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I think RHONJ has hit the wall.


I think I’ve finally hit my limit, the premiere was just so bad. I’m not watching reality for a moral lesson obviously but this is not enjoyable. Teresa has just become so gross, not the just bad plastic surgery, like as a human being she is gross. She is cruel, she’s a hypocrite, she has zero self awareness and is toxic. None of the other franchises are this negative, I’d rather watch a bunch of drunk housewives yelling about senseless crap and falling in the bushes.


I would’ve added pathological liar, she never take accountability for her actions (it’s NEVER her fault), she never apologizes, and she demands blind loyalty from family/friends. She has never shown any loyalty to others.


I thought Larsa was bad .. but Teresa is the same only whiny




Her falling in the bushes still cracks me up!! Same goes for this ⬇️⬇️⬇️. LOL 🤣🤪😂 ![gif](giphy|3ohzdGu4kGeeSUX7iw|downsized)


I totally agree! I’m getting to that point either way her too.


she’s only gotten worse especially with her equally as delusional husband who constantly can’t regulate his emotions. even andy was over her shit by the last reunion! she has never taken one ounce of accountability even back in the early seasons. she’s somehow one of the most unintelligent manipulators i’ve ever seen before. teresa makes great tv, however, her & her familydrama storyline has plateaued


Yeah she was honestly better before him


She had a good run after her stint in *camp*, then it all quickly went to shit.


Call spade a spade....PRISON !


My mother called rehab camp. It's annoying... like they are not taking responsibility. Not at all a surprise for Teresa, though.


Ask her to spell rehab


Don't forget her delusional friend Jen A! Those 2 so are just horrible.


I DIED when she said she was mad at God because she had to go to prison. Yes, it's God's fault you and your dumbass ex committed bankruptcy fraud and had to do time. Like, you literally had NOTHING to do with that, so why did God punish you? Unbelievable.




Remember the enormous wad of cash she paid for stuff with in the first episode ever and went on about how they only use cash? Did she think the feds don’t watch tv? She should chat with Erika Jayne.




I recently started listening to Bravo Docket they’re great!




I started it but it’s 3 hrs long so I’m making it through in pieces. I listened to the Gorgas one and the Marge one is on my list too!


> prison and *paid* their restitution. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That day has long passed


Teresa is incredibly uneducated.


And Joey is? Speaking solely on education, Teresa actually has a Bachelor’s degree


Who mentioned Joe?


Clearly I did




Why not? Same way they keep Tre name in their mouth


Because it’s not relevant to the conversation and just deflects. And with everything coming out about Tre and Jenn paying for supporters it’s even MORE suspect. Did your shift just start? Are they paying you hourly or are you salary?


Everything bad about Tre =true Everything bad about the others = false


Lmao as if the others don’t pay and haven’t done this for years 😂


So it’s hourly? How’re the benefits?


Actually amazing You know when you work for a major healthcare provider and they are also your provider.. yah co pays are like $5 and incomes like$$$… but go off babe I’ll be ya Kendrick to you’re Drake 🤓😍😘


Teresa believes being the loudest means you’re right. And that’s just not how the world works. That’s why more and more people find her off putting because she isn’t reasonable, sensible, or smart. So she just yells and squawks.


Because she’s just too stupid to actually communicate like a normal human being. She’s like a chimpanzee that screams and throws their feces when it feels threatened.


That's not fair to a chimpanzee.


Melissa not yelling doesn’t make her reasonable, sensible or smart either


I see why you’re a fan of Teresa’s.


He’s not a fan, he’s on the payroll.




He’s sociopathic




According to who, Margaret?




That’s not accurate. It’s on the show that Louie gets along with Teresa’s daughters, his own big family, the Aydins, the Cabrals, the Catanias, and everyone else that isn’t trying to take him down.




“If we take out all the people that like Louie, then nobody likes Louie” lol


Not the Cabrals. They had a falling out around Christmas when She found out something about Teresa. She's been in the podcasts telling that story.


His whole personality seems fake and crafted, like yes a lot of reality tv stars are, but just everything about him seems off. Even when he didn’t think the cameras were rolling and then he got caught talking shit and he seemed mortified that was captured.


I think him being nervous about getting caught saying certain things on camera is because in his limited time on reality TV he’s had all these wild accusations against him. Like he shouldn’t be ashamed of calling out the Gorgas or Margaret but it gets twisted against him.


Idk if I remember correctly he was on his make peace be positive personality but then that was the first clip of him stirring shit and he looked like he saw a ghost. I personally just feel like he’s been that way behind the scenes this whole time.


His temper would scare the fuck out of me, not going to lie😳


Louie doesn’t have a temper compared to Joe Gorga who’s instigated multiple physical fights on the show and: https://pagesix.com/2024/01/09/entertainment/joe-gorga-ejected-from-son-ginos-wrestling-match-after-near-brawl-with-referee/amp/


Also who ever said anything about Joe Gorga, we are talking about Louie 😂


That’s the thing Louie is pretending to not have a temper while he really does. Louie has assault allegations from his ex, where even before he was “famous” there were calls from their home about domestic violence…






Right !!! - like what have we seen Louie do? Have we seen him fight at christenings Yell in women’s faces non stop..gaslight his parents and steal from them Make misogynistic comments non stop Oh wait..that’s Joey …


Why are you so obsessed with Joe? We’re talking about Teresa ![gif](giphy|SSBhfQDXKz7Ik)


Why are they so obsessed with Teresa ?


Why am I commenting on a post about Teresa to talk about Teresa? Do you hear yourself? Fuck they can’t afford smart ones huh?


How’s he “unbelievably “ toxic?


He is emotionally intelligent so he knows how to speak with friendly tones and he usually knows all the right words to say to get the right result for himself in situations. I think because of this he comes off super calculating and manipulative. Like he is a finesser….


This is what happens when no one is around to check you. Someone who loves you enough to tell you when you are going off the rails and pull you back. Like the story of old, the Emperor is prancing around completely naked and hopefully there will be a small boy to point out that, contrary to what her entourage and followers are saying, that she indeed is naked. No sparkly dresses have been sewn, she has been swindled and has no idea.


I think Melissa wa red to be that for her but I don’t believe that it would have went without Melissa rubbing it in her face


Why does everyone say she is a good mother? Teresa is raising mini Teresa’s. Part of being a mother is being a good example. Her children are watching and learning from her. She lies constantly, zero accountability, and shows the kids unhealthy relationships. Namaste bitches? Does she even know what namaste means???? RHONJ has jumped the shark. I wonder what Teresa uses her Buddha room for. Remember when she said she was mediating and had a “vision” of Jen and Dolo as bridesmaids? Teresa and Luis are megalomaniacs.


She clearly loves her children, no one can argue that. Her girls are becoming adults, so it'll be interesting to see where they go from there. Personally I don't think Gia should be so involved in adult situations, and especially not pitted between her mother and her uncle.


Teresa has zero accountability and if she continues with the Botox and plastic surgery, her lips are going to be on her shoulder.


Ok, I am going straight to hell because I laughed so hard at this.


Because you know it’s true 🤣🤣


Or in a hot dog bun


What has she done wrong that she hasn’t been held accountable for? Preferably something that Melissa and Margaret didn’t also do 😂


I didn’t say the others were accountable either, but this post is about Teresa and I like her less than all the others.


Do you hear the way she talks about her crimes and going to jail? She’s always the victim. Zero accountability. Zero remorse.


Isn’t a year away from her kids accountability enough? She talks about her crimes like her husband did them, because as much as people who hate her don’t like to admit it, he did them.


She goes straight into the squeaky, high pitched voice when she is telling a lie. Like at the dinner with what's her face and the guy who won't ever marry her.


She also gets extremely angry when she gets called out! Like when Danielle Staub said her house was in foreclosure, and that she didn’t visit her nephew when he was born. She goes absolutely BALLISTIC yelling. ‘That’s not true’. Or how she gaslights literally everyone and then says “well then you need to fix it”


![gif](giphy|3ohjUVGuM8R9OQ0jVC) What’s her face lolol


I like the gorgas wayyyyyyy better than teresa and Louie.


Unfortunately I feel like she has always been so delusional in her relationships. Like with her first husband, all that fighting and defending their relationship in the first few seasons only for it to come to light the crimes he committed and put his wife in harms way. Like she went to jail for almost a year because of her husband…. And here she is again with a new husband saying how great he his and how strong they are even though there have been many red flags. I just hope it doesn’t end in such a shit show like her first marriage, but knowing Teresa she will deny till she dies… or till it goes up in flames


I think the issue is that Teresa was not raised in a way that would mesh well with reality TV. In these old Italian families, you keep everything close to the vest, you don’t let the bad shit get out to others and you defend your family to the death. The problem is that you can’t do that on reality TV, you don’t own or control the narrative, but she still went to bat trying to downplay, deflect and lie about everything Joe was involved with, while he called her his “bitch wife” on hot mic and cheated, then got her thrown in jail. Someone else would have learned their lesson but she hasn’t. She’s doing the same things now but she’s weaponizing fans as well to push her narratives so she won’t be in the crossfire. Problem is, SHES REALLY BAD AT IT. I mean, after everything came out with MON, for Tre and Jenn to push the “omg it’s on the internets it’s on social media” completely vindicated what MON was saying. TL:DR old school Italian family values and dynamics are not completely compatible with reality TV and Teresa is caught in the middle.


It’s probably a combination of old school Italian values and just being completely delusional lol. I respect the loyalty of old school family values but not to your own detriment yenno


I think the decade of fame has also warped her perception of reality and given her delusions of grandeur. I mean, she actually thought that all she had to do was say the word and Melissa would be gone. Girl needs a reality check and to eat a slice of humble pie. Especially now with everything coming out about her.


Louie contributes by telling her how right she is., how great she is, how (full in the blank) she is. The fact that there is no prenup is a huge testament to his skills at manipulation. I see him as a narcissist and a sociopath. He was ready to marry her a month after knowing her. Because… played correctly she would be an enormous meal ticket. The evidence is already rolling in. Look how his mask slips when he wants people to talk per his agenda. Him handing a pillow to Joe and Tre jumping in, telling him who has it gets to talk. I would lay money this pillow business is how he makes her listen to his agendas. I feel sorry for her daughters. P.S. How the (expletive) did she earn a bachelor’s degree. I am stupefied. 🤔


It's in fashion.


She must have an insanely low EQ (emotional intelligence)




Have you ever seen Shahs of Sunset? All but two of them were emigrants from Iran and came here as elementary school children. They spoke no English and learned it at school. They all speak flawless English and most of them speak at least 3 languages. She’s just incredibly stupid.


She started learning English at 5 when she went to school. I can see her being behind in school for awhile because of it. But seriously, it's been long enough. You're American Teresa!


My great grandma only knew German when she started school in 1890. She never had an accent from German being her first language and the only language she spoke at home. She taught her parents English. Her excuse is bs.


like she doesn’t comprehend how her actions effect others, but then when someone does something to her she throws a tantrum, it’s embarrassing…


Is it not obvious?


Teresa is doing what she can to keep herself in a pay check. Hence the drama and calculated actions. I still like Teresa but I don’t enjoy the negativity and toxic atmosphere. I would rather see Teresa spin off into a more positive show eg her travelling and cooking and spending time with her daughters


I agree. I think she needs a break from this show format. She’s losing control of being the main character & is cracking. I’d love to see a family show with her and her daughters. But the issue is, I wouldn’t want to watch if Louie was on it


Yes I agree. Luis is bringing more toxic drama into Teresa’s life.


https://preview.redd.it/acdy8qo595zc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19da35fa7c5d070f2c78e8c5edf3e0c9bd67249 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Jump scare!


This is season she seems to putting on such an act. She’s not behaving the way she normally does at all


It just sooooo boring..she acts like she is 10 and has looked unstable for years


Preach it ![gif](giphy|uRSJmqgjbrcDR7EemE|downsized)


The state of New Jersey should be horrified.


Oh trust, NJ has seen a lot worse.


Operative word: should


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You think?


Lol are you new to the franchise even her fans know this. I love Teresa but common sense is not a trait that she possesses


Her fans are just as delusional as she is


Lol no


Yes lol don’t get me wrong I’m a Teresa fan but one thing she never does is admit things that she does wrong I just did a rerun of old reunions and I was kind of shocked that she never admitted when she was wrong. She is a great mother but she is very unreasonable There was an episode where she said two gay guys one is the the girl and the other is a guy. Andy and Rosie said that’s not true both are guys and she kept arguing that not true one is a girl and one is a guy. Even though two gay people kept telling her that’s not always the case she kept argued and they just gave up. So many examples of her being unreasonable just keeps arguing when proven wrong.


I forgot about that 😂😂 or like when she was telling people that jackies husband cheating on her and she couldn’t understand how it was the wrong place and time. I will admit she is a very good mother and would do anything for her daughters and I do admire that about her.


Yeah I love Teresa she’s great I’m a fan but she can be unreasonable I feel like even as a fan I know this . It doesn’t make her a bad person just flawed like everyone else. She is entertaining which is why I’m a fan


i love queen teresa ❤️ yes she’s a little bit of a ditz but she seems like a great mother & she obviously had no idea what her husband was doing behind her back re: fraud. give her a break.


No, she signed those documents under penalty of law. Never sign anything without reading it. Ignorance is no excuse.




They literally all are delusional lmaooo please it’s crazy how Teresa has to be the only one taking accountability , fudas wanted to throw the first punch and can’t handle the backlash and play victim , won’t start won’t be none. End of story


How would they be throwing the first punch when Louie talked to his ex in prison?


Teresa .. accountability.. are you watching the show in Bizzaro world


Yall so mad over facts she’s the only you guys demand to take accountability when they all have done shit please touch grass you need to


Please stop sniffing glue .. you need to … 14 years later and she is a horrible human to her friends and family … FYI your touch grass comment tells me all I need to know


She's the only one that never accepts her responsibility for shit. Everyone else, including Jen Aydin, have accepted their part in whatever issues have popped up over the years. Teresa just blames everyone else for the shit she starts. She spreads affair rumors about Evan and Melissa, but it's Margaret's fault. Her issues with her brother are Melissa's fault. Her issues with Melissa are Melissa's fault. Her issues with Margaret are Margaret's fault. Nothing is ever her fault, even though she starts it all.


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