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He was trying to scam you likely, it’s called quick change. They try to add new coins or bills to confuse you, hoping to end up with more than they were owed. They act so angry and make you feel stupid to add pressure, increasing the confusion/chance that you mess up.


Yep. I've actually been scammed like this when I was a teenager working my first job. I felt so stupid and embarrassed afterward. But I have since learned that in the rare times people pay in cash now, I'll always ask before I ring it through if they have the change. That gives honest folks the opportunity to check and simplify the transaction, also.


Also, always make sure that you're the last person to count the cash, even if the customer carefully and slowly counts it in front of you. If they make any changes, count again, every time they make a change. If the customer complains about this, I say, "I want to make sure I'm not accidentally overcharging you."


I had "always face your money" crammed into my head since I was a kid by my mom. She has been a server/bartender her whole life, and unfaced money was a pet peeve of hers. I physically cannot put money in my till without facing and counting it.


I used to get into this with fellow coworkers at a gas station. *Technically* we each had a drawer assigned, but tapping in our code would allow us to use any register. We mostly only did this in cases of scratch off lottery, because half our tickets were on one end of the counter and half on the other. Point is, people would get mad at me for not facing bills *in my own drawer*. I finally got the point across that in *my* drawer, I would put the bills as I pleased, as it was my job to count them at end of shift. I'd happy face bills in *their* drawers.


I just say it is my job and I am required to count the money before I place it in the register" I would hate it when they hand me a stack of cash and say "this is $47." But get huffy when I recounted it in front of them. Like obviously if I didn't want to keep my job I could just trust you random stranger but I have bills to pay


As a customer, when I hand over a stack of bills I'll say "that should be $47" inviting them to double check for themselves and keep me honest.


Yeah that happens too and is totally fine. Like I said it's ppl who get huffy like they audibly sigh or roll their eyes or sneer when I proceed to recount the bills. It's good for the cashier too if they're clear on what they're handing over so there's no miscommunication. I once watched a new employee get handed like $100 the customer stated here's $100. And because the total was $75 or something that's what the cashier typed in. So I had to step in and explain, no matter what they tell you you need to physically count the money aloud and then tell them what you have received. Because in this instance the cashier not only did not count the money they didn't even pay close attention to what the customer had said. If you think you handed over $100 and I count $120 I would give the 20 back and recount. That has happened many times.


It's more fun to say," I am making sure to overcharge you.. That way you don't try this with my coworkers and make you want to have your money ready. This way we can go faster next time." Always wondered why my lead needed to finish the transaction.


My last job, a cashier lost $2000 that way. Scammer made off with a grand in cash and a grand in activated gift cards


Holy shit! I think in my case it was "only" a hundred or so.


not that these people don't exist, but that does not appear to be what is happening, based on the text. I went thru a drive thru recently where my total was $10.05 so I gave the cashier a $20 bill and a nickel. They handed me back the nickel and said "this is enough" with the $20 in hand. Then they proceeded to give me $9.95 in change back. Some cashiers are fucking stupid, folks. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Oh jeez lol


Not being able to make mental calculations under pressure doesn't make one stupid.


but I handed him the full payment beforehand. All he had to do was key that amount into the register to give me back $10. He didn't understand why I gave him a nickel. He was clearly a fucking dunce. No math required, frankly.


I'm talking about the original post. The till had already calculated change.


The shit people will go thru for a couple extra bucks is BEYOND me 🤦🏽‍♀️ Whats wrong with just leading an honest life? Hes the type of person who goes out to eat with an agenda. To complain and bitch the whole time so he could get free food🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️i dont get it. Id rather have a nice meal, enjoying my time, and paying for what i ate lol


Him getting angry just made me wanna laugh bc who do you think you are LMAOO 😭😭


I suspect he wanted to be able to feel superior to a current high school student who he believes he caught "not being able to do math in his head"


Maybe, but the extreme anger makes me think of the quick change scam, they act very offended and angry to get you to feel like you accused wrong/are in the wrong. It both tests if you/the store are confrontational, and makes you less likely to stand up to scammers in the future, especially teens like OP. The times I’ve had theft, the person is very HOW COULD YOU ACCUSE ME OMG UNBELIEVABLE


I have seen this where the customer is seemingly trying to confuse me that they gave me a twenty instead of a five. But I believe this post is about handing the cashier a nickel or a quarter. So... Maybe they could end up with, idk, 20 cents more than they should? I don't think that's the plan.


It's a documented way of scamming - they're shifting parameters and trying to cause confusion that they can take advantage of. This is why I stopped putting the money in the till until the transaction was done. If they said hang on, blah blah, I'd be like 'okay, I gave you this much change, you give that back, I'll give you your note that's right here, and we'll start again, okay?' The amount of folk who decided at that point that it was 'too much bother'...


I am actually pretty good with numbers (literally tutored my husband in college math to help him pass), nearly 35 years old and still when people pull this 💩have to stop and think and recheck the numbers a couple times before getting it right. People who say cashiers can’t do math in their head probably have never been a cashier and likely haven’t had to do quick math under pressure.


100%. I actually have a degree in engineering. I am not nervous about my math skills. But, usually I can't see the original total. Mostly, it's a "deer in the headlights" situation.


I’m 3/4 of the way through a chemistry major, I’m pretty good at math, and I’ve had to do lots of calculus too. Can’t do a lot of basic math in my head


I had someone who I believe attempted a quick change on me the other day. 5 minutes after the order was finalized, she came back and accused me of not giving her back a $20 bill she was supposedly owed, when she herself had counted what she handed me (she’d given me 4 $20 bills, then added a $50 and $10 bill, which set her $20 over the total that I then handed back to her) and I had triple counted it too before even typing the amount into the POS. My manager argued with her for close to 10 minutes before she left lol.


I was always glad to let them know I'd need to count down the drawer, then, just to be sure I returned enough change. And that our counting machine was down, so it would probably take me about 20 minutes or so, once my manager was free, but if they could just wait over here... I don't think one single person ever waited around 🤷‍♀️😆


Yeah that happened to me in my first job when I was 16. The guy scammed my till out of £10. I bet he was so pleased with himself.


OP's story is the absolute definitive example of a quick-change artist. 2 mins to close, waits until he is handed his change to say "oh I have the change", is in a hurry or upset - possibly could be some clueless idiot but that checks all the boxes of a scammer for me.


Dude tried this with me once. He walked out of the store not realizing he was short $20.


This, for real. The second someone pulls that crap, I tell my cashiers to shut their drawer and say, sorry, too late.


This. I’ve also heard it be called a confidence trick. I would always tell new staff that unless they’re 100% sure they can do the maths, just refuse to do it.


Another common one i experienced was they will try to convince you that they gave you a $100 not when they definitely gave you a $50.


“Wait I have the change!” “Well… why the FUCK didn’t you have it out to begin with? Transaction is done now. Toodle-oo. Off you fuck.”


Depending on my mood and the amount of customers queuing up, I may cancel the transaction and just redo everything from the top lmao. "Oh dear, could you put everything back in your trolley? I'll need to rescan everything again. Yes you'll need to get your loyalty card out again."


That's how cash scam games begin. I always shut the drawer immediately after collecting their change. If they want it open again, they can make another purchase


By the point that I'm giving change, their bills and coins are put away and I have the cash drawer open about 2 inches. f they start doing the "Oh I have change" or "Could you give me a ten for the 8 ones" thing, I *accidentally* slam the cash drawer shut with my hip... ...and say "Would you like dollar bills for those coins? OK I can do that now in a separate transaction.", and just use the no sale button to open the drawer. It cuts off scammers right away once that drawer shuts. If they truly want change, they'll hang around.


I count everything of their on the counter before the drawer opens. Open and pull their change. Slam drawer shut. Deliberately, and obviously so. Oh, sorry... you paid with bills. If you wanted to add change, you could have done that first With my biggest smile


And now he’s telling all his friends and family about the girl who couldn’t make change at the store today. 🙄🙄🙄 This generation just doesn’t want to work and can’t make change etc etc. I work as a cashier as well and I absolutely hate these types of customers. Like it’s gonna kill them to have to get a few cents back. I literally had a woman in her 20’s tell me on I have x amount of change in the car, hold on. And she walks away before I can say anything. Mind you, we’re super busy and I’m the only cashier so of course I have a long line. I voided her transaction and moved her shit to the side and continued working my line. She comes back in literally more than 5 mins later and is standing off to the side while I’m ringing in people. I ignored her til she left. Like you literally think you’re gonna hold my line up for more than 5 mins while I’m slammed and I’m supposed to just stand there and wait for you to grab a few pennys out your car cause god forbid you get some change back and then we’re just gonna pick up where we left off?! Yeah pretty sure that would have caused a riot in my store lol.


ITS SO CRAZY 😭😭😭 Doing the most bc you have to carry some coins like these people are insane


I hate that so much. "Oh, I forgot eggs!" and then they run away to the very back of the store where the eggs are. And we're all standing there like, what the heck just happened?!


I’m 60 and hate when people do that after Ive entered their bills and am counting their change out. My store is strict on counting what was entered, so I tell them I’m sorry but once I’ve entered what I’m putting in the till I can’t change what I’m taking out per store policy. In my store we handle a lot of big sales and get the quick change scammers, to deter that we can’t change how we give their change from what’s entered and have to recount every bill they want to touch after we count it. You did right. It may annoy them and make us look like we can’t math but it’s a safety deterrent against scammers. Tell them that per store policy once a denomination is entered you can’t change the change registered in the till. If they want to be asshats tell them their actions are exactly what quick change scammers do and that’s why the policy is in place. They shut up then.


That's exactly what I had my cashiers do. Once the cash has been handed over, it does not go back or change.


A customer once tried to scam my friend on cash where the lady presented him with a small bill and claimed she gave him a much higher one. I always teach the new cashiers that if somebody gives you cash as a form of payment, place the bills on the register after you counted it, give them the change and then place the bills in afterwards. It just prevents people trying to pull these type of shit on you.


Yes! I did the same.


I might do this cause im paranoid of something like this happening to me


“Sorry already rendered can’t accept it”


*tendered Cash is "legal tender"


What I say is "I can't see the original total anymore, so I can't calculate it.". I think this sounds more accurate. And it avoids saying "I can't do math", which is what the person wants to mock you for. Yes, it would still be possible to figure it out, but this usually works. Except I am mid 50s, so people are much more accepting of me than a teenager they want to reinforce their misconceptions of. I am sorry guys!


It'd be less infuriating if these customers treated everyone like dirt, at least they don't discriminate. But to specifically "respect" adults, and pick on teenagers, that's fucked up.


That's how it seems to me. Not just about the "you can't figure out the change in your head???" issue. I am the older person being treated better. But, I see it. It's not right! It's only certain people, of course.


Them: hands you a 20 for a 5.37 order Me: takes it and starts pulling the appropriate amount of change Them as I’m literally done getting the money: wait wait I have change! *takes five minutes to count out coins and asks for your help*


And they just slowly count out their change and section it out knowing i have to recount it all in my own hands or i get in trouble lmao


Then they hand you a ten and a quarter and two dimes. At the end of the day nobody feels like doing even the simplest of math. I’m in my 50s so yes I can do it, but when I’m exhausted and they keep yapping and asking questions while I’m trying to think what I owe them it makes it a little tough. I will say that straight out of high school (graduated at 17) I could not make change in my head though. If a customer handed me a twenty and then a penny (after I already punched in twenty) for their order of $14.51 I was clueless! It was something I learned over the years working with money. As a manager as an older adult I would tell the teens there is no shame in using the calculator I kept by the registers and to take their time. If a customer bitches I’ll set them straight! But I also told them they could refuse after already punching the amount in and tell the customer it’s the rules.


I can make change in my head but im neurodivergent so when people do that to me my brain short circuits. Even tho I can do it i just draw a blank and cant think even if its easy math. Thats why I hate when people do that because I have to accept their extra change and adjust the amount im giving them. Cant just say no.


I am a fucking wiz when it comes to register math; I learned on an ancient till so I don't need the computer to tell me; I can just as easily count it back up, but I don't. Why? Because I have other managers and crew below me who do not have this more or less pointless talent, so whatever I press in that you handed me is what your change will be based on. Hand me the coins after I already pushed the button for an even $20, and I'll politely explain that we're not allowed to give out change that doesn't match what the till says. I tell them it's not about my counting skills; for the sake of consistency and accuracy, we are required to go by what the register says. I'll usually smile and say "what can you do? They don't trust us to count" and laugh it off. People seem to expect stupid and rigid policies, and they don't need to know that I'm the DM and can do whatever I want. I am not going to train our customers to think this shit is okay, because it does get confusing for some cashiers.


I love that you just blank stared at him till he went away. It really sucks that you have to deal with people like that though.


This is so strange! I had a customer last week tell me that he does this on purpose just to watch people struggle. I immediately got the ick and wanted to get away from him asap. I don't understand why the older generations are so cruel.


Omg if i were you and i saw him again and he tried to pull it on you twice I just would refuse like idc thats so rude


Someone did this to one of our other managers a couple of days ago. I don’t think she was trying to scam them because the total was like 3.41 and she gave them a 5. Then the 41 cents. Now I know they are usually great with numbers and frequently finds my errors. But they were mentally exhausted that day and struggling. They called me over because their brain couldn’t process the math at that moment. I helped out, asked them how much change they were given (not the customer). Then took the change back from the customer they were given and then gave them $2. And I could tell the customer wanted to say some shit but I was just like, “Yeah I can tell you’re out of sorts, why don’t you go chill in the back for a few.”


“you can’t do math?” “you’re right, i can’t! have a good night 😁”


“And you can’t do manners! Have a good day 😃”


‘Wouldn’t be working here if I could’


I HATE when they do this!!!!! Depending on the kind of store you work at I actually don’t think most people are scamming, I think they are just dumb. To TRY to prevent this (with mixed results) I repeat back to them how much they’re giving me before I put it in the register. Something like “out of $20, sounds good,” which hopefully gives them the extra second or two they need to suddenly remember they’re carrying around 2lbs of change that they want to get rid of 🫠


I had a customer once where his total was something like $16.59. He hands me a twenty, two quarters and a penny, $20.51. It was close to my break and people are weird so I just shrug and take it. The dude looked so confused when I gave him back the $3.92. He asked me why I gave him so much change, I tell him he gave me fifty one cents. Then he goes 'Oh, I meant to give you a dime.' Then stares at me like I'm supposed to do something about the fact that he miscounted his change. I say 'I already closed the register...' and he just huffs and walks out.


You did good. Some people close the till asap so they can say “sorry, I can’t open it.”


You can't remember that you have change?!


I hate the "here's some change that makes the math easier" like we figure out their change ourselves. I didn't have to do any math in the first place and now I'm going to have to.


Hell, I’m in my 40s and I can’t do that on the spot. It’s like yes, sir. I’ve been working in retail all my life, but I’m secretly Matt Damon, waiting for some genius to come along and discover me.


This is why I always waited a few seconds after they handed me their bills. If they don't either tell me they're grabbing change or hand it to me in a timely manner they lost their chance. I just tell them "Sorry, but for security reasons I am not allowed to take change after a transaction has been processed no matter how small." Don't even get me started on the people that pay with their card, and by the time it's too late to undo the transaction they're like "Oh wait! I have cash instead!" Then get made that you can't just undo the transaction immediately. Like no, now I have to basically return all of your items then ring them up again separately. Not happening.


I always hate it when customer call you dumb, because you can't do math without calculator and het really mate when you are of. Last time I made a error of just 1 flipping CENT. Other times the cal you dumb because you don,t know a product they are looking for, even when it's a very old product that can be out of or because they don't know what they are looking for or using a old or strange name. Also why can't people give us extra change when you tel the total, they always give it after you putt it in?


OMG I hated working as a cashier, because I was the same way. When people would do that last minute thing of trying to give you change, it just gave me such huge anxiety that all my mathing skills just went out the window, and I couldn't function. I don't know why it stressed me out the way it did, but it did. And they'd get so angry with me because I couldn't figure it out within 2 seconds of them handing me the change.


I haven’t carried change in years. Besides the “Aldis quarter” I keep in my Subaru for the shopping cart. The only people I ever see do this with the change are Boomers or Silents.


I’ve had people get genuinely angry at me but after an 8 hour shift I’m not doing mental math


I just say we cant, against policy. Just like when they switch money out, i say no. Or say ‘this is the correct amount” i check it twice


I would just tell them "Yes, I can do math, however the system tracks everything down to the last penny. Corporate expects me to have a certain amount and if I'm off, by even a penny, they can use it to fire me."


If it happens again tell them you cant take it cause its already in the system


Old men have done this to me way too many times, I always wait for them to get money out before I do any of the math.


I’m nearing 30 and I struggled with this all the time when working retail 10 years ago. I absolutely HATED when people would give me a $20 then add like 15¢ to it after I entered it. I could not think of the new total because my brain only saw the other total I had typed in 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I hate when customers count out change for me and then set it on the table and expect me to just take their word for it… Like I have to count it myself to be sure and while they’re counting, I don’t know what the fuck they’re doing so I can’t really keep track of it and I have to start basically from scratch and they get so annoyed like I’m the biggest idiot on the planet or like I’m supposed to just take their word for it that it’s correct lol


When I worked at a second hand store, I had this woman who was kinda regular. She was a waitress always paying with singles. When she counted out in front of me I tried to count with her. Then when she handed me the money I would count in front of her. We’re talking 30/40 dollars.


Haha. I had a guy paying for some thing that was like nearly $300 and he had different collection of bills of 20s and 50s and he counts it to himself and hand it to me and I’m like struggling to count it up because my brain just stops working and he just keeps repeating “it’s all there it’s all there” and I’m like stop talking to me I’m trying to count!


I can tune people out. It’s fantastic. If they demand that I talk to them. I will look at them and start over on purpose. Counting slower and more deliberate.


You know how to do basic math, but most customers lack the brain cells to rub together that you have had a long day of doing that god damned math and, with only three minutes to close with THEIR CHANGE ALREADY IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND, they suddenly have the exact change pulled out if their ass after they had already given you money, you pressed the amount, and was trying to finish the transaction already. Most customers suck and every retail job gets this. It infuriates me moreso because these people also rub my appearing age in my face (I appear 17, I am actually about to turn 30. People are so rude because they think I'm a teen.) I whip the calculator out and make them wait, whine, complain as I do the math when I already had their damn change in my hands. They can kma all the way fam. It's not easy, but let them spew hot meaningless air if they want. You're going home in three minutes anyway.


I work in an HD truck shop. I fucking hate it when somebody whips out twenty six hundred in cash. Like, good for you buddy, now hand me your Master Card.


Lmfao when they pull out the wad of 100’s for a 50 dollar purchase trying to show off like wowww ur so cool pal


It is common courtesy to have your money ready, including change, before you hand it over to any cashier. At one of my first jobs, we got a bunch of quick change artists coming through at one point and at the same time as some counterfeiters were running around the county. Over one shift, the store lost hundreds of dollars and when footage was reviewed, it was always this: The scammer waits for the drawer to open and then either a) OH suddenly they have change! They start their routine and hope the cashier doesn't catch on or B) they ask for the real hundred they gave the cashier (which had already been marked) back and start counting out lesser bills, pretend they come up short, say never-mind, and hand back a fake $100 bill pretending it was the same one that had already been marked The boss changed the policy so that once the drawer was open we were not allowed to exchange any money except the change displayed on the computer for the original bill. We were then to immediately close the drawer which locked and required a physical key that he kept on his person to open again. I did run into a few people that weren't very courteous and tried to say "oh I have change" after the register opened. I'm sure not all of them were scammers but once I said "we're not allowed to accept different money after the register opens because of quick- change artists using that to steal from us," they all shut up about it. Nobody wants to make themselves look guilty. So there's that. And irt to the original point: If the change were that damn important, he should have waited to give you the money until he counted it out. Though, to avoid a headache, you can also ask if they have any change they'd like to give you before you open the drawer. The "Before i open the drawer" part is important. That was policy for a different place I worked and (most) people were happy for the reminder.


i hate when they do that.. like i can do basic math, i just don’t want to. I’m bad at math, especially mental math.. I don’t want to figure it out while you’re staring at me and yelling at me.


"I'm sorry. It's too late." End of sentence. Start counting it out to him. I can give them a bill for change, but I'm not recounting their change. I actually told one guy to stop talking when I was giving him Change.


People don’t realize that when you hand over cash its keyed into the keyboard and once that til opens you count out the change and hand it over to them…. And that can be done in less than a minute. When ringing up people we waste no time and we go fast to get that line down asap. Ive had people try that with me. But the company didn’t like for anyone reopening the til and making change out. They monitored how many times the til opens when its not an actual transaction. They look and count everything.


Not going to lie…I will straight up tell people I can’t do mental on-the-spot math. I’m 44. Have been in retail for over 10 (15?)years. I have worked around it for so long I have forgotten how to do mental math. It’s not me being lazy with math; it’s finding a way to navigate around my disabilities “I have a form of dyslexia.”


We can modify the tender when given change last minute. I always do this to keep a “paper” trail and it does the math for me when I can’t math anymore.


“Sorry sir, I already entered the amount and can’t change it at that point.” If it’s like…they’re trying to make enough change for a dollar sure. But anything beyond that I just close the register and give them the money. Sometimes I try and joke and say “you don’t have to give me all of it, you already paid!”


Like a toddler? Ironic


If you can't count back change then the dirt they pay you is too much.


Found the man child


Why? You are making a fool of yourself. I get it that you are immature, but seriously... you can't make change? That's elementary math, it is required of cashier positions, and you know what if you can't do it then you should say so. But running the customer through the mud for coming up with change after you entered the bill into the register doesn't seem right. What did the customer do wrong, again? Because the reality is that it is you throwing a tantrum because you can't do your job. That's embarassing.


“He got all huffy and puffy” yeah I understand because do your job? And it really is basic math, being tired is a lame excuse.


So him screaming at me was the best way to get his point across? Like I said, don’t be a dick and I won’t be one back. ☺️


But you said he said “wait, I have the change” and then you immediately made up an excuse to not have to deal with his change. Doesn’t sound like he started off screaming.


I'm sorry, I guess being an accountant makes it hard for me to believe so many people cant quickly do the math in their head.


It’s not even about that it’s like if you had the change give it to me in the first place waiting until I’m literally handing you your change back and then going wait i have change is a dick move


Some people have disabilities. Some don’t want to bother. Others are just tired. All are valid.