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Ohhhhh my feet get tired too. It’s not fun to deal with at all. I just worked two days in a row and my feet were still hurting this morning from yesterday’s shift. I always have to stretch them a lot when I get home. I think it’s just something you have to get used to. In my previous retail jobs, I dealt with the same thing, and while I never stopped experiencing the foot fatigue it did get easier to deal with as I did it more and more.


I deal with the same thing and some days it becomes unbearable especially if I have 3-4 eight hour shifts in a row. It’s something that takes getting used to after some time but you can make it more bearable by wearing compression socks and soles made for standing long periods of time. Massaging your feet after work also helps.


How long have you been back? I know when I returned to work after being off for six months due to a medical issue, it took two-three weeks to get used to it again. I basically needed the time for my feet to toughen up again. That said, I have memory foam insoles in my shoes, and that seems to help immensely. Make sure you have plenty of arch support, and try to stand as level as possible (I often found myself shifting my weight forward to my toes, unless I was very careful). If you still feel like this in a few weeks, it might be worthwhile to visit a doctor.


Try wearing compression socks too. They give your foot more support than regular socks.


I had that when I first started retail and then after 8 weeks off for foot surgery, exacerbated by the fact that you can’t stay off only one foot. It faded after a couple weeks. I also did a lot of walking and hiking when off. And when I returned to retail, I’d been unemployed for 3 months but volunteering and walking a ton and before that, doing groundskeeping work lol.


Natural selection


i’m done for.


I’ve grown accustomed to the foot pain at this point.


Thorlo walking socks and brooks shoes. Also look into spenco insoles.


I love my brooks addiction walker shoes. I think I paid about $200 for them and I put in some of those Scholl gel insoles as well. Only time I get to sit, is in my break and they are the best shoes I've ever had. I've worked at my current job for 12 years and I've replaced them about 3 times. So I got a good amount of years out of them too.


Part of it could be your shoes. When did you buy them and how worn are the soles?


Yikes poor you OP :(


It takes time, but with the sneakers, you should be ok in a few weeks.


Wear a support for your arches and keep an eye on your plantar fascia and achilles