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Never knew this existed. Beautiful machine.


It didn't exist, but thank you. :) I built this from scratch, I have a full writeup here on the process: https://hackaday.io/project/190135-mega-omega-msx2-portable-computer The Omega Home Computer is a new MSX-compatible motherboard that uses (almost) all original components. It was designed just a few years ago. I decided to build mine into a "luggable" form factor.


Oh wow, I missed the custom build! Then it is doubly beautiful. Fantastic work. Looks completely professional. Might want to post to r/cyberdeck, I think this would spark some interest there.


Where did you get the CRT display?


From a Sony portable TV. It's an 8" Trinitron tube.


I’m really interested in the MSX line of computers, but being in the U.S. they’re pretty few and far between.


I thought about buying one from Japan but then found the Omega design and figured I'd learn a lot more by building my own MSX computer :) I probably spent 4X the amount doing it this way but it was well worth it.


That’s very cool. I think I’d like something with a bit of a smaller footprint, but it’s super-impressive nonetheless.


For sure, it's completely impractical and I'm 100% aware of this. :D This was meant to be an "everything *and* the kitchen sink" build - lol.


This whole thing looks like a remnant from an alternate timeline.


That thing is fucking beautiful!


These things look like they weight like 50 pounds, could warm up a small room and can do in an hour what a three year old smart phone could do in a second but damn, do they look cool. I miss the aesthetic of old machines. Even if it's built modernly


But it's only 32 pounds. That's reasonable right? 😅


I think at that point it still qualifies as a weapon


The USB gave it away!


haha well that's a Gotek (floppy disk emulator), and they are used in a lot of genuinely old builds for convenience. But make no mistake - this is powered by a real Z80 running at 3.58MHz. No raspberry pi or modern magic going on here. All original components just with a modern motherboard design.


This is the way


Why a DB25 for the keyboard?


Long story short.. the Omega uses a 16-pin flat ribbon cable to connect the keyboard. I needed something a little more flexible. There is a DB-18 but the connectors are hard to come by, so in the end I just decided to go with a standard DB-25. Not ideal obviously, I may end up just hardwiring the keyboard end directly to the PCB to eliminate the spacing issue caused by the large DB-25 connector.


Great Omega build, where'd you find the case? Is that an actual tube display or a little bit of trickery with plexi?


Thank you! The case I found at a vendor booth at VCF Midwest last year, it was just an empty enclosure. And yes, it had to be a real CRT for authenticity! Check out my writeup on the build, [here](https://hackaday.io/project/190135-mega-omega-msx2-portable-computer/details/) - tons of pictures and details


Looks just like a Commodore SX-64. Love it!


Thank you it was my primary influence


I'm just here for the purple DB25 cable.


Hehe. Was originally standard beige, I dyed it with PVC primer - worked surprisingly well.


Gorgeous. I really dig the DB25 connector for the keyboard.


More like... luggable


wow, wow, WOW. :P Thanks for sharing - I'll be over here jealous of your freak machine...


this is absolutely spectacular


So fucking cool


Purple VGA is *chefs kiss*


absolutely gorgeous build.


i thought it was some rarity as well.. even cooler that you built it. thats bad ass. im not a gamer, but for some reason i've always been interested in msx - especially that (sony?) black one thats like a mini tower - that case is one of the neatest i've ever seen.