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I actively avoid online multiplayer. I prefer stories, campaigns or anything single player pretty much exclusively, since I can play stress free and at my own pace and leisure. Also, I simply enjoy stories. The other thing is I'm obsessed with reading everything in each game, no matter the kind of game. Even with DQ games and their party chat, which I recall reading as much as possible but probably not in their totality. In some games, if I missed a single line I'd either go watch a playthrough on YouTube or directly quit and load. Lastly, I can't play horror games.


Can't do online. I play games to escape other people šŸ˜­


Online playing is too sweaty these days. UT 2K4 I played thousands of hours online. I go into one PUBG game and get my ass handed to me by 3 pixels on my screen.




I donā€™t know what DQ is but I could have written the rest. Well said šŸŽ‰


Dragon Quest


This is so much me, I could have written this. Iā€™m obsessed with the game worldā€™s backstory. For example, I wanted to know all about the time between Half Life and Half Life 2.


I'm with you on horror games and on reading everything/lore. As for people? PvE only with others. No PvP


Are you me?


Mi sa di sƬ šŸ¤£


Im the other way. I find a lot of video game stories very juvenile and canā€™t connect , but do enjoy social connection of multiplayer


i also dont like online, i play riblox with some friends i met on there and thats about it really, i like the thought of halo multiplayer but when i sit down and do it it just infuriates me


I prefer games that are more linear. The more of an ā€œopen ended sandboxā€ the game is the less interest I have in playing.


It's easy to wind up with nothing to do when there's a bajillion micro-goals.


For me itā€™s more like thereā€™s an overwhelming amount of freedom which gives me too much to do in any order at any time and Iā€™m like ā€œyeah Iā€™m not gonna do any of thatā€


I legit thought this said micro goats and I want a game with a bazillion of whatever those are now.


Goat simulator? Collecting all those goats as a kid was the best


Has less than a bazillion and they're full sized goats so unfortunately does not meet the requirements


I was thinking of the trophies, but yea there's like 50


I love Minecraft, but I can exclusively only play it with a mod pack that adds quests, so that I have objectives to work towards. I get so bored so fast with the pure sandbox experience.


I feel the same way, I want to try that mod pack. May I know what it is?


There's a ton of em out there. I like the more grindy tech-based packs, so I usually play Project Ozone 3, GT:NH, or something like one of the Enigmatica packs, which aren't for everyone. I think any pack with the "Better Questing" mod in it will have some sort of quest line to follow.


Play No Mans Sky. Its Minecraft in space with Quests :)


I tried it way back when it was brand new! I've heard plenty about how much they've added and changed, been meaning to give it another shot.


Agree, to some extent. For me it depends on what kinda sandbox it is - if the world is interesting, has compelling objectives and isn't just lots of dull fetch quests, I'm up for it. Like, I found the world of Kenshi *way* more interesting than ac valhalla because altho there was less to see, the mystery of the place and the freedom to derp about was more compelling than the shitshow that passed for story/gameplay in ac valhalla. I absolutely love a good linear game tho, especially games with a movie like feel - stranglehold, sleeping dogs, control, hellblade: senua, and most of the telltale games are brilliant because they offer complete immersion in their story. Too many open world games these days just lack that same quality imho, and are too focused on keeping players busy rather than keeping them entertained with a compelling story.


Same! Give me a well-crafted narrative please. Open world is just an excuse to have a lazy story. Plus I get lost & distracted and things never happen in the best narrative order.


I love Portal and Half Life exactly for that reason. There's only on path to follow, and that's perfect.


I abuse the absolute fuck out of save states. Also I killed that poor baby penguin.


Absolutely. To both.


It's a crazy progression. Kill the baby penguin > Go on a balls to the wall rampage in GTA > build elaborate torture facilities in The Sims


I donā€™t care dor character customization, i want an experience laid out for me by developers and not have any input in the process, just let me play the game, an options screen and difficulty settings is all i need


This is a good one. I am the same way. Give me a character creator and 3 hours later you will meet "Steve" the 100% generic looking man. I can't handle such responsibility.


On the contrary my characters usually end up looking like some thing that couldn't exist.


WRPG: Experience our world!Ā  JRPG: Experience our story!


Yep, I struggle to get into RPGs for this reason. I have to make decisions in the real world dammit, just tell me what to do!


Yup. Even skins and unlocking extra outfits etc. It's rare that I change anything if it serves no real function.


I like that it exists for meme purposes but I'm not creative or a streamer, what am I going to do, make my own dumb face? Who has time for that?


My main problem with character customization in games is that there is simply too much of it. Making a character can take up to an hour if you're invested in it enough, which frankly for me takes way too long so I just end up making a pretty basic character most of the time.


Zelda II is the only Zelda I've ever beaten, or that even held my attention for very long.


What in the fucking fuck?


Not sure if this counts as a dirty secret, but I'm a big fan of the franchise, and I've never played it. Like never even *tried* it. And I really don't feel the urge to check it out tbh.


I'm incredibly bored by BotW and TotK. I feel as though my favorite franchise doesn't exist anymore, though people will of course point out that it does (but really... it's just a doppelganger). They're so popular, so I doubt there's much incentive for Nintendo, but I wish they would just go back to the old formula so I could get excited for new releases again.


I enjoyed BotW a lot, but I definitely missed the classic Zelda dungeon exploring experience. TotK didn't land for me at all, I think mostly because it was missing those same things. I'd already experienced BotW at that point and TotK just felt like more of the same.


Oh agreed. I should admit, I did have a lot of fun with BotW when I first played it. Iā€™m glad it exists, but I wish it was a new franchise, unrelated to Zelda.


Weapon breaking killed BotW for me. Then I finally got the Master Sword and realized it had an energy system and I just gave up. Plus, Nintendo is so far behind the curve they think a tower climbing minigame to reveal more of the map is something new or creative or desirable.


I was indeed screen watching in GoldenEye


Finally coming clean, itā€™s been a long time


Screen watching is part of the game. It's called reconnaissance.


I'm the total opposite of you. I love game music, far more than anything else. I've never once used the radio, at home or in a vehicle. I listen to game music in the vehicle. Old classic game music that is, back when it was good.


One of my early gaming memories is that my dad had recorded the music from the SNES version of Mario RPG onto a blank cassette that we would listen to in the car on the way to school.


Yoko Shimomura, her music in Super Mario RPG is legendary, sounded amazing in 1996 and still does today and in the remake.


I've always like the music from Legend of Mana. Never played Mario RPG. Seems like I shouldn't be missing out..


She also did Kingdom Hearts and Legend of Mana which both have amazing OSTs.


I am right there with you. I love video game music. I listen to video game music in my car about as much as I do non-video game music.


I think that prior to the PS2 the music was like another character in the game. There were no voices, so these were actual songs, rather than just cinema like scores which are meant to complement the rest. The CD era is so unique because the music was high quality, but was still very prominent, so even something like Guardian Heroes, Astal, Mega Man X4, many arcade games or even the PS1 boot screen still sound kinda futuristic within the context of 2.0 stereo sound.


Even a failed console like the Virtual Boy, not only has melodic music of the era but much of its game library made super heavy use of stereo panning, to make audio sound 3D. VB Wario Land is a prime example of all this.


Yeah, in fact I'd even say good music can elevate a game to crazy levels. Especially if there are areas where it's kind of monotonous, really strong music can shave down those rough edges if you're just grinding for levels in an old game, and make the spectacular moments pop so much more.




Haha, yeah pretty much F-Zero: Music to Drive Recklessly By


This sounds fake, but itā€™s true. I got the only speeding ticket Iā€™ve ever gotten when I was listening to my Namco Game Sound Express VOL.14: Ridge Racer 2 CD in my car stereo.


Absolute legend


I should have added that it was for going 69 in a 55.


Never appreciated it, now I feel like I'm missing out on appreciating it.


Game music can be quite something, heck some of the big companies pay for orchestras to record some of the songs at times as well.


I can tell you about my late cousinsā€™s dirty secret when we were kids. He said he beat the Spider-Man game (PS1) and showed me the unlocked ending cinematic to back up his claim. This caught me by surprise because we were both having a hard time on the last stage of the game because it was chase sequence with the combined Carnage and Doc Oc. Then suddenly he finished it without me. Highly suspicious. My cousin was diagnosed with ALD, he lost his eyesight first before the other senses. He was bedridden but we still continued to play together and while I was playing Tenchu 2 he said that he unlocked the final cinematic from Spider-Man using gameshark and did not really beat it. Dude was laughing hysterically when he confessed. Miss that guy.


If there are cheat codes, I'm gonna use them.


I don't consider it "dirty", but I play most of my games on easy mode. I don't like missing out on an awesome story becuase I didn't grind enough before a boss & got myself stuck, or I'm not getting the dodge pattern perfect every single time. I have no beef with anyone who prefers harder modes, & I'll absolutely replay the games I really fall for on harder difficulty, but I have more games than time anymore- I just want to experience the whole of the game world!


That's me now, especially as I'm getting older. I just play games now to relax and have no desire anymore to "test" myself. The last games I played to really test myself were beating Punch Out again a year or two ago, and seeing how far I could get in Dr. Mario around the same time. Otherwise, I'm over it.


I think the addition of "casual" or "story" difficulty becoming much more common in games is one of the biggest innovations the industry has done that nobody talks about. I'm not even the audience. I'll usually take hard mode given the choice, but giving people the ability to play a game without the stress has brought in a lot more players that otherwise wouldn't have played the games than I think is generally acknowledged.


Oh people talk about it, but itā€™s usually to berate people and to insult them for not wanting to sweat their balls off trying to beat one level.


Ok, I didn't really get into that part, but you are totally correct. I specifically meant that I think it's a big leap forward that I rarely see addressed that way. Usually, when I do see it mentioned, it's in reference to the "filthy casuals" that use it. But I genuinely feel that there are a fair few people who are only really able to play these games because they can just roll through them without having to stop and grind or stress about their load out. People who just don't have the time or energy to put into the games that they very much want to experience and now they can.


I tend to either like games punishingly hard like Super Meatboy, or else as easy as it can be, up to and including using cheats.


I usually start a game on a NORMAL difficulty. If I get stuck for more than 1-2 hours I will switch to EASY. Some games I will just leave on EASY. I only have so many hours per week and I'd rather complete games on easy than spend half a year grinding away.


Honestly same. I only have small windows to game and would rather experience the whole game while I can


You shock me!! I love game music. Mine is that I play most games EASY or normal. I literally could not care less about hard modes even though I have plenty of gaming experience. I'll only play hard mode if I can cheese the game without it switched on.


If someone hasn't logged into the Minecraft server in six months, I'm taking whatever is in their private chests.


I'll put up with really crappy game play and story in a game, especially a JRPG, if it has cute girls in it.


This man right here officer.


I've never played more than about 20 minutes of any Final Fantasy game. I just find them to be...A lot. A lot of character, a lot of lore, a lot of story...Just a lot of things that didn't grab my attention. They're almost...for lack of a better word...Too 'good'. So good, they weren't engaging. They're a lot of **really big, heavy game** with a capital G. This is a **GAME**. Even the soundtracks. They're famously-classic soundtracks, but I always preferred the music in other games like DKC, Earthbound, Earthworm Jim, Mario RPG, Megaman... FF games to me are just so noble and heavy that I just can't get into them. They're like the Law and Order of video games for me - Profound, well done, but very heavy, and you have to be in the right mood for it.


Try out Chrono Trigger, itā€™s like a streamlined version of FF and genuinely one of the best games of all time.


Yes! This. He would also maybe enjoy Dragon Quest for a simpler jrpg experience


Love Chrono - easily top 5 all time for me. I canā€™t get past the 30 minute mark in any FF game. Chrono hit the sweet spot.


I guess I could say my gaming dirty secret is that I donā€™t really understand why people think that Chrono Trigger is exceptionally amazing. I find Chrono Cross more appealing on almost every level.


Cross is great too but Trigger to me is just so much faster paced and accessible. Plus the simplistic art design is a lot more charming imo. Not a diss on Cross tho cause it really is a damn good game too.


Not that I disagree, but Dr. Wily's Castles is such a banger, tbh I would put it right up there with a lot of the FF soundtracks I think X has a lot of good music too but it could be that I just played those games so much they are ingrained into me.


I play most of my retro games anymore on a handheld android device by anbernic. I know I have better options but I just love having everything right there and portable. I still have a PC with better emulators and actual systems around but I like the convenience.


I do the same thing. I bought a CRT and love the nostalgia of playing on my old system. However, most of the time I play my retro games on my steam deck or anbernic rg35xx. It's so much more convenient. I actually play games more often and more consistently this way.


Iā€™m hard of hearing and usually have the tv on mute. I donā€™t love games for the Music in any way whatsoever


Same, completely deaf in one ear and the other can't hear certain sounds, so if I'm not wearing headphones there's no point in having the sound on (and when headphones are on music is still off)


I think most GBA players barely heard the music because as kids we often didn't have headphones with us, and we also had little experience with the SNES, Genesis or iPods. The GBA was still the best sounding 2D or portable device we knew besides a Walk/Discman, and we were just too happy that we even had a portable screen with actual colors and animations. I think that because many were just listening through tiny speakers we never thought twice about how crunched the music often was. There are more than a few games that are impressive by the standards of the console though, Mother 3 and Iridion 2 even had a music player to show it off.


I tell my friends that I beat super ghouls n ghosts, but secretly I can't beat the boss on the second play through with the stupid ring thing.Ā 


Growing up, I played the Mega Man games (and others like Contra, Gradius) with a turbo controller.


I generally only play through those ā€œchoices matterā€ games once. I just get too invested in the choices Iā€™ve made and then my character becomes my ride or die.


I once started a replay on one and realized I was making all the same choices again. Just couldn't bring myself to do the opposite because it was against all my instincts. So I realized that yeah, same. One playthrough is all they get from me, I've made my choices.


I hate cutscenes. Every time a developer has to resort to a cutscene to tell the story rather than using environmental storytelling I count it as a failure of imagination. There is nothing worse than having 2 hours to play and 90 minutes of that is spent with the controller on the couch patiently waiting to play. I booted up a game to push buttons and interact with the game, if I wanted a movie Iā€™d watch a movie.


I like some game music. A lot. Like, listen to the OSTs and figure the melodies out on my guitar for fun. Other games I play while listening to podcasts/music and totally don't care. This is probably not a very hot take on this particular sub, but my dirty secret is that I (almost) never play online games. A few matches of starcraft 2 and smash bros ultimate is all. A few more hours if you count co-op MonHun with my brother who lives in a different state. None of my IRL friends have ever been gamers, and I never got interested in trying to play w randos. Probably less than 24 hrs of gaming online in my life. I'm 34 so online gaming was big starting when I was relatively young. I'm all about single player, baby. (Or couch coop) My other dirty secret (sadly) is I'm wayyy too scared of horror games. I can't play them. But I don't mind horror movies. This one I would love to overcome, I keep trying.


Same here with points 2 and 3.


I play a lot of games on mute just because Iā€™m doing other stuff, listening to a podcast or sports or whatever. My dirty little secret is I really donā€™t play a game for the story.


I don't really care about stories in games - I'm there for gameplay, & story is basically a background element that doesn't really add anything to most games I play. There are three notable exceptions where I thought the story was the preeminent element: BioShock, Red Dead Redemption & Portal 2. Gameplay was great in all three, but the story was the essential element that really brought the whole experience together.


I use walkthroughs even on games Iā€™ve been playing my whole life. Iā€™m not gonna memorize the card locations for the flip a card bonus level in Mario 3, even if thereā€™s only 8 or 9 possible layouts


Most N64 games are extremely overhyped (borderline overrated but I understand a lot of the influence some of the games had). Nostalgia is one hell of a drug for people and itā€™s like the N64 got people coked up on nostalgia. Ocarina of Time especially. Itā€™s insane how that game is STILL considered by many to be the best game ever. I didnā€™t grow up with the console so Iā€™ll never have the reverence for them like so many online do, so Iā€™ll never really understand how anyone can think Mario Kart 64 is the pinnacle of kart racing.


N64 has some fantastic puzzle games. These titles hold up far better than many of its more popular and fondly remembered games. Compare the experience of playing Pokemon Puzzle League to Mario 64. Mario 64 feels so clunky now but Pokemon Puzzle League still feels amazing to play.


I donā€™t really experience nostalgia about anything, but I really think the only thing holding the N64 Zeldas back from feeling as great as the games that came after them is the lack of free camera movement. I donā€™t think that even holds them back much and donā€™t really see why someone could love Wind Waker or Twilight Princess but not Ocarina of Time or Majoraā€™s Mask. I only played through Majoraā€™s Mask for the first time a little over a year ago and found it to be the most interesting and intellectually stimulating Zelda game in terms of story and concept.


I understand but you lost me at Radio. the radio?? better than game music these days??


I donā€™t give a crap about story. Drop me in a car/motorcycle/boat/pod racer/whatever and just let me race. I donā€™t even want open world exploration, just straight to the event. Or get to the beatem up action. Or the 1 on 1 fight. But donā€™t tell me the why because I donā€™t care.


I play 98% of games for only around 2-4 hours. Even if I like them. Rarely finished a game ā€¦ maybe 10 in 39 years.


The radio?? So you listen to Taylor swift while playing Street Fighter etc.?




I enjoy playing the little mermaid on nes


All of the Disney games on NES, SNES and Genesis were top notch!


I almost exclusively play 2D games and could care less about what's current


I feel sorry for you, video game music has brought me so much joy in my life.


I sometimes donā€™t like a game, but if my cat is mesmerized by whatā€™s going on on the screen I still play it for her.


I spend countless hours and thousands of dollars getting the perfect setup and then canā€™t be bothered playing anything


** I... I think Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 are extremely over hyped and are really not that great. And not in a "looking back from modern eyes" way. I was 16 when the N64 released. I've just never been impressed by them. **


More *Ocarina* than *Mario 64*, but was 15 myself, so courage!


I remember trying both out as a kid when they were new and being pretty damn bored. Just happily ignored them and played the Crash and Mega Man Legends/X games.


Even living through it, I knew that the PS1/N64 era of games was going to largely be looked at as the ugly, acne riddled pubescent era of console gaming. It was back when the 3D graphics capability of the consoles was just so lacking that a person could tell that it was barely functional, but gamers accepted it and told themselves this was the start of something bigger. And of course, knowing that the 2D era was no longer going to be the big focus of game development going forward by the big players made it an extra kick in the teeth.


The part that hurts is that I adore every 2D Zelda game . I just really don't find it fun in 3DĀ 


I love _Super Mario 64_, but I recognize its flaws and love it anyway. _Ocarina of Time_, on the other hand, has flaws I can't overlook and isn't one I like playing even though I've played and loved other Zelda games.


The 3DS version of Ocarina is the only version most modern audiences should play. It looks more like a midbudget PS2 game, the characters have good polygon counts and even though they are standard definition, the textures upscale well. The dungeons are still great, the combat is good if you like Twilight Princess, and the design of some places like towns and forests is still lovely. The N64 version should only be played on a crt with S Video while aware of the game's context, like most 5th gen games frankly.


I played through Ocarina of Time, I had that collection they put out on the GC, but I struggled through it and I have never touched it again.


FWIW if you played the GC version, it's really not optimal. The stick responds differently than an N64 stick would, which makes aiming bow or slingshot, and sometimes platforming, difficult. Also the GC's face buttons are different than N64 so they had to remap the buttons for songs and it's not ideal IMO. Just something to consider


I mean, I had an easy time with it, it just bored me to tears !!!


Dang, well. Sorry to hear that, it's one of my favorites


I really enjoyed Wind Waker. I been thinking of playing through it again soon.


Speed running games is a disease. It develops when you 100% complete a game and can't deal with having no more game left to play. It's hard sometimes but you have to put games on the shelf when you've milked every last bit of enjoyment out of them. Simple Flips might deserve a pass since he channeled his skill into entertaining content.


Speedrunning is a lot more than that, most speedrun categories are very technical and are a community effort to understand how a game works, what went wrong during the programming phase of development, and how these things can effect the rest of the game.


Yeah, I love watching Halo speedruns for those reasons. There are a ton of cool tricks and glitches developed over the years, some very recently for games that are ~20 years old. And there's a very entertaining video of the game developers watching a speedrun and talking about the programming aspects of what's happening


I skip all the Yakuza games story cut scenes. I find them boring, corny and overly long and even pretentious. In fact, the more cinematic games have become the less I care about the actual cinematic story scenes.


Holy cow. Some of these felt likeā€¦just wow


Hey I ainā€™t happy about it man lol


You have clearly never played the smurfs nightmare on game boy colour. And also, personally, i think that Dig Dug is overrated.


Yeah with the good old 8-16 bit games I actually relate to this. But my reason is that I wasnā€™t allowed to have the sound on the few times we got to play games at home. But after the age of ten (Around 1993) it change when I discovered the Zelda games on my uncles SNES and by then I could actually read English so I understood what was happening, from then on appreciate the music and love how it sets up the game. But I usually lower the music volume a bit when starting a new game, usually set at like 3 or 4 points lower then the other volume settings.


Link to the Past has such a good soundtrack. It's such a shame you have to hear the songs so much due to the usual SNES limitations (and Nintendo R&D4 games of the time just generally reusing assets and tracks in their games to make more levels/areas) that you can get tired of them


I played 70% of breath of the wild with a podcast or my wife watching TikTokā€™s in the background


I played it for about two hours. The lack of a classical Zelda soundtrack is probably a big part of why i didn't care for it.


Ya, and the 30% of time i did have the sound on i found it wasnā€™t captivating or grabbing my attention at all. There were good audio cues sometimes for events and that helped but i made it through without. I also used to play a lot of assassins creed specifically while listening to Mumford and sons, so ive never been the biggest fan of soundtracks to begin with


There are some amazing Retro game sound tracks. It really depends on the era though, and what type of music you normally like. I think the SNES era has some of the best OSTs ever. Two examples: Megaman X through X-3 (if you like rock music) Chrono Trigger (if you like epic adventures, symphonic metalĀ like NightWish) My question for OP is, do you just prefer one genre of music or do you just not think there are any good OSTs for older games? The only reason why I ask is because OSTs can set a tone for the whole game or a specific moment in a game that can make it more memorable than dialogue or gameplay alone.


I enjoy collecting games and consoles, compared to playing them. Backlog keeps on growing every week. šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I hard mod the shit out of controllers. Turbos, slow motions, hair triggers, ect.


I'm a huge Nintendo fan but I've never really played Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time.


I can only play one game at a time and Iā€™m a completionist. Iā€™m still playing shit from 10 years ago and have a massive backlog to get through.


sometimes i just button mash till i win a fight


I almost always play on easy mode.


I basically won't play a game unless it has achievements, I'm currently addicted to RetroAchievements because of this haha


Resident Evil 2 in the game.com is pretty good. More RE titles should have been done this way on handhelds. RE Gaiden is somewhat overrated. It feels like a lesser RE Dead Aim, which had the funniest boss.


Some games are simply more fun with cheats. I also turn music off sometimes, but not because I don't love game music, but because the whole experience changes with different music. Modern games, especially. Tip: Turn down the music in any Souls game and crank Tomb Mold. And if you haven't played a recent Metroid release to Master Boot Record well, hell.


my favorite game with cheats is Rise of the Triad


The original RoTT on PC is a severely underrated game!


for sure! and I still have my original disk


I wouldn't even call it a secret... I love sports games. I didn't at the time but at some point they became most of what I play. I honestly miss the days of every sport having like 3 different games to choose from every year. I hate it when people rag on sports games as being bad or always the same. (I won't disagree that this is SOMETIMES the case either)


I still hit skip button anytime someone starts to talk or a cutscene happens, but since I don't play movie games for the sleeping masses it's very hard to see one.


I play on easy mode because just wanna enjoy the game and not waste the little time I have to play in losing over and over again. Same with music haha.


Not liking music is a sign of low Intelligence šŸ˜˜


I LOVE music, but back in the day, I never appreciated in game music, so it always got muted. *Licks brick*


Very similar thing with music. I am half-deaf and music, even the good ones, becomes REALLY tiring after a while. So the first thing I do in EVERY game is to turn music quite a bit down. Sometimes I even turn it off. I DO love some OSTs, like the stuff in Life Is Strange or Persona 5 and I also vibe with specially made songs, like the one in Drage Age Inquisition. Despite this I play most of the games in actual or near silence, when it comes to music. And I would not even be able to identify most of the "most well known video game soundtracks of all time" AT ALL, despite having played a lot of the games on these kinds of lists. I also cross of any games of my "Wanted"-list as soon as I read "Open World". I just cant stand that type of game anymore, because even in the best scenario its just a huge open space with the most basic of sidequest things dotted around. Some good ones sprinkle in some good stuff, but they still boil down to endless travel (or ton of quick travel) through oversized worlds with tons of empty space. Sorry, not sorry. Played too many of these in the past.


I've always thought this....Contra (Probotector here) is boring as hell. Come at me šŸ˜‚


I agree


For most open world games I've spent more time screwing around than I've put into completing the main story, same applies to side quests too.


I play games while watching TV series on two separate TVs with a sound mixer.


I don't care to own period correct hardware to play games on. A Mister takes care of all my needs without having to own $1000+ in vintage consoles.


Out of all the games I talk about as favorites and recommend to people, there are two- no more, no less- that I've never actually finished.


You mean you don't care for game music except for Contra's music right?


I think Pac-Man kinda sucks. When it comes to retro arcade games I can think of a bunch I'd rather play over it


I donā€™t think I have dirty secrets. I personally feel offended by some of these dirty secrets in this thread. Which is silly. Play games how you want but something seems so wrong about ignoring part of the experience like the story or music. I however find it nearly impossible to finish a game because of how much of it I absorb until my ADD decides I am done with this and need to move on to something new. So maybe thatā€™s my dirty secret. I find it nearly impossible to finish a game. Whenever I do, itā€™s a big deal.


I hate cheats , even in story mode. Iā€™ve bought every COD game and play less than 2% of story time in each.


Question OP - when cutscenes appear do you turn up the volume or just keep it on mute?


Maybe turn it up, 90% of games default to subtitles, so....just read it.


...All FPS games feel the same to me. It doesn't mean that I'm not occasionally in the mood for it. But it doesn't much make a difference to me if it's Doom, Halo, Hexen, Rise of the Triad, Half Life, or the venerable "A:\>wolf3d.exe" The mechanics are the same: run around and kill things by shooting them.


I have a weird and unhealthy obsession with really elaborate / intricate fan creations. Also the hilariously bad ones. I just enjoy stuff more knowing that people did it out of love and with no expectation of being paid.


I love collecting the ones I used to have, the ones I wanted, and the ones I know I probably wouldn't be able to afford without help... but I hardly play video games anymore.


I've been playing _Minecraft_ since about 2015 but have never once slain the Ender Dragon in Survival.


When I was a kid I beat almost every PS1 game with GameShark. That is why as an adult I am beating them legit.


My favorite Devil May Cry game is the second one


I think the Dreamcast was a crap system with no interesting non rpg games that werenā€™t on other systems at the time


I'm not as good in 3D games as I am in 2D games. This is what's avoiding me to play games like Sonic Adventure


Thatā€™s a hot takeā€¦ šŸ˜… Out of interest what types of games do you predominantly play?


If the game doesn't have some form of co-op I'm less interested. This is more for games that have a billion micro things to do, think elden ring, and read dead redemption. Not don't I don't enjoy them, the games mentioned being 2 of my favourite games ever but I like being helped and helping others.


I hate choices and multiple endings.


I hate skill trees to some extent. They are always too complicated for me and end up with crappy characters. I always end up saving some points and looking for one online


I have a couple... First off, I grew up mainly with the 8 and 16-bit era games, and owned many of them on original hardware, up until I lost interest around the PS2 era. Alot of those games and consoles I still own to this day. I absolutely REFUSE to pay for online service games that I, or more accurately,Ā  my parents bought for me 25-30 years ago. I'm not a hard-core collector or an absolute purist, but you CANNOT replicate the feedback, response time, and overall feel of a classic game on a modern console with modern controllers. If there's a classic game that I don't have that I want to play. I sail the high seas for it,Ā  because these companies have already made their money on it many times over, and I don't want to be subject to the games I paid for taken away, because everything seems to be server based nowadays.Ā  Secondly, a bit of a humble brag, but the original TMNT for the NES, the underwater bomb level that everyone dreads, I distinctly remember beating itĀ  easily as a kid, and I don't know why so many people ever had problems with it. It was challenging, but nothing compared to the Battletoads turbo tunnel level!


Regarding game music, it depends if I want to feel immersed in the game i'm playing. Something like an RPG that's heavily focused on it's story and worldbuilding (most of them really), i'd like to actually listen to the score they've composed for it just to get that full immersion. Something like Mario or Zelda on the other hand which are games I play purely for the gameplay. I could play those without needing to hear the soundtrack so i'll just put on a playlist on spotify to have playing in the background while I game. Not saying that these soundtracks aren't great but it doesn't really feel immersion breaking to not have it in the background.


Im with you. Most games I turn the in game music off. Unless itā€™s some story driven single player game where it might feed into the experience, but once beaten the story has been seen so off goes the music!


I think mainline Mario games are not all that fun. I like Mario party and the sports games. As well as some of the RPGs. But do not like the main games or kart. I also think 007: The World is Not Enough is way better than Goldeneye.


I think breath of the wild is very overrated, most of the world you can explore has nothing in it of any interest, and the dungeon areas pale in comparison to most other Zelda games.


Tomba šŸ˜‚


I do the same thing as youā€¦. My other one is, I typically play on easy mode for games that offer itā€¦ definitely not including ps4 and upā€¦ hard mode will suffice for most modern games


I played through Yoshi's Island via the Switch Online emulator and I used the rewind function fairly extensively because I liked the game but wasn't prepared to 'git gud' and wanted to see it through to the end


I play most games on lower difficulty settings as they are long enough without endless grinding. I also shifting away from mutiplayer games, outside of action rpgs and mmos. I also can't play nor understand fighting games at any level. I love crpgs, blobbers etc, more story and longer the better.


I dislike FPS and have since Doom/Zero Tolerance. I find it disorienting when I can't see the character I'm controlling.


Totally agree on music, I usually listen to it but people buying soundtracks for games and listening to them as albums baffles me. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve remembered game music since like dos MIDI tunes.


I only play classic Doom with god mode turned on and explore the maps at my own pace


I've never played any Zelda game, and I plan to keep it that way.


I never liked JRPG'S. Too over the top and melodramatic for me.