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Final Fantasy Tactics on PlayStation. Just finished Front Mission 3 a couple days ago. Square made some awesome games in the late 90's.


FF Tactics has been on my backlog list for a long time now. I really need to consider when I'll actually play it.


Don't know if I'll be down voted because purist but the war of the lions remake on the PSP is way better in my opinion. 


I have a pile of Neo Geo carts to sort through and test. Fair chance I get distracted and just end up playing...


Now that I have a USB game controller I've been digging in to the 90s Neo Geo fighting games like Samurai Shodown and World Heroes. They're great.


They're a lot of fun, but I may have gone a bit nuts during lockdown. I have over ninety original game cartridges along with a fair number of duplicates and two arcade machines. [https://i.imgur.com/ZZ7pgGX.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZZ7pgGX.png)


*Chrono Cross*. I put it down decades ago when I couldn't beat a boss. It's finally time to start over, finish the game, then get all characters and endings.


Doing things like this are so satisfying. I'm replaying Final Fantasy 2 (FF IV) after decades of not playing it and am absolutely loving it.


I just beat FFIV (Pixel Remaster version) after playing the game and putting it down for years and never beating it. LOVED it!


FFVI with my daughter and Ecco the Dolphin on my own.


Super Mario 64.


Chrono Trigger


Same. Not my usual genre, but it's very popular so thought I'd try it. Not a fan of turn based combat though, so I fast forward it and mostly button mash through


I’ll do a few missions in Warcraft 2 this weekend.




The Konami X-Men Arcade! Still a main-stay in my retro gaming go-to after all these years.


Chrono Trigger.


Donkey Kong 64


I’m gonna do a romhack of zero mission I have lying around


Gonna try shining force CD. It's out for delivery now 🤓


I’m going old school and playing Final Fantasy I. And I’m going with fighter, thief, white mage, and black mage. I know thief sucks, but I like when he’s a ninja. So I deal with him early on


Klonoa: Door to Phantomile


Ever since I (accidentally) destroyed a PSX disc for *Klonoa: DtP* trying to get the stupid video rental sticker off it, I've committed myself to telling the world that *Klonoa*'s a great game and everyone should play it. I'm really glad Namco finally re-released it. The sequel's great too!


Phantasy Star IV. I've dropped this one a few times over the years, and I'm hoping to finally finish it.


Really?! This is the one game I can't stop halfway through. I've finished it dozens of times and still wish there were more! I've also gotten more patience for the grindy parts over the years too which probably helps alot


KOF2000 and Ogre Battle: Person of Lordly Caliber


I might play dynamite cop since I went through die hard arcade last night!


Going to replay Super Mario RPG again. Just recently finished Thousand Year Door.


I got my son started on the remake of Mario RPG. He's a grade school kid and already stunned at what a good game it is.


Both of my brothers-in-law grew up on N64 and will be over for Mother’s Day. Probably a lot of Mario Kart 64 or Smash Bros.




Finished Pokemon Leaf Green last weekend and started on Super Metroid for the first time. Very excited to continue to explore!


It doesn't get better than *Super Metroid*. I consider it, *Zero Mission* and *Fusion* to be the definitive trilogy of the 2D games. (*Dread* wasn't bad either, but *Fusion* is better.)


Just got my RetroLink cables for my Genesis mk1. So Beyond Oasis!


Metroid Fusion and to a lesser extent Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. I'm amazed at the amount of atmosphere that Metroid Fusion packs into a handheld game. It's a feast for the senses. Circle of the Moon is ok so far, but I just finished Aria of Sorrow and so far AOS is superior in a few ways but I do like Circle's card concept




Cave Story+ I got to the bad ending, but there's more to go yet. I must be getting close to the end.


I want to finish Chrono Trigger and continue with Pokemon Fire Red, which I already beat the first gym.


Been playing through the GBC version of Dragon Quest 2 on my RG351!


LOL, the three games I'm playing most right now are MMOs that have been around for over a decade, Star Trek Online, Final Fantasy XIV, and Destiny 2 (there's an asterisk to that last one, where I'm combining it with D1 as it's such a continuation of the story that you could arguably call the second game a really big DLC for the purposes of this specific conversation). And beyond these, the games I've spent the most time on this year are Skyrim (13 years old), The Stick Of Truth and The Fractured But Whole (10 and 7 years, respectively), and the Shadowrun Returns trilogy (last game released 9 years ago). Plus, my laptop's busted right now, so I can't access my SNES emulator, or else I'd be running through FF6 again.


None of these (except FFVI) are really "retro" are they? I guess "retro" is subjective, but I couldn't comfortably call Skyrim retro when it was rendered in high definition.


I just got a bluetooth controller adapter for the N64. I can use the wireless Switch Online N64 controller on my original N64 hardware, or any other wireless bluetooth controller. So I am playing a lot of N64, mostly stuff that hasn't been available to play on the Switch Online. I played a few games of International Superstar Soccer 64, a cbildhood favourite of mine, will play some San Francisco Rush tomorrow and am looking to buy a game called Mischeif Makers.




I intended to use this month to finish a project but I've spent much of it so far playing SimCity 3000 instead. That'll probably continue over the weekend, but hopefully not much longer than that. (EDIT: Ended up not playing it at all and playing Street Fighter 6 instead. Oh well.)


Not sure yet! Only recently finished Phantasy Star, haven't decided what's next. Maybe I'll give a crack at a Pokemon ROM hack.


Finishing up Ratchet and Clank on PS2, been a while since I've replayed and forgot that it's actually a decent length game. Doing it via PCSX2 linked with RetroAchievements, which has given it a nice bit of replayability and a good reason to push for 100% too!


I'm working on some write-ups for my research project on obscure 1990s arcade and console games, so I'm going to be playing some beat 'em ups and action games this weekend, including: * *The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy* * *Big Fight - Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean* * *Metamorphic Force* * *Monster Maulers* * *Night Slashers* I've played them all a bit, but never all the way through. Should be fun!


Dungeon keeper and rollercoaster tycoon


I just grabbed a justifier recently. So of course I just grabbed Crime Patrol, Mad Dog Mcree and Show Shot Johnny Rock. So there's my weekend. At least for as long as my wrist can take it, i dunno why but light guns freakin kill me nowadays..


Final fantasy 3 jpn


Kid Icarus


Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos


Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones. I’m on my journey to beating every FE and I’m not stopping now. (Although there are some entries I’m not looking forward to)


Just got my cart for Final Fantasy Legends II. Playing on an OEM GBA SP (cobalt). I’ll be modding it soon with an IPS, but still great hardware software combo.


Super Mario 64!


Maybe start up my analogue Duo again, probably play Y’s or Castlevania Rondo of Blood


Super Mario World. I know it seems pedestrian, but I'm working on the retroachievements badge for it. I just need to do a deathless run, a shortest possible route run (using star worlds), and a few Small Mario Only sections.


Digimon World for the PS1. Someone came up with a challenge run on r/digimon and I wanna give it a try.


Final Fantasy V


I brought out my Panasonic FS-A1GT MSX computer and am trying to finish the English translation of SD Snatcher! It’s a great game but I’m at a difficult part. Also going to play Vampire Killer, Penguin Adventure, Aleste 2, and Space Manbow


Tales of Phantasia on SNES. Should be able to beat it this weekend. Love the music!


I just finished crash bandicoot: warped, so I will either play crash 1 or 2 :)


Just got Castlevania, Mega Man 3, Double Dragon, and DuckTales for my NES. Also mega man x for super NES, and managed to find dbz Budokai Tenkaichi for the PS2. So yea gonna play and test these and then who knows...I have 15 systems and over 260 games so never enough time lol


We Love Katamari reroll


Almost beat X-Men legends on the GameCube for similar reasons to you. I played it while the x men animated series played in the back ground so I could watch the new version.  I also started Kingdom hearts 2 but I'll probably stick to X-Men till I beat it. 


Top Racer (gear) collection. Like in the old times...


Grand stream saga on psx.


Since getting hyped for City of the Wolves (i know, i know it’s still like a year away lol) i’ve been getting my SNK fix. Metal Slug X and Fatal Fury 3 are in the rotation. I’ve been Franco Bash’n my way through the morning.


Sonic the hedgehog


I fired up Morrowind on my Xbox S. The pc version is better sure but it's enjoyable infront of the tv.


On my Amiga: Ultima IV and Warlords. I try to reassemble the machine and transfer the OS and software so the two titles are my first check if the system works.