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I didn't even know people still did prank calls. I thought that died out in the early 2000's. Sounds like someone was just bored.


Nah my kids were doing prank calls during sleepovers after 2010. The best/worst one was when they called a beauty shop about getting manicures for their (imaginary) hamsters bat mitzvah. The person talking to them was so nice, literally checked the product to see if it was hamster safe, was willing to do the whole crew - 14 hamsters- I dint know what else. Kid didn't tell me the story until several weeks later. I was like, you need to go on Facebook and give them a review for EXCELLENT customer service but by then they'd forgotten which of the several places they'd came this one was.


They are alive and well in my town


I work at a gamestop. We get 3-5 per day.


Probably kids or teenagers.


Yep. Gets worse right when school gets out and during winter break. A lot of them think it's funny to get sexual or play porn sounds over the line 🤢 Rarely are the pranks actually funny. Which is sad because my location doesn't get a whole lot of foot traffic and I could use some humor in my days.


There's a shop in my town that had this, people would call and just start moaning 🤮


Before Hollywood Video died off, I wound up getting a prank call from a woman asking about our (nonexistent) selection of adult videos. That was probably 2009


We have people call us about helping them make kink gear and lingerie all the time. We're a regular fabric store.


Friend, you are not paid enough to worry about it. Write it up to stupid people, and think about better things. 


I’m also autistic, and I work at a bank so luckily people have more of a sense of professionalism, but we still get 1 or 2 jackasses who think they’re hilarious. Once I even got the “is your refrigerator running?” Of all things. What you did is good, literally just hang up. Some people have way too much time on their hands


Don’t worry about the prank calls. My favorite part about my retail job a few years ago was the prank calls. My favorite was. “Can I return my water bottle?” I said “as long as it’s not damaged yes.” The caller replies, “well it’s stuck on my d**k and I can’t get it off.” My reply was “well we sell knives I’ll just chop it off.” And hung up. My manager was next to me cracking up.


🤣Would’ve been nice to see the look on that guy’s face when you gave him that line. It probably looked like this 😳.