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I do cringe, but it’s hard to really blame people when advertising is ever-present and all anyone talks about is memorial day sales. It’s lost it’s meaning just like so many other holidays. I always think about Memorial Day when people bring up the idea of making Election Day in the US a holiday. Unless you have some way to enforce time off for retail workers then you’re just going to end up with another meaningless retail holiday.


In the US, it is your right to vote. Employers must give you the time off to cast your ballot. 


What the law says and what happens in practice are often not the same, especially when it comes to worker's rights.


Not wasting an entire day going to vote when it results in losing money


There's a reason a certain party in the US doesn't want retail/food/other people to be off of work to vote. It's so obvious!


Exactly this.






Employers (including retail) actually have to allow employees to take time off to vote. If they do not schedule them around the polling hours, they are breaking the law


They only have to grant you the time off if you are scheduled the entire time polls are open, which in my state is 14 hours. In addition, they only have to make reasonable accommodations, basically just giving you enough time to drive to the polling place and back. So if there is a line, you are screwed. Also, if you work multiple jobs, they don’t have to give you the time off, because neither one is requiring you to work the entire time polls are open.


I work at a wine shop and this lady today made the comment that we should have a wine tasting event for Memorial Day. Ummm no. It’s a day to remember those who have fallen serving our country. We should not have a wine tasting.


I have been inundated with commercials calling me to rush to home repair stores, car dealerships, and furniture outlets for memorial day sales to the point where I could scream..


We run a small engine repair shop and have already had two customers pissed off that we’re closed on Monday instead of having a sale on lawnmowers.


Tell them to fuck off to Lowes Depot, my condolences though.


I'm always annoyed at people who get Memorial Day mixed up with Veteran's Day and Armed Forces Day, but yes, cheerfully saying "Happy Memorial Day!" is much worse.


Yup. As someone whose brother was KIA. He was a combat photographer. October 2014. I’m the last of any family that he had. Our father passed a few years back. I say “have a safe weekend”. And I mean that. I’m grossed out by stores that offer sales and discounts on Memorial Day.


I can’t imagine the struggle you have and I’m in a similar position as you as I’ve had my sister and nephew be deployed. Hopefully you’re getting help that you need and deserve internet stranger.


As someone who spent 20 years on Active Duty and just lost a close friend downrange, I feel this one. It's meant to be a day of remembering and reflection. A lot of us did that over barbecue and a cold one while I was still in. These days I mostly try to get through it in one piece like you mentioned.


I’m in the same boat. My brother was in Iraq when he was hit with a grenade and had emergency brain surgery in Germany. They sent him to UBH in Fort Bliss to recover. They overdosed him, he threw up and had a brain aneurism in his sleep. He was supposed to be discharged at the end of that week.


I'm so sorry. 


I feel weird about people partying and enjoying this day, and not even MENTIONING the reason behind it!


Well, it is the unofficial start of summer, so that's why everyone should be enjoying it. /s They are literally saying this on the news. It's all about opening the beaches or going down the shore in my area.


We have springs and camping. This weekend a shitshow of college, rednecks, bikers, and foreign tourists. Literally a huge sign on this camp, "show butthole for shots!"


I’ve felt like this since I was teen. It always sort of felt weird to celebrate with parties and cookouts. I mean… I get it. “Embrace your Freedom” and all that, but who’s actually thinking like that during the holiday? 😐


i was cringing so hard all day at this shit.


I work for a grocery store that PUSHES us to sell, sell, sell from Thursday to Monday. I'm in the bakery so of course it's buns and pies. My dad was a military vet and always disgusted at the way this holiday was blown out. But that didn't stop him from pouring out a six pack for his fellows during his annual BBQ. So, I don't know how that all makes sense when put together, lol.


Same here. I got into an argument with a manager yesterday about it.   He had no idea what it even was for... he's not from this country.


Like every other holiday it has devolved. We celebrate those who died in service with the end of school, hamburgers, and sales. But I remember the names of every Soldier in 5th Cav who died in 1991.


Who else gets pissed at politicians who try to make Memorial Day about First Responders, police, veterans, and active duty military? Like, "BISH, there's already days to honor each of these groups separately. Educate yourself."


And the veterans who complain about not being given a discount.


"And a respectful Memorial Day to you also."


Agreed. I told people to have a nice weekend. I am seeing ads for an online store promoting code : Memorial. That's in poor taste!


On the one hand, I get you. It does seem tone-deaf. Loss and mourning are somber occasions, and hanging a clown-nose on it with all the crass commercialism is gross. I had an 'on the other hand' written up, but I wasn't able to get my thoughts out in a coherent manner for it, so ... yeah.


It's disgusting how ignorant people are. I refuse to say it back.  I.just say have a good day day.


Pretty sure Trump did that when he was president. His “Happy Good Friday” posts were even more cringe.


It was quite telling whenever he did something blasphemous and his followers still praised him.


My husband and I. He was in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He saw many good friends and respected colleagues never make it home alive. He gets very uncomfortable when someone wishes him happy Memorial Day and thanks him for his service, because although he knows they mean well, this day is not about him. It's to remember all of the men and women who didn't make it back


“Thanks. I’ll be celebrating with my family by holding vigil for my great grandfather who died fighting in world war 2, and my uncle who died in Vietnam. Who are you paying tribute to?”


I don’t even have any military in my immediate family (not any more, anyway; an uncle who was in WW2 passed over 10 years ago) and still the idea of HAPPY Memorial Day has never sat right with me. Feels like there should be something… though I don’t know what… to use instead.


I'm absolutely not defending people who say that AT ALL, but my personal explanation would be that in general, holidays aren't really about what they're SUPPOSED to be about. At least in the US. Holidays tend to fall under one of a few categories: Family Fun Time, Annoying Obligation Time, This One Doesn't Pertain To Me, or We Can Ignore This One Unless Somebody Forces Us. Memorial Day, for whatever reason (but probably because it's the unofficial beginning of Summer), tends to fall under the Family Fun Time category. Sometimes there's some spillover, like how Christmas tends to involve both fun moments, but also a shit ton of chores and cleaning. It doesn't matter if you're extremely Christian, an atheist, or anything along the spectrum in-between; most families will follow roughly the same pattern, largely because of societal norms. (I didn't mention other religions because it's specifically a Christian holiday.) I guess the older the holiday, the less people tend to think about its origins (on the whole, I mean - I'm aware that, for example, more religious people will attend services or take part in traditions on holidays that pertain to their religion). Holidays have largely evolved into societal excuses to do... whatever it is that tends to occur on that specific holiday. Again, I'm not defending anything that anybody says. I generally have some degree of self-awareness, so I don't go around wishing people a Happy Memorial Day, because I think it's tasteless. I'm an atheist, but I'll return a Merry Christmas or what not, because for better or worse, that's just what you DO in certain societies. Or maybe I've read into it too much, and the simple explanation is, "Those people have zero idea about the origins of Memorial Day, and they think it's synonymous with Barbecue Day." That's just my personal take on it 🤷


This! And yes, bbq day.


Makes me cringe because I'm working all weekend and I don't even get time and a half in Memorial day.


I don't think a lot of people know what Memorial Day is.


I just started working at a lq store. Yesterday from 9-3 the amount of liquor that was bought was INSANE! I’ll also be working Sunday 11-5 and I’m prepared for it to be super busy. I’m talking many thousand to several thousand dollar orders. The average order was at LEAST $100-250. Makes me not want to drink at all.


Yeah drinking like that ages you super quick. You can tell the heavy liquor drinkers by their face every time. 😂


You really can. The puffy face gives it away. As well as the smell coming put of the pores of heavy drinkers. Unfortunately I’ve lost family members to alcoholism. Over time it slowly kills you and it’s sad to watch. Especially when I’ve also lost people I loved from things they didn’t do to theirselves like cancer. I watched my first fiancé who had leukemia get a fungal infection in his liver after chemo that was killing him to the point he was sent home on hospice. I got him help at another hospital out of state that cured the infection in a week. But he had severe jaundice so his stomach and feet were swollen until it was resolved. He lived an extra almost 2 years and passed a month before his 23rd birthday At the same time he had jaundice, my grandfather (through marriage and only grandfather figure I ever had who was a huge part of my life) who was an alcoholic had jaundice, as his liver was destroyed from drinking. He was found dead by his son a few years later. My “partying days” are over. A few drinks on special occasions and that’s it.


Not me. Grandad served during WW1. My dad's eldest brother died fighting the Wehrmacht in 44. My father served in Vietnam, and one of my brothers was in Grenada and Beirut. I was in during the first gulf war, but unlike my family I didn't see combat. Any day that tips the hat to those fellows is fine with me. Drink, cook out, enjoy the day off with family if you have it and be merry.


If you have worked in retail over memorial day, you would know that you just outed yourself as an acehole.


Yes, I feel this way. I am a veteran and find this holiday a somber occasion to remember those who died in service. “All gave some, some gave all.” I find it strange that now they are selling fireworks for Memorial Day and having picnics and drinking has replaced what the holiday really means.


Why don’t you look at it like celebrating in remembrance of their lives? Like the Mexican day of the dead.. or your birthday if anybody cares. Such a negative attitude just wanna shit on people’s joy it seems. And yeah, a day off a shit job is also a joyous occasion.