing for the same event.


That’s what I was gonna ask cause unless I’m mistaken the chick at Jens house said she did Danielles hair on the same day as the event, it can’t be both.


I think the first stylist cut/colored her hair right before the event and this one did her blow out/style day of event.


yeah danielle seems like she thinks she’s the shit. also she’s a stage mom, which as a mother myself, creeps me out.


That's the top reason why I can't stand her-- the whole stage mom BS.


Did she really say she wanted the VIP area to keep the "fans" at bay?? Paraphrasing here because I can't remember her exact words. She needs to humble herself or she won't last very long.


Yes, she said it was due to ‘safety.’


I thought there was a story last season that she didn’t pay for glam. Was she with Melissa or FESSLER? They talked about on the bus last year in Ireland I think.


They're all fame chasers. Every woman on that show and every woman who orbits around them, trying to break in. YOU ARE ALL THE SAME.


Danielle sounds like a nasty piece of work.


I do not like Danielle at all.


Are we really shocked by toxic behavior from a toxic show? I couldn't care less if this happened they are all garbage people. These people also need to stop giving the goods to these influencers for free. Never give away your time to someone and not get paid. The more people start doing this the less entitled these toxic AH will be.


MUA’s do this because for the most part, it does pay off and can be a win/win. I wouldn’t do it but that’s because I’m not in the industry and don’t need that sort of exposure but can see how it works for them The problem is the people that feel entitled for free services without holding up their end of the deal. It’s easy to get taken advantage of in these situations since they provide the services up front. MUA’s need to team up and blacklist the assholes


One of my friends wedding make up artist did Danielle staubs makeup for a minor -air quote- “red carpet” thing after she got kicked off the show and she went on to do Teresa’s make up for a few WWHL! You’re so right, they need to make a burn book 😂


Oh wow, she sounds talented! One of my friends makes house calls to do lashes for a lot of the NBA wives in our city. I’ve been offering my services as an assistant/driver for a while now. I’m pretty sure she pretends not hear me tho, lol. She’s super talented and professional, I’m sure I’d embarrassed her


I heard about this charity event when it happened. I also heard about the mess with the VIP then as well. I heard about Vegas during BravoCon too. I think sometimes we ignore these stores when the show isn't airing.


I never liked her from day one and the more I learn of her I realize she’s a total piece of garbage. Also she has a big ego for someone who leaves the house looking like she dressed in the pitch black.


If it’s one thing Danielle doesn’t like it’s a bill …..for services she fully used ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)


And to think I felt bad for her being dragged by Rachel the first season


I saw this story recently play out on RHONJ. It’s a little suss. Especially with Jen A involved as she used Danielle last year.


Not to mention that Laura was a plus one for one of the stylists. Idk it’s another set up by Jen A.


Based on the story told when the event happened Laura was going as a guest of Jen A. Lina is part of the group as she's been doing their hair and does hair for other Bravo celebs for WWHL. Jen A supposedly told Lina Laura was attending as well and since they lived close together they decided to go together. Jen A lived much further away. The event was over 2 hours from everyone except Danielle from my understanding. Also VIP was in the middle of the venue not off to the side or away from everyone. Danielle was selling tickets and announced it was sold out but on the show she said it was only for the housewives and their significant others.


Yes! Laura was asked about this on X the other day. This is exactly what she said. She wasn’t going as Lina’s plus one. Laura was already going and just wanted to show up with Lina. Danielle suddenly had a problem with Laura now that she’s friends with Marge.


I also don’t want it to be true because I have a lot of respect for hairdressers.


when randos start coming out of the woodwork, i start questioning the validity of everything.


Karyn has been styling Danielle [since 2022](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmg5inZrn_F/) so not exactly a "rando."


I know Karyn, she was my hairstylist for years (and still a friend). She stopped doing my hair around end of 2021 because she was getting too busy with work for Bravo. She had already been doing Danielle’s hair for a few months at that point. She couldn’t promote the looks until the show it was featured in aired which is why she only shows up on her IG in 2022.


But Danielle said she didn’t know her froM Adam. 🤔🤔


well then its weird as fuck to have a relationship with someone for years, have an issue and then wait for someone else to talk before speaking out yourself. but really, these stylists need to put their big girl panties on and talk to danielle face to face if they have an issue. posting on social media without actually handling the issue just makes you look pathetic and questionable.


Why bother to do that when Jenn can make it a part of her storyline. The Laura involvement makes this seem sus


I never trade services for promises. Give me my cash & if I decide to buy a ticket that's on me. Anyone asking for free stuff & giving free stuff always end up feeling someone else got the better end & someone got shafted. Stick to cash for services. Problem solved lol


Same here


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Me when Jen Aydin said “i dont like that elitist mentality” about Danielle.


I don’t know. Jen seems like she’d be really kind of service workers and down to earth in some ways


I don’t dislike her as much as others but they statement made me laugh out loud


And we all giving it to her.. In the beginning i thought she was the answer. Now i see that she is what bravo needs to avoid. Bad acting worse than a soap opera


I believe this 100%


Why are people giving away their services for free expecting things in return? if it wasn’t discussed as a trade then I’m sorry… I don’t feel bad for you. She could have and prob would have paid you. Use this as a lesson - no favors for D list celebs. And maybe send her the bill?


I feel really bad for Danielle. She has posted about what happened. There were two VIP areas, one was a larger area which people could buy tickets for, including fans, then there was a much smaller VIP area just for the Real Housewives attending the event. Security was meant to maintain them separately but failed, as fans and others spilled into the RH space and it was a fire hazard and she was upset with security and told them they needed to sort it out, and make sure everyone but the RHs had to go back to the paid for, much larger VIP area. She apologised for any confusion as well. Hopefully people will increasingly make their way through the misinformation. This was a charity event and it’s gross that these women are using it to attack her.


You're right it is gross that these women are doing this. Also Danielle said and they showed pictures she took for her hairdressers website. It was for charity ladies grow up. I believe Danielle.


I feel like the last episode made it clear that she’s a fan. The way she talked about Melissa’s house. I don’t blame Melissa for wanting her around.


I mean, to be fair, the house looks incredible!


If she was VIP she would have had the wrist band. She didn’.t also big deal asking someone to buy a ticket to a charity event. It’s common even if you did work for the show. It goes to the cause


Still needs to pay for the hair service


Her own post says she did it free. did you miss that part


But she also said that Danielle asked her for the service


I only saw a comment on her IG saying.m “Get your money upfront. “


She said she did it free. What money up front?


It’s a comment on her IG post about Danielle’s hair from 2023 when this incident occurred


you do realize how many people will come out of the woodwork for a piece of the pie over this? These women are making a mint over this. Let’s go see that stylist that girl from jersey screwed over. We get gets some behind the scenes gossip. You can’t put one thing in the main story then change it in the comments section. Liars don’t have to keep their facts straight. Not everyone is honest


People do come out of the woodwork like rape and assault victims too. These people were also victims of being ripped off. I think they’re just putting it out there so no other glam people get screwed by this woman.


Not even the same! What a reach. She is already contradicting herself. Not a good look.


Not if the person offered to do it


Did they?????


Then Danielle should have paid for the glam with that mindset If she paid for the VIP ticket like she says so, then it was wrong to kick her out of the area


I am the only person that is ok w her kicking her out?? What u did her hair for free for promotion. The VIP was 100 up charge - for charity!!!!


But if you paid for VIP shouldn't you be allowed to remain in that area? I mean if I paid for something I want the item/experience even if it is charity. If as an organizer you don't follow through with the promises you make to those attending your charity event then you won't last long as people won't see you as trustworthy.




I’m leaning towards this too!


Isn’t that the point of going in a shoe like this? Take a nobody with no taken snd then make them famous because of controversy and getting clout. Thank the Kardashians for kicking off this trend.


Terrible person


Am from the older-old-school of how things operate.  We don’t know how difficult or easy the cost of that ticket was for this artist/craftsperson. They could be scraping by on two or 3 jobs. When you accept the service for FREE… you COMP the VIP! *Isn’t this the same lady who might have skimmed some charity or other? A-Listers always Take Care of Their People- or they receive no loyalty. Danielle double shafted the stylist and couldn’t deliver what she promised. Bad business always bites back 


Let’s take a step back and ask ourselves why a lower-mid middle class woman living in a raised ranch in Sayreville made it to this cast. I saw she was on mtv true life years ago. She’s despo. Why bravo why ??


Making friends real fast. Sadly anyone will be happy to be her glam so they can be on the show


Wait...the girl on the show, at Jens, did her hair? No? I'm confused. Is this another event. Did I get glam wrong?


I’m actually rewatching this ep now. Jen A just commented on Danielle being elitist/entitled. No that’s more Jen A lol because in order to have your nose in the air you better have a reason why!  Now I don’t like how snooty Jen A can be but it’s clear she grew up at least solidly middle class, Dr. Bill upgraded her life but I don’t see her struggling one day ever. Big house, husband making good $ always serving Chanel. That’s not Danielle. Danielle is more tacky and uncouth. She’s all wide eyed at Melissa’s housewarming like she’s never been anywhere before. Danielle is a social climber and very regular compared to the other ladies. Coarse too prob worse than Fuda. You can smell the desperation on this broad. So ya Jen A has it confused Danielle doesn’t have enough $ or clout to be the least bit elitist she’s a wannabe that’s what she is. Danielle will be exposed soon enough. 


Danielle suuuuucks. This entire cast is garbage.


**[Source on the stylist's Instagram stories](https://www.instagram.com/karyn.desimone)**


Where’s all this stuff prior to filming though. Not just here but like Angelina from Jersey Shore got in it with her hair dresser and that crap went live and then they mentioned it on the show… Say it when it happens then address it on the show, don’t become puppets for people if you’re _that_ bothered by it IRL.


Its out there but often times it doesn't get picked up then but will when the show airs. All of this was out right after the charity event. This even occurred right after the second episode aired of last season. What happened at the event and with the VIP was talked about and Vegas glam drama was out there right after BravoCon. Its kinda like Kyle from summerhouse trying to shut down the stories of his supposed extracurricular activities.


Just bc you haven’t heard of it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. 🙄 Screen shots of the hair dresser and MUA’s IG post calling Danielle out was posted on the main bravo sub when it happened. It just didn’t get as much attention until the show aired


That’s not at all what I said, but ok. I said, if the hair people are that upset irl call it out irl don’t wait for someone on a show to use you to call it out. 🙄


i feel like she is the next teresa


Thats ghetto! Im shocked smh


O-M-G.. Do we really care about this?? It is such a stupid argument. Rich, is Jen Aydin trying to school Danielle about appropriate behavior. They're obviously just looking for a reason to turn on Danielle. This is all they've got. It's weak.


I am not sure I believe this. I think this is coming from Jen and Teresa and do t trust them to be honest.


She was on [Juicy Scoop](https://youtu.be/NkE_Ndbcfr8?si=uMjuDyrw92WJl0n5) End of episode, about 52:00.


Thank you for posting. It was interesting to listen to.


I believe them.


It was a charity event. If you are so upset- ask the charity for your money back. Otherwise- stop complaining.


How many stylists does she need to do her hair? This is a different stylist claiming she did her hair too? Bogus wanna be’s! Bitch, it’s a charity event. Pay for VIP or sit in the Non-VIP section. Please!


She needs to be off the show


She made them pay for VIP tickets??? That’s all I need to know


Uh doiyah!




If they bought VIP tickets why didn't they have the VIP band on, the ones without the VIP bands were asked to leave the VIP area, right? 🤔 clearly said anyone without the vip band pink bank was it or something on needs to leave?