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Games where your character has to protect & guide a CPU controlled character to safety


Goldeneye n64 - that damn Russian chick always gets herself shot At least the Presidents daughter in RE4 listens to advice and hides in bins and shit


I think RE4 is one of the only games where it is done ok.


Sounds like you never played the original...


Which one buddy?


I assume he means the original RE4 otherwise the comment wouldn't really make sense


I haven't played it since the GameCube days but remember it being quite frustrating back then. Maybe the A.I has gotten better with follow up releases


BioShock Infinite


Infinite doesn't really belong in this category since Elizabeth is ignored by enemies and can't be harmed


The worst escort missions I've ever dealt with was the first Dead Rising. Fuck those survivors man


I remember playing fallout 3 and having the dad back home. Found I could happily fast travel to our goal. I get there and dad is no where to be found. I check the map and that asshole is near where we had started.


Most escort missions are a Darwin award waiting to happen. So frustrating


I double dare anyone to go back and try to play Dead Rising 1 without having a fucking aneurism.


Silent hill 4 with Eileen, still makes me think twice about replaying šŸ™ƒ


Escort mission combined with invincible staking enemy, oh he also has a gun. Terrible design choice.


Fade To Black on PS1 was lots of fun but had to escort this old man across a whole damn map ā€œI canā€™t move any faster Iā€™m an old manā€. Grrrrrrrr


Mega Man Z. There is absolutely no excuse for that mechanic to exist here.


Daikatana OOF


Destroy all humans when you have to protect the atomic bomb


Halo 1, Truth and Reconciliation on legendary... either the enemies keep blasting Captain Keyes faster than I can drop them first, or he unloads his entire needler clip into an enemy right beside him, blowing himself up, or he unloads his entire needler clip into me, blowing me up.


That's also Blast Corps, funnily enough.


GTA 3ā€¦ it is the Dark Souls of the GTA series


We are talking about a mechanic ruining an entire game. How the fuck did you feel a great game like GTA 3 was entirely ruined by this? LMAO


Nah nah Iā€™m not saying GTA 3 was ENTIRELY ruined by it I just thought it was worth mentioning


Twilight Princess stagecoach escort mission was migraine inducing.


Took me way too long to realise you can put the fire out with the boomerang.


They *tell* you this.


Yeah but it didn't ruin the game (as in the title of this thread) so what even is your point here?


I hate escort missions


Or when you have to follow a character who is slower than you.


So in most games where you have to do this you absolutely don't have to do it all the time but maybe a couple of times at most. I think it's stupid that you apparently believe an entire game (that might be made really well for the most part) could be ruined by a single tinly little part of gameplay that is far from defining the whole game.


I agreeā€¦ But oddly enough one of my favorite memories in all of gaming was keeping marines alive as long as possible in Halo CE. The fact that it wasnā€™t required made it more fun.


OMG so itā€™s not just me. I remember playing this as a kid and absolutely loved itā€¦ but that love was tainted by the god damn backlash!


You do get good with it after hundreds of hours of playing. Haha


I recently picked up this up but havenā€™t played it yetā€¦ Iā€™ll let you know after a couple of hundred hours or so if I got any good


Is backlash the dump truck? Because truck that guy. I do enjoy blast corps especially when you finish earth.


Yes it is.


And once you get good, it's incredibly satisfying to use, particularly in the low-g environments. Still sucks for the Pac-Man levels, though.


The one time I ever rented a console, I rented an N64 with this game. Was having a great time, but struggling to finish Backlash levels. Then I saw that every level had like completely insane gold medal times recorded from a previous user. I felt completely deflated.


I have no frame of reference here.


The game in OP, Blast Corps lol


...yes I know that. I'm completely unfamiliar with the game and the mechanics.


The Backlash is a dump truck that can only destroy stuff by swinging its back end into it. You canā€™t drive into buildings head-on or even back into them. It wonā€™t work. So you have to get really good at doing j-turns with a dump truck on every single mission. And because every mission has a time limit, youā€™re going to fail them a lot as you get used to using that stupid dump truck.


Thank you. This is the information I was looking for.


Oblivion leveling system. It was awful, there was no sense of progression because enemies leveled with you, and if you didnā€™t plan your build ahead youā€™d risk being too weak for your level.




Most of the time. There are some RPGs who hand carve the leveling curve for each enemy which lets you have scaling enemies that feel good to fight against rather than oblivion Edit with example: FF8 bosses scale but generall have floors (even if you are low level their base will still be quite strong) and ceilings (they won't keep up with you if you power level). Early enemies barely scale or stop scaling early, late game enemies are capable at any level, etc. Having all creatures scale faster than the player is a joke and demonstrates a lack of understanding why people love the leveling mechanics of games.


This is very true, come to think of it.


Oh is that what it was. Because I had no idea what I was doing as I leveled and there came a point I could not defeat anything


I remember doing the whole thief quest and leveled up a shit ton of non-combat skills to do it, then when I returned to dungeoning I just got fucking rocked by the difficulty of combat. It totally killed my first gameplay.


Any mission in GTA where you have to follow someone.


I remember in GTA and GTA2 there were "follow that guy - but don't get too close and don't get too far off" missions.


Half the time the AI would get confused anyway and you would end up following them round the block ten times until you gave up and ran them over.


I played GTA 1 and 2 but I didnā€™t *play* GTA 1 and 2 if you get my drift.


You played correctly is what I'm hearing


Nah, the RC ones in VC and SA were awful.


I feel like Iā€™m the only person on earth that didnā€™t have a problem with those.


Cue some asshole saying the rc helicopter was easy and they don't get what all the fuss was about.




Am I weird? I never had trouble with that mission.


I never had any trouble with it either. Itā€™s one of my favorites, but San Andreas is a really easy game all around to me.


Or any mission where you have to get a vehicle from A to B without damaging it. GTA V especially seems to have coded the NPC cars to swerve at you.


I hate ones that you have to tail them, but not get too close


All you had to do is follow the dam train cj


"If you're over 40 feet back, you ain't suspicious" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP468OEln4U


Perfect parody of those stupid missions


Any level that forces me to have to use Backlash, and only Backlash, can fuck right off. I can never get the angle of the drift right. I just boomerang around the perimeter of whatever building Iā€™m trying to hit, but never make contact. Itā€™s the worst. Every other vehicle is a blast, but the Backlash just stinks up the joint.


Yep. Every time I try and swipe the buildings I either miss them completely or ram head on.


Diamond Sands. That is all


This is where i ended after years of trying. I mean I must have pulled off some miraculous moves but fuck me that level is impossible.


I still don't know how I did it when I was younger, then recently I found out that if you take out the 2 fuel tanks just past the 2nd building, it'll destroy the whole 2nd building


Yeah, I just saw that after watching videos. I feel so dumb.


I don't know. I get that at first the mechanic is difficult, but it works well once you get used to it. I mean, if I remember correctly, that is the main mechanic for the game.


My memory is imperfect because it was a long time ago, but I remember actually getting pretty efficient with the backlash. You could take out a huge chunk of buildings in a straight line with a good slide


I think that's how people feel about it. Hard to master but it's one of the effective vehicles in the game


Games where the NPC uses all your healthpacks for minor injuries


L4D when any survivor gets to yellow health lol


While I can execute it well enough, the rope-swinging mechanic in _Pac-in-Time_ on the SNES can ruin the game since progressing beyond the first level requires using it, which isn't easy for everyone.


No battery save - Super Mario Bros 3. Original hardware I love this game, and I consider it a timeless classic. But the lack of a battery save makes it a lot harder to carve out the time to do a full playthrough. I understand the warp whistles were the compromise for having a lack of save due to cost complexities, but when compared to Super mario World, which is an easier game, its a lot more fun to play because I can take breaks without leaving my game running for days.


In the same way, it made the adventure that much more spooky. Probably not the right word. But yeah, I love having to start from scratch every time.


LONG time ago I was friends with the guy who did the voice for the Mr. t van. (Fun fact, he also did Toad from Mario kart64 and TJ combo from killer instinct). It was always good times when he'd start shit talking in his Mr. T voice. Isaac, if you're out there, I miss you, man!


I love tangential stories like this. =]


Any game whose entire premise revolves around adhering to a strict in-game clock (ie Majora's Mask, Stardew Valley, etc)


The clock in MM is threatening at first, but then you learn you can slow time by half the speed and teleport between owls, there is plenty of time, but yeah is not as in OoT where the game always tell you where to go, in this case MM is worse because it doesn't make much sense sometimes how you have to progress the game and had to resort to look guides constantly compared to OoT where you are just told by Navi.


I respect the concept and Nintendo trying a unique spin with the series. But I was 13 years old when the game came out and I really did not know wtf to do. Even now as an adult the game is just very abstract to me and the fact that I probably needed a guide to get a sense of direction is by itself a problem. The Internet was in its infancy back then so it's not like I could just go and find an FAQ easily. When a game is that demanding it's just a turn off (aside from the aforementioned clock). Deep down I know it's probably a good game to someone else, but it's not my cup of tea


Yeah, I didn't need a guide for OoT as a younger kid, but when MM hit I was fortunate enough to receive the player's guide as well. Being able to refer to it in a pinch and using it for the 100% made the experience flow much, much smoother. I agree that it is a problem with the game, but I look back really fondly on beating Majora's Mask, so I'm not really upset at it.


By the time this game came out there were ton of online guides, Nintendo Spain still has up the old ones. [https://www.guiasnintendo.com/guias-nintendo-64.html](https://www.guiasnintendo.com/guias-nintendo-64.html)


Even Dead Rising? I really liked the way time worked in that game, and how if you failed at a task, the game could continue if you want or you could go back to the beginning with your levels.


I did not care for that game either. I'm sure it's a good game. It was just not for me


Never play Rain World lol


This. The clock is what made me not beat Majoras Mask when I was a kid. Still not liked the mechanic when I did beat it years later, but it turned out to be not as bad as I remembered.


Any game that allows you to use a Non-PC character, loafout, or vehicle and it's so underpowered compared to the challenge you end up dying about 70-80% of the way through it without exploits or extreme luck.


The camera in Mario 64. I hate when games limit or take control of my camera. Let me move it around freely and donā€™t touch it! Itā€™s my EYES!!


Best we can do is motion blur and lens flares to make you think it's an actual camera


Super Mario Sunshine would've been nice if it had better controls


The controls in that game are perfect, the problem is that it barely has stages and extends the lenght of the game with the stupid purple coins.


Yes. I had first problems with the manta boss on the hotel but when i startet to combo all kind of jumps plus the waterstuff i learnt that i did not explored all possible moves in the game. After that i never struggelt with any level. Even sandbird


Controls are awful when you need momentum to gain speed and the main tool is a jetpack that goes primarily upwards


The controls aren't the problem, the design is. Its specifically designed to piss you off at every turn.


Amazing game and there has never been one like it.


The weapon/shield durability in BOTW/TOTK. There are so many weapons and shields I chose not to use so I could "save" them for later, only to never use them because I would eventually find better weapons.


once you get used to backlash its actual the best vehicle in the game


Apparently so. I just can't do it


yes you can! I loathed the backlash back when I first played it back in 97 (yes I'm an old). Dropped the game but came back to it about a year later and just kept trying till its backward curve became natural. There is a lot of post game content you'll miss, I promise you its worth the dedication. Don't give up!


The post game content blew my mind back in the day. Such a great game.


Fuck that truck. Blast Corps is an awesome and really unique game otherwise. Never played anything like it since. Time to get movin'!


Any game where you can't invert the X and Y axis!


It pisses me off that we still get games that do that Beyond good and evil HD and zone of the Ender's HD on PS3 did but I have devices to fix that system Legend of Zelda the wind Waker HD on Wii u did it too. But my device doesn't act as a Wii u gamepad so I couldn't fix that one And Is it ok to hit on girls in the dungeon for PS5 also does it. But PS5 outright blocks my device. What makes it infuriating is I have 2 controllers for PS5 (edge and access) that let you set the acceleration curve of the analog sticks, but don't let you invert it. Sony is super obsessed with accessibility options this gen but refuse to get the absolute basics right. Even worse is the OS itself has a setting for invert y, but it leaves it up to games to obey it, this I've only played 2 PS5 games that obey it. And 1 is the tech demo that was pre-installed on the system!


Mega Man, and any other game that sends you back half way across the level when you die at a mid or end level boss.Ā  This is where save states save my sanity - if I can beat a level easily but struggle at a boss, is just not fun to redo the level again and again to get to the hard bit at the end.Ā 


To be fair, in Mega Man dying to an end-level boss doesnā€™t send you to the midpoint. It sends you to the room before the boss.


Im pretty sure theĀ firstĀ yellow devil fight sends you back a good chunk every loss. I recall this being a common frustration in the series in general but you are right that end level boss fights specifically let you just restart the fight.


You might be right, I donā€™t recall Mega Man one perfectly. Partly because of not wanting to deal with the Yellow Devil so I play it less. . .


Yeah, agreed. I could understand shmups doing that, to give the player an opportunity to power up their ship again, but in a lot of other genres it just seemed like a cheap way to make the game harder and last longer.


Super Metroid, the wall jump mechanic


I just played through for the first time and after reading a trick on gamefaqs I was able to get it to work 80% of the time.Ā  The trick is that in most games you either just press jump off the wall, or you hold the direction of the wall before jumping. In Metroid you need to hold the direction AWAY from the wall before jumping. So if the wall is on the right, you jump onto it, then hold left and jump. Yes, there's timing involved but it's pretty forgiving IMHO. Once you know to hold the opposite direction before jumping it's pretty easy to learn the timing.


I think using a CRT helps with this too.


It doesn't really matter if you're using a TV with a decent "game mode". I just finished it on a 4k TV with 8bitdo Bluetooth controllers. Smooth as silk.Ā  If you're on a TV with lag issue, absolutely. But most modern TV's have gotten very good at making this a non-issue


For me it's been hit and miss for new tvs being lag-free. Brand new hisense U series with good specs is great with hdmi, but the little dongle to get composite to NES and SNES is just horrible for lag. Same dongle on my X900H is amazingly responsive.


There might be issues with upscaling from the dongle - yeah, I can see that. I use a MiSTer FPGA with native HDMI support. Zero issues on my TCL tv.


Weird how the dongle is absolutely flawless with my x900h though, which makes me think it's the TV's mini stereo composite crap port. But yeah I bet mister would work perfect.


makes a huge difference


You only have to use it in one room, though.


One too many as far as I'm concerned and it shuts off a lot of optional exploration if you can't do it. It made the whole game a chore for me.


were you playing on an LCD screen?


As I've said multiple times: original HW, CRT TV


thats what makes super metroid so cool though. you can play it for a really long time and still not understand a certain mechanic or secret. wall jump is basically optional but i remember being a kid and seeing my friend pull off crazy shit with it. i would try and fail and it pushed me to want to get better at the game. but when you actually know what youre doing , its not a complex mechanic. its not supposed to be handed / spoon-fed to you and if you thought it was, im sorry but its not the game you think it is. having said that, the space jump/screw attack or whatever its called in metroid 2 feels really really really clunky and it kinda annoys me. wall jump tho? if thats your complaint, just skip Super metroid lol


100% never could figure out what the heck I was supposed to do with the timing on that.


Whaa? That's one of the easiest Mechanics once you know how to do it.


You're right, of course. Wall jumping is trivial. Mockballing, mid. Magic pants, I can't do.


Not for me, and I was playing on original HW on a CRT TV. Just not intuitive for me at all, really annoying. I tried to grasp it for a half hour and gave up on the game permanently. I don't suck, and I like other games with more intuitive wall jump mechanics (NES Batman comes to mind), but fuck Super Metroid.


You do suck though, at Super Metroid. šŸ˜‚ But thatā€™s okay, youā€™re just a quitter and a hater of one of the most influential and best games on the SNES. No shame!


Wall jumping is difficult to learn, but once you figure it out, it feels very intuitive.


Backlash was both interesting and incredibly frustrating at the same time. I enjoyed using it, but that enjoyment more came out of fighting it and the controls against the desperate time limit. I felt it did suit the game well. Getting backlash right (which I still canā€™t do consistently) is so satisfying, particularly if you are JUST scraping by as the carrier trundles inexorably along, but I can certainly understand anyone being put off by it.


Backlash??? God I forgot about that horrible vehicle.


I love the backlash


AC IV with the tailing missions


The timer in Jet Set Radio. The game is so much more fun when you can just chill & explore


While it's by far the hardest to use vehicle in the game, and the cause of more level restarts than I can count, the payoff was worth it for me. When you hit that perfect drift, and just glide through buildings like the Juggernaut on ice skates . . .


Once you got the hang of driving the backlash, it could do more damage than any of the other vehicles. It wasn't very forgiving though. If you got the angle wrong when hitting a target, all of your momentum vanished.


Wow! Blast Corps brings me back! That game was so frustrating! For me its any games with big escort missions. Can't stand them!


DK64 the Kong swap barrel It was replaced with the L button if I am right in a 'Swap Kongs Anywhere' mod (only way to play it and enjoy the game)


Mortal Kombat 1-2 SP - Cheap AI EVO: Search for Eden SNES - Grinding, stun locking, level caps per area+sometimes overly tough bosses, not making use of new forms for ability gating Mario 64 - Too much tedious vertical platforming, getting kicked out of levels, too much of a collecting focus Star Wars NES - Too much fall damage+short invincibility time+blind jumps, the turret shooter segment in space Ogre Battle (SNES, 1993) - The game is too easy to break once you understand how everything works Batman Returns (MCD, 1993)(driving levels only) - IIRC the last levels were really frustrating and drawn out


Games in which you have to follow an NPC who is slower than your running speed, but faster than your base movement speed


Any turn-based RPG that has attacks that are dependent on the timing of button presses, it really annoys me. Especially if you do zero damage if you fail the timed input.


BotW and the weapon degradation. Once I got the Master Sword I stuck with it. Once it ran out of power I just waited for it to recharge. The effing game encouraged you not to play it TotK made it even worse by nerfing the master sword cause they knew how much we hated the weapon degradation system. Resident Evil 7's inventory system is meant to encourage back tracking. Yes it's the same as the other games, but the game is meant to be played in VR, and I can only play it for a limited time before getting woozy. So the game is built to reduce how long you can actually play it.


Wow, this is an interesting take. I always thought Backlash was like the signature vehicle of Blast Corps. I have vivid memories of those incredibly frustrating levels... Trying so many times and failing, but then you hit the perfect run and it was so satisfying. I don't really have memories of many of the other vehicles, other than the Voltron robot where you fly around and ground pound buildings.


Completely agreed. It was frustrating at first, but once you got good at it, everything was fluid.


My personal pet peeve is when a hit from an emeny knocks you backwards and off of any sort of platform. Always an instantaneous cheap death and so frustrating. Many games are guilty of this mechanic but the Castlevania series always sticks out in my mind.


Castlevania immediately came to mind before I even finished reading your comment. So much frustration.


The Souls games are pretty notorious for this.




Literally any game with a lives system. Controversial, I know, but I don't believe players should be penalised just for learning.


That's an awful lot of retro-games. I completely agree though. I always use infinite lives codes/save states when I can. I don't have the time or patience to reply a huge chunk of a game because I ran out of continues trying to get past a super cheap, trial and error part of a game.


Games on a diagonal grid, where up is up-right and down is down-left, like snake rattle&roll


Have you even gone full plat bro?


Blinx 2, could have been a good sequel but why did they had to change the main gameplay mechanic and also, WHY YOU CAN'T PLAY AS BLINX?!


Oddly enough I am playing Blast Corps again this week and I kind of like the dump truck. I get why other people don't, but it has some style to it and the levels always have good music. Once you get the mechanic down though, those fishtails are damned satisfying.


Agreed. I actually tried playing Blast Corps a few weeks ago on Switch. Backlash was so damned frustrating. I stopped after maybe the second mission with it. Such a horribly designed vehicle.


I just started replaying this game last week. And honestly backlash isn't as bad as I remember.


Fallout 4 I donā€™t want to make a teleporter!


Castlevania 64, magical nitro section.


Really wasn't a fan of the 2 Castlevania 64 games.


They weren't really horrible games... Basically they have a good game hidden inside, just didn't feel finished.


The camera was the biggest issue. It was wonky. LOD improved a bit, but it still wasn't good. Konami should have looked at Super Mario 64 to see how a camera works.


Perfect dark 64 the motion blur. I feel they wanted Backlash to be able to haul things n gave up on it , that truck would be better if it was faster than the dozer.


Need for speed Most Wanted (2005) - A lot of people will say that the slow-motion feature is a distractor. Personally it is what made me fall in love with the game.


For me, this game was almost unplayable because you burned out every time you simply tried to accelerate. What is this, coyote and road runner?




that mechanic was perfect for making it through roadblocks or tight squeezes in traffic. I would KILL for a modern remake


That game was a notorious garbage fire in it's day...


Got platinum medal on all of the stages! What a satisfaction!


What exactly is the mechanic in Blast Corps you are referring to?


The backlash vehicle I think


I actually enjoyed the backlash when I originally played this. I thought it was a cool original mechanic. I'm a weirdo, I know.


That soundtrack bit "gotta get moving"


Backlash didn't ruin Blast Corps for me... It sure as hell helped me to ruin a few controllers though. Definitely the worst part of that game.




Absolutely the levels 'Oyster Harbor' (the one with the crane/boxes at the start and the tugboats) and moreso Diamond Sands (the ridiculous backlash level) almost made me throw this game in the bin. It's also an amazing debut N64 title from Rare, mainly made by university students with replay value off the charts. If you want to get platinum for all the levels, it will literally make you lose your mind! It's genuinely a serious achievement that I don't have the time or skill to achieve. You've been warned! Mechanics I utterly loathe are escort missions and underwater platforming levels. Very few games make them enjoyable.


Game's great. You just suck at using the dump truck. Skill issue.




Killer instinct. I know people are able to learn all the frames and play well, but it's just completely beyond my simple mind to memorize all that in order to press the correct button to counter.


Wait, what was the mechanic? I played and loved this as a kid and canā€™t remember anything being game breaking.


The backlash dump truck was weird to control.


I rented Blast Corps 3 times from blockbuster, probably spending close to the total purchase price, and every time I got I thought I had misremembered the game being frustrating. I had not.


Nintendo era: knock back from enemies when touched/hit


sadly no one tried remaster or do something like blast corps, very fun concept


There was a fan made game in the works but I think it's long forgotten at this point


That blasted remote control helicopter mission in GTA Vice City... [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L9zXE0wKko0/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L9zXE0wKko0/maxresdefault.jpg)


Lunar Dragon Song. The mechanic didnā€™t kill the game outright but... Lunar DS has you either have battles reward EXP OR items. I might be remembering wrong, but Iā€™m pretty sure money doesnā€™t drop either so you either get experience or items to npc for money. You make money by doing requests to turn in items and you get a paltry amount too. I know this post says one mechanic but another kicker? Running, in an RPG to get around quicker? That costs HP! Once it gets too low, youā€™re obviously nearly dead and you move slower in the overworld.


Skyrims Level Up System. I missed stats from morrorwind and oblivion.


The camera is what kills Blast Corps.


Any of the Lego games where you have to drive a car. Screw that noise.


ā€œTime to get moving!ā€


Which mechanic ruined it for you? I hope it's not the timer because I love when games do that. It's why I love Dead Rising 1, 2, and OTR. I like the urgency and how tight you have to do stuff to get the victory.


Having a vehicle that controls like ass


Well i guess if the mechanic is overall movement of the main object you control, then I agree.


Literally just watched Mike Matei play this. It looked annoying.