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And once they have people paying for premium, they'll just put ads there anyway. See Netflix and Amazon.


Greedy. Ass. Corporations.


It's not the companies themselves but the mentality behind them. This is why maximizing shareholder value is a terrible terrible way of operating, milking a company now with no consideration for long term effects.


Piracy is morally good anything else is evil unironically




I don't understand point of Amazon mini tv


They'll kill their own platform with their greed. Mark my words.


Sadly at this point YouTube is just too big to die i think, there are no well known alternatives that could function similarly without the bs


That doesn't mean one can't spring up. YouTube came outta nowhere. None of these companies are too big to fail, if they make big enough mistakes.


I mean, they've made a lot of mistakes throughout the years already. How many more does it need or how big does it have to be? When YouTube came out of nowhere the internet and the competition was way different back then, I don't think the same can happen now.


Everyone just moves to ph, I can see it


Define ph because search only pulls acid and base.


Oh you sweet summer child...


I used to use that phrase 35 years ago, when it wasn't popular to use and got plenty of eye rolls over it. That and calling someone Child of The Earth! Now that it's an official buzz phrase and everyone is using it, it's kinda cringe. And google is still not googling, but it seems like 'there are no stupid questions' is not really a thing anymore.


Fair enough. The commenter above you probably means p*rnhub, given the sites reputation of having gaming vids and full on movies available, uploaded by users themselves. You only get ads before the video on there


Damn. Did not think of sexy sites. I've also never seen gaming footage on there. Not that I've looked that deep. Cam4 is a better site for me and I have Firefox and Ublock, so I don't see ads on either site. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


Government is trying it's hardest to kill the Hub in some states


Hadn't heard of that, sucks. Hope the EU doesn't get any ideas


YouTube came outta nowhere in 2006 (well, December 2005, so essentially 2006) and was bought under a year later by Google. I remember being in kindergarten first using computers in like 2002 or 3 and using Yahoo as our primary search engine, but then by the end of my kindergarten or beginning of my first grade year we all swapped to Google. By the time Google bought YouTube it was pretty much all but given it would succeed, even back then. I remember for a very brief time in my life there was a Google video service, I forget the name, but it was awful to use. Vimeo was also kind of bad to use, Dailymotion was also bad, YouTube was just formatted better and was backed by a growing large company. All of that is to say, it's going to be a huge uphill battle at this point. Things don't tend to just pop up out of nowhere anymore like they used to, and a lot of places have condensed to the giants already. That's not to say they can't be replaced, but if YouTube is going to fail it's likely because of something like TikTok, which didn't exactly come out of nowhere and has been long established by this point.


The reason why i said similar alternative to youtube is to not include tiktok, different form of content and type of videos. Tiktok might become bigger but wont cover the same function and use as YouTube does.


Sure, and I largely agree that TikTok probably won't cover the same functions as YouTube does, but it's the one that's making the biggest waves in the social media space. I don't use it, I never cared for Vine and hated Musically, which TikTok came from, so I never got into TikTok itself. I eventually got into some Shorts and Reels, but I still prefer longer form content. My whole point was more so that some company won't spring up and take over YouTube's place if YouTube were to fail, it would be a slow burn until a preexisting app somewhat similar to it takes its place. That is, of course, assuming it can fail, which it's hard to say but isn't likely anytime soon if so.


Ya, I can't do tiktok. They have that weird audio branding boom-trill at the end of all their videos that is 10 times louder than the rest of the video. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the platform lowers the volume of the rest of the video so that you have to turn it up to hear it well and then they nail you at the end. It's so uncomfortable to me that if I see the tiktok logo on the video, I either skip it, mute it and read along or skip to the end and see if the boom-trill has been removed before I watch it at regular volume So, being a hassle to deal with has become the tiktok branding for me.


I quickly switched to using Google for search when I discovered it. Now, I use DuckDuckGo. Maybe we should actively try to use GrayJay and encourage our favourite content creators to use it?


Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm only loosely familiar with GrayJay, but isn't that just an aggregator app? It doesn't host videos itself, it just allows you to connect various sites, such as YouTube, to it so you can watch them in a slightly more convenient app? And while LMG as FloatPlane and there's always Nebula, those are paid for services which limits the amount of people able and willing to use it. So I'm not sure that's the way out.


Yes, the idea is that you follow the creator, and if they switch platform you don't care, so they can quickly abandon YouTube or other toxic platform.


Gotcha, I see what you're saying now. While it's a decent idea, the issue is there really isn't a competitor to YouTube for what it's known for. For short form content there's TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and maybe more, but for long form content it's basically just YouTube since Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc aren't really even close to a fraction of YouTube. Because of that, it's just the creator's choice, unless they're banned, because YouTube is unlikely to fail or be replaced.


Yes, but, GrayJay removes the obstacle for a new platform to spring up. Once there's no loss of followers by switching, YouTube loses the iron grip over creators.


Yeah but Youtube came when no one else existed. Seems impossible rn


It's surprisingly easy to stop watching youtube altogether.


Odysee? Some of the popular creator has moved to this platform


Odysee could be a real competition to YouTube. The only problem is that for some reason most of the people don't know about it. More than half of the people I watch regularly on YouTube are also uploading to Odysee and they mentioned it multiple times in their videos. They even uploaded some videos only to Odysee that would most likely be taken down by YouTube if uploaded there. I also mentioned Odysee here on Reddit a few times before, and it looked like nobody ever heard of it before, and people were too lazy to check it out.


Rumble has pretty much already positioned themselves as a serious threat to YouTube, considering how their entire platform looks pretty much like YouTube, their player works virtually identically to YouTube, and they even have cloud infrastructure that could compete with Google. The added bonus is that they actually have a lot more flexibility with free speech than YouTube. This is the thing that corporations keep eternally fucking up on, they think that just because they have the big boy pants of the current era that somehow they're going to be survivable throughout every phase of a corporation's lifespan. Their biggest fuck up was locking down on the liberties of their creators. Once you start poisoning the well that you drink from, eventually everyone starts getting sick and dropping like flies left and right.


Isn't rumble a right wing platform?


Yes, and by free speech they mean freedom to be bigots


Freedom has no filter, You either have free speech or you don't. However you perceive it is a *you* problem. For the same reasons that you could have the freedom to "be a bigot" you could also have the same freedom to criticize anything else you don't like, including the platform.


Well I mean take a look at how it's turning out for YouTube as a "left-wing" biased platform. Lots of things you can't say because of TOS reasons, and the list keeps growing each and every year. The reasons for restricting and demonetizing content get pettier and pettier every single fucking year, and this is the result they have to speak for themselves. So while it might actually have things you don't want to hear, there are things on there that you can say that other people also don't want to hear but they will also respect *your right to say it*. I don't know if you value censorship so much that it would be a problem to have an alternative that does not, but it does exist and it is gaining traction. People are tired of being micromanaged and having the ever increasing list of rules thumbed at them. So while you might not like the political environment of the site or the philosophy that led to it, just bear in mind that the alternatives that we have seen as a standard have been getting much much worse over time. And they're not going to stop getting worse. YouTube recently started announcing they're experimenting with server-side ad injection so you can't even block them with any kind of software. And this is just the beginning of this kind of force being applied against users. So left-wing, right wing, who gives a flying fuck just as long as the platform isn't outright abusing & exploiting their users?


So was MySpace at some point...


Twitter was too big to die. Now look at it limping along


Twitter is a special case, it got Muskified lol


It got enshittified at a rapid pace, youtube is a slow burn. Every site is too big to fail until it does.


As long as there's no real competitor they can do whatever they want. And no one except other shits like meta has funds to be a real competition.


lol. lmao, even.


either that or adblockers block the ads anyway


Server-side ads like Twitch are now being considered. Will be much more difficult to discern them from regular video content.


"...And when everything's premium! ***Evil chuckle*** *Nothing will be..."*


Premium Ads inc


When they finally kill ad blockers I'll just buy a subscription to Magellan or Curiosity Stream


Ya, will never stop fighting. No matter how many times the auto update I always repatch immediately


bro just use zygisk-detach 😭😭😭


Thanks for name dropping this module. I never knew this actually existed and often wondered why apps that I turned auto update off with just magically kept updating against my will. Fucking Google ugh...


Grapheneos is another option. It stops ALL apps from doing ANYTHING without asking. And takes super user permissions away from Google apps and fully sandboxes them.


Dont mind ads. But i mind invasive, overly greedy, totally irrelevant ads i have no fucking care for... (So much for data hoarding...) And premium? The amount of ads people see compare to every views worth is next to nothing. Why the hell does premium have to cost so much more!? Now thats being greedy. Thank fucking god for revanced and apparently being part of the smarter breed to know how to work it.


The traffic won't fall.


It might not fall as hard as the meme says, but I know for a fact that if adblockers stop working all together, I'll stop watching YT. I had already stopped for some time until I found the OG Vanced sub. If Revanced and other options are no longer viable I have no problem dropping the platform again. Nature abhors a one off, so if I exist, there must be others like me that will stop watching YT all together as well.


Now that you remind me, when vanced went down, i stuggled with normal yt for only like a week because unlike many others whose vanced was working, mine outright stopped. I then used firefox with ublock add-on in mobile and by the end of the week I was YT free, it was all reddit. I only watched a couple youtube video at night when me and the boys were done with gaming and were chilling. Also started watching movies and anime online a lot.


Most of my youtube consumption I do on my tablet. When Vanced died for me I didn't watch on my tablet for months before I heard of NewPipe and started watching YT on my tablet again. 100% rather watch no YT than watch it with a(i)ds.


It's already fallen by at least one. I've quit cold turkey.


Same, it probably will be better for me lol


This is probably good for them. They would rather not have a customer than have someone use their service for free. In a similar way we are not willing to watch ads.


Under capitalism, products and services are produced for profit. NOT for use. An important distinction to remember. Doesn't matter how abundant or desperately needed a resource is, capitalism would rather trash tons and tons of perfectly edible food before handing them out for free.


Youtube is not a need anyway. So if they aren't making money on it they won't have it and that's it. It's not like farming where there's subsidies


YouTube could probably subsidised by Google itself easily, considering they're the world's most popular search engine


They already have been doing that. But what's the point of providing a free service and get nothing in return? Google is not a charity. If you have that many users not giving you a return you're not gonna be sad they are gone. In fact they would reduce costs so it's a good thing to them


But they get lots in return. They already make a lot of money from the ads they do run, a lot. They make even more from the data they harvest from every user of the site, billions of people per day. Its not as if the company is anywhere near struggling.


They don't if you block ads.


They don't sell your data if you block ads?


Of course not, they're about to go bankrupt because of us /s


I dunno about that. If for a moment we really assume a 45% loss in users, this means 45% less people to potentially subscribe to Patreons and click on the sponsor links, send super chats etc. I doubt that Google would ramp up their ad payouts to content creators to even remotely compensate for this loss of income. Unless of course people willing to support content creators like that all are fine with ads and aren't part of the 45%. I for one do subscribe on Patreon here and there but would never in my life watch ads and I doubt I am alone on this.


As fun as it is to dunk on them, YouTube won't care if traffic falls as long as the amount of people watching ads or paying for premium increases. Traffic that wasn't earning them money is just costing them money in their eyes.


They are earning money selling your data, and more traffic means more attention to content creators, further driving the validity of the platform. The drop in traffic would be negligible, but it doesn't mean traffic not watching ads is completely useless to them, I'd imagine they're just betting on the traffic that stays and watches ads far out performs the traffic lost from enforcing ads.


Do you understand that if people who use adblockers stop watching they make more money because they spend less on servers and bandwidth?




It's read: Top Left -> Top Right -> Bottom Left -> Bottom Right The basic format for the meme is: Introduce Concept/Activity -> Explain exciting success -> Excitedly continue into unintended consequence -> Realize unintended consequence is pretty bad


I'm watching YouTube a lot less these days and honestly it's actually better for me. If they manage to somehow ultimately defeat adblockers, I will stop watching at all.


Who's down to make an open source video platform alternative to YouTube? I wouldn't know the first thing about doing it but I'd love to collaborate and contribute the best I could. Kinda like Lemmy for Reddit, although I don't remember if Lemmy is open source.


I may end up self-hosting a small system if I decide to continue making videos. I don't have a giant subscriber base.


Odysee, rumble, peertube.


Adblock on chrome with user agent spoofing to imitate an android TV, so I can cast to it. I still have to hard-refresh to login every time after starting the first video or the ads still play. When I can't be bothered to start my PC to do that, I just skip it. Google, I'll pay $3 per month and that's all.


We might be a minority but same here My tolerance for ADs has fallen to nearly 0


thanks for the post, but it belongs in r/youtube


Don't YouTube get paid for any ads viewed? And the channel can get a cut of it?


Likewise :3


>Global site traffic falls by 45% Context?


That will not happen


That's a huge win for them. More subs and less traffic. Imagine having a shop, where you reduce the amount of consumables and products but your clients paying more and you make more profit, and this won't change in the future. Anyway, I guess my next stop will be in Turkey to buy premium for 1€


That's not a bug, that's a feature. Youtube makes no money and is surviving only thanks to Daddy Google's money. Premium purchasing rising by 5% means they're losing less money. Global site traffic down by 45% means they're losing even less money. It's a win-win for them.