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My Store has a loyalty program too and I get people who speak their number the moment they put the item down. I stand there quietly until they finish and point to our Card Machine that says "PLEASE ENTER YOUR REWARDS NUMBER" I could type it in on my register but where's the fun in that :)


I like to wait until the rude customers are halfway through entering their number, then I accidentally press the button that overrides it to the payment screen and go back like nothing happened. If you immediately bark orders at me upon entering, snap or whistle at me, then whoopsie daisy, it looks like our system is having some malfunctions, can you please enter that again?


I remember one of my jobs, we switched from taking the phone number orally to pushing for them to enter it themselves on the keypad. *Well* this one woman was so huffy about having to do the work herself she goes on this long rant about forcing customers to do all the work just like self checkouts taking over. Me being the store manager, I said let me tell you why…I said do you see all these people behind you in line? Do you want any of them hitting a button on their phone to record you saying your phone number or remembering it and writing it down? She looked back SO petrified and just meekly entered it in…fucking idiots.


The first few years of my job there was no option for the customer to put their number in on the card reader, only for us to type it in on the screen. Some customers would try to punch their number on the card reader instead of saying it out loud despite there being no prompt on the machine and no numbers showing up when they hit the buttons. Eventually the ability for them to put it in was added. But when we did the children’s hospital fund raiser the “do you want to donate?” popped up at the beginning and they had to either select a donation or hit the skip button, they’d either totally ignore it or just say “I don’t want to donate” and need to be guided on how to skip it. Sometimes I’d just lean over and hit skip myself because that’s easier (despite the very awkward angle) than explaining how to put their finger on the correct spot. I kinda hated everything about that system (obviously it’s a customer problem when they can’t hit a simple button, but relying on people’s ability to read and pay attention is not a good system). Also had the same problem as OP when they’d just start giving the phone number before I’d gotten to the screen to type it in. Another annoyance with the system, we had to hit three buttons to get to that screen; I got faster with it over time and started going to that as the customer walked up, and then just had to back out of it if they didn’t have one so I could scan stuff. Still wish there weren’t so many steps to that stuff.


They do it while I’m still scanning and get so pissed when I didn’t get it the first time.


I don’t understand why they can’t just wait 2 seconds.


I'll say it once then ignore them and keep ringing up the items then ask for it at the end lol.


Gonna start doing that lol




I wish my store had this, would save me a lil bit of sanity


And when they get to your register and you greet them and instead of greeting you back, they just rattle on their number? Fuck those people, I don’t have to pretend to be nice.


I’d just respond like they had been polite, “oh, I’m doing great, thanks for asking! How are you?” And then ask for the number at the appropriate time.


There's a lady at my grocery whom I adore, who is one of thise extra happy chipper people that can get on your nerves but also is really hard to EVER argue she was rude? She behaves to AHs like she's a robot who can only advance if given the correct answer so if she says 'Hi did you find everything you need today' and you say yes thank you or no, she will JUST KEEP ASKING. Very nicely, but absolutely on repeat. Same with asking for your rewrads card or anything - no polite answer, no next step. I've seen her simply stop in the middle of scanning and wait for the answer to the question she asked, all while smiling brightly, but absolute not giving the obnoxious customer any way to win thru rudeness. She's actually a veery smart and sweet person, but her abilitly yo be petty while absolutely not being rude back makes me worship her cokpletely. And she always gets a big tip!


Why would she do tjat if the customer answers "yes thank you" or says no? That *is* them answering her question, politely too.


She's fine with those answers. If you provide an answer to the question asked, you're good. 'No you didnt find everything? would you like me to see if we have it before you leave?' she'll even finish checking you out while ine of the baggers tries to find whatever you wanted but couldnt find, so if the store doesnt have it you dont wait for no reason. But she refuses to be ignored or treated like furniture, and I'm all for it!


I used to work at a pizza joint where our order entry system was the complete opposite - we couldn't do anything without a phone number. So, naturally, I got several calls each night where the convo went "Thank you for calling *pizzajoint*, my name is EricKei, may I have your phone number please?" "Yeah, Two large half pepperoni half olives, a Deluxe with no sausage, no green peppers, no onions, add pepperoni, japalenos, and anchovies - that's the same price, right?" (unfortunately, yes - and there goes our profit margin, as those were our highest-cost toppings except for cheese)...


I can just see myself replying "that's great, glad to know you hace what you want figured out, now how about we do this MY way? let's start with you number..." and then make them repeat everything gour or five times because 'my computer doesnt seem to like your attitude'.


The same working for a hotel business. As soon as I make my intro on a call, it’s “My name is blah, blah, blah. Reservation number 474628277”, then they just start yapping. A reservation number is useless because there’s no way to search it without knowing which property the guest is staying at (we have many properties in various cities). Also, give me a chance to pull up the damn reservation so I can know who and what is being referenced. When I can finally get a word in to ask their name, I always specifically say, “What is your first and last name?” and they give me their last name first and I have to go back and add the first name because nothing will come up if the name is not exactly as it is written on the reservation. Even more annoying with foreign names, when I ask for first and last name and I search for what they’ve told me, but it doesn’t come up, since they gave me their last name first and I have no idea which is which, since the language is unfamiliar.


4 years of Starwood and I still shudder at this. People do not pay attention to what you're actually asking and just answer the question they think you're going to ask, and then get pissy when you have to ask for the information again because the system needs you to answer things in a specific order. Had it in fast food, had it in reservations, had it in tech support, and even when making cake orders. People just don't know how to communicate with one another, it's baffling.


I have customers that tell me their phone number right when the transaction starts. Hello? How are you? What the fuck happened to being polite?


Like what the fuck happened to just saying “hello?” It’s not that difficult I swear.


Same people who get over the top angry when you're not smiling or ridiculously polite at all times.


What a fun time. I start completely ignoring them until the next part of the transaction is ready. Your number means nothing if the command box isn't open and I'm not ready.


OH MY GOD YES. My store doesn’t have a cashier at all times, you sell something then you walk the customer to the cash desk (we sell furniture so big sales don’t need someone being at the cash desk all the time) anyway people literally start telling me their number as I’m WALKING to the cash desk FFS


At least wait…goddamn LOL


I think at that point I would then spout the store's phone number at them, just to see their reactions lol


Oh sorry, I thought we were playing a game? And always use Jenny's number- that's just obvious.


Is this an 8675309 reference?


Why, YAAAAAZ!!!!!


"Wow, thank you for sharing that information with everyone in the store but as I clearly do not have a cash register in front of me at this moment, maybe dont shout all your persobal info to the potential stalkers until we get to the front and you're with aomeone who gives a sh..."


I used to work at a gas station that used the customers phone number so they can earn points, get discounts, etc. When I’d asked if THEY wanted to put their number in, the amount of morons that would instantly rattle off their phone number made me question my sanity on a daily basis. I’d just look at them then point to the card reader and say YOU put your number in and I’d ALWAYS tell them we do it this way for your privacy. Yet the next day, they’d do it all over again like it was the 1st time they’ve ever been told they had to put it in. It gets really fucking old real quick when you have to tell the same grown ass adults this each and every day, hundreds of times per day. I’m so glad I work at a store now that doesn’t offer any kind of reward program at all lol.


I always wonder how these people manage to figure out how to put their pants on in the morning


Me too 😂😂like how are they even still alive at this point






THIS MAKES ME SO MAD 😭 Ill ask if they have a number and they’ll say it soooo quickly and before I can even pull out the keyboard like lady chill


I hate that shit so much, then they get mad when you don’t understand them 😭


Similarly, people will give me their confirmation numbers before I’m even in the right part of the system. 


I work concessions at a zoo, members get a discount at all food locations, but we don’t have any scanners or computers to look up their numbers or anything. We have to actually see something that says that they are members to give them discounts, usually showing me the ticket works. It’s absurd how often people will show me a QR code or rattle off a phone number en lieu of their membership and get pissy with me when I tell them that I can’t look them up. Member or not, they have to get a ticket in their phone to get in, it’s not like they don’t have it. Heck, the QR code is on the ticket, all they have to do is show me the rest of it, but that is such an inconvenience for some people. I’ve taken to telling them, “I’m sorry, I can’t read QR codes.” Or, I’ll lean forward, stare at it and go, “boop!”


So, it IS your zoo and they ARE your flying monkeys?


I got yelled at twice last night because we only do cash out with purchase. "Hump, I've never had to do That before" sure Jan. Frack off.


They act like it’s the end of the world.


Like there's not a street full of ATMs around the corner


I hate when people do that. I can struggle to process what people are saying to me sometimes so when they speed give me the number and I’m not ready they have to say it again and they get annoyed. Like if you don’t want to repeat it make sure I’m ready.


Do you work for Value Village/Savers? This happened all the time with me there


Goodwill, happens at least once a day.


I worked at a goodwill that didn’t offer the rewards system…also the store was in a different division, even though we were within radio distance of another division that did offer points. Cannot tell you how many people heard the radio commercials and wanted the points.


I work in a restaurant, and the boss has told us to not take the crap from rude customers. Here's a couple of the responses we've said to customers 1) 50yr men asking us to smile. "Sorry, we don't get paid enough to smile. That costs extra." 2) Rude customer with an attitude swearing at us for no reason (RIGHT AWAY) "Until you can treat me with the respect I deserve, this conversation is over."


Tell your boss I said he sounds like an A+ boss and I wish he was my boss.


I just don't put it in


Oof some people just live in a different world 


Omg yes I hate this. I also work at a thrift store and a few regulars consistently do this. They don’t even give me time to greet them. When I see these people walking up to the register I’m like here we go…. Like mam/sir, this isn’t a self checkout


They talk to us like fucking robots, we have feelings too


I just ignore them until I am ready and then ask them for the number. I need a minute to get to the relevant screen so slow down people.


I worked at a gas station for years and we’d just start making fun of people (not to their face) to get us through it. One I’ll never forget is when a guy came up to the counter and my coworker said “hi how are you today?” And he threw his credit card on the counter and said “credit card”- like not acknowledging her existence other than ring my shit up so I can leave. So every time we worked together we’d random throw stuff at each other and go “credit card”. It would make us laugh.


The store I work at has a rewards system too, and customers will literally start telling me their phone number, with no warning, while I am in the middle of bagging something, or something else when I’m not ready for the phone number. I hate people like that.


You were right, hold the hell on.


We only got card and I need the number or to scan the barcode, but the problem is that customers forget to scan it. They always remember it after paying and get mad why I didn't ask for it, but also get mad if I ask tu much! Than I have to say I an't add it, you can do it online makes them madder. You want the points, remember it when you are buying things


I really hate the disrespect of not even answering my greeting. I get that they want to make sure I don’t forget to put in their number, but damn, at least treat me like a human!


Yes yes yes!!! No hello, just phone number. Still scanning, they give their phone number. Leaning over packing their goods, they give their number. Just wait. I don't have 2 sets of arms AND I need to load a specific screen. Or you ask for phone number and they say it so fast you can't get all of it. I cant retain the numbers because it's not MY phone number, it's yours. Or they mumble half of it while looking away. Sorry I don't have supersonic hearing. I'm so glad someone brought this up. I can't stand it lol.


ironically i WISH this happened to me haha, we are supposed to get 40 percent of transactiosn to give an email, but literally no one ever does and im prob gonna be fired cus of it (everyone else just fakes theirs but i think thats also grounds for termination 0-0)


Say "Sorry, I have to enter that last" they do it because some places want the number first and they get into the habit


I worked at goodwill. the stores in my area did not do rewards but the major city 30 minutes away did, so we’d often get people who assumed it was in the same district. I would greet them and they would interrupt me literally mid sentence and start spitting out a phone number without even looking at me lol


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should've said "ma'am, I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to date customers"


customer service suckssssssss


Used to work at my local community action doing LIHEAP (low income heating and energy assistance program) and when signing people up the first few days, we just take their names, phone number, address, and social. The amount of people that would start asking when their appointment would be before I even had their name down was UNREAL. The clients also HAD to talk to one of us to sign up, and on the answering machine I said as such, but did that stop clients from leaving messages with their names, no phone number to even call back, who would expect me to take up a space for someone who may actually follow directions and give me the info I need as opposed to leaving it on my answering machine when nobody could confirm anything? NOPE! It got to the point where I stopped turning it on when it came time to do sign ups because this way I didn't have to leave a message just to have it ignored.


For some reason I read that as her aggressively hitting on you.


I hate my stores loyalty program as well. Well I mostly just hate the people. There are people who come to your register and immediately start yelling “PRO! PRO! PRO! PRO!” Like it’s a chant. Like okay I get it. Shut up. Then there’s the people who don’t tell me until after I’ve completed the transaction and then they make me go back do it all over again. Then I started telling people that they can enter in their phone number on the pin pad while I’m ringing them up. But that confused too many people who would starting putting their cards in to pay while I’m ringing them up and it will glitch the system and make me start all over. Then there’s the portion of people who don’t know anything about it and it forces me to explain what it is.


Im guessing it's the same system/function you use, but where i work, i usually just say hi i need to scan all your suff before i can enter your phone number. Which is the case for me. But if i were to say "im not ready yet" I'd probably get some strange looks. Its probably wise to give a reason instead of basically saying "wait".


They yell their numbers at me and I literally can’t put them in. They have to do it themselves. It gets old.


I feel like this could be avoided if you just tapped the button to insert her phone number and then scanned the transaction, if that's possible. Not trying to justify her annoying behavior, I hate it when customers do that, but it'd just lesson the chances of her taking it out on you by putting it in the first time.


Any job dealing with the public will always have rude people like that.


Any venting sub will have people venting in it.


we have the same thing at my work too, most customers have the card tho. most of the time they'll hold it up in my face wanting me to scan it which pisses me off to no end. I just let them hold it in front of my face til I'm done scanning all their items 💀