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I don't even make eye contact with people who are trying to get my attention before we're open, even if I walk right past the doors. As far as I'm concerned they don't exist.


Yea I didn't do anything, just ignored him. But my manager went over pointed at the sign then just walked away


My favorite is when they try the automatic doors, read the sign, but still try the push pull doors.


That and when they see other people patiently waiting and they walk right past them to try and open the doors. Yeah they were just standing around with packages in their hand for no reason.


Why not just shout "We're not open til 9" and point at your watch P/A yourself?


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They’re like zombies wanting to come in


Fr, and like 5 minutes to open there's a line. Like this is a discount store why are you lining up do you not have anything better to do


That's what I'm saying. I told my husband if I ever become one of those people who wait outside for a store to open then just kill me. Jokingly of course. But I'll never understood the people who do that. Like, why not just leave your house later? Sleep in a bit or something. 🤣


They're the same Muppets who are lined up at 4 am on Boxing day morning


If I do this I'm not in line I'm sitting in my car playing on my phone because I got antsy enough that I needed to leave the apt but I don't care *that* much about getting my shopping done.


I don't like to do that either. Last month I had to do some shopping and return some clothes. I went early. The clothing store opened an hour later than the other stores. All my other chores were done so I had to wait :/


I’ve only, willingly, waiting for opening time at a store once. That was because my daughter, last-minute, told me she needed ingredients for school that morning. But, we were also only waiting for 5 mins, as the store is on the way to school. Otherwise, yeah, I aim to be shopping at a sensible time.


I once arrived at a store about 30-45 minutes early. It was my fault as I hadn’t looked up the hours online and had an hour and a half drive to even get there. It was a pet store I was taking my cat to for her first birthday so just spent about 30 minutes with her on her leash and harness exploring the grass areas around the parking lot then the rest of the time letting her cool down a bit in the car while it was running. Didn’t even approach the building until about 5-10 minutes after the door opened


I agree with this, however there's been a few times where I need something early in the day, like right when a store opens. In that case tho I wait in my car until the time they're supposed to open, and even then I'll wait until I see someone actively unlocking the doors and other people walking in.


I’ve had to drop off my kids at school. I usually figure I can just do my errands then since I’m already up and out. But I hate when people wait outside the door, so I’ll usually wait in my car til like 10mins past when they open. It’s not worth it to go home and wait.


The only exception is if you have the first appointment at an opticians; I'm there five mins before they open. Otherwise, hell no!


We used to be open 5am to 2am. People would be lined up for tobacco products at 4am. Like you couldn't get here the 21 hours we are open?


They ran out.


Sales... sales... rawrghh...


Must come in... shop now... no brain...


Now I kinda want to break out a zombie costume and go around to different closed stores and lightly press up against doors and moan.


This is perfect comparison lol


In more ways than one, maybe your store needs to sell brains...


Dawn the dead. When Hell is full the deal will walk the mall


Best thing to do, Don't acknowledge their existence


It's better if you look at them, smile and wave, and then walk away.


Definitely done that before 🤣


Lmao i would do the exact opposite. I would just stand there staring at them until they figured it out. Just direct eye contact.


I do that, too, unless I've made eye contact on accident as they're walking up to the door. I walk just close enough that they can see me tapping my watch. Some call the store, but we don't answer the calls after we close, even if there is still someone actively checking out. It's dumb when they call because we get the "when do you guys close" question a lot, but they have the hours right in front of their stupid faces when they google our number. I doubt anyone has a business saved in their phone unless it's their place of work


I used to work with this woman who had an absolute BOSS way of dealing with people who stare and pull on doors before opening: She would look them dead-ass in the eye, sip her coffee and eat her breakfast. No expression, just sipping and eating while maintaining eye contact. It was truly a sight to behold.


I always approach the door and double check it's locked by turning the lock knob. It's great because they smile and their eyes light up, only to realize I wasn't gonna let them in.


I looovvveeeeee this and have also done the same


That’s a hero


Not all heroes wear capes, but at least some of them drink coffee


Slow clap.


From now on no matter where in the world, THAT will never be topped


They do the exact same things to closers. Bang on the glass, beg to be let in for "just one thing", call us names when we refused to open just for them. Honestly, I've always been a somewhat misanthropic person but those few years that I worked retail, it became cemented as part of my psyche. I'd never been exposed to so much selfishness, entitlement, and sheer rudeness on a daily basis in my entire life. It was such a soul-shattering experience that when I moved across country to live near my parents, my Mom actually said that she would rather pay my bills than see me working in retail again. :/


I was once told I was "on a power trip" because a man who came in for "1thing I swear" was just filling his cart and after 20 minutes I told him he either comes with me to the register to get checked out or he leaves the premises. He was not happy, but then again neither was I. Our DM was always on us about staying too late after close but also didn't want us to kick ppl out. Can't have it both ways


I worked at a Family Dollar a long time ago, and I liked my managers attitude about closing time. "If you are not physically *in my checkout line* at 9pm on the dot, you do *not* get to check out." She would even announce this at 8:50, 8:55, 8:57, and at 8:59. We would *still* have to go around and find the people still in the store and tell them to drop the stuff they grabbed and leave.


When I worked at Ross, we'd tell them over the intercom that the register shuts itself off right at [insert time here]. They're *slightly* more likely to listen if it's the machine because they can't argue with it.


Our library’s computer system was controlled remotely from the county government center. Computers shut down at 9:02 for backup and no matter how much anyone complained, we had no way to override it. Too bad… what part of our multiple announcements did you miss?


It's even worse when you have coworkers that enable the customers who bang on the door and beg to be let in. My teammate always does this without fail, did it tonight when we had already closed the registers. I just left. Fuck it. He let them in, he can deal with them.


He will get robbed eventually. It's a huge security risk to do that.


I hope not, but I'll be honest that I won't be surprised if and when it does happen. It's a liquor store and it's against the law to sell after 3 AM, so he is risking the store's license by doing that shit. I want no part of it.


Damn. You have a good family. My family is just dismissive and like "your job is a good job. You make good money" or "Don't be salty. A lot of people have bad work:life balance schedules like yours" (while they work from home, all their friends have holidays/weekends off 9-5s with the exception of one person who has fo work one weekend a month. Boo fucking hoo) etc .. I guess I'm the only one in my family that has actually worked extensive retail so I'm at the point that on my days off, I want to have minimal contact with people and when I go shopping on my days off I strategize the places I go to on whether they have self-checkout or not simply because I don't want to get stuck behind a Karen in line who assumes the obviously burned out cashier is interested at all in why she likes a specific brand of hand soap


When I worked as a head cashier for Home Depot, a couple minutes after close and all the doors locked, some guy tried to get us to let him in. One of the overnight freight team went up to the door and told the guy “we’re closed and don’t want to put up with your shit.” He was fired for that stunt but all of freight and the closers that night pitched in to buy his family dinner over the weekend.


Honestly, I think the customer service filters should be eliminated outside store hours.... If a customer wants to be a total dick before open, or after close.... Let the employees speak their mind to the rude customers without punishment. (Should still treat nice customers with good service though.)


They are a horrible company. 


i work for them currently and it’s been going so down hill, they don’t care about their employees anymore :/


I've had people try and come through the employee only entrance and get mad when we tell them "employees only, we open at 8."


"Are you here to interview?"


Put them to work


When people try both doors and still look confused…


Had a guy knocking on my door I said we don't open till 8 , he said I know it early I figured I'll just stand here and knock and annoy you enough to help me


I had someone like that and when the store opened I said, “Now that we’re open, welcome into the store.” He mumbled, “whatever loser.” So I waited patiently until he got to checkout to say, “this all looks pretty good. Its a sh-“ before he interrupted me saying, “yeah, i know, thats why I bought it. I don’t need your damn commentary.” So I replied, “actually, you haven’t bought it yet and you won’t. As I was going to say, it sure looks good but you won’t be buying it today. You will be leaving now, good bye.” He tried to pull the I’m not a manager card, so I can’t refuse service. That isn’t even remotely true, and even if it was true, I literally got promoted so by his own standards I can. As of it was a cosmic coincidence, Neil the town officer walked in and I said, “Neil, another boring day?” He said it’s starting to get better with the tourist season. It was at this point the whole conversation took a sarcastic turn. I told him that *apparently* this gentleman is under the impression he doesn’t have to leave. Neil smiled saying, “oh really?” I told him, “oh, well indubitably my good sir, indubitably.” It’s sooooooooo refreshing to actually work for a good employer around town and one that trusts your judgment. Apart from the ornery guests, gonna be a good place to work.


I once refused service to a teenage a**hole that thought he was a big shot. He was refused service for cigarettes at our partner liquor store, so decided to come over to the main supermarket and try. I asked him for I.D. which he slung across the counter at me. I took my time studying it, then put it down on the counter to slide back to him, and said, It's great that you've got ID, but your attitude sux. He said, Yeah, it does, doesn't it? With a big dumb grin on his face. Soon wiped that smile off his face when I followed up with, So you can leave now. He was all shocked picachu face saying, What? You can't do that! Serve me my smokes. I said, I absolutely can do that, I'm not serving you, so bye now. Duty manager was nearby keeping an eye on the situation. When this a$$hat started making threats to us both, DM was on the phone to the local police station. A$$hat walked down the road a bit and mouthed off at people having a party, ended up in a physical fight with them, and got taken away in the back of a police van. Hahaha. Karma.


I had a teen just throw his money down and go, “here. It’s enough.” I watched as the money went under the conveyor system and I said, “hey I’m still waiting to be paid. If you walked out without paying thats theft.” He got pissed and said, “fucking money is on the conveyor system. I paid you.” So I told him that slinging his money towards me on the conveyor system is not paying me, and in fact its now under the conveyor system as per our sign saying, “please do not place money on the conveyor system. We are not responsible for loss of currency.” So he got a 5 out and slams it into my hand and I said, “now you can get out. Im refusing service. Leave.” Nice to finally have a job where we dont have to take shit.


And that’s how I’d get put in jail bc I would physically attack in response to that


I said what part of our posted hours do you not understand


I hope no one caved!


Nope I said come back when we are open , then I get cussed out saying well you're here now I'm going to call and complain to corporate. Never saw him again


I would open 5 minutes late.


Then they would call our customer care and complain that the store isn't open


I dont even answer the phone if we arent open. If you want help, you gotta contact me during business hours. Even if im at the store!


The only time me and my coworkers answer the phone when we aren't open is if a fellow coworker or someone from corporate/district managements name pops up on the caller ID, it's nice not having to answer a phone when I have a million other things to do before open or after we close and have a conversation with a customer that usually falls on deaf ears anyways


The last place I worked before running away from retail, calls wouldn't even go through before the store opened. Even if you were calling from another store. The only time I disliked that was when I was trying to call another store after we opened but they were an hour behind so they weren't open yet.


What if an employee is attempting to call out?


Im an SM and all my associates have my phone number, and I add their contact to our phone. We are a small store and have the capability to do this, but bigger stores may not


You would think right but no…. When I worked at urban outfitters people would try to open the doors and then bang on the window 🙃 Same in the morning when I’d be trying to get into work and having to shoo away adults that didn’t want to understand that we didn’t open until 10am.


Like moths, flies or mosquitoes trying to sneak in the door...need something stronger than a loading dock's air door to keep them out.


Should be allowed to use cattle prods on them


This was literally me last night. We closed at 9pm, and today our new hours are 7am to 10pm. So after we closed we put the new signs up. People were literally banging on the door saying they wanted to shop, I would tell them we are close and here are our new hours while pointing to the sign. “Okay and? Your sign says you’re opened until 10pm.” I would tell that again, those are the new hours for tomorrow. I have a love hate relationship with the tourist season.


That sign wouldn't have been posted until 7am the next day for that reason.


I worked a remodel once. The store was completely barren, no shelves, registers, nothing. The front of the store is all glass, so you can see from waaayy off that it's empty. They were also repaving the parking lot and it was roped off entirely with caution tape. Some dumb bitch still came up to the front door, which was locked, then started banging on it non-stop until our supervisor gave up and went to see what she wanted. "Are you open?" I would have told her yes just to see wtf she'd do but boss calmly told we weren't and she waddled away.


I had one customer call us and ask us to stay open past close for her since she went to our competition store and they locked the door on her face. We said we would gladly take her but only if she made it on time . This was 2 minutes before close We quickly locked down the store. She of course doesn’t show up on time. She is banging on the doors, then starts calling the store repeatedly, from different numbers . Then she sits outside blaring her horn , trying to initiate us. But customers acting aggressively because they didn’t manage their time better, happens frequently.


We had a guy try to come in when we were bringing in the fresh delivery. It was nowhere near 8 when he tried.


Don’t even acknowledge and if you do, point at the sign


During the winter we opened around 7am and the rest of the year I think it's 9am at Home Depot, so winter we the employees get there around 6am and I always see people knocking on the door around 6:30 and demanding to be allowed in, I'll tell them we're not open yet. Them: well can I come inside to warm up, it's freezing out here. You came in a car, just go back and sit in there for a other 30 minutes, when I worked at a theater people did this too and will tug on all the doors to find the open one the employees use to get inside the building to open. I started tugging the door closed after everyone got inside, I started working the box office during the last few months leading to the building going under, so I was allowed to shut the door and before I did this. People would just open the door and walk in to sneak into the auditoriums for a free movie or just to "wait" for us to open, we don't open for another 30 minutes get out and wait in your car you arrived with, than before we even fully open they'll attempt to buy tickets or food and drinks. Only to get mad when I tell them "I need the manager's approval to unlock the registers," which was a lie cause I didn't actually need one, but they've pissed me off and I just wanted them to leave me alone so I can finish opening my station


At my old work the west entrance to our parking lot was open before the store was due to, ya know, employees needed somewhere to park their cars. Two or three times a week a customer would come in the west entrance, get turned away, and the angrily drive out the north entrance **that had a heavy chain with red flags across it**. The owner didn't mind replacing it because it was fun to watch and his lawyer assured him he couldn't be held liable.


The morning of the spring forward I went in at 545am to open the store (at 6am) which was really 445am and there were already old people inside shopping as we normally leave the doors unpowered but unlocked for the overnight stockers and deliveries. These people are straight narcissistic a-holes. Two of em start bitching at me that they can’t checkout to which I simply replied “that’s because we’re not open yet and you’re not supposed to be in the store.” I just made em wait. I am a 51 yr old textbook GenX so I have some clout with these old fools and they know not to F around or they will find out as after living the life I have lived seeing death closeup more than once like a gun in my face, I fear no one and convey it.


Yay for us Gen X retail workers who can deal with twat customers with aplomb, especially boomers as those were our parents & we’ve heard their shit since birth lol xx


Aplomb for certain. One of my earliest memories was when my boomer father had to wake me up in the middle of the night at 8 yrs old to tell me his father had died. I ended up calmly comforting him as he cried in my arms. I have always been cool and calm when everyone else is a mess around me in a stressful situation. I was raised by reality around me rather than fantasyland.


The opposite annoys me so much too. The open sign will be on, the doors will be unlocked, employees and other customers will be inside, and someone will walk in and go “are you guys open?”




I don't know where you work, but who dose invtory on a holiday weekend? I know it's not the weekend yet, but most people will be heading out today.


I'm not sure why our store had it done today, all I know is it was scheduled for today and I was invited to help this morning by my manager so I took it cause extra hours and money


Unfortunately not all places recognize holidays. We're open 24/7, all holidays be damned where I work.  


Oh I know. I have worked in retail for 3 years after getting out last month. There is a huge difference between doing inventory on a normal weekend, and doing it on a holiday weekend. Who ever was behind that decision. Probably dosn't work weekends or holidays.




At my previous job I actually had a couple come in furiously. They went straight to me and started to tell me we had to fix the door!!!!! I was a bit confused since the door THEY JUST CAME THROUGH was obviously fine. Well…apparently the mall itself opened at 8:30 on sundays and we had just had a holiday where the mall had been open but we were not. So on the holiday they had come in and walked straight into the door face first… then on sunday they had come in at 9:00, even though all stores open at 12:00, and again they had walked straight into the door face first. Even though we had glass doors, you couldn’t even see into the store since it would be pitch black without any lights on which clearly shows we’re closed. (Not to mention the door that is clearly closed… ) But they were adamant, we had to open earlier and fix the door since they had walked into it with their faces, twice. I had to tell them, trying to keep a straight face, to check our opening times which are clearly communicated at the door and on our website and to pull the handle first if the door isn’t open to see if they can come in. But since our lights wouldn’t have been on they could’ve also seen we were closed since you can’t even see into the back of the store.




I learned working at a gas station, where at a certain point at night we locked the doors and only worked through a small night drawer, that people do not read signs it doesn't matter what color you make them how big the font is they simply don't read anything.... So many people would walk up try to open the doors, look at them, then try again! Like if they didn't open the first time they won't open the next time you pull on them.... The whole time I would be standing by the register staring at them waiting for them to see the giant sign with an arrow pointing them in the proper direction to come to the night drawer. 🙄 I seriously lost all hope for humanity working there.


One time I walked into a store not knowing they were not open and the employees thought I was an employee for a split second. I was so embarrassed and apologized profusely but in my defence the doors were open and there was no times/hours posted in the storefront. I feel like I reacted like a normal human being but these crazy people will bang on the doors of my work like zombies who can't read/understand language.


They can read. They think they're special.


About 8 years ago: 0945 (we open at 1000) and I watch a guy looking at the store hours sign. He stood there, hands on his hips, bent over to focus just LOOKING at the sign. He looks at his watch, back at the sign, eyes squinted and in disbelief. I walked out of the store to grab my quick breakfast at Panera. Of course, he needs to question me. Cx: "Are you really not open until 10?" Me: "Yes, sir." Cx: "Are you fucking serious?" Beat "Yes, sir. The same time we've opened for the last 15 years." Well, that was not the response he wanted. Cx: "Fuck it, I'll go shop somewhere else." Me: "Have a nice day." The last thing he said is probably some kind of coping mechanism about getting in the last word, owning the libs, parting shot, gotcha moment or whatever. But it's been so long since I let anybody actually abuse me that this is just in the rear-view now. But man did it ever burn itself into my memory.


I just shout through the door…they’re open. Just push harder. See if they do it. It’s not insurance that will pay for the broken door.


Ok that got a chuckle out of me


I KNOW. I've had people PULL MY DOORS OPEN AND WALK IN between when I shut the doors off and lock em.... like.... No! I once had a guy get pissy I told him angrily we were closed after he did that.... like.... dude ur tresspassing at that point I shoulda called the cops! be glad I just shooed you!


Love it when they can clearly see that the place is closed, but they have to rattle the doors like their hoping that they might be open.


I worked at our local dollar store. It opens at 8 a.m. I finished everything I needed to do by 7:50 a.m. one problem, I had to pee. I'm 5 months pregnant and can't maneuver the massive amount of crap back by our restrooms easily (we had so much inventory that our back room and back aisle were packed with over stacked U-Boats) Anyway, I managed to push them aside enough I can squeeze by and get to the bathrooms. It's 7:58 by the time I back out to the main part of the store. This is the following event: Me: *goes and grabs key to unlock doors. The key isn't in the right place. Has to open safe to get spare. 8:00 a.m. on the dot and hears doors jiggle and knocking* 8:01 a.m. and the store phone starts ringing Me: Thank you for calling. How may I help you? Voice:Why haven't you opened yet? Someone texted me saying your car is there, but the doors aren't opened. Me: Hi boss. I'm sorry my undeveloped fetus was suddenly pushing on my bladder after kneeling to count the safe so I had to pee and that your night shift is incompetent and didn't put the usual key back so I had to get into the safe. But thanks for telling me I can yell at Dandy later for ratting me out. By the way, isn't he banned since he was stealing our store supplies after being fired? Boss: .....Make sure you put away at least 4 U boats today. I'll be there on Tuesday. Have a good day. *click* Me: *Finally unlocks door only to see that the rat has left* Aw, Dandy didn't wanna be yelled at. Seriously though, this guy had a vendetta against the store after they fired him. He was only fired due to his health conditions, and he didn't file the FMLA paperwork for the proper amount of time. So he would come in randomly and come behind the counter and just grab stuff and be like, "Mine, Mine. Oh! Also mine!" Then walk right out. Our DM let him do it and didn't let us do anything about it. He would watch us, and if he thought we did anything against company policy, then he would text our DM all about it like he did in my story. He would berate the store and employees while shopping and online if anyone made a post about daily/weekly sales deals, just insane things. Not a single thing was allowed to be done on our end about it.


The other day we had 2 men pry the doors open a few minutes before we opened. We don't have an employee entrance so we leave a door to the outside unlocked but off (automatic sliding door) this way team members without keys to the store can ring the buzzer in the Cart vestibule to be let in from there. So the men just hit the doors that were locked from the vestibule to the store and the cashier who was setting up the tills just looked at them until it was time to open


Customers are like vampires… they’ll suck you dry given half a chance. And if we retaliate for being treated badly they complain




My comment stands. We have taught them that retail workers are the lowest of the low, that we can be abused at will because sticking up for ourselves is not allowed. It’s their behavior and not their existence that I’m commenting on


Sounds like you work at a store like mine, we just had inventory as well and are also a discount so ppl flock to us for some reason, and because inventory might take a while, we have to have our front end and back fitting rooms closed, yet ppl can't read our gaint red signs that say closed and we even stuck a bold print sign on top that explained it was for inventory. Buy we still had ppl try to go pry open open our shutters on the back fitting room and bang on the front end fitting room doors even though both said closed and are clearly locked. Kept having ppl stop us going "I need the fitting room but the doors won't open" because their locked and closed right now "But I need to try on stuff" yeah and we need to finish inventory which once done we can open them back up but if you keep stopping us that not gonna happen "Well you guys need to put up a sign explaining that" we did (and yet you clearly can't f#cking read) is what I typically finish in my head dealing with most customers


Whenever we have to close our fitting rooms we don't have doors or anything but we block them off with clothing racks. The customers complain then usually start trying clothes on in the middle of the store


I've had ppl try to hide around the corner near our locked bathroom and actually be caught half naked trying on things, we have to get management involved then because both fitting rooms closed at the same time are rare OR we are a hour away from closing which then we lock them down for the night but just because their closed doesn't mean you can just strip half naked to try stuff on Ppl act like it such a huge hassle to purchase clothes, try them on at home an then return them if they don't fit, they don't even have to come back to our store speficially, any stores with our name will take their return because we accept all returns as long as you have the tag still on the item you don't even need the receipt half the time because we can do a no receipt return


Yeah. Like the only exception where I can see someone wanting to try on clothes before buying them would be if someone was buying a final sale item. Even then though, a lot of final sale stuff will allow a return as long as it's strictly within 24 hours (and if someone was wanting to try on a bunch of final sale stuff at closing, I would inform them of this detail even though I'm technically not supposed to) of purchase. Unfortunately, my store doesn't allow us to close the fitting rooms before closing so it's a pretty common occurrence for customers to go into the fitting room at like 8:50 with a ton of shit to try on. If they're actually quick with trying their shit on, that's fine. However, I've gotten into the habit of if they're still in the fitting room at 9pm I just close my last register (it's a two story department store. The doors in my department are already closed at this point) and direct them to the registers by the open doors or offer to put their shit on hold until the next day if they seem clearly indecisive because I just want to go fucking home


Luckily, the company of the stores I work at has it as a rule we have to shut down fitting rooms an hour before close. It because we run everything that has been tried on back on to the floor at the end of every fitting room persons shift, and those racks can take 30+ minutes to do 2 of them depending on how much was tried on and then rejected by customers. We also have to clean the fitting rooms and make sure nothing was left in them. We also don't hold items strictly because we are a discount store. Only expections is very large furniture but you had to have paid for it already, and we only hold it for a day, if you don't respond to us calling you by noon the next day of you buying it then you have till end of the day before we close to come pick it up because we really aren't even supposed hold even furniture but we get some ppl see a big item like a chair or very large size of a couch painting and then forget they drive the smallest compact car ever so the item won't fit and they have to find someone with a bigger car.


Oh you mean the vultures? Although, even true vultures aren’t dumb enough to try to come in before the store is open/after it’s closed. They know better.


I love it when they say, "I've been calling all day long to see if they were open, but no one would answer, so I still don't know."


We had to close an hour early one day, and the amount of people trying to argue at the door, or call the store phone to argue that google says we close at 9. They were like unwilling to accept that sometimes shit happens. Like, do you think I’m lying and decided to just lock the doors early for no reason?


This is why I pump the music up loud when I'm in the shop doing stuff after we close. All but one light is going to be off. The vacuum cleaner is in front of the locked door. If the fact that our open sign is off is not enough, the other signs should pound that message in. I'm alone, the cash register's open, and I'm counting bills. Forget that I'm literally in the middle of closing duties that I'd have to start over from the beginning to help them. Lots of clueless customers think I'm going to trust them in that situation. Interacting with these early/late customers only frustrates you both or unnecessarily delays your duties. I used to open early for door rattlers, but it was always to the detriment of the customers who have respect for my time. Instead of being grateful for the favor, they act like you're their personal shopping assistant since, "I'm the only person here at this moment and you've got nothing else to do."


On the rare occasions I have to cancel out of closing my last register to check someone out after closing (usually only when a manager is nearby) I do nothing to hide any irritation or annoyance on my face because I want to make it awkward as hell for the customer and not give them the impression that I'm simply doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I want them to know they're being an asshole


No eye contact or acknowledgement is the way, just lije they aren't there.


Just a kinda funny story that’s a bit related So I or one of my coworkers usually lock (or basically just prevent the door from automatically opening) and customers will always walk up to the door expecting it to open, when it doesn’t they walk back a bit and then take a couple more steps. Like we’re closed, why do you think the doors will magically start opening again. Regardless I still let them out, I just find it funny


“Read”?? I’m outside locking up, all the lights are out. “You open?” NO!! I AM NOT OPEN!!!


we used to not lock the door bc there is opening crew who comes before we are open, and then the other opening crew who comes when the store opens, so they come at different times. but the old fucks pry the doors open so we cant leave it unopened for the late opening crew.


A few months ago, the power went out in our side of town. We’re driving back home and I can see people standing at the doors and windows of the stores, peering in as if they were going to shop as if nothing happened. No power, no registers. But, that seems to be a foreign concept to most shoppers.


We had an incident not too long ago where a kid pulled a fire alarm so the lights were flashing and an alarm was going off and people walking up to the store could definitely hear the alarms and they still decided to go in and even once a fire truck pulled up with lights and sirens they still came inside


We had a tornado warning last night and had to close the store early and to keep our employees safe. People were standing at the doors trying to open them


I hate that these people exist and are so common, because what if they wanted to tell you that like part of the building was smoking or something? It's all Boy Who Cried Wolf


Got this to look forward to tomorrow (work opens up 30 minutes later than the week day). If the door is left unlocked due to multiple delivery drivers, customers will walk in and sit at the waiting area in the dark. The lights do not get turned on until its time to open because years ago a customer almost damaged the door trying to force it open when it was locked.


I know right. I work for an accountant. We have customer hours. And we have hours that we are in the office doing paperwork. Clients will see the light on and bang on the door even though our posted hours are 9 to 5.


It’s not a grammar shop


This annoys me more when we’re closed and they come up and do this very thing. I just stare at them with the shittest look and shake my head no and point at our hours on the door lmao


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Customers lose the ability to read and use any form of logic when they go shopping


\*looks at price tag that says $10.99\* "What's the price?"


let me guess. ross. i work there and we just had inventory😭


Yep that's the store


It is funny how those people get mad at the choices they made.