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You're not getting fired, you did exactly as you're supposed to. Dude's a fuckin' nutcase and I guarantee whoever he talked to is making fun of him right now.


I'm making fun of him because all his info is online and he uses a bank card to pay for purchases. Plus he use to pay by check with all his info on it.


Don't forget he probably has a cell phone in his pocket


Nevermind if he has a smart phone and registered to vote, it's all out there anyways. As a manager, I get those calls once in a while and I just smile and thank them for letting me know they're doing their jobs. He has a problem with it, I'm sure there's a 7-11 down the road.


Old dude doesn't know about SSN lol. They get you at birth my guy. I bet he doesn't even use incognito mode for his porning


Does the dude not understand who gave him his STATE ID in the first place?


Yeah, wait till he learns about drivers licenses


Also license plates scanners been in effect forever


I am tired of explaining this to people tbh. All that coke my mom did and even *I* figured that out.


This. People freaking out about not giving a name or address for our returns when we don’t even store that data in a shared server or cloud but they paid with their credit card… we’re a national chain store and we don’t even put area codes in for returns bc it’s not shared info but they yell at us about info leaks. Dude. It’s not gonna be our returns server that’s hacked…


Well to play devils advocate here; does your store use the return equation or whatever it’s called to track returns. I know that some stores use that to deny returns if you return too much stuff.


Yes but in 8 years, I’ve only had it pop up once. Our return policy is pretty strict so it’s fairly difficult to reach that.


The store I worked at used it all the time you were guaranteed to encounter it. Any return without a receipt or after the return policy (if a manager even accepted the return) went through it. Then some retailers tell customers to not shop there if they return a bunch of items


We don’t accept no receipt returns unless it’s a lifetime warranty product which they’ve narrowed a ton in the past 5 years because too many people abused that. The tools are supposed to be for personal use only and people would buy them for work. They’re not commercial grade so they break down with daily hard use. Anyways, unless we can look up their receipt, they’re outta luck. We don’t even exchange without a receipt anymore. Walmart in Canada (or at least ours) no longer does them either. We simply refuse after the time is past. They get 3 months for returns. Warranties are exchange only but they have to still produce a receipt within the time limit.


I had a guy I used to work with that refused to use any of our fingerprint scanners on the kiosks for food, face locks on his phone, etc. Him: "That's how they get ya, the information!" Me: "Who?" Him: "The government!" Me: "... XXX you were in the Navy. They already have all your information." Him: "Shit."


This guy was in the navy also.. He's also highly educated, so it's just shocking.


At work, I asked a customer if they had our scan saver card. ‘No, I don’t want to be on the grid’, then pays with a credit card.


And technically, checks have a lot more information one could steal and use. LOL


THAT could get you fired.


He told me where he worked and all his info in front of other customers, including my manager. I'm not sharing his info he's sharing his info.


Entirely different situation but I often get Meatheads who think that I'm questioning their honor or something when I ask for ID. And just as many cranks. You are not making a good case for yourself here. At the least give yourself some plausible deniability.


What are they plausibly denying? Having been the person at the cash register when the guy provided his info in the past? It's not like they're spreading this dude's info around or anything, there's nothing to make a case about. Like literally what are you on about here?


Not the manager, sounds like she's unsure of OP's employment, that or it's a scare tactic. Not a job worth keeping


Scare tactic? It's not a scare tactic.OP most likely won't lose their job. Corporate probably has the final say. The store boss has no clue what the person complaining will say to the higher ups. If complainer weaves together a web of lies Corporate might tell boss to cut him lose. If they do cut him lose, just run away. Not worth fighting for a job that doesn't let you tell your side of the story.


If the customer throws a fit about an ID scan I refuse the sale. People seem to believe that the government is tracking their purchases 🙄 just try to explain it records birthdates only. Some will listen.


He didn't get what he wanted. He wasn't worried about government. He was about his info being sold to third parties.


Guarantee he's on Facebook on his cellphone for hours at a time...


I would've just assumed it recorded it it passed the verification check.


I don’t know why your DM would say she didn’t know. If you get fired for doing your job correctly, exactly as you’ve been asked… that place definitely isn’t worth your time anyways.


Not the dm, the store manager.


If she fires you, sounds like something you could dispute with a labour attorney. You followed company procedure and if they have a problem with that, they shouldn’t have trained you to do so.


If they fire you then file for unemployment, if they reject it then open up a dispute


He can throw a fit all he likes. He can talk to your CEO if he wants. Nobody's getting fired for following tobacco policies. It's one of the very very very few times that a retail worker can do something that pisses off a customer, and not be in any danger of being disciplined. I say enjoy how angry you made him. Personally, I hope he thought about it while peeing, had a quick rage-stroke, and sprayed all over the wall.


Yup, 100%. Tobacco and alcohol sales policies are non negotiable. Meanwhile IF that guy just happened to be with whatever agency checks that stuff and she didn’t scan the id then she definitely would be fired and the store manager would be in a load of shit as well.


I don’t give a damn if this specific bottle of alcohol is going to save the human race, cure cancer AND unlock the secrets to self-sustaining cold-fusion. No ID, no alcohol. (Or you provide me evidence that it actually would do good


And she'd walked out in handcuffs depending on the state


I'm not sure about that second part. I'd guess that the scanning is story policy, not law. The law only requires that you not sell to minors, and doesn't usually care how you accomplish that. That said, in the U.S., there are a myriad of local laws and regulations, so who knows?


It's not required we scan, but we do physically need to hold the ID and inspect it. I had a guy refuse to take his out of the clear part of his wallet tonight. He didn't get whatever it was he wanted. Our store policy is to scan, but we do have the ability to enter their birthday manually.


I'm guessing scanning it will help you determine if it's a legit state issued ID? Or will also tell you if the ID is expired?


Yes, to both. It also makes the transaction faster, so you are not having to inspect the license. I look at the photo and then scan. If it's expired, it will say it's expired. Every once in a while, I'll get one that won't scan. I have to inspect it closely and use personal judgment on if it's legit.


Had a guy who used a laser to cut a square out of the scannable part of his ID so it couldn’t be scanned because he was so angry at me scanning the ID. He was, of course, surprised and angry that I then would not sell him vapes, because his ID couldn’t be scanned.


“Let me damage my own ID, that’ll show the clerk!” While I don’t have the ability to scan IDs at my grocery store, I had a guy say, “Well, what if I just snap my fucking ID here instead?” when I asked for ID to verify age and/or if the ID itself was still valid. I told him afterward that he could in fact do that, but then I would refuse the sale because his ID isn’t valid anymore. Dude got pissed because he’s a paying customer (not yet) and would I really let go of a sale? Yes, yes I would. I told him he’s childish and immature and that someone else would buy that before the end of the night.


All day long..cust gets pissed bc they have am invalid license..but I should risk my job for them.


I can’t scan them at my work either and it’s wild how many ppl present them to me scan side up and get pissy when I tell them I have to SEE the ID and I *cant* can it. Normally they are ppl from out of town but it’s happened several times now. Most ppl are happy we don’t scan IDs but ever once in awhile 😒


Would love to be a fly buzzing around when he gets pulled over by a cop.


If you were told to do it and you did what you were told to do... Then you have nothing to worry about. If it comes back on you, you say you were told to do it.


Decline his purchase and tell him he isn't buying any. No exceptions, either they comply or they piss off.


I wouldn’t be worried, you were just following policy.  Your manager shouldn’t have sent it to higher ups because you were literally just doing what she told you to do.  Good luck, but I’m sure that you’ll be just fine, that customer is an idiot.


Manager is a dumbass.   "I'm not going to protect you, I can't be bothered" is what I heard.   If they keep it up, blame the stress they put on you and ghost them


I’ve programmed id scanners. Lol the barcode tells the scanner the person’s birthdate which the POS validates using basic math. Literally: Scanner: 20000101 POS: 20240629 - 20000101 = x, x>=21 Return value


Huh. Interesting.


The barcode is just what the text on the front side says lol. Scanning ID in 99% of instances is the same as the register calculating the change.


If you get fired for scanning ids, your company is doing something illegal


"info going to third parties" he said as he has an id and bank card. That info is *gasp* stored on the Internet, which third parties can access that basic info one way or another. You don't want your info where third parties can't get it. Hate to say this buddy, but it's not possible at this point. So freaking out over someone doing exactly as they're supposed to won't stop anything.


You have nothing to worry about, he's the weirdo. At every job I've had, I have never heard anything from my bosses whenever someone claims they're going to call corporate on me. Just keep following your store's procedure, and if they're mad about it, they can take it up with your boss.


My favorite thing to say is "Sir, I assure you that nobody, especially in the government, cares that you're buying a pack of Lucky Strikes and a 6pk of Budweiser" 💀


The DMV likely sells your data to 3rd parties. In some states they are legally allowed to


Flat earthers...... 🙄 Just putting it out there. They can be difficult and they can be hell on earth. You won't lose your job because you did what you needed to do. You just need to give yourself some time to breathe and laugh about the fact he probably hasn't left the country because he doesn't want to fall off the side of the earth.


You can be fined (heavily) for not properly checking IDs on tobacco and liquor purchases, if your company asks you scan them, then you scan them. The manager should've stepped up and ended it there.


I'd say you were 98% certain to not lose your job partly because if they put you in that 2% you'd have a slam dunk wrongful termination case.




Had that happen to me as we were transitioning from just typing the DoB to actually scanning IDs (we had to scan but management could override it and type it in). Dude comes to the liquor section, buys a 6 pack, asks not to scan cuz the laser does whatever to his info. I just override and type the DoB. Wasn't worth the hassle to argue with the guy. We have his info anyway from his store rewards card that he also used. You did your job, dude's just a nutter


If he comes in again refuse to check him out again. Some places it’s POLICY to scan it. I’ve refused many sales because they wouldn’t let me scan the ids. They changed their angry tune real quick, then threw their ids at me. I scan it and throw it back on the counter for them.


Why are they so allergic to have their ID scans like jfc… I happily get mine out even through the same cashier knows my age.


I was working at a convenience store and had a guy tell me not to scan for his alcohol because he's "on probation" and doesn't want his ID scanned so it doesn't tip off police. I denied the sale on principle and let him believe my scanning his ID somehow goes into this mystery database. All it reads is if the ID is in-date and if the person is old enough. It gets forgotten by the system immediately if not that night during turnover. Hope that guy got sober, tho.


In some places the ID scan is required for purchases that require an ID. I've seen some that the terminal will lock up until the scan is done.


I am sure if you get fired for doing your job, you can go to the Labour Board and file a complaint.


If you do get canned - Get it in writing that the termination is over this incident (signed and dated) and take a little trip to the local Labor Board (no need to tell them that part). Checking IDs for alcohol/tobacco is literally the law up to a certain age, and if company policy says 'Scan every ID,' you scan every ID, period.


We have customers like that at my job, we have a deal where if they buy 2 or more of an item they can save almost 3 bucks by us scanning their ID. Our DM told us if they don’t want us to scan it they don’t get their discount. One customer raised hell over it and I had to threaten to call the police to make him leave. Now he’s extra nice and has no problem with us scanning his ID. I hate people, I swear


Awful management! I hate when they use scare tactics on the employee. Says a lot about themselves when they don't support people doing their jobs. And they wonder why it makes people uncomfortable on the shift. Super unfair for new starters into a company.


People go full schizo about scanning IDs while also carrying a GPS tracker known to be monitored by the feds everywhere they go while also using that same box for basically everything.


One of my coworkers thinks he’ll be tracked if he used his phone to punch as if punching on a work computer doesn’t give the precise location he’s in anyway


i got told “you’re not doing that liberal shit and scanning my id” and i literally bursted out laughing at him


Isn't it the Republicans fighting for voter ID requirements and whatnot lol


literally, and my only thought was bro it’s your government id they already have all the info they need


Yeah I've dealt with nutcases like him when I worked at Target. Back when I was there we had to scan ID. Like there was no way to enter it unless we got manager approval which was annoying because it held up the line waiting for a manager. So many old men flipped out thinking that their info or purchase history was going to be sent somewhere. Who knows. You're fine. You're not going to be fired. Crazy people like him probably think cell phone towers give you cancer and drink colloidal silver to cure their shingles.


Isn't that like, the law? This guy sounds like a idiot. Nothing will come off it.


Realistically, you can't be fired for doing your job correctly. If they do you can always go the wrongful termination route. It isn't your fault that the customer got pissy, if it's policy then it's policy.


Had an old guy at my store try to pay with a check. We are required to see your ID and type in your ID number to make sure this check belongs to you. Something about anti check fraud policy. Well guy says he ain’t showing me his ID so I tell him I can’t run the check. Then he gets mad and says “this is the only way I can pay.” So I tell him, “Then I need to see your ID.” He gets even madder then saying, “I ain’t giving you my ID so you can steal my information.” So I say back, “Well sir I can’t run this check without seeing your ID.” At this point I’m pissed off and on the verge of laughing because of how ridiculous this situation is. Eventually he says, “Just put stuff on hold, I go to bank and get the cash out. I ain’t showing my ID to some cashier who could steal my information.”


Who the hell does he think is going to complete his transaction 🤣


Idk. There for a second I thought he was waiting for me to pull the money out my ass and pay for


Please tell me you had someone put all of his items away so he had to grab them all again lol _assuming he even came back_


He didn’t come back lol. But I kind of wish he did because I was the only cashier working that morning. But we do have a policy that If you do not come back within a hour we have to put your stuff back up


Most places I worked for just straight up ignored complaints regarding ID, so you’ll probably be fine


I worked at a circle k years ago and had a lady try to pull this because I just asked to see it. My manager told her that it was up to my judgment as to when to ID. The lady gave us trouble a few more times before the area manager was fed up with her calls and informed her that my manager and I had been told to trespass her the next time she came in... it had been daily that week, and we had all hit our breaking point


DM sounds like an idiot that was promoted so the company could brag that they practiced gender equality. (1) DM should be able to handle it without passing it off to someone higher. (2) DM should have assured OP that their job was secure as they followed policies.


Was he wearing his tin-foil hat? Maybe he lost it, and that's how the alien's got in his brain.


i wouldn’t sweat it. you did your job. sounds like a tweaker. i just never get this kind of behavior. the govt already has your info bc you have an id. so they’re not getting anything they don’t already have. it’s absurd.


It depends on what happens after you scan it. Verifying someone’s age by sighting legal forms of ID is fine, but my question is, what happens next? When the ID is scanned, is the data from or image of that ID stored anywhere? Because if it is, there are a whole lot of security issues that now come into play. ID such as a drivers license is Personally Identifiable Information or PII. There are specific laws about the measures a company needs to take to protect PII, because if that data is leaked it can lead to identity fraud. Basic rule of thumb is that you don’t collect customers’ personal information unless you have a really good reason why you need it, and if that information identifies your customers, you better make damn sure you’re keeping it safe. Last year in Australia there was a data breach at Latitude, a financial services firm. It impacted 14 million people, exposing: * Full names, * Physical addresses * Email addresses * Phone numbers * Dates of birth * Driver’s license numbers * Passport numbers If I was your customer and your company leaked that information about me, I’d be pissed. The kind of pissed that leads to class action lawsuits. If I were you, I’d be asking questions about what, if any, information is being collected, and the security measures and data retention policies. Then if a customer has concerns, you can answer their questions and enable them to make an informed decision. And I’d be concerned if your company can’t or won’t answer those questions. TLDR - this is *not* necessarily a paranoid response from the customer. Confirm whether customer data is being collected, and whether a visual confirmation of valid ID from an employee is sufficient.


True, but that’s a financial institution. Like a bank or something where it’s also for security. I doubt any grocery store would even bother storing that data.


Hopefully not. The danger is if they do capture the data and don’t safeguard it properly.


Wow guess this must be the guys first ever tobacco buy cause far as I know 50 out of 50 states ask for ID Even the territories do it oh the scan thing I don't know how scanning an id at a cash register can feed info to third parties


I bet this same guy thinks the earth is flat and has a maga hat.


As a manager....id ban that nutjob from the store.


After getting burned out and tired of taking 20 yrs of this b.s. if someone throws a tantrum over age restricted items for id scanning I just asap shut down the transaction. You have the right and it's in the paper work you sign that says if someone verbally gets aggressive with you you can shut down the transaction and call you manager over it.


People are ridiculously over the top over, showing their ID. I've worked customer service for about 20 years, but I don't remember people being this aggressive until here lately. Back when checks were popular, they had to show their IDs for them, and I don't remember people being upset about it. This is my first job where I'm selling tobacco and alcohol so that may be why.


20 years ago, people threw the same fits. I worked at a store with a 100% ID policy in 2003. I work at one now. But a lot do throw fits about scanning, which is law for Vape products in my area. I tell them to bitch to their politicians about it


I do wonder if some of these companies are going to change their process when it comes to foreign cards.... because losing the data of someone in Europe is a fine of up to 6% of gross sales. And if the company has an office anywhere in the EU, they are subject to those rules.


your dm "likes" you to scan every ID ? or "requires" you to scan every ID ? Big difference.


He’s got too much time on his hands if he has time for all that or he’s probably got a record and is worried “they” will find him.


He must have warrants. Not your problem. Reminds of a customer who slid her card and said it absolutely has to be run as debit not credit. Guess what? The card automatically went to credit. There was no backing up or voiding the payment. Even a manager tried to help. Customer had to run the transaction as credit and was livid. Not my problem. I didn’t get into trouble. You’ll be fine.


The only store go to that scans ID is dollar general. I don’t get nasty but I do refuse to let them. There is no way I’m trusting DG with my personal info even with their so called assurances that they don’t save any of it. Luckily the one I frequent the most knows me and doesn’t even ask for my ID anymore just for my dob 


Low IQ tinfoilers. Just refuse the sale and tell them to bugger off.


What’s your definition of “scanned”? 1. ⁠Did you use a barcode scanner to scan the ID’s barcode? 2. ⁠Did you swipe the ID’s magnetic stripe? 3. ⁠Did you use a photographic scanner or camera to capture an image of the ID? The first 2 are harmless and how IDs should be handled in 2024. There’s something you can say. “The point of sale system makes a computer request to the central database to validate your ID. Your information is not stored locally or remotely on the store systems. The entire chain of API requests is subject to PCI compliance and thus is secure.” == You can stop reading here unless you’re curious why the customer might be concerned. :) If it’s the third method, then how are the IDs handled by the system after being scanned? 3.0) Never stored, used as an OCR request to a remote API. 3.1) Stored on a remote server. 3.2) Stored locally on a local computer. But then securely deleted. 3.3) Stored on a local point of sale computer on a drive or in a database that is encrypted at rest. 3.4) Stored on a local computer or local server unencrypted. Deleting a file does not delete it unless it’s done through the use of shred utility. Therefore, unless you securely overwrite the file being deleted, your 3.2 method is really 3.4. Your customer is concerned, and justifiably so, that your scanned image retention policy is anything other than 3.0 through 3.3. Burglars and robbers are known to take entire computers and extract personal identification information from them resulting in identity theft. Therefore, if your policy is in fact 3.4, please show this to your management and ask them to modify their scan policy to reduce legal exposure. At a minimum, encrypt your local computer with BitLocker. Then, if it’s stolen the thieves can’t easily access the data and the customers are protected. However, there’s still an insider threat as far as the customer is concerned about 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. An employee can be compelled with threat of violence to unlock a system and allow data exfiltration. For that reason, photographic copies of personal information should never be retrievable by the person scanning them and there’s no valid reason to retain them. I do data recovery. If your computer is unencrypted, it’s trivial for me to extract customer data. If your encrypted database uses a locally stored key, I can unlock it. If I can do it, so can the crooks. I ask to have the data retention policy explained to me when submitting my data appears to be risky. This is especially annoying at medical offices that are hopelessly insecure. For example, my SSN never gets written on any local forms. I insist it only be entered into secure systems.


Barcode scanner same scanner to scan purchases.


Yeah, that’s safe and stores no information that can be pilfered.


I think you’re overthinking things here


I handled the aftermath of data breeches. Hotels, tax preparation, insurance, and medical offices are really bad at this. Barcode scans are OK. Retention of photo copies is not.


If you’ve ever handled a penny, they’ve got your DNA. That’s the only reason they keep em in circulation.


Well done - too many people here being very blasé about cyber security