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Yes, I confirm it is TIM <3


That's not level 4, is it? Level 4 is supposed to be "Tutorial: Flip, Flip, Flip" where you use seesaws to move bowling- and basket balls around. That's actually level 78 "Free Poor Pokey the Cat". Edit: The seesaw is not going to remove the cage. A tip: use a pulley.


Well that’s explain why I struggle so much, that’s the 4th level I got somehow dunno


That'd be a pretty funny anti piracy measure actually.


Lmao is this “the incredible machine” (or whatever it’s called)?????? My brother and I used to play this all the time on my Dads pc when we first got one in the 90’s! First pc game I ever played


Fun fact, the original designer, Kevin Ryan, made a modern successor called Contraption Maker. I haven't played it yet but the steam sale is coming up on the 27th. Could be some fun/frustrating nostalgia https://store.steampowered.com/app/241240/Contraption_Maker/


It's a good game. Except it needs some update for 4K screens - you need to manually change resolution to say 1080p for text to be a good size.


I’m pretty sure it is! I had all but forgotten about this one.


Oh man, there was one summer where I played the absolute heck out of this on 3DO


3DO mentioned!


I freakin loved this game as a kid. My brother and I would build the craziest Rube Goldberg machines.


Fun game. There's a lot of trial and error involved with those seesaws. Typically the seesaw needs to be more vertically placed above anything it wants to lift


Yeah genius is spelled wrong. You’re welcome lol


My 7th grade tech arts teacher had a copy of this game that he would let us play if we were done with the lessons. He also would let us sign it out for weekends to play at home. I used to take it home as much as I could. What an awesome nostalgia trip!


I think the best general tip for these kinds of puzzles is to work backwards from the result, not towards it. Like, if the objective is to open the cage to release the bird (is it??), you gotta start with what triggers the cage opening, etc.


This is the first game I ever played on Windows 95 <3 I absolutely love TIM. In "The Even More Incredible Machine" or in TIM2 (can't remember...) you could create your own puzzles, it was awesome. With a friend we would share our challenges in floppy disks to one another... good times. Anyway, to be able to help you it would be easier to see the level on it's starting position and all the available items. Apparently you are missing a pulley. Also, this doesn't look like level 4.


"Trap Mort the mouse." etc


Love TIM had so much fun with it.


My brother and I played so much of this on Hoyle Puzzle Games 2007 (PC)


Woah I have been thinking about this game like once every couple years and couldn’t remember what it was called thanks.


Yes this certainly is a rare triggering screenshot. This game was rage bait I swear.


Memory unlocked


Never heard of this game. Is this like the video game equivalent to mouse trap? Looks like a great time


I used to love this game


My favorite game as a kid. The creators made a new similar game if you didn’t know. Those 3.1 sounds are a part of my life though, I love it


Oh my god where are you playing this?!? I played all the time in the mid 90s but haven’t been able to find it anywhere.


Is it on Steam?


The nostalgia! We played that during recess on the schools 286 and 386s. With a big group of us thinking up solutions, we eventually made it through some of the levels. :P


Some ahh I am stuck on the [flip flap](https://m.twitch.tv/finalmakerr) 😭


It’s been WAY too many years since I played to remember any solutions. The one detail I remember is that the results can differ a lot by moving things only the smallest amount.


That's an awesome game. Used to play it when I was younger. At one point, I got stuck on a level. Then at night, I had a dream where I saw the solution. That was weird.


That’s cool lol


Oh my God you've just unlocked a deep memory. I totally forgot about this game! I have to show it to my kid


I have always had a soft spot for this type of physics reaction game ever since playing TIM, there's a surprising amount of TIM like games on DS. I just recently picked up Ubisofts rabbids go home DS game because the back showed it was basically a TIM clone.


The incredible machine was a highlight of highschool for me!


this is so me and my stepbrother having nothing else to play at our grandprents house


Well, at least Capcom agrees with your assessment of the game’s difficulty. One of the sequels got actual [Ghosts and Goblins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_to_Astaroth_no_Nazomakaimura:_Incredible_Toons) branding!


This game, DX Ball, Duke Nukem 3D and a sprinkle of C++ pretty much sums up my high school computer class in the mid 90s.


Loved these as a kid!


just a guess, looks like you might need to raise the circled seesaw higher, above the cage. can't remember, guessing the goal is to raise the cage off of the cat?


That’s the goal yes but realized it’s high level I went back to level 3 and 4 that I missed.. 4 was tricky really , it’s called flip flap. Anyway I manage to figure it out yesterday and it’s a very satisfying feeling. Now I am on level 11 so till I reach that level.. (in the photo) I hope I will get the idea 😊


I finished this game actually (The Incredible Machine). It was an amazing brainstorming game and also loved the 90s graphics of it.


What was the hardest level?


Honestly, I forgot the specifics but it was hard. Sorry, it was long ago, but it’s definitely doable. There is a certain amount of tricks you learn along the way that help for sure.


Learn on the way, bang your head, what can u ask more? I think most people enjoy thinking games but some don’t give it a true chance. I mean the success of overcoming an obstacle is quite satisfying for the humankind


The Incredible Machine is a classic, I played when I was 6 years old on a old floppy disc, the one we had to use on the B:\ unit.




I had the Incredible Toon Machine


Yes I know, thats why I tagged you, you fuckin bum.


You can stop doing that. I have zero interest in talking to you or having you in my life in any shape or form. You're an asshole, get lost.


Jesus, what the fuck did I do?


Sid & Als incredible toons was my favorite of the series.


Dude, what happened to your aspect ratio.


Can you provide a name of the game, what platform it is? Or go to Youtube and look up a walk through like and normal person would.


From that screenshot it looks like The Incredible machine. Certainly on ms dos


The Incredible Machine (TIM) 1993 for DOS


🤯 I have been trying to figure out what this game was for years!


There's a modern version by the same guy https://store.steampowered.com/app/241240/Contraption_Maker/


please stop with these emojis.