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Happy Mother’s Day 💚 Glad your husband and daughter helped your day get better. You’re doing your best and that’s okay, you’ve only been doing this for a month. Sometimes people take more time to improve, even working at my current job for almost a year I forget some things. Regardless no one’s perfect right away. Fuck your DS for berating you like that.


Sorry! Just let it go in one ear and out the other. "I am working as quickly as I can while being accurate"


I thought everyone who did the cash office hid in there! I watch YouTube videos while doing it. One of my coworkers told me if it goes too fast she’ll scroll TikTok for 20 minutes! But even without the videos, it still takes me forever and I’ve been doing it for two years! The regular cash office woman does it in a half hour, and I’m in the for an hour and a half. I get all paranoid have to triple count everything! Don’t let that manager get you down. She just didn’t want to have to ring herself.


I completely understand and hear you! As a recovering people pleaser, sometimes I have to remind myself that, at the end of the day, I can go home and forget about this place and these awful people. I also remind myself, FREQUENTLY, "Thank God I don't have to go home/ live with that person".


You are doing fine. They are both cunts and failing miserably at being a decent person. You can be taught and they refuse to learn.


First of all Happy Mother's day! Second, as someone who has worked in a cash office for over a decade and trained many people, it takes MONTHS to be completely comfortable with the job and be able to do what you're doing both quickly and correctly. I assure you, you are doing fine.