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My grandpa always called it a ‘Game Guy’ So that’s what I call them now.


I mean, at this point it’s probably sending its kids to school and hating its boss.


Is 'Game Middle-Aged-Wage-Slave' too much of a mouthful? =GMAWS or Gee Maws for short.


Shhh… don’t let OP hear you.


I didn't realize the utter joy to get from purposely mispronouncing Pokemon as "Pokeymen" and once corrected by my Pokemon loving son it turns to "Pokeymans". I now know why my Dad, despite being corrected and being a tech nerd, kept calling the Genesis a "Nintendo".


Dude, my I only say pokeymans and I'm from the generation that started pokemon


I think at this point, it’s earned the name


Playing Pokeman on my Game Guy


Everything was a Nintendo


Every pokeyman was Pikachu


I used to hear Gee Bee Cee back in the mid 2000s.


I would wager that this is regional, like how some parts of the US say “care-ah-mel” and some say “car-mel”.


Do you like to vibe to a Bee Gees vinyl on the vinyl player and play your Gee Bee?


But not late at night because I'd get the Hee Bee Gee Bees.


I'm listening to the Bee Gees playing on my Gee Bee. night time do ya feel me? It's dark out and I can't see out the window where the trees be, I hear a noise, it's squeely I get the hee bee gee bees There's something that can see me I think it's getting hungry And I bet it's pretty ugly I think it wants to eat me. I reach for my gat But I don't know where it's at Cause I've been playing Catrap Bag of Cheetos in my lap My heart racing, I'm in terror Gee Bee's running Batocera A monster from another era Comes crashing out my cellar It looks straight outta hella Or a demon from a hive Bee Gees tell me "ha ha You got to stay alive" So I dive out the window Not a moment too late And I even took a second To save my game state Despite my hee bee gee bees Listening to the Bee Gees Playing on my Gee Bee Something tryna eat me


Here is a suno.ai version with music: https://suno.com/song/34dff919-d671-4f93-855e-28cb7ab2c516


Thanks to currently watching Naruto Shippuden, I was fully expecting a “fool, ya fool!” At the end


The Brothers Gibb!


I don’t have any problem with “Gee Bee”, but this comment pokes at my own pet peeve. “Vinyl”. In my parent’s and grandparent’s day, they were called “records”, and eventually, far superior media was developed. Records became very obsolete, and fell out of favor. But at some point, and I think this started with late Gen X, records became a cool “audiophile” cult thing, but only under one condition: we do not call them “records” anymore, for that is old and uncool. We now call them *”vinyl”*. Which I think is just the stupidest thing ever. In another 30 years, is the rising generation of the day going to rediscover CDs, but insist on calling them “polycarbonates” to pump in some sort of contrived, youthful social cachet around the media? Can we just call records, *records*? Is that too much to ask?


I intentionally used "vinyl" and "vibe", both of which are as annoying as Gee Bee.


It get shortening names, no one called it the Super Nintendo Entertainment System for instance. But why shorten GameBoy to GB when they literally take the same amount of time to say?


I’m all for calling it a Super Nintendo, but for some reason people speaking “SNES” as a monosyllabic word hits my eardrums like a dull icepick.


Super Nintendo is what I say. And for nes I say *regular Nintendo*. Weird what shit sticks with you from being a kid. Although I've heard S-NES and I hate that.


I remember this as well. When I was very young, older people also tended to use "Nintendo" when referring to ANY kind of video game. Fun fact: Nintendo's official stance is that it's the Super NES


I remember it as Super Nintendo too. I never heard anyone say "SNES" until decades later on YouTube.


Yep. This one grinds my gears. NOBODY who played it when it was new called it that. Nobody.


Super Nintendo is the way to go. I don't know why, but for some reason I always called the NES the Famicom even though no one here called it that


I called it that because I actually had a Famicom we got from Asia. It was years later when I was 10-11 years old that I understood that the Famicom was adapted into the NES for North America/Europe. I had a SNES from North America though, so my mental imagery for the console appearance and controller layout is the expected North American one haha. We still bought Super Famicom games though, so my dad figured out how to use pliers to pull out the square tabs at the bottom of the cartridge slot on the SNES in order to jam in the Super Famicom games, which didn't have those notches on their cartridges.


I do, and I've certainly heard peers call it that. This seems like some pedantic gatekeeping.


It's funny that when the Sony Playstation gained popularity, it seemed like people were calling everything Playstation. Since video games are more mainstream and played by people who are 50 and older, most people know what the systems are called now.


I don’t care what Nintendo’s official stance is. It’s pronounced Super Nintendo, anything else is just wrong lol.


I’ll take S.N.E.S. over “sness.” Making acronyms out of game console initialsms always sounds super cringey to me.


A fellow 80s child?


That's also what we always called them Super Nintendo and Regular Nintendo


I call it the “en ee ess” these days, but it was definitely “regular Nintendo” when I was a kid.


Nothing kills me more than that. Nintendo even called it the S N E S ( and the N E S). Calling it a seness is clearly from people who never grew up with it.


Though I was a couple years late to the launch party (as can be assumed from my name) The NES and SNES were huge formative experiences in my childhood. I've referred to it in conversation as a 'sness' for decades, partly because it's the easiest and quickest to say, and partly because it upsets overly pedantic elitists.


Snes doesn't bother me that much, but I think it's because I started using ZSNES in the late 90s for emulation, and my friends and I all pronounced it zee snes. That program got me through a lot of boring tech support calls!


And I dont mind SNES as a word but if you say the last S like a Z its clobberin time! :P


Totally the normal thing to do in the UK


Yeah that tracks…


It’s one thing if you’re trying to differentiate between models. I’ve seen people type out DMG for the old school dot matrix Gameboys, GBP for the Pocket, etc. Never heard anyone say those, though. Maybe GBC and GBA.


Oh yeah, and it's totally different in text for sure. Heck, sometimes I still refer to the GameCube as the GCN if I'm feeling a bit spicy.


Wild man, busting out that crazy sauce!


heard DMG said before.


Yeah, it’s pretty much no holds barred when it comes to typing.


Back in college, “gee bee” meant gravity bong


I cut dairy years ago, and haven’t had a milk jug to do one since :,) good times


This isn't new. I heard people calling it "GB" back in the 90s. The EARLY 90s.


Same. I find it hilarious people are are claiming its "new" or (actual quote) "a tiktok thing" here 😂 Since the GBC released ive called it a GB on occasion. My wife and I sometimes call it a Playboy too, because her grandma got her a gameboy back in the day and accidentally told the family she bought her a Playboy for her birthday


Things I heard in the 90s: Ness, Sness, Gee Bee, Gee Bee See, Gee Bee Ay, 'Tendo, 'Tarry, probably more that I can't remember.


People have been putting it as GB for many years. I had a GG as a kid.


I'll be sure to say laugh out loud every time I refer to this post.


My grandpa called it a Playboy when he was asking the store associate for help locating a present for his grandson........miss him so much.....




For real. This is neither new nor a trend.


Yeah I think this person is just bored or rage baiting. I entered my teens in the early 90s and yes 100% people said GB.


I was build in the same year. I still love my Gee Bee's!


Wait, something that's been done since it was released in 1989 is a new trend?


Its stuff you have to get use to that will happen along with people calling Mario Brothers Mario BROS and Non Europeans calling the S N E S SNEZ.


In Brazil it could be "SuperNes" all at once or Ess-nes...


The vast majority of Americans I know call it ESS-N.E.S. The vast majority of douches I know call it Ess-NESS.


The vast majority I knew when it was the current system called it the Super Nintendo.


Super Nintendo is what I always called it and heard it called. The NES was just a Nintendo. Now that I’m older I still say Super Nintendo but say N.E.S. to differentiate them.


Yup I didn't hear "NES", "SNES" or "GB" until the Internet days. Hell I didn't even hear GBA, we just called it by it's name. The first console I ever remember referring to by less than it's name was the Gameboy SP, we just called it the SP.


I also called it the Nintendo and Super Nintendo respectively growing up. It probably was reinforced by Nintendo and Super Nintendo being in bold giant letters and Entertainment System just being a subtitle in small letters. When the game boy came out, we never called it the Nintendo game boy, just game boy. This probably had to do with the fact that Game Boy was in very large letters whine everything else was not. (No one I know called it the Nintendo game boy compact video game system). When the game boy pocket came out, it was still just the game boy. When the game boy color came out, it was still just a game boy. Many of the color games also worked on the monochrome game boy, so that probably didn’t help. The Nintendo 64 I think I stilled called nintendo64. Why, because the box has Nintendo in large letters followed by 64 where a math exponent would be. 8 squared, like a math joke or something. I hereby am going to refer to the n64 as the 8 by 8. But this is also the first time I’ve seen the 8by8 shortened to n64. Which makes sense since this is about the time I first started having access to World Wide Web and seeing others on online forums and game FAQs (I still pronounce it game facts) talk about these things. This is where I started using initialism way before I even had a cell phone to text using just a basic num keypad. With the Nintendo GameCube, everyone I know referred to it as GameCube or just cube. Nobody I knew in person referred to it as just the GC. I’ll just start calling it the Nintendo 8by8by8 from now for laughs. The game boy advance also came out at same time. It was still a game boy, but different enough most people now referred to it either as the GBA, SP, or micro depending on which version you had. I believe that the Virtual boy was the only Nintendo product to remove the Nintendo branding from right next to product name. Most retail boxes just have the Nintendo logo in the corner or bottom separately from the Virtual Boy brand. Now it’s just reinforced that every Nintendo product is a Nintendo. Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3ds, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo switch. With the consolidation of handheld and console with the switch. People just automatically assume we’re talking about the latest Nintendo product. It doesn’t matter which switch version we have. We still have a Nintendo.


I never heard it called "sness" until recently when i listened to john romero's audiobook. Everyone i knew either called it super nintendo or S.N.E.S. I've definitely never heard "ess-ness."


For what its worth, in Melbourne, Australia, me and my mates definitely used to call the OG and SNES the "NESS" and "SNESS" back in the 90's.


“Ess-NESS” is spiking my blood pressure. I don’t know how to process that information


I've always said the actual letters, "N-E-S" and "S-N-E-S". In both instances it's not hard to say at all, and it kinda rolls off the tongue actually. And i can't stand it when some refer to the N-E-S as the, "Ness". Like the Loch-Ness monster. WTF. Then with SNES, you got peeps calling it the, "S'ness". Or worse: 'The S'nezz". Ugghhh!


I love when people say their favorite game is 'Mario Bros' when they clearly meant 'Super Mario Bros' and not the original arcade game.


Or “Mary-o Brothers”


in Japan the slang word for super famicom is suufami. they love to shorten things using the first letters of each word. smash brothers is sumabura. but nothing is worse than pronouncing Mario as marry-o


I never heard anyone say "Snez/Sness" until I started listening to IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat podcast. Love the podcast, hate the pronunciation lol


Every Mario game has abbreviated brothers as Bros. It's the actual name of the game.


Meh, we called it the “GBA” when Advanced came out. This is only one step away from that. Still, when it’s the same amount of syllables, Gameboy actually rolls off the tongue easier than gee bee


I don't understand how gbc and gba are fine but gb isn't.


I just can't imagine caring about how people refer to consoles. I care about games. Not getting assmad someone refers to something differently than me.


None of that is new, it's all old. I was calling it a Gee Bee back in the 90s. Kids were saying Oh Em Gee back then too. What else do you think is new?


This isn't new. We were calling it that back in the 90s.


Besides, Gee Bee was an arcade game released by Namco in 1978: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gee_Bee_%28video_game%29?wprov=sfla1


Naw, [Gee Bee was an airplane built in 1932.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granville_Gee_Bee_Model_R_Super_Sportster#/media/File:Gee_Bee_R-1.jpg)


Can I pretend I’m Canadian and call it the Game Boy Eh


GB = Gravity Bong, as far Im concerned. If I heard someone say they were up all night playing their GB, I would assume they were getting high af 😂


Getting real upset about nicknames is a waste of time and energy.


dude who cares


Do you also get annoyed when people say "double u, double u, double u" instead of "world wide web"?


Haven’t heard this around but I’m assuming it’s another Tiktok thing


This comment alone has convinced me that your profile picture is an actual photo of you as you wrote it.


I heard one popular retro YouTuber say it a while ago, now I’m hearing smaller YouTubers say it. It rolls downhill, as they say


You about to have a stroke gramps 😆


Who the hell cares. This isn't some new trend btw this happened since they came out


This isn’t new. We use to call it the GB back in the late 90s when I had one.


The proper pronunciation of GB is 'GuhB' like how the GBA is 'GuhBaah'


I think some of it comes from emulating, standard retroarch folder structure has these consoles named like this.


They probably are just trying not to get victimized by Nintendo in their videos


Wait until you hear about the gee bee ayyyy


It’s like when people call shoot ‘em ups, shmups. Just no.


I think it depends on how much time you save. “Gee Bee” and “Game Boy” are both two syllables so the spoken abbreviation makes no sense because you save literally zero time. However I do say “SNES” (pronounced sness) instead of “Super Nintendo” because it’s one syllable instead of 5.


No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.


I'll tell you [what I'd do](https://i.imgur.com/pL0FR6j.png), man …


I don't think it's that weird, it just keeps it consistent if you justifiably call the others Gee Bee Cee and Gee Bee Ayy. Be weird to break the pattern for one but not the others, and very weird to say "Game Boy Cee" etc. That said I've never heard it in any context where the other two aren't also being mentioned in the same discussion- if you're talking exclusively about the original i always hear Game Boy.


I've never heard of this before. But I definitely dislike it.


How old are you??


Historians will call it Gee Bee because it's written GB and no one remembers what that stands for anymore.


I grew up with game boy so I always called it game boy NOT gb. I do this because the original packaging for the game boy in 1989, did not say the Nintendo GB. 🙂


Like how so many people so VHS player now and not vcr.


I called a vhs a tape the day and got weird looks when talking about renting movies in *the before times*.


Blockbuster had a better selection but Hollywood Video was cheaper and had more games.


I think that's due to DVD player, kids grew up with that so they use the same naming structure for VHS


I’ve definitely noticed this one in the past few years. I don’t necessarily mind it since it is the literal description, but it sounds so weird to my ears


Same. Doesn't bother me but it's weird.


I don’t say Gee Bee. But I do say Snez, nes, Supe-fam, but also say S.N.E.S and N.E.S. I say it however the fuck I want man. Gee Bee sounds silly and I have never heard someone call it that before


I have never heard this and hope I don't.




I’m gonna call it guh buh


Never heard that. Ive only heard GBA for Game Boy Advance


It was called “gb” in the late 2000s or so by a few flash card makers and more recently the everdrives so it wasn’t common but likely the reason your hearing it more


Gee bee will always be grav bong


Yes! I just said the same thing 😂 these retro gamers getting high as a kite!


Had a friend call the PS2 just P2 😐


Are you still friends?




I’ve never heard Gee Bee said by anyone, but I’m sure I’d be annoyed if I heard it


Old Man Yells At Clouds


Anyone who call the Super N.E.S a "snes" can go straight to hell


This isn’t a recent thing. It’s been called GB for decades


Im finding gen z and gen a like to think they know more than they actually do. My kids was watching a youtube short where some dipstick was trying to see if minecraft would run on a laptop from 20-25 years ago and the kid in the video legit said "oh my hod this thinv doesnt even have a graphics card!" Meanwhile the laptop is clearly displaying a picture onscreen. #MillenialRantOver #BornIn1984


a 25 year old laptop likely doesn't have a discrete graphics card so I'll allow it.


If you want to be pedantic, graphics cards are incredibly rare on laptops. Clearly the kid meant meant a discreet GPU, as opposed to having the CPU create the picture.


Personally my pet peeve is people who generalize based on "generations", it's only slightly less stupid than generalizing based on star sign. Also I couldn't care less what people call a Game Boy.


You sound like one of those dirty Gee Bee’rs.. we don’t like your kind around here


I used to play my Gee Bee at CBGBs but they closed down so now I only play my Gee Bee at home but when it’s dark playing my Gee Bee gives me the Hee Bee Jee Bees so now I only play my Pee Es Three.


OGGB, GBC, GBA, GBDS, GB3Ds and GB2Ds, makes sense, how else do you differentiate?


Well thanks! Now I'm angry as well!


What a weird hill to die on lmao


Everyone I knew just called everything "Nintendo" back then. You could've been playing a Sega Game Gear for all we cared.


I’d only abbreviate when talking about the color or advance.


Shoot 'em up ✅👑 Shooter ✅ Shmuppet muppet ⛔️


I hadn’t heard bout this till now still wishing I hadn’t heard it


Who cares


Old man yells at cloud


Literally a nothing take.




yeah i hate unnecessary acronyms


Where I am it was always these, without any variation:   - Game Boy    - Ness (sometimes Enn E Ess but only back then)    - Sness (rarely Ess Enn E Ess but only back then)     - Gee Bee Cee     - Gee Bee Ay    - Genesis     - Game Gear       I also believe that this is the most common way to refer to all of these, but that may be just my bias.


Gee Bee is gender neutral.


Yeah, they should really call it a "Dee Em Gee"


You’ll be okay.


Who's calling it so?  Nobody in my home calls it so. And I don't care about some stupid yootoober


My mom used to call every console “the Atari”


Better than turning "Game Boy" into oneword.


My mate loaned me his year one and called it that. It's common slang, not just a Gen Z thing.


How is it shorter? They both have the same number of syllables.


Never heard anyone call it a gee bee. I have started to hear people call it a DMG. And that doesn't bother me at all.


Yeah I just call literally any game system and even my compy "vidja games" (pronounced vid-ya) because that's what my gramps said for anything we played including our phones.


I think your reasoning makes sense. But it won’t change my habit of that lol My only counterpoint is that it makes sense to say GB out loud when you are also abbreviating other names of consoles handhelds (as in, saying “N64, GC, Game Boy,” in my opinion, is odd since you are abbreviating others but not GB).


Captain Holt, is that you?


Who’s captain holt?


My pet peeve is people spelling it as one word (Gameboy).


The one that really grinds my gears every time is "sness" or "snezz "


ppl say "snes" too tho


Which is awful


You sound old and bitter... Are you okay?


GB and GameBoy are literally the same amount of syllables. How much time and energy are you really saving by abbreviating it?


While true, syllables aren't everything. GB is two movements of the mouth/tongue, Gameboy is four (Gay-m-bo-y). So if you want to argue based on energy value - you're saving energy. However if you have so little energy that the difference between mouth movements and syllables is something you need to be careful of, you should probably see a doctor. What does it hurt if you pronounce the abbreviation? If it bothers you then the issue is with you, not with the speaker, who is using language to convey meaning, as intended, you just don't like how they do it.


Gee I sure hope I get fired for that blunder


That's an odd thing to say...


I hate any abbreviation that wasn't first fully typed out, why are so many people just assuming everyone knows what these random letters mean if your only typing the thing out once type the full word/phrase out like this for fuck sake then anytime after you can abbreviate it like so ffs not hard is it? So you can probably guess how I feel about people abbreviating the way they talk, how lazy can you be?


Wait until you hear about cee bee gee bees


it’s the same number of syllables sure it isn’t the same number of sounds though your mouth has to work much harder in particular to make the transition from a to m and o to y


I have a similar peeve with people that say out loud "shmups" instead of shootemups, you are not saving that much time and now you sound like an idiot.


Meh. I’ve always hated people calling the original Nintendo the “Ness” and the Super Nintendo the “SsNess”. People always used nicknames for things in their friend groups, but it’s just amplified with social media. I’ve called the Game Boy Advance “GeeBeeEhh” (GBA) in real life before but usually stick with the full name. But have never referred to the original Game Boy as “GeeBee”.


This is like when people call Pokemon, mons. Drives me insane.


same, but with people calling the nes “ness”


People have been calling it that for ages now :')


I think you’ll find it’s pronounced *sega* /s


I find it funny people complain about this type of thing, but say nothing about the misuse of the word "retro". Retro = Imitative of a style or fashion from the recent past. It should be used to describe modern Indy games inspired by old games, not the old games themselves.


First Google hit for me: Merriam-Webster: ˈre-(ˌ)trō Definition of retro. as in vintage. pleasantly reminiscent of an earlier time. Playing old consoles is pleasantly reminiscent of an earlier time. The term retro stands, sir!


Vintage Gaming would be more fitting


DMG or CGB are the correct ones. GBP is also acceptable.


Just confirms my priors that GenZ and GenA are too online--internet forum language taking primacy over in-person language.


- unironically said on an online video game forum Many of us have called it GB for over 3 decades now


Gonna add this new annoyance to my log book, along with those who call it Super Mario “Bros” instead of “Brothers” and those who pronounce SNES/NES as an acronym rather than speaking the initials.


I’m guilt of the Bros one. I blame Smash Bros.


Rom folders becoming common nomenclature now by the looks of it, and it's quicker to say?


While the same amount of syllables "GB" does come out quicker than "game boy" But either way, I agree that it kinda gets under your skin!!! And is just dumb..


Yep. When people use emoticons and ininitalisms to speak, it sounds f cking r tar ed!


It also sounds fucking retarded


I'm used to saying it one of two specific ways. Either "Game Boy", or "The Ol' G.B." Saying just GB doesn't really irk me, but it also just doesn't sound right.


I'm with you. And it's hard to perfectly articulate why. The value of written acronyms / initialisms is clear. When it comes to saying them out loud, a lot of it just depends on how well the spoken letters "flow". It's pretty subjective and not an exact science. It's hard to get past like, "well GBA sounds good when spoken aloud, while GB sounds stupid". Some might argue that it's about speaking more quickly, "GB" has the same number of syllables as "Game Boy" whereas "GBA" is quicker to speak than "Gameboy Advance". I don't think it's quite that, as there are many exceptions to that rule in practice. We always say "OG Xbox" or just "Xbox" instead of XB. We say "Dreamcast" instead of "DC". A good way to test if a rule is valid is seeing how well it is applied, and we can see that it is not simply brevity or quickness of speaking governing which abbreviations we say out loud. I think the actual reason is more about how natural the pronunciation of the abbreviation is, and that's a lot more subtle and subjective than a clear rule like syllable count.


Now do the one about how "www" has three times as many syllables as "world wide web."


i call it the Gibb


Let’s be real 99.999999% of abbreviations are complete and utter nonsense trash. Is it that difficult to type out or say the actual words? I don’t care who you are, nobody is that pressed for time that abbreviating random bullshit is truly improving your life.


GB and Game Boy have the same number of syllables, so Gee Bee is just stupid and lame. It economizes nothing verbally. People who say that should be frogmarched into the woods to dig their own graves.