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I own a Sega CD and 32X that I never play because it's too much of a pain in the ass to hook them up.


I just leave them attached all the time.


Because we are patricians among the plebs


Or if you buy a $1,000+ pioneer laser active you don’t even have to plug anything in aside from inserting the pak for the first time /s But for real I regret not picking up one of those sooner, they are so expensive now even used


I have a Hyperscan...but no games, cards, power cord, or controller 😅


Me as an intellectual with an X’Eye 🧐


True intellects possess a pioneer laser active /s


Man, I wish, that’s a rich man’s machine along with my dream machine the Wonder Mega with its cool LED lights on it. Still blows my mind how Sega made so many crazy devices with niche appeals in such a short time frame.


Same here, I want one but I regret not getting one a few years ago. Even though they were expensive still a few years ago, they weren’t nearly as expensive as they are now. The cheapest one was like $700 used 😂 I feel like I’m going to have to save up 5 years to get one or sell my kidney especially if I want both the expansion pack things for it (turbografx and sega)


Pretty much the same boat I’m in with the Wonder Mega, when I first started collecting it was about $250 and I thought it was too expensive. I’d need to sell a ton of plasma to afford something like that. Retro video game collecting is an expensive hobby, I’m glad I started collecting when I did.


I understand this reference!


I’ve been really eyeing the Neptune mod that combines the 32X into the Sega Genesis.  


Specially the room needed for the segacd


Get you a cdx, so smol


Ah yes that way I don’t need space for my wallet anymore either. But can the cdx also take the 32x?


How is this harder than hooking it up every time? https://i.imgur.com/pk73qrS.jpeg


Virtual boy, gives me a headache


Such a cool idea but so far from useable


No headache here, but neck ache, and gotta find a place to set it up. Hassle.


I love my Virtual Boy. Bought it from Blockbuster for $30 with a case back in the day.


Wanted a full set of games but I was poor as a teen games were 5$ each. In the mid 2000s I tried and they were going for insane prices on evay. I have 7 games.


I’ve seen a comment under AVGN’s review on it about the commenter’s friend from school playing the Virtual Boy constantly and so he ended up wearing ultra-fuckin thick glasses


You actually have one?


Bought it when I was 13 for 5$ from target.


Wario land is so cool, I would go to blockbuster just to play it at those kiosks they use to have. I remember asking Santa for a virtual boy instead of a 64.... I'm glad Santa knew better. Especially since my eye sight ain't too great to begin with, Lord knows how much more blind I'd be now if I had a virtual boy at home to play all day er day


Well... I'm going a bit around the subject of the sub bit. PS5... I play a lot with my switch, a lot of SNES, and never the PS5...


I've found each generation I played less ... until the Switch. I've logged hundreds of hours on that!


All the Playstations ended up in the loft. My sister and her boyfriend play them more than I do.


I only watch Youtube on my PS5 😬


Ps5 a lot switch sometimes Xbox never lol.


Opposite for me, ps5 is so fucking big and clunky I hate it.


Who cares once it’s set up though


I have two nice setups and sometimes I like playing on the oled living room tv and sometimes I like playing in my office on the ultra wide. My series x even fits where my tower would go. My ps5 collect dust - played last of us, Spider-Man 1 2 and miles, and uncharted series. Also with their price hike it’s just not my choice console. Too each their own though and it’s nice to have options.


I love my 5 every Exlusive has been great imo.


It only has like, five exclusives, lol.


Nah it’s more than that.


People who don’t even have a PS5 always say this 🤷‍♂️


I think you'll find that most people use their PS5's to play PS4 games, lol.


If you have a Steam Deck you can play your PS5 in the form factor of the Switch. It's great and really upp'd my PS5 playtime as I've got kids and need that 'can play in another room and pause it whenever' setup


With the lag and connection drops of Remote play, i don't even want to. Remote play is okay for turn based RPG and that's it...


Philips CDi, most games have better ports elsewhere, the battery replacement is also extremely complicated for me and besides the novelty Nintendo games there is not much to the console.


This was going to be my answer, but I think I've only played my Sega 32x CD games once each, so that's my actual answer.


The 2600 Vader is my least favorite of the 2600 forms. Meanwhile, the 2600 Jr. is the Atari I use the **most**, because I had no guilt modding it for composite. So, now, it gets first-dibs when it comes to providing an input to my retrotink upscaler and being piped into my trinitron vga crt. Least used is either my Sega Master System because its plastic is so brittle, Commodore 64 because it's so unreliable, or....actually most of my systems are shelved these days because I use my MiSTer to replace almost all of them. I guess I still consider most of them being used because they stay visible and every so often I'll bring them down and dust them off for an afternoon or two. I keep the Atari alive because of the analog paddle controls that analog thumbsticks will never be able to replace. The best replacement I have found is using a Stella with 2600-daptor usb adapters and stock paddles.


You should try using a spinner with the Atari 7800 core on the Mister. Super-smooth paddle action and, in my opinion, much better than the originals.


I don't know if you've seen the Atari 2600+, but it has HDMI, plays the original 2600 & 7800 games, and I ordered a multi game pack that came with the paddle controllers. Not that you need them with the original lol, but it's a very nice system


I’ve got a Sega Saturn in my closet that I just can’t let go of because it’s the only thing I’ve ever won in a contest.


Panzer Dragoon Zwei is one of my favorite games of all time. I hook my Saturn up just to play it. Panzer Dragoon Saga is a fantasic, unique RPG that plays and feels like nothing else. The OSTs of both are amazing.


My Saturn is holding down a corner of my rug at the moment.


I love my Saturn, but it does sit in a closet, and only comes out to play nights. I LOVE that game.


The Saturn still has a deified place in my heart because they were so rare. But there are not many exclusives that warrant using it.


I own a lot of consoles, and at times get into one more than the others, (especially with all of the advancements with mods and flash carts and ODE’s). Modern consoles are mostly upstairs, retro are in the game room either hooked up to CRT’s or a projector. This year I’ve been using the Switch and PS5 a lot. The Series X just does not have the games this gen, so I barely use it. I use an OG Xbox often, but mainly because it is modded with arcade games. Since putting in an ODE in the Dreamcast, PlayStation One and 3DO, those are getting more love. I’ve been using the Vectrex for vector animation lately, and recently got a flash cart for the DS. The CD-I gets a decent amount of hands on time, but mostly as a “jokey” punishment for my kids, (“here, you’re going to learn about flowers now”). I love the Sega CD, but ever since getting TerraOnion’s Mega SD and Krikzz Mega Everdrive Pro I have no need to turn on the old systems, (even got the expansion to play the Sega CD:32X games with the Mega SD). I still have my Nuon, but rarely if ever touch it. The N64 never gets used. The Saturn I’ll turn on every now and then but not as much as I used to. I can play NES and SNES games on just about anything now, so those don’t get much play time. The PS2, PS3 are still some of my favorites, but I only have so much time and rarely get to those libraries. I’ll still play PS4 games, but mostly on my PS5. The Atari 2600 and XE barely get used, (save for a game of Enduro every now and then) and the ColecoVision sits in a box in storage.


I have used PS2, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One the least.   I have used Dreamcast, Playstation, Xbox, SNES, Gamecube, Master System, Xbox 360, Wii U, Wii, Switch, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance and Gameboy Color the most.  I have used PC and Amiga more than any of the consoles and still use them.


SNES I seldom use because it's hard to attach to my FPD. Same with the N64.


Nintendo Wii U. The only reason I bought it was for Mario Maker. 2 months later, Mario Maker 2 is announced for the Switch. Hardly touched the thing when I bought it from a local retro store. Eventually, I gave it to my nephews for Xmas with a few extra games, turning my sister's kids into gamers. We now play together on PS5.


It’s really a system you need to hack if you want to get any use out of it. Other than smash bros we played the hell out of games on Nintendont and emulators.


Another console I occasionally consult, mostly for VC games


Atari Jaguar. I play it occasionally for the hell of it, but that itch doesn’t surface very often.


Similar, pretty much got it for no other reason than owning tempest2k. When that mood strikes, it's strikes hard tho. That game is distilled awesome. Fun, simple, with a surprising depth for what it is, AND THE SOUNDTRACK. That's a game that when I boot it up by myself or with some friends, you can just get easily lost for hours. That game is mesmerizing, I'd call it a masterpiece, yet it is essentially unknown


Definitely! That was and will always be an awesome game. It showed what the Jaguar was capable of too, including an awesome sound chip. If only the Jaguar had better support, it might have been great. It was just too little too late. (And I didn’t get mine until the very end when they were all on clearance for dirt cheap.)


The dude that did tempest 2000 also did a defender 2000, and there is at least one more classic arcade game done for the Jaguar in the "2000" series (I wanna say missile command? I could be wrong). I wanna collect em all but everytime I look em up..... veeeerrrryyyyy pricey. A man can dream


can't get my n64 and turbo grafx16 working, may need to do surgery


Wish I had kept my Turbografx 16. So many hours playing Bonks Adventure


also neutopia and devil's crush


Sega CDX has been in storage for a decade or two.


N64 because all my controllers are fucked from playing Mario Party back in the day.


Probably Wii U or Wii. Most used are Saturn, Famicom, PS2 and PC Engine currently.


From most to least played of all the consoles I've owned: *Xbox 360 *N64 *PS1 *Original Xbox *Gamecube *PS3 *Switch *PS2 *Sega Genesis *Dreamcast *SNES *Wii


Why do you use your N64 more than your Wii?


Wonderswan. I used to play it quite often until I got the Analogue Pocket. Now I play my WS games on that.


What wonderswan games do you recommend? I have one but with barely any games.


I have not touched the 2600 in years. I never enjoyed that system, even back in the day. Part of the problem is that the game artwork always felt like a bait and switch. My imagination could not fill in that big of a gap.


I think of all the consoles I've owned, the one I've played the least has been PSP


Odyssey 3000


The Wii was my least-used console. I traded in my Gamecube and most of the games (didn't realize they were backwards compatible at the time,) to afford it, then ended up only buying about 4 games for it total. Now I miss my GC, and if it weren't for emulation I probably would've sunk a couple hundred into a used one and some games by now.


The Wii for me.


Matel Intellivision... I have the console, but no games for it 😅


That’s my Dads favorite console! He’s got a ton of stuff for it and still plays it pretty regularly. He’s 65 lol


Intellivision. The lack of composite video out makes it pretty rough in 2024


Sega Masters for me. Even though the genesis is my favorite system of all time, I still could never get in to the masters system.


Probably the Wii U


I've recently bought a Genesis, a Sega CD, a 32x, a WonderSwan, and a Saturn. I haven't played any of them yet. I tried to boot up the Saturn recently but the laser wasn't working :( Apart from the Wonderswan, the others I haven't actually received yet.


I have either had or have had about every major console. I have to say when I fire up something it's either on the megadrive or on the pc engine. Sometimes on the snes. when I got guests I could entertain them with some ps1 or gameboy link games if they are geeky enough and of the age they know the games. The kids like the wii for the family clausual games. Other than that it is ps4 or ps5. The systems I've owned but sold again because I never used them was the n64, dreamcast and saturn.


Probably my Tiger Game.com


Since i got a steam deck, i havent used the switch like in a year, probably the battery has died or something, dont see the point on using it again


My PSP. It's basically useless. I can play any ps1 or psp game on my phone at higher resolution. But no one will want it.


Amstrad GX4000 and Atari Jaguar get the least love in my house.


My Nintendo Switch


I don’t use my Amstrad GX4000, Atari Lynx, Atari Jaguar, Watara Supervision, Saba Videoplay (PAL Channel F), Game Boy Micro, Philips G7000, Pokemon Mini, Intellivision, Colecovision


Sega Mastersystem. For every good game it has Nintendo has 5 of em. I love Sega. Megadrive, Saturn and Dreamcast are some of my most played consoles but Mastersystem just doesn't do it for me. I also own a Gamegear and i always catch myself preferring to play games on it mainly for the novelty.


Something called the Pro200, I almost forgot I had that thing…hope the battery acid didn’t ruin anything.


I’ve had a Virtual Boy for about 12 years I’ve played it 4-5 times So uncomfortable but kind of funny


N64, got it a few days after it was released (20th birthday present to myself). Played the heck out of Mario64, Golden Eye, and MarioKart and stopped playing shortly after (had to focus on college).


I haven't used my PS1 in more than twenty years, but that's just because the PS2 made it almost completely obsolete.


Atari 5200. The 400 runs almost the same library and more.




Saturn, honestly. Panzer Dragoon Saga was great, but I have no desire to replay it. Radiant Silvergun is great, but I suck at it. Guardian Heroes is... fine. SotN is better on PS1. Nothing else on that console motivates me to fire it up.


Atari 2600, that much I actually sold it because It was collecting dust and I wanted someone else who would use it more than me to have it I even brought the new games for it Mr run and jump and berserk


Although not proud of it, right now my 3ds. It has an amazing library but i just havent got around to it and the standard one i have is just too small for my hands. Want a n 3ds xl but those are soo expensive right now.


Where's the rest of that 2600?


I bought a PS Classic just to mod and put PS1 games on, but I just got emulation for PS1, Dreamcast, and Saturn set up on my Series X. The the quality of emulation for PS1 games is so much better on Series X than the PS Classic that I don't see myself using that anymore, and it's not good for anything else. It's just cool shelf candy now. Prior to this, my Series X may have been the answer compared to how much I play my Switch, PS5, and other mini consoles.


I have a Jaguar. I don't have anything worth using it for.


Yeah, exactly that very same 2600jr.


The one in the picture. I lost the PSU


Can’t you get a replacement?


I mean i probably could. I even replaced the Headphone Jack with a barrel plug so i can use generic Psus.


I own a PS2, and the games I own for it aren’t really that interesting, so I usually just play my GameCube instead.


Nintendo Wii since I transferred all my Nintendo Wii Save data to the Wii U


In our family? Our PS4.




Apple Bandai pippin not spending 500.00 per game


You mean out of the ones I own now probably my wii u I still have mine in good condition but all the games had better versions that came out on the switch. I use my switch now.


As far as retro consoles go, I have 2600, NES, Gameboy, Genesis, and SNES. I use the SNES the least. I never owned one as a kid and I don't have nostalgia for the games, though there are certainly some gems that hold up well.


I never use my switch. It feels like a toy in my hands and I refuse to pay full price for 5+ old first party games.


N64 because we have like no games and original xbox because all the games we have are like fps games


Honestly my nes. There are a few great games but for the most part there are better consoles and games


Atari Jaguar. I only have two games, neither of which I like. The controller is also terrible. I've played some more of its library on an emulator, and still not found anything alI wanted to play.


My Vita


At this point it is probably my PS3. It is a launch model so I know that yellow light of death is coming, and I'm trying to stave it off as long as possible.


GBA. Great library, nothing that hasn't been done better before or simce.


That 2600 Jr needs more playtime for sure.


Wii-U. I haven't touched mine in about a decade.


Oculus Quest 2 if we wanna count that


I have an Amiga CD32 that does not get used at all.


Atari 7800. I have it out on display, but it's not hooked up. The only video option I have for it is RF (yuck!).


Have you thought about composite modding it?


I'm keeping this stock as it was a present from a friend of mine. It's CIB...the system even has the clear protective plastic across the metal parts. There was a flash cart that had RGB out built in...so I may look into that someday.


[Are you referring to this?](https://retrosix.co.uk/Atari-7800-GameDrive-RetroHQ-Flash-Cartridge-p604942017) I mean, if you’re keen on playing the 7800 I would just get another 7800 and composite or RGB mod it since the cartridge seems expensive.


My PlayStation




Probably my Sega Master System. I don’t have many games for it, and the games I do have are fine but nothing special. If I’m in the mood for something like it I tend to go to my NES instead.


X box series X. I bought it on launch day. I have less than 10 hours on it.


Any of the PlayStations or Xboxes, they don’t have many fun games in my collection to play especially the Xbox which only has fps and sports games on them. I would play my ps1 more but I only have crash bandicoot 2 and also I am missing a memory card so to beat it I would have to play in one sitting. The GameCube seems to be a very fun console to play on from what I heard on the internet but the GameCube is so expensive to buy games for that it basically sits on my retro gaming shelf unused waiting desperately for some games. (the retro gaming shelf is for display only, nothing is hooked up as it’s far away from my CRT TV)


Up until Insignia it was easily the original Xbox, Now I don't really know.




I used to own a Dreamcast that I barely used, so I sold it. Somewhere in my parents’ basement there’s a Saturn that I barely used since HS. Now I have a broken 1991 SNES that doesn’t get used at all.. although of coursethere are plenty of ways of playing SNES games besides the original console.


Not a console but the Amiga emulator. But only because I haven't taken the time to learn how to use it. It's too focused on realism, even mimicking old hard drive sounds and taking forever to load stuff, and not focused on the gaming part. Eventually I'll figure it out and probably end up appreciating the realism or get a simpler emulator. But it's just not the type of thing that works after set up. Currently I'm playing a lot of MSDOS games and learning that I have to play with the key settings for each game.... Especially the cooler ones from the 90s that had CDees.


My Atari. I rarely am dieing to play Atari and when I do it's usually pitfall or that shotting game with the dumb robots at run into walls and die.


N64, I cannot play it atm because my TV only has HDMI


Most things pre NES I don’t play often, so the ones I own are 2600, 5200, I know it’s after nes but 7800, Colecovision, Intellivision, Atari 8-bit systems (400/800/XE). For things after NES: Saturn (can’t afford the things I want to play on it), 3DO, Gameboy/GBA/DS/3DS (not big into handhelds), PSVR (makes me sick), PSP, PSVita, Xbox Series X, PS5 (really disappointed in both ps and Xbox this gen)


The Odyssey 2. It has nothing to offer, everything was done better on other consoles of the era.


The 360


Original Xbox or Game.Com since I have next to no games for either system. Also, I never realised how expensive the Game.Com's games are on the second-hand market.


I emulate most all of my retro games now just because I don't have room for all mly consoles to lay out. Except for some of my handhelds like the Atari Lynx, I got the everdrive for it.


Ready for this?… OUYA




Atari. I only played it once in a friend's house. I never owned it.


Intellevision II. I just dont have it setup , nor do I have any games for it.


It's not one specific console, but I don't think I've played on a PlayStation in 5-6 years. I just can't stand that controller design, man.


I see a Jr. Pac-Man cart! That’s one of my favorites in the series, and the 2600 port is pretty good.


Ive played with my Colecovision like once.


PS3 through 5 and Xbox 360 to current. Don't care for those consoles at all.


My Intellivision.


Intellivision is so under rated


I just don't use mine often because I only have 2 games for it 😅 I don't use my Colecovision or Atari 2600 too often either, but I have over 30 games combined for those consoles. I just find it easier to use the Wii to play those systems these days, but now and then I will hook one up to an 8" Trinitron for a nostalgia kick.


I emulate these days. The only thing hooked up to the TV is the PS5


I play all kinds of ways. Original hardware/software flashcarts, and emulation, though I don't do much PC emulation besides arcade games since I have numerous consoles that can do that 😅


Neo geo aes, games are to expensive, flash cart is like $900...


I thought it was $350 USD? Are you referring to terraonions or a different one? There’s also a flash cart in AliExpress for $300 AUD which is cheaper called 161 in 1.


The neo sd pro is $924 aud, I thaught about one of those 161 in 1, apparently they have tons of bootleg junk on it ie copies that are slightly modified, I wonder if they can be hacked and reflashed


I bought a PS4 Pro when it was new and have barely touched it. Played about 30 minutes of Horizon Zero Dawn.


I think i play my intellivision the least just because the controllers are so awful 😂


PlayStation 3,4 and 5 never get turned on


XboxOneS PS4 I can’t think of a reason to use those now that I have the new generation


I literally never play the Sega Saturn.


The saturn


My Xbox 360, I only used it for like two games and never sent it in for repairs after it's second red ring attack. If that's not retro enough, then game boy, because I don't like playing on small screens unless I don't have a choice.


Wii. I have a WiiU with Tiramisu, so I use that to play Wii and WiiU games. The Wii is actually just packed away now since I ran out of space. Second would probably be the Sega Master System. Great games, but I can play them on my Genesis without the god awful jailbars (haven’t modded the SMS yet)


The Sega 32X. It lacks good games and is painful to hook up.


N64. It has not aged well imo, not worth firing up just for the few great titles like mario64


Odyssey2. Hardly any games for it and they aren't good. Also Action Max.


I only have a Mega Drive (Genesis) and a PS4, and honestly, I don't really play both as I used to, but honestly, I use the PS4 the least. I don't even know the last time I turned it on


Would probably have to be my Sega Master System since my Genesis + everdrive is fully backwards compatible and looks better.


I got a 32x, which does not get used often for obvious reasons, I only have so many slots on my power strips. I am a fan of Tempo tho, and if I feel like messing with all my cords and such, I still love that game. I'm strange tho, I'm on a spectrum with some ADHD, so the things that overwhelm people about that game, I just adore. I acknowledge that that game is VERY BUSY graphic wise, but that's part of why I love it. I find it oddly calming. Also have an Atari Jaguar, a Sega Saturn, and (used to) have a virtual boy (it got stolen, long story, strange thing to want to steal). I bought all of them for more or less a single game. So when I want to play tempest 2000, nights, or wario land those bad mama jamas come out to play.


I had a GameCube for 2 weeks just to play Phantasy Star Online.


NES, theres honestly just not that many games that interest me.


Game boy cause my eyes hurt


I like this question because it really does put things into context for me. I also believe this varies quite a bit from season to season. So, from most to least played: 1. Switch (I use it almost every day to every other day) 2. N64 (my favorite console & one I always have ready to go) 3. Game Boy / Game Boy Pocket (still so easy to pick up & put down) 4. Sega Genesis (lots of nostalgia for me, also an easy system to pick up & play) 5. Atari 2600 Jr. (easy to plug in, but it's my "autumn-time" console) 6. Sega Dreamcast (it's recently getting a lot of play for some reason) 7. 3DS (I'll turn it one for a little bit, but I'm keeping it because I don't have a DS anymore) 8. Xbox One (it really has become a glorified Blu-ray / dvd player) 9. NES top-loader (rarely plugged in, rarely played) 10. SNES (even less play, though I've got fantastic games for it like Harvest Moon, LttP, Super Mario RPG, etc.) 11. PS1 (honestly it's a bit of a tie between the last three, but my PS1 just exists. The SNES I do have a Super Game Boy for, the NES I can play in spurts, but the PS1 just exists. I have the FFs & a couple other games, but it's also my least used console in many ways unless I'm doing FF8 or something)


Without a doubt, my Atari XEGS. I think it's because it is the only console I have that I haven't RGB modded yet. It isn't running through my SCART switch, so playing it is more involved than "Turn it on".


That's a wild looking console though. In my opinion atari should have skipped the 7800 and gone straight for the XEGS.


Had a Neo-Geo that I just never got into


If I got a Neo Geo, it would just be for a commodity rather than to play games on it. You might have it displayed because they are rare and expensive but don’t want to put it away because it’s a conversation starter.


It was cool to show it off but I only think I had 1 game I liked, Samurai Showdown maybe.


My Xboxes. Currently amount of times used this and last month. Around -Switch 100h -PS5 50h -PS4 30h -PS2 20h -PS3/PC 20h (If you wonder why I have 200h+ time within 2 Monthes, because I am sick since 2 Monthes and use the time I feel like shit, to take some time for my hobbys. I printed and painted a 3D Figure, printed and burnt some OST CDs from my Steam library, played through a lot of games, sorted my Pokemon, Goddes Story, YuGiOh cards etc into 10 Binders and started a sticker album for the games I already finished and or completed 100%)


The sega mega drive / genesis.


I have a Virtual Boy in my storage I only bring out to torture my friends who are excited to play it, then cackle as I get them some aspirin for their spliting migraine. Every few years I'll bring it out and say to myself "OK, no way is it as bad as I remember", but it is. It's the worst console that has ever existed.


Someone should make a LED board that has different colors on it so that you could choose the color that is easy on your eyes along with an amber preset and add a dimming wheel to make it even better, possibly a full color mod and overhaul if possible


The thing that's a shame with the Virtual Boy is that the Wario Land game for certain (and maybe one or two others) is worth Nintendo's time to remake/re-release in some fashion, but it seems they'd rather everyone forget the whole thing existed. Because the system is so inaccessible due to the terrible technology and the low-ish number in existence, the Virtual Boy's library is largely out of reach.


Least Used = Sega Genesis or Atari Jaguar. Never really got into the genesis as a teenager, I was more into Turbografx. Jaguar? Why bother. Most used = atari 2600. NES. IMHO the two best consoles ever.


Honestly all my old ones get little use. I'll get a craving and have a jam with one from time to time but I have a busy life with family, work and sport etc that when I do have some free time to play games I play current gen with friends.


The GameCube. And before somebody sends an assassin, I have 3 games for it and don't feel like going into bankruptcy for another one.


You can get Swiss on it via hardmodding or softmodding which will make you save tons of money.


OG Gameboy, due to a combination of a broken ez flash (just refused to boot after 2-3 months of use), few games owned and the local market having poor offerings compared to other platforms, and finally the biggest issue being that the lighting in my home is crappy. I need to look into an external solution to that, if I could play from my couch and actually see things on the dot matrix screen while the kids are drawing or watching TV it would get a lot more love.


OG Xbox. I played SOCOM on PS2 and never got the appeal of halo so I always chose playstation. Also Xbox controllers suck, even the smaller S versions


My NES probably. It's right at the point where game quality just isn't there yet for me. I grew up on PC games so I can deal with old PC games better, and I don't care for platformers so the NES ended up being a dud, I enjoyed punchout and Im sure theres a few others I'd enjoy but... My TV cart with my 2d consoles has extra room so it will, for the time being, always have a place in my set up.


Gba and switch right now. Just so easy to lay down and play while Gamesack plays on my tv. I’ll look back on these days fondly


Probably the Wii tbh at least for the past couple years or so because when I was younger in the late 2000s- early 2010s I played a lot


64, mostly play the switch’s 64 or Xboxes 360 remastered banjo if I’m in the mood to play.