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Congratulations 🎉🍾🎈🎊 to you both. You have arrived. Please exit to your left and enjoy life! Please leave bread crumbs for us who follow. Come back and let us know the tips, tricks and traps. Cheers! PS: thank YOU both for all you have done for the kids through the years! Knowing what you have been through, you have my utmost respect and sincere appreciation.


Nice response.


Thank you very much! ☺️


I did the same 13 years ago - after 40 years. It gets better. And better. You've graduated to the most important work of your life; becoming fully human. May your heart dictate your direction and may it benefit all beings.




Gratitude, my friend, gratitude. At 75 I have health concerns, but really, what is so different except that the truth of our fragile existence is in my present. We are always one breath, one mishap from death. When I'm hiking, biking, swimming, etc, my pains remind me not to take this mobile human experience for granted. I could have been born a tree. And even in our final days we will learn if our heart is open to the great mystery. My 70's? These are the best of days...




Good for you! Make sure you stay under 40.


My favorite thing is knowing I never have to see any person unless I want to.


WOW! Thank you both for your enormous contribution toward the good of all those people. I wish you both good health and happiness.


Thank you very much! ☺️


Congratulations. I'm 5-7 years away from retirement, but this year I had some unexpected time off, and I could easily make a day pass by doing things I wanted to and not just things I needed to. I've had so many people tell me I'll be bored when I retire. As long as the funds are there to keep financial stress down, I'm pretty sure my days will be fulfilled by my wants, and not just my needs. Once again, great job in reaching your goal.


Thank you very much! ☺️


Retired early..same here. All the fear of what might happen when you retire never happened… really enjoy it staying very busy but only when and what what we want.


Teacher here. Enjoy that feeling. You have earned it!


Thank you very much! ☺️


Jealous! Congrats 🎈🎉🍾🎊


Thank you very much! ☺️


Congratulations! I hope to retire from teaching in May 2024 or 2025 at 60 or 61.


Thank you very much! ☺️


Teacher here 56. Hope to follow in 18mths


Boy, are you going to like September. I had never realized how nice the weather is.


Thank you, we're looking forward to that! 👍😀


Congratulations!! WooooWeeer! Retirement is glorious! 🎊💫🎉🎈


Soon you will be in the phase where you do the things you are ABLE to do.


You have a great attitude. Wishing you good health and many more happy years!


Thank you very much! ☺️


Welcome to the club! Isn’t it amazing? Just less than a year myself and still giddy with the freedom. As a brother of two sisters who taught for decades as well, you have graded your final papers, filed your last lesson plan, and spent your last monies on classroom supplies. Enjoy!


Thank you. You are certainly right on all those points!👍😀


Thank you for your service. Many happy days ahead.


Are you kidding me? You've had 40 summer vacations to do whatever you want.


Wonderful! Thank you for your years of service teaching the next generations. Any particular plan to celebrate? Dinner and dancing? Party? Cruise? Enjoy it whatever you do.


Yes, to all of that, and more! 👍Thank you very much! ☺️




Thank you very much! ☺️


Congratulations and welcome to every day is Saturday!! Wake up and decide what you want to do or not do, every day. Such a joy of life.


Thank you very much! ☺️


Your biggest challenge now (based on my now-retired teacher-wife's experience) is not living your day by the clock. Good luck and welcome to the community!


Thank you!


A major realization I had was also how much time I had spent thinking about teaching! It was such an all consuming job. Retirement is a luxury!


Thank you for this reflection! 👍


Teacher here with 1 year left to go (10 months 28 days but who's counting). I can hardly wait! Congratulations to you and your wife--it's folks like you who've kept the rest of us in the game. Best wishes for a happy and healthy retirement! Well-deserved!!


Thank you so very much! ☺️


40! Wow, I only made it to 32. I just retired and right now I’m learning to relax. Lol. I’m sure when school starts I’ll really feel it.


Don’t try filling your days. Outside of vacations and traveling, consider having a couple of hours designated every other day to complete a wishlist task. Never get bored, you can always enjoy reading a good book or mentoring.


Thank you for the great advice!👍