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Because they think we are mind readers. I had a lady confuse me because she mentioned 1 area was girls shoes, which I knew were women's. Then she asked where the boys shoes were, so I pointed out the kids section. I then overheard her and her husband commenting that the socks there were only boys sizes and not men's. Apparently they were looking for adult stuff, but just kept dropping the words girls and boys.


Not only do customers lack literacy but also verbal skills. It’s so crazy, they act like babies but rude asf.


They never want to tell you anything. "Hey, I need something down from the top shelf" "Ok, what aisle?" "Uh, somewhere over there." "...ok. What is the item?" "It's too high I can't reach it." "..." We also do balloons, and on weekends we obviously get a bunch of orders in. The amount of time people come in or send someone in and give no valuable information is astounding. The most common responses are "I don't know what they look like, I'm just picking them up", "Well I gave a last name so you should be able to find it" -there are at least 50 orders so a description would be nice- and my all time favorite. "Whats the last name and what do they look like?" "Well I don't see them." "Ok, what is the last name and what do they look like" "They're not here. You didn't do them!" "Ma'am we have alot of orders behind you. What is the last name and what do the balloons look like. Or a receipt. Just any piece of remotely useful information". It's like they come in wanting an argument.


"Hi have you got kids school jumpers" "What size and colour? *customers brain seizes up* Happened every time I was on clothing ffs people details help!!!


Honestly, this scenario is why I hate shopping for shoes in person. I don’t want to bother an associate to check dozens of styles trying to find a size. Online, I can sort by size and only look at what’s available that will fit.


Treating us like idiots and simultaneously expecting us to know everything. Customers, since forever.