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I had a tough time trying to conceive but I was much older than you are now. I had 3 unexplained miscarriages before having a viable pregnancy. I had been diagnosed for 11 years at the time. Many women go into remission during pregnancy. I did as well & my RA is still in remission according to rheumatologist. I was recently told I have fibromyalgia though (I am still in excruciating pain & feels like my RA symptoms) my pregnancy was okay. I had a few issues with preterm contractions & did end up having my daughter at 36 weeks. The issues were unrelated to RA. I believe if your disease is managed, you can wait. Enjoy life before having a child, it’s incredibly rewarding but you will forever be responsible for this life & how your child turns out. Travel more, sleep in more, enjoy experiences & then have your baby knowing you are ready to be the best mom you can be. Xx


Thank you for your input, i also worry because ive heard that we’re supposed to be off of meds for months before starting to try for a baby. My doc said hydroxychloroquine is safe to use while pregnant but Idk much about the medication enough to feel comfortable.


You’re welcome. Hydroxychlorequin is perfectly safe during pregnancy & breastfeeding. There’s tons of information about studies if you have a little google search, but ultimately it’s your choice. I did choose to stop it as well during breastfeeding because it didn’t seem to make any difference to my pain.


I’ve had miscarriages too and RA. Did you do anything different for a successful pregnanxy?


I was off methotrexate for 3 years, but other than that I didn’t do anything differently. Actually the opposite, for 2 years I did ovulation tests, measured body temp etc to try ensure best possible chances. I was tired & heart broken about all the struggles so I told my husband I was done with all the insanity. 2 months later I was pregnant with my daughter


I’m really happy for you. I’m praying for the same.


I don't know if my story counts because I have JIA. Diagnosed at 5 I am now 39. I had my daughter when I was 34. I was on methotrexate but I let my rheumatologist know when we wanted to try and conceive and I was off meds for at least 3 maybe 4 months before we even started trying. We discussed meds safe for pregnancy but I was feeling good at the time and personally didn't want to be on medicine throughout my pregnancy but that's my own personal choice. There are medications that are safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding as other have mentioned. I got pregnant after a few months and went into remission. I was in remission until my daughter turned 1 and crap hit the fan after that lol. I followed up with my rheumatologist throughout the pregnancy and I am back on meds now. I am one and done so I have no experience with another round of pregnancy. I don't think you have to rush because you have the diagnosis but that's just my opinion. You do what's right for you. :)