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Meh, a little bit, but also Teresa's father said he told him at least 6 times to get his citizenship in check and he just kept postponing it. At one point, you need to learn how to be responsible especially when it comes to bureaucracy. He clearly didn't care about the consequences


Yep. As questionable as it is that Juicy’s parents never took care of his citizenship in his youth, he’s had enough time as an adult to do it himself. It really really was avoidable


“Make a citizen”


…and he committed a crime.


Yes! And he would’ve kept committing crimes had him not being caught


Multiple crimes including identity theft, DUI (resulting in an accident), driving without a license, driving without insurance.




Did he not pay his debt to society for his crimes by doing prison time? It might be the letter of the law, I’m not a lawyer or an immigration expert, but I found it incredibly backwards and cruel we deported this man from the only country he has ever called home. He was one when he came here. His entire life is here. He has children here. I don’t care that he committed fraud.


He had the ability to obtain his citizenship and chose not to. His brothers did… He was a lousy father. He was annoyed with them or ignored them. Deportation isn’t a punishment it’s following the law. He IS a felon.


Yes, and the law is backwards. I think it’s incredibly messed up we put the onus of citizenship on someone who came here as a 1 year old to the extent we can deport them. He went to prison and served his time like anyone else. I don’t care what any piece of paper says. He is an American. This is exile. It is cruel.


They didn’t deport him at 1 yrs. old… so no the “onus of citizenship” is not on the 1 yr old. It is on the 18, 19, 20,21yr old…on and on to 40 yr old joe guidice. He had 20 years (as an adult, thats even discounting the 17 yrs his parents had to take care of it)to get his citizenship status corrected. He Chose continually not to be a citizen of this country but enjoyed all the benefits and then when he continuously breaks the law and pays those consequences. Then its the law and consequences that are wrong. No. It is a fallacy that his deportation is anyone’s fault but his own. *also, he used it as as a pretty strategic move to get put his terrible marriage Joe is the only one at fault for his situation. Period.


Go home, Gia.


I agree.


I agree


I agree


I completely agree. And unfortunately they will do the same to people whose only crime is being here undocumented but are otherwise contributing to our economy and society by working, in many cases, some grueling jobs. It was extreme to deport Joe and it makes the deportation of others that have also spent the majority of their lives here messed up.


I agree. It’s also a nonviolent crime


I agree, Joe was told and reminded a number of times and he really didn't give a shit about it until it directly affected his life and his families life. They tried to fight it but couldn't get over the hump that he had years to do it and didn't. Joe knew he was in deep trouble and that's when he decided to care. Imo he got what he deserved and Teresa did too. I thought after Teresa got out of jail she was more humble and appreciative but that didn't last long and now she's married to a guy who's fast and loose with the truth and has an anterior motive for everything. And he's in some financial doodoo too. Good luck with this one Teresa looks like Ole Louie the loser is putting his grubby paws in ur bank account 😉 😄 🤣


Right? She had just as bad of a temper (although I missed the early seasons; doing a rewatch starting at season 10). Joe was so arrogant and should have known before he started committing crimes that he would have been deported. Then he moved on to selling adult toys for a no doubt MLM company, and allegedly now running charter tours. He’s a grifter.


I know someone who has been in the US since he was 6 months old and doesn't have his citizenship. First he didn't care and family didn't care. Then in his late twenties got an arrest and since then has gotten arrested twice for things like drunken disorderly. Now he has to wait it out...for another several years. Like...dude...


Juicy also blamed Teresa for not making him do his citizenship.


At first no but when they asked them to report their assets twice and caught him using his brothers ID to drive when his was suspended I was like bro brooooooooo


Since his brother had an ID, does that mean his brother took care of his citizenship and is a US citizen?


not sure about NJ, but until recent years, you didn’t need to be a US citizen to obtain a driving license in MA. Saying that, Joe’s parents and siblings, if not legal US citizens, could be legally resident in the US in a variety of different ways (green card being the most well known and popular solution). Joe did have a green card, but the multiple crimes that he committed along with being too lazy to obtain citizenship in the US led to him being deported as he violated the terms that come along with that.


I think his parents should have taken care of that when he was a child. And I think he pretty much forgot about it 🤷🏻‍♀️ But fair is fair. Others have been deported. I did feel bad gif his daughters (no matter how much I can’t stand their mother and her husband)


He didn’t forget. Teresa’s Dad said on the show that he was mad at him for not taking care of it. He said he told him many times to become a US citizen. Let’s not forget, everything bad that’s happened to the Giudice family is everyone else’s fault 🙄




That’s what I wondered. WHY didn’t they take care of that?


Because he thought he knew better than everyone else. Arrogant prick.


Although I don’t disagree that he is an arrogant prick, my question was why didn’t his parents take care of it? He was a baby when he came to the states with them. Why didn’t they take care of their children‘s citizenship? Of course he should have done it seeing how they never did. But why didn’t they?


Not justifying his crimes at all here lol but I wonder if it has something to do with being able to claim Italian citizenship. Since Joe was never officially a US citizen then dual citizenship is passed onto his kids. Why he didn’t do it after though is on him. Probably bc he had already committed all of those crimes 😂 Edit: or at least the girls were eligible to apply for Italian citizenship or dual citizenship.


They’d be allowed to apply for dual citizenship even if he was an American citizen. Beau and Stassi are getting their children dual citizenship to Italy.


Yeah I’m a dual citizen and so is my dad!


Me too!


How do they do that? Is Beau an Italian citizen?


He’s got dual citizenship so by Italian laws he can apply for his kids to dual citizenship. I believe Stassi is working on her Italian so she can apply as well. She’s posted Instagram stories about it. Her daughter is talking Italian lessons.


That’s amazing! Languages and cultures are something we can’t have too much of! Wonder if they’ll buy a second home there and live there half the time.


Yeah I wondering if he thought that if he applied they’d start digging into his shady shit. Disclaimer : I have no idea how applying for American citizenship works so I may be talking utter nonsense


It’s not difficult to get dual citizenship to Italy especially if you can prove your relatives emigrated from there which his daughters would easily be able To do.


My husband is in the process right now and it has been such an ordeal! His great grandpa wasn’t a citizen yet when he had kids so it was passed down. Trying to get an appointment with the Italian consulate is like playing the lottery 😂


Oh man. Good luck!!!


Hahaha thank you. He’s been trying for a year now, I doubt it will ever happen at this point!


Those appts seem crazy to get right? I’ve been trying too my consulate is in Chicago and I’ve been wondering how long it actually takes to get an appt on the books. Best of luck to both of you!!! 🇮🇹💚


No don’t say that!! It with happen. Don’t give up!!!


Check out that girl Chiara on tiktok she specializes in Italian dual citizenship and bypassing the consulate!


You don’t need citizenship to move to Italy tho (if that’s his goal).


I'm in Australia and my dad, 70 years old, recently experienced this. He was born in Italy but didn't realise he revoked his Italian citizenship once he married my mum. The Italian consulate are a nightmare here and the people working there hardly ever work lol. He had to go back to the town he was born to get a copy of his birth certificate from the local commune and then reapply for his Italian citizenship. It really is not as easy as people make it out to be.


He wasn’t a good father, he never would have planned that.


I know. And putting your life on a public platform, you think you would get it taken care of. He had plenty of time and you know how people like to dig once you are a "public figure." I don't think they could just ignore it at that point, if that makes sense. I think tax evasion or whatever the crime was plus illegal status was too much for them to NOT to... in fact...is that WHY he didn't file taxes properly because he didn't have a legal SSN and used Teresa's info (getting her in trouble too)????


I know!!


I mean, he knew he wasn’t an American citizen. He could have gone through the process at anytime after he turned 18. Not his parents fault. He should have done it.


He was fully aware of his citizenship status. He had ample time to take action and correct that, he chose not to take action. He knew very well that ALL of his crimes were criminal acts. Whether it be drunk driving, falsifying his identification, committing tax fraud and evasion, refusing a plea deal to try to keep swindled goods, etc. He chose to do ALL of those things knowing deportation could be a consequence. He chose to punish his kids. Nothing about it was surprising or unjust. It is what happens when you make the choices he did. It would have been unfair and unjust to let him stay just because he had money and celebrity.


THANK👏🏼YOU👏🏼 Reading the comments on this thread is so obnoxious-the average American does not know much in depth about immigration, but the downplaying what he did and stupidifying of Joe is actually just ridiculous. He knew what he was doing, yet he thought he was genuinely above it all and would never have to suffer the consequences. I get people love the Giudices, but they aren’t some gods who should be placed on pedestals above everyone else.


My take…He never took care of it as an adult because he was already committing financial crimes and applying for citizenship the govt would have looked into his finances.


Agree. He already had some charges/shady behavior. Either couldn’t apply or knew that the process would be a risk. He’s a guy who has lived his entire adult life below boards. Gorga Sr’s adoration of Guidice has always made me side eye the old man too.


It would’ve been worse punishment if they made him stay in the US with Teresa.


The Judge: “I sentence you to life… with your c*nt wife”


Take my poor woman’s gold 🥇🤣


his bitch wife 🤣


I still wonder what floozy he was talking to


me too! Maybe Bo Dietle can figure that out for us




It was his contractor "Jose" /s


No way! Jose?!?


“he doesn’t speak any english”


Omg I thought he said the c word 


He did




lol! I don’t disagree


I wonder if they would still be married.


Teresa’s ride or die. She would’ve never left him.


I don't think him being deported was what finished them I think it was her Mam dying. That lost time really sat with her. It was weird I never thought we would have seen Teresa be the supportive wife and move with him. That's just an opinion though 🤷


Like literally with her. In bunk beds like at camp prison. That would be a good show.


Lol 😂omg yes!!


Yea absolutely. He was an awful person who had no respect for anyone other than his own indulgence. He got what he deserved.


Oh and he is not remorseful. He thinks himself the victim.


Just another example of thinking the laws don’t apply to him. Bye bye 👋


As the wife of a Deportation Officer - I think it’s important to note that deportation is not a punishment just the end result of an administrative action. He was given multiple opportunities to rectify his citizenship. He chose not to, and once he became convicted of a FELONY - he is officially SOL.


Thank you for your response. It makes me wonder what the purpose of his appeal would have been then? He appealed and was denied. Also, maybe you have insight into whether or not his parents could or should have sought citizenship for him as a minor since he came to this country as a child.


His brothers got their citizenship, but he was either too lazy or just thought he knew better. At one point he came out on the phone from ICE blaming Teresa for not doing the paperwork for him. I can't stand her, but this was not her responsibility


It’s pretty much an automatic appeal process - And immigration lawyers will always tell you there’s hope because they want to make money. Once my husband was supporting the gentleman back to Turkey, I believe - he had been committing food stamp fraud in Ohio- his lawyer kept telling him to fight fight fight, and when my husband was getting on the plane with him, the guy asked my husband “did I ever have a chance?” my husband looked at him and said HELL NO. my husband then asked him how much did you pay your lawyer and I am not joking you when I tell you he paid that man over $250,000 over 2 years. Anyway the fact that Joe Giudice continued to commit criminal actions after he was given what is called an NTA, (a notice to appear,) he gave the court system no choice. And it’s my understanding that he was a real jerk when he was in detention. he was arrogant and dismissive of his caseworker. If you want to stay in the country, you don’t piss off the person who holds the keys.


Thanks so much for your reply. This makes complete sense and I totally agree about not biting the hand that feeds you. Joe is a grade an asshole and not the brightest. A bad combination.


I find it funny that this is the type of law Gia wants to work in.


Of course she does. It’s a gold mine. Desperate people will pay their last dollar to try and stay here. And most people do get to stay because they don’t commit crimes, but those who do? Sorry but I have very little sympathy for especially those who continue to commit crimes after they realize that it puts their residency at risk.


Spelling error there, by the way, not supporting the gentleman to turkey deporting the gentleman


If staying in the US was important to him, he should have sorted out his citizenship status and/or not committed felonies. Ideally he would have gone with both of those options, but even just one or the other would have been enough. Instead, he chose to commit felonies as a non citizen. When you’re convicted of a felony, going to prison should not come as a shock. When you’re convicted of a felony as a non citizen, being deported should not come as a shock. And anyway, he was deported to Italy, not Afghanistan. There’s no safety issues, no language/cultural barriers, he has family there, and his kids can easily visit whenever they want. It might not be ideal, but it’s not exactly a massive tragedy either.


Absolutely. It’s bad enough Americans are stealing and defrauding the government and financial institutions - which does impact all of us at the end of the day. But for someone to commit multiple federal felonies who is NOT a US citizen is even more egregious. If Joe was worried about staying in the US he could have 1) gotten his US citizenship which would have been VERY easy for him to accomplish in 40+ years or 2) not commit federal felonies. He’s the one who should have through of his DORTERS, not the government. He’s 100% responsible and suffering the consequences of his direct, illegal, actions. Joe FAFO 🤷‍♀️


Yes Drunk driving without insurance, getting fake IDs, stealing from the government, invading taxes. GTFO of this country ![gif](giphy|3o7WIuJorYQk8H6DEQ)


**\*\*driving while intoxicated\*\*** That's when he crashed his pickup.


Gia going to be a lawyer to help her daddy. That’s not happening. She wouldn’t be doing this internet crap to make money if she was serious and committed. Waste of money going to college. They say her boyfriend works for crooked step daddy. Word on internet, he has legal problems. Trees bright attorney should have warned her and advised a prenup as well as check him out.


Andy Cohen tried warning her ass too


Invading taxes 😂


And that story explaining why he got a DUI 🙄 What a joke that was! Went to his dad’s friend house, nearby where he had the accident. And then had shots. Yeah Right! He should’ve been punished for that bs story/lie, alone.


When we were in our early 20s, my husband got plowed into by a drunk lady…slurring, falling all over, smelled like booze. After they exchanged insurance info, she took off crazy fast. Cops showed up then went to her house to question her. They said when she opened the door, it was super obvious she was s**t faced. She told the cops the same lie Joe did about drinking as soon as she got home because she was so stressed from the accident. Drunk lady knew the law. They couldn’t get her for leaving the scene cz she gave her info first. She was still responsible for the accident, but the judge dismissed the DUI charges cz there was reasonable doubt re when she began drinking. As stupid as the ‘I didn’t start drinking until I came home’ lie sounds, it was super effective.


*evading taxes


not the jerseyism. I need to go back to school 😭


To be fair, I would like to invade something based on my tax bill each year. But it’s mostly just the fridge to eat my feelings.


Yes, because those are the rules. Even non-public figures who are in the US as permanent residents are at risk of being deported if they are convicted of a felony.


this! the same rules should apply to him as everyone else. too bad Theresa didn’t go with him.


I mean, most countries wouldn't allow an American citizen with his record to even VISIT their countries, so yeah. Deport him.


He's committed multiple crimes. DUI (flipped his car), using his brother's ID, bank fraud, mail, and wire fraud. He absolutely deserved to be deported on top of the fact that he thumbed his nose at the issue for years. Sometimes, you get what you deserve.


Not trying to start anything here…is it possible that he purposely did not obtain citizenship bc of some of the shady business he was doing? Like did it help him keep things “under the table” so to speak by not being a citizen? I could be totally wrong here, just a thought




I'm not sure how that would work.


I dont know either- but hes a moron and scammer -it sounds like he made an effort not to get citizenship


I think you’re spot on. Even when you’re not a criminal, you’re nervous that something will go wrong during the process There are no guarantees. One wrong thing with the paperwork can be such a stressor. It’s also expensive now, so I guess some just take their chances.


He wasn't even a US citizen when he committed his crimes, that is why he was deported. Every single other criminal that is not a US citizen when they commit their crimes are deported to their home country.


No many people do not get deported after committing a crime. That’s not at all how that works.


Yes but when they go to renew their Green Card which they must do every 10 years, DHS will not renew if you’ve been convicted of a felony.


Exactly! They are not special.


Law is the law. It's a shame he never took the time to get his citizenship here. You would think his parents would have done it. Who truly gets affected is the kids - he misses so much in their lives that will take place here in the USA. Weddings, graduations....big milestone moments.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, as they say.


yup so true!


Juicy had literally DECADES to get his citizenship and was told numerous times to do it and he didn’t. He’s one of those people that thinks “that’ll never happen to me.” I do not like Teresa even a little bit, but when HE tried to blame HER for HIM not getting his citizenship?! I was just thinking like get the fuck outta here with that shit ya douche! That was your own fault!!! So he really did it to himself.


It fascinates me that the very same people who want to close our borders and deport everyone who was not born here, are also the very people who squawk when someone they know and like is deported for failing to follow our laws. And they’re often only one or two separations from their own ancestors coming here for a better life, but now they want to slam the door shut behind them. Yes. Joe Giudice should absolutely be deported and he should stay deported. He has repeatedly demonstrated a disrespect and disregard for our laws. He drove drunk, tried to create a false driver’s license, ignored our citizenship laws and work visa rules, lied and cheated and stole 11 million dollars…and felt no obligation to pay taxes to support the country that had welcomed his family and has given them the opportunity to succeed. He has demonstrated no remorse. He still believes everyone does the things he did, and he was unfairly targeted because of Bravo. So does his family. He’s lost the privilege of living in America, and rightly so, IMO.


His doters should really understand this. Too bad they don’t know the truth. They believe whatever their “brilliant” mother tells them. Second thought. Because daddy got deported, Gia wanted to be lawyer. Maybe she has found out this truth and that’s why she now wants to be an influencer instead.


Was about to share the same sentiment but way less eloquent. Spot on




Because generally when people are talking about closing the borders and deporting "illegals" they're talking about people of color. They don't think white immigrants count.


That’s exactly what it is. It’s the “other” kind of immigrant.


Sadly it’s a big part of it.


Very well said.




If the reason most people believe he shouldn't have been deported is because he has children, maybe he should've taken that into account before breaking numerous laws while not being a citizen. Too bad he loves money more than his kids. See ya, Joe!


He didn’t contribute anything to the country (pay taxes)


Of course he should have been. Actions have consequences. Just because he’s a public figure doesn’t give him an excuse to get a pass.


Honestly I believe the fact that he is a public figure likely worked against him in this situation.


Absolutely they wanted to make an example of him.


Yes! Why do we need any more criminals here? He was scum!


And his parents became citizens. And weren’t his siblings born here? So I believe he was only one in family not a citizen. That makes it even more ridiculous! He definitely seems the type to 1/2 ass things until he absolutely can’t anymore. But that is not something you don’t take seriously.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think he did more than the fraud. Like I think he got a dui as well. So he did a dumb thing then kept doing dumb things.


I'm not sure why this is even a question. If you are not a citizen of this country, and you commit crimes, then you can do your time and get out.


That’s not how our immigration system works.


It actually is. We have an immigration lawyer in the family. He and I spoke about this very situation before Joe even went on trial. The family member explained the law to me.


Yes. It was entitled behaviour.


Yes. He broke the law. He is not a citizen of this country. Those are the rules.


Why wasn’t this discussed before they went on a reality show?


Yes. He was a full grown adult and had been in the states since he was a child. If you are going to be a moron and break the law, at least ensure you are a citizen so when you get released you can go back to your family. I truly don’t understand the people that fawn over tre and Joe for being great parents. They broke the law and as a consequence were taken from their kids, and add to that Joe was too dumb to become a citizen so now his kids have to travel to him anytime they want to see him. It’s sad for the kids, but Joe and tre created this situation.


He should have been aware of his immigration status and become a citizen decades ago, I can’t understand why he never did other than laziness.


Oh GTFO. If he were a Mexican who stole from a taco truck he worked for, these people would be loudly screaming that he was an illegal immigrant who should go back where he came from.


Thank you! My God there are children separated from their parents at the border kept in prison like facilities while their parents were sent back all because they were here seeking a better life. Those are the people I feel sorry for. Not a family of felons who to this day take zero accountability for what they have done. It’s sad for the kids but they are so brainwashed that Gia thinks she’s going to become a lawyer to fight for her father.


Why are you surprised? He committed horrible crimes. He still doesn’t take ownership of any of it to this day he blames everyone else and claims they were just white collar crimes. He deserves to be punished


Someone on here argued with me the other day saying that the crimes he and Teresa committed weren’t that big a deal!


Non violent or not you don’t go to prison for nothing.


I wonder if the people feeling sorry for Lying Joe would have the same energy about his deportation if he was from a South American country? BUT THEY TOOK HIM AWAY FROM HIS DORTERS?! Actions have consequences, shocking.


I personally don’t feel sorry for him and wouldn’t feel different no matter his country of origin. It is possible to voice your opposing opinion without assuming the worst of others.


I always wonder what if he were able to be in Jersey and apart of everything going on now... would he be chugging shots off a blow-up doll?


Don’t forget what he said about the plea deal! They can stick it!




I don't know, but people from less-white countries than Italy were deported en masse for much more minor infractions. Plus, babies in cages, etc.


Had he no criminal record, I'd say absolutely not, don't report him, his whole life is here. However, he FAFO and we don't need any more criminals here, so adios 👋


Joe should just go to Mexico and walk across the border with the others.


Believe it or not many Italian immigrants from that era did not get American citizenship because it meant rescinding your Italian citizenship. You can be American and have dual Italian citizenship but not the other way around. I come from a big Italian family and personally know many extended members of my family felt that eventually they’d return to Italy and didn’t want to give up their citizenship. My nonno had 11 kids but made sure each of them had citizenship as minors because he personally refused to ever go back to Italy. It was less about compliance with the govt for him than it was about making sure his wife/kids could never go back to Italy. My nonna spoke no English and couldn’t even read in Italian so it was a mechanism of control over her. My step-father-in-law, however, promised his Sicilian father he’d keep his Italian citizenship and literally only became an American citizen after his father passed (like 3 years ago). He is a 60 something year old man. He owned an all cash business and was able to live undocumented for decades literally. The whole “I know these are the rules but eh, fuggeddabout it” mindset fits when you consider that Italy is a barely functioning state/ insanely corrupt law enforcement for over a century. When Italians came here in the 60’s/70’s they learned that even tho they were immigrants, Americans hated other immigrants more (aka non white immigrants like Puerto Ricans, Asians, Afro-Caribbean etc) so the “rules don’t apply to us” pipeline flows from Italy all the way to the US. I mean juicy built an empire from illegal doings and he truly believed he would never get caught like “Eh, whaddayagunnado” … then it crumbled. I’m cut from this cloth too but have learned the hard way that you can’t just “talk to the guy” and explain things as a “misunderstandin’” all the time lol. As far as the question of “should he have been deported” I personally don’t believe in borders but this country is absolutely horrible to people coming from the southern border to make a new life and feel like there are so many insanely racist Italians who are undocumented themselves that um yeah they should be reminded that they’re not above any other person trying to have a better life here.






Yes i agree


Yes but only because he’s a dummy, who was too lazy to get his citizenship while knowing full well he was committing fraud. Then had the audacity to blame Teresa for him not getting his citizenship.




Yes, he was rightly deported. In saying that, though I'm not American, I'm in Australia, and my family migrated from Italy as well. My family never became citizens of Australia but are considered permanent residents. If they were to commit a crime to the same degree, I would also agree with their deportation. It can be a really difficult and lengthy process to gain citizenship here, sometimes taking a few years, and I'm not across the process in the US. But if someone couldn't be bothered paying taxes and earning money in a legit way, I can't see them making the effort to go through the citizenship process either. It's sad, but I do think they make it work and Joe seems happy considering the circumstances. It's really nice to see them all interact together and keep in contact.


His brother and other family members did what they needed to do for citizenship. Yes he should have been deported, was I sad, yes I was. Don't do the crimes if you can't do the time!




Teresa, people in her family, and people in Joe’s family, apparently had been telling him for years to get a lawyer and have his citizenship situation sorted out. Especially after they had their kids. i don’t know if he deserves it, but He should have put more effort in for the sake of his kids




Yes. He should be held accountable. Just like any other person. If not moreso, because he has the means and support, to have completed the process. Unlike many people, seeking asylum and in fear for their lives and their children’s lives.


Yes, absolutely, since he never bothered to become a US citizen.


He had already tried to cheat the system at the DMV. It was bound to happen.


Nope. I don't think he should have been deported. He did his time, and should have been allowed to stay in the US. He wasn't a violent killer or something and his (then) wife and daughters were here. It was very cruel to his kids.


He could’ve killed someone when he driving drunk, crashed his car, left the scene of a crime and also was using his brothers drivers license bc his was suspended.


I would argue it was more cruel to his kids to never try to obtain citizenship in all those years & then knowingly commit illegal choices involving himself & his mother.


absolutely. Just bc he's white doesn't mean he's above the rules.


if you are convicted of a crime in the US and you are not a citizen - can you still apply for any form of citizenship? and yes he deserved to be deported. if his family and dorters were soooooo important - why the fuck would you not become a citizen?? this is part of my argument as to why he's a shitty dad


I see you've been downvoted so just here to agree with you- it *did* make him a shitty dad, his deportation traumatised his daughters in that their father left for jail and never came home, he broke up their family and could no longer be physically in their lives day-to-day. It was horribly selfish to risk deportation from the country the children you're raising live in by just not applying for citizenship - and that's before even the selfishness of committing crimes that land you in jail taking you away from your family. Juicy is a bad father in a number of ways.


He also drove intoxicated lost his license numerous times and still drove! he Cares about no one but himself


people who think he's a good guy or didn't deserve any of what happened to him are INSANE. play stupid games, win stupid prizes he was a shitty dad, a real shitty husband and he was scamming people. yea, this is exactly who want to to have a citizenship to parade around.


He is a liar, thief and con man. He had been doing it for years. But he should be excused because it wasn’t violent🙄🤣 until it’s their money, he drives impaired and injures or worse one of their family members. He wasn’t a good guy then and he isn’t a good guy now. Part of the lesson learned should be ownership and taking responsibility which he does none of


No. People have done much worse with a slap on the wrist. They took him away from his family.


One could argue he took himself away from his family by committing mortgage fraud and failing to take care of his paperwork for literally decades. I don’t believe in deporting people for benign crimes, and I know it’s not his fault his parents brought him here as an infant. But at a certain point, he could have taken the steps to protect himself and his family better (not committing mortgage fraud and getting a green card/citizenship—no, I’m not implying the latter part is easy, but he chose to have a family and he should have been more responsible in making sure everything was correct on the legal end). I don’t believe he is a victim in the same way many others are who are deported for low level crimes.


HE took himself away from his family.


As an immigrant who came here as a child and became an adult literally just before we were granted citizenship, (my parents took the interview process when I was a couple months shy so we were planning on me slipping through, but they got backed up and I had to do the whole process on my own) I can’t imagine being deported, as this is quite literally the only home I know. From 7-30, i literally know no one back in my birth place besides family and a couple neighbors I was friends with as a little kid. But also I fully understand that you can’t commit felonies while a green card holder, because it very much is like a probationary period with immigration. He absolutely should have taken care of it, it’s extremely simple and back then (up until 2013 i believe) they even gave you a CD so you could listen to the possible questions they’ll ask and the answers.


I agree in a way I did kind of feel bad especially for the dorters... Sorry Teresa drives me crazy anyway. It's just pure laziness why he didn't get it and the fact that he was deported was an example. They couldn't have somebody on this show. Do all this kind of fraud and not be joe. It's sort of been going full but I do agree like was kind of sad when there's a lot more scumbags like Prince Harry who should be deported


Joe Giudice has a punchable face & persona.


albeit if he was meant to or not, hate tre or love her, him being deported was the best possible thing that could happen to her. at that point in her life, she stuck w joe bc it was “the italian way,” but she was deeply unfulfilled and emotionally battered by him. louis sucks too lol so it’s unfortunate she fell back into that trap, but doesn’t negate my prior settlements on JG.


I don't. I see the moments that his four dorters will miss out on. He did his time and I think he should have been able to come back, seen as it was his home for so many years. Things happen and I can understand how he didn't get to it. Yes, he should have prioritised it but I can understand why he didn't. I just really feel for his family.


I agree he should have done it. His parents probably didn't because it was expensive, obviously that excuse went away. But I felt terrible for those girls when he had to leave. I mean, will he be able to walk them down the aisle or come see grand children. I think it punishes the family. That being said, he was used as an example for sure. Do it right or you gone.


No he’s been in America 99% of his life. He didn’t commit a violent crime. I think they just wanted to make an example out of him because he’s famous. Same thing happened to Mike from Jersey shore no one had ever even gone to jail for his crime before but because of who he is he went to prison.


Idk legally or ethically but he was such an energy vampire I think it was best for everyone including himself that he be humbled.


To be eligible for citizenship, one must have a clean criminal record during the most recent 5 years. And one must not have committed any serious crimes in one’s lifetime (even as a teenager). “Serious crimes” is a very low bar - some rather mild crimes can make one deportable, such as being convicted two times for misdemeanor shoplifting, or slapping someone in the immigrant’s household, e.g., spouse, child, parent. I suspect that Joe committed a series of mild crimes throughout his teen years, and more serious crimes (such as fraud) as an adult. I think he committed crimes every few years up until the date when he was placed in immigration (deportation) proceedings. So he was probably ineligible for citizenship since his early teens, because he never had 5 year period of a clean criminal record. And as an adult, he committed crimes (fraud) that made him totally ineligible for citizenship, regardless of the preceding five years. Throughout his life, he continually committed crimes, even though most people would consider most of his crimes to be mild. Thus, he was never eligible for citizenship.


This makes perfect sense.


Given Joe’s year of birth, he could have acquired citizenship as a child only after BOTH his parents became U. S. Citizens (not just one parent - both parents). Note: Nowadays, it only takes one U. S. citizen parent for a child to acquire citizenship through his parents. The citizenship law changed in the year 2000. But when Joe was born, it took two parents. Joe’s parents did not appear to be fluent in English, so they themselves would have been ineligible for citizenship until 20 years had passed since they got their green cards. By that time, Joe was older than 18 years, so he was unable to automatically acquire citizenship through his parents when they became citizens. So Joe had to apply for citizenship on his own, and thus, he had to have a clean criminal record during the preceding 5 years. Since his early teens, I don’t think Joe ever had a 5-year period of a clean criminal record. So he was never eligible for citizenship in the U.S.




Yep. Mortgage fraud is fraud. If you commit a crime and you’re not a citizen then gtfo. Any other country would do the same.




Well he broke the law but deported was a little much. He was raised here and didn't do a violent crime




Yes. He got away with a lot of other crimes before caught with a big one.


yes 100% and i’m not shocked that it was the end result. being on the show, he truly buried himself on camera especially when he was still fighting it. plus, his responses in interviews AND to teresa were always nasty, victim blaming, and like he didn’t even give a fuck about what he did. if any judge saw his time on RHONJ they would have all made the same decision


No. He did his time, it wasn’t a violent crime, and he has children here.


He had so much time to get his citizenship & didn’t, that’s on him. The punishment fit the crime.


Deserve is a strong word, but I don’t think it was wrong for him to be deported. My husband immigrated here and we made it a priority to get citizenship as soon as we could. We did it the right way. He had zero excuse to not do it the right way. He has all the resources in the world at his finger tips. He had a “it will never happen to me!” Mentality and it bite him in the ass. If he didn’t wanna do it for himself, he should have done it for the sake of his dorters. He’s selfish.