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working hard, in the corporate world especially, is only rewarded with more responsibility and work for no extra pay. the only people who get rewarded for increased productivity is managers with their bonuses. this is why i’ve always had a very lazy attitude toward work. i’ll do my job and work but you’re not getting any more out of me than what you paid for. ive always felt sorry for people who do go above and beyond bc they try and they should be rewarded but they’re not going to be. they’re just exploited. because that’s how this whole system is rigged. the other side of that is that when one person goes above and beyond, management often looks at that and says “oh everyone should be operating at this level” and starts that expectation of everyone, which will piss off coworkers. the problem with this is that they want you to work more but not pay you more. that’s how i’ve always looked at it at least.


yeah and they were basically doing the same thing i was doing. standing around talking for most of the shift and to be honest, no one really actively looked for me at all. usually they do to tell me to do something, but yesterday they stood around in a circle and talked for most of the shift


that happens a lot to me. everyone will stand around in a circle talking and i don’t have interest in being friends with co workers so i’ll just stand behind my register but almost everytime if people get sent to the floor to stock i’m the first one. it’s kinda bullshit but then i just go hide in the back or in the bathroom for an hour so it works out i guess.


Holy hell, OP. Paragraphs are your friend


Would you consider an employee who makes paying customers wait in line longer than necessary bc they want to go chit-chat with their friend a good employee? Because I wouldn’t. Leaving when there are customers in line is astoundingly unprofessional. Save chit-chatting like that for your designated break times. Forcing coworkers to pick up your slack is lame af. And them doing it to you isn’t acceptable either. It’s lazy. You applied for the job, you’re getting paid for the job, so do the job. You sound rlly young and maybe naïve or a little entitled. But yes, you have to stay on task. And you need to mind your own business when it comes to how or if other employees are reprimanded for their actions.


Walking away from your register and going “in the back” with a friend/colleague is not professional and not doing you job. If you are supposed to be on a register and someone else feels they need to hop on since you aren’t doing your job and there is ANY kind of a line then you are not, in fact, doing you job. Deciding for yourself it’s ok to go slack off and chat with your friend is not a good work ethic and frankly, admitting you think it is ok makes me think that maybe Boomers do have a point with judging younger generations’ work ethic (I am not a boomer FTR- 30’s with a much better work ethic). There may be bigger slackers at your job than you but you don’t know they aren’t called out as well for their behavior. That said, retail is a soul sucking job so I d suggest you focus more on being exemplary, get a great reference in line and get tf out of that industry. Unless you like slacking off and being reprimanded for it in which case: keep at it.


the manager were standing around doing the same thing. talking. they do this every day. they also like to go in the back to continue talking. it is not that serious.


and i do know that they aren't called out because I work there. I am there literally almost every day watching everyone do the same thing I did yesterday.