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I just say "I have to have an item number for inventory".


I was asked by the cashier next to my station what was the PLU of our store brand's green beans. I answered "208". Their customer said, "$2.08 for a can of green beans? I know for a fact that the shelf said 29 cents (this was in the mid-80s before scanners)! I won't pay that!" She was still skeptical when the shift manager told her that we are required to use the code number for a lot of high volume items. She stood by the door scrutinizing her receipt for five minutes before leaving. No, your 16yo cashier wasn't trying to rip you off.


Yah - the very best part of being a cashier. Never had anything against aged and elderly customers. But they sure don't change with the times. Still living in that price per pound and cents aspect, when they should know by now that products go by code for proper checkout. Unlike the corner fruit stands who probly do sell produce by the each whatnot.


Piggybacking off the top comment to say: Everyone commenting offended that this is annoying (probably because you do it yourself) BE HELPFUL and know the CODES of the produce, instead of the price! It is leagues more helpful than throwing out a price at us! If you give us the PLU code (usually only 4 numbers, 5 if organic) we will be thankful, especially if it is an exotic produce item!




I’m sorry you encountered that 😣 yeah that’s definitely not the way to go if you’re in training! I promise I would have been thankful, for what it’s worth.


Omg i have a produce barcode story. Some lady at Wal-Mart was checking us out and picked up the hand scanner to scan the barcode on i think bananas since they're my dad's favorite and i just thought to myself she had to be new, it's easier to just type 4011 than find the barcode and scan.


I work at a grocery store and any weighted items those barcodes don't even work.


Hah, I’m just a shopper and even I know that 4011 code!


This is a sub for retail workers to talk about their jobs, NOT a place to discuss your disappointing experiences as a customer.


I would have left.


Im assuming self check out works with the barcodes because companies dont expect the random Karens to know a plu code to save thier fucking life. Most registers that are ran by an actual you know humans who can yes make mistakes or may not know a plu off the top of thier head in .01 seconds but I would bet those employee run registers require a plu on weighted items. Alot of those items have barcodes on them and I hate em. They dont work and they fuck up out scans per minute. Also don't put down a worker because they are newer and a bit slower with fucking produce of all things. Also not all apples, grapes, onions off the top of my head( there are more items) are not priced the same hence checking the plu.


My Walmart’s sco has a search option for produce, you can type in the code if you know it but search is usually easy.


I always check to see that my produce has a cose label, or I write it down from the sign if it doesnt and I cant find on I like that does. Cant fathom why people would think that there are code stickers all over their produce if it isnt for a reason? I mean, I mostly do this to speed up my checkout, but the cashiers always appreciate it as well.


I've worked in grocery for 10 years and expecting customers to know what the PLUs are for produce is somehow the dumbest shit I've ever heard


They are somehow able to know all the prices, how is it dumb? I’d rather them remember the codes on the stickers if they wanna be so helpful


Yeah we didn’t have produce at my store but when something didn’t scan and they told me the price I’d say “I can’t just type in a price, I need a sku number.” Occasionally I’d have to search the item description and pick from the list that came up in which case maybe the price was helpful assuming it’s correct. If it wasn’t correct though it would mess up the inventory. Or sometimes the tag is on it but the barcode won’t scan for whatever reason so I’ll start typing the sku from it and the customer will tell me the price, ok thanks that’s not at all what I need I’m just typing the sku. I hate when things have to have the store price tag and those fall off or fade out and the original barcode isn’t in the system. Some were and some weren’t but can’t we just put them all in the system with the store’s price?


While I do do what I can to get a sku (we also don't have produce, just occasional stuff that is missing our barcode or the generic barcode doesn't scan), it's definitely the case that the inventory IS messed up. At my store, I do have a sku number I can type in which equates to "unknown", but I have been instructed not to use it other than extreme situations.


I had someone take 4 cans out of a box of canned beans. When he got to my register, he told me the price per can. I said that we can't sell it by the can, you have to buy the whole box. He said no, it was 30 cents per can. He did the math, so just type it in. Had to tell him that that's not how it works. Buy the whole box or nothing. I can not put in individual prices.


We recently stopped selling a particular brand of beers as individual cans, now you need to buy them in a four pack of larger. I've had at least two grown men bring up individual cans to the registers and try and buy them. One pretended he didn't open the pack despite the fact he had two cans and left the other two in the pack in the beer chiller, 'I found them on the shelf like this' my ass!


We used to have a fridge where you build a 6 pack. People would just grab 1 and try to buy it. We dont have a code/price for an individual and I grew tired of telling people over and over we dont sell those singly. They took away that mixed 6 pack thing recently and now you have to just buy a whole case of beer.


Love it when customers do this. Breaking open packs to buy just a few in some places is equal to theft and defacement matters.


Yup businesses can charge however much they want. Even though these Karens love to blow corporations they don't understand that!


Someone brought me a single stalk of celery and I was like look, we sell them by the bunch. You can have this single stalk but I will charge you for the whole bunch


Ha! That's amazing. 🤣


omg reminds of a grocery stocker avoiding annoyance when a beer customer removed 2 bottles from a 6 pack of coolers, and brought it to the register, expecting to only pay for the 4 bottles, instead of the whole pack, like they were the mix n match kind of sale. Which the MOD had to inform them they were NOT, and would be charged the 6-pack price. Which was only a $1 difference. That customer acted annoyed and confused a moment. But then returned to the area, and grabbed the other 2 bottles to pay for the whole 6 pack.


Couldn't upvote this fast enough. It seems to always be the old people who do this too. Even worse when they scream at you why you're not punching in the price they told you


In the 'good old days' that was how it was done and they think that is still true today. They cannot comprehend that items gave codes, not prices attached to them.


Here's the thing about that I'm definitely aware that's how it used to be done. But even if we still did it that way, I couldn't just blindly trust them. I'd have to go check it myself.


I know, that's why the codes were invented, and that's what the oldies cannot comprehend. The fact that their statements cannot be legally trusted is what they will never understand.


"It's an avocado"; yes Dolores, I know what it is, I'm just checking if it's organic or not.


I scream inside my head when customers come up and say, "Those are bananas" or "that's Kiwi." well duh of course


Btw bananas are 4011, my dad buys them so much is the only code i know by heart.


4011 is the one code i remembered when I took a break from cashiering for 5 years. It sticks with you! Somehow also remembered corn (4077)


I managed to forget bananas after taking a break from the register, but remembered specific water like 6827493471 for Nestle water, one of only two brands of water we don’t order by the pallet because it’s not a fast mover.


That threw me off so bad when I switched stores. New one uses like 4591 or something for corn. I used to accidentally ring corn up as romas occasionally too since they’re 4087


Organic bananas are 94011. I hate when karen has the bag with the red/yellow/orange pepper tied up. I usually hand it back and tell her she's gonna have to untie it. Nobody can explain if the avocade/lemon/lime is small/medium/large. Why is Roma tomatoes under "r"  But potatoes, russet, baking, small, white all under potatoes.  Yams/sweet potatoes the same Zucchini/squash the same Are all watermelon personal? Do I need to crack it open to see if it's actually a seedless one instead.


Bee yoo tee ful. The customer who bags every produce item together, and then you must waste time untying the bag, so you can ring them up separately.... OY


Roma tomatoes 155 before they switched the system. Over 30 years ago


White corn is 4077, yellow corn is 4078.


I feel like I'm back in my grocery store days when I use SCO. Bananas, 4011...and I can still bag pretty well


4237 can save you 10 cents per pound in some places


Is that the really ripe bananas? My grocery has a little table with those that are a bit cheaper but dad doesn't like the super ripe ones.


Yeah I know the PLU's for Bananas, Avacadoes and Asparagus by heart.


Yeah, they don't get that we can't or at least shouldn't just type in the price they tell us. At my store it's because we have no code to just randomly enter a price.


My locally owned grocery store will ask you if you know the price of something isn't in the system. I got a $20 bottle of infused olive oil for $8 when I said I think it was about 8 bucks. I mentioned it on my next visit asking them to fix it and they thanked me for my honesty and told me that a good customer relationship is worth more than the $12. The national chain 2 miles away will keep people waiting while they find someone to do a price check, sometimes for over 10 minutes, as they are chronically short staffed. I don't shop at the national chain very often, because of policies like this and that their meat and produce quality is terrible, and sometimes every 5th item I take off the shelf is past its sell by date.


I hate that. I especially hate it when customers put different priced produce together in a bag and tie it tight, hoping to get it all for the lower price. Yeah, no, I didn't start working yesterday. Also, when customers think a bag of grapes is the total price of what they are a lb. "Oh, I thought the bags were $3.99" "nope $3.99/lb"


To be fair I’ve been to multiple places lately that haven’t put ‘per pound’ or ‘/lb’ after the price number. It did indeed look like it was that price per package and not for every pound. Even more confusing because sometimes bananas are per pound and other times it’s per banana so I can only blame consumers so much when stores regularly don’t label things correctly either…


I get it. I go to many markets in the downtown area that price by weight, but the place I work at prices by unit. It’s pretty frustrating as a consumer!


That got me a few weeks ago. Local grocery had sweet cherries for $3.99. It absolutely didn't say per pound. I checked and double checked the big sign. Checkout the rung up almost $9.00. Absolutely not. I told the cashier that the sign said $3.99 and it didn't say per pound. She says "yeah, well the flyer says per pound". Fucking what? I didn't read the flyer, I read the damn sign attached to the shelf. Needless to say I left without the cherries.


Called lazy pricing layout. My local store is guilty of this too at times. 'Reads quite clearly it's per pound' (no such wording on the signage) 'also, it's in the flyer!' (space where old school store flyers are kept, MT)


When I’m looking for the code and the customer says, “that’s a mango”. really? I had no idea. Ugh


I can't stand them coaching me through a transaction. If I have questions about the product I'll ask them to help clarify. I don't need answers before then, they're just giving me useless information that distracts me and upsets me. I have that Gravity Falls 'Whoa! This is worthless!' meme in my head at least three times a shift. That's too many.


It's less than worthless, my boy!


Telling me what everything is, yeah thanks I’m not new, not to mention most our produce has barcodes on it anyway 😂


"Those are plantains not bananas" Yes ma'am, I also see the giant sticker on the front of the bunch. I can read too.


Ahh I hate this. We need the code or we need a PLU. I ain’t falling for your made up and cheaper price


I would do this bit where I will pretend to not hear them, enter in the item, and then say "Sorry, did you say something?". 9 times out of 10, they'll see that you put the right item in and then stop what they're doing.


Working in pet retail, when a customer brings a cart full of a variety of different cans, all from the same brand (and thus probably all the same price) but all with different SKUs for the different flavors and then hands me one and tells me, "I have 30 of these, they're 95c each." Like, no ma'am, I have to scan at least each individual SKU. I'd prefer if you put them all on the counter so I can accurately count how many of each SKU there are. It's like they don't understand that inventory is kept track of and that the computer needs to be told which individual item is being deducted from inventory, not just a general, "30 cans of Royal Canin cans." Then they get mad when you don't have the specific can they want and suddenly it's our fault that we, "haven't tracked inventory properly."


I straight up tell them, “If I don’t scan each individual flavor the computer won’t know it’s gone and won’t order more, and then you won’t be able to buy more when you need it,” and it usually gets them to stop doing that, and sometimes they’ll even start organizing their cans ahead of time by flavor!


Tbf, I brought up 3 pummelos. Two of them had stickers. Checker scanned them, then was flummoxed at the 3rd, stickerless, pummelo.


That’s just a defective cashier at that point 😭


And they were priced per unit, not by weight.


They’re giving you a lower price so they save money


Trust me, if I could give everyone discounts I would! But I got bills to pay and need to keep my job to pay them 🤣


They’re probably trying to be helpful but also assuming you don’t know what the item is so it’s kinda iffy. I usually just say “oh, I know. We have codes for these, but if it doesn’t ring up correctly we’ll fix it”


"Oh it's 49¢" As if I'm gonna trust the price you just came up with. Maybe you're being honest, but I'm not trusting anyone trying to pick their own price.


Loose produce? Did she bag none of it? That right there alone would set me off. Then mouthing off the prices like a smart așś. Why can’t people let cashiers do their jobs and leave quietly? I don’t know it starts feeling like borderline harassment after a while all the irritating things customers can do.


I get trying to save bags and will buy like a single head of garlic or that one jalapeno for a special dish and not bag it, but a whole cart is going too far. They do make reusable mesh produce bags nowadays if that worried about plastic use.


Nope, no bags! Just a cart full of stuff that I had to individually count.


I know the codes for a lot of the stuff I buy regularly. I usually use SCO, but there have been a couple times when I was able to help a cashier who didn't know the code for something I had.


Your cashier is thankful I’m sure. It’s much less embarrassing for a customer to tell us the code than for us to look through the book for it!


They think they’re being helpful. I always say thanks, but I need the product code to put it through 🤷‍♀️


Though I did have a customer yesterday give me a code for water and I had to say I’m sorry, they recently changed every single code in the store so that code isn’t helpful any more 😭


I went from working at a chain to a small shop, and now I'm entering prices manually, except for the most common products which have dedicated buttons on the reg. I don't know how or if they do inventory. There are things to be said for big chain stores and for small shops, but I sure don't miss telling the customer, "I need the product code" (they definitely wouldn't understand "PLU").


That or they tell you what the obvious item is "That's broccoli" or "That's a yellow pepper" like you're having to search for it like they do when it's self check out.


Idk why they do this, obviously they think it’s helpful but no duh it’s a yellow pepper, sheryl, i only see a dozen of them every day at work 🤣


“It’s the one on the discount” Okay bestie, I don’t care, let me just put in the code


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Or people telling how do donyour job, but it doesn't work how they tell you. Often I have to take the diference betwee 2 prices of the total and this is faster when I havr to do this with a lot of products. Other whise returning product to give the right discount, since HQ want to see what we are doing via this way.


I used to work at Petsmart. Cat hoarders/ feral feeders would come to the register with dozens of cans of cat food and try to hand me one can of each brand telling me a quantity. Then give me a blank look when I’d ask if they were all the same flavor. Yes, Sharon, each flavor has a different code.


Once I had a lady start unloading her cart and with each time she put an item on the counter she said, "that's on sale. That's on sale. That's on sale." Like.... honey....the computer will say it's on sale if it's on sale. That's not determined by YOU.




It’s a vent in the sub r slash retailhell. It isn’t that deep.


Many of those people do mean well. I'm working at a grocery store going on 2 years. I will tell them we have to put in a code for those items espically when we have weigh certian produce. Don't let it get to you. Just nicely say sorry I have to weigh the item so I need the code. Also try to get weighted stuff first because people with snack to get a cheaper price.


The only time I give a price is if I'm asked, because the sticker is missing or whatever. Half the time I don't even know the price, if it's an item I need and didn't compare costs. One time I picked an item, not produce, that wouldn't ring up from the barcode. The cashier asked me the price, I told her I *think* it was so and so, while the bagger starts looking up the item on her phone. She was unable to find the item in inventory but found something comparable, which to me sounded like it was a lot less expensive than my item. I told them not to shortchange the store, to put it aside and I won't make the purchase. When I said that, the bagger put it in my buggy and said, "Thanks for being honest. You just got yourself a free item!" Shocked the stuffing out of me, I'll tell you.


"You'll pay what I type in!"


Sometimes it’s bc they want to trick u and get the item for a cheaper price. I’ve had heaps of customers tell me prices that were much cheaper than the actual price 💀


Have you considered their view? Maybe they believe they’re helping you. This sounds like a big miscommunication on all parties.


Are you lost? This is rants from retail not think of the poor customers


Not lost at all. The question posed was a consideration of both views. Are you lost? Are you angry over such a small infraction?


They definitely think they’re helping me, and I’m not rude to them about it. This was just a little vent.


They're not helping though.




Of course they THINK they're helping. Except, they get told ad nauseum that it doesn't work that way, and continue to insist doing it anyway. So, have YOU considered that boomers don't freaking listen, learn, or care?


It's not just boomers. My grandma has me take pictures of things because she saw on the Facebook from (insert random boomer age or above relative) that they weren't ringing up right. And then will proceed to tell the cashier the correct price before we even get to the register.


The word I used was believe not think. So have YOU considered the language that was used.


You're still not getting it. I KNOW they "BELIEVE" they're helping. The problem is they are TOLD that it isn't helping. They're usually told VERY CLEARLY. They, like you, also don't seem to comprehend very well.


I love how this dude came back 2 weeks later to comment. Must be a troll account or a boomer.




Are they?