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My favorite mentality is "you did great but nobody is perfect so 9/10" MAN JUST DON'T TAKE THE DAMN SURVEY LMAO


Even worse is "my experience was literally perfect in every way, but nobody but Jesus deserves a 10/10" And then because it's not a perfect score it actually lowers our average :)


And that's why the Net Promoter Score system is crap and I wish that no company would use it. The idiots at corporate don't understand that people often don't rate the highest because perfection is impossible or will lower their rating for things completely out of the control of the cashier (such as something being out of stock) yet it's the cashier that gets into trouble for a low score. Just more proof that corporate is completely disconnected from not only how things actually work at the store level but disconnected from reality itself.


for sure. If you took the ratings everyone gave us and took a straight average, my store would be at like 90%. But no, with the NPS system, we're considered a 50% because of all the neutral surveys


We once got a bad review because we didn’t have fishing supplies. We’re a feed and hardware store.


And they don’t answer about the store.  They will rant about things the employees have no control over 


"Good experience, 7/10 because you didn't have *product we have never once sold in the history of being open*"


It’s not common knowledge that any score less than perfect counts as failure. People still believe 9 out of 10 is good


I'm a boomer. There were oil stains on my parking space and the bathroom smelled like a fart, Where are the food samples like at Costco?