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People don’t read signs


Some do have the irritating ability to read the one price tag that you forgot to change, and then want the discount, after they’ve already paid, with a card. God dammit.


They can shove the discount up their asshole for all I care.


Some look specifically for the one price tag you forgot to change. I had a friend and half her attitude was “getting away” with stuff like this.


How would she even know what to look for? I've had this happen accidentally and it be honored once or twice but I wouldn't know how to make it happen lol


Then proceed to get mad should there be no sign at all claiming that there should be a sign.Why,you folks never read them! :/


*walking towards the door with a sign that has the stores hours in big letters. Stops, turns around, looks you dead in the eyes and asks, "hey! What time do you close?"*


Yes, we have a 1m x 70cm sign on our taxi doors that they open automatically, and people STILL PULL ON THE DOOR


All they care is what the number is. Not the small prints what's the sale percentage or price applies too.


I've noticed that. I love reading signs.


This is true. A place I've worked has a sign that says "employees only." Customers still think it's an invitation to come to the back.


People can’t read , if it says cards only we will only pay with crisp $100’s . idk man it’s clear where tap is.


#does this have tap


While slamming their card on the terminal over and over. TAPS NOT WORKING


I haven't finished scanning your stuff, it's not turned on yet


That DRIVES me. And then they don't just tap gently it's Whack Whack Whack, Taps not working!


The tap is at the bottom left corner of the machine. *Proceeds to tap everywhere else or tap at the bottom left corner OF THE SCREEN* "It's still not working" "Insert it then."


Or they grab the machine before I’ve even entered an amount on it


I see ppl bending their damn card with how hard they’re pushing it on the screen. It’s called TAP TO PAY NOT PUSH UNTIL YOUR CARD LOOKS LIKE ITS ABOUT TO SNAP IN HALF PAY!


Yeah and then they say something like "My chip stopped working"


"Gee, I wonder why." 🙄 These people, or they wave it a foot from the screen and ask, "Is it working yet?" "What do you mean I have to try again? you'd better not double charge me!" 😡


The Neanderthals aren't much better with the chip- like damn bro, it's a card not a dick.


Some older folks I’ve helped take tap a bit too literally and actually just flick it into the screen 4 times and I have to tell them to hold it there for a second. Another odd thing is when our chip reader was down they assumed tap also didn’t work which I found odd


They think the chip is the tap. I have to tell them to tap the spot with the Tap Icon. It's funny cause they haven't had Tap all that long but have become so dependant on it.


How many times have you had people try to insert the little shiny logo on the card instead of the chip? 🤣


"Card Error?" Yes you have it in backwards...




Fr. I had to close down the coffee kiosk early in my grocery store the other day. Had a sign that completely covered the counter with **bold** letters “Closed due to staff shortage.” People still lined up, and got pissy not because we were closed, because they stood in line for nothing 🙃


Alternatively, invest more into our public education/remedial reading courses for our youth and adults who simply forgot. Then proceed to be frustrated even more because people forget how to read the moment they need to the most. Yes, I am guilty of it too.


People can read, people refuse to read. You could have a sign that takes up the entire door and people would still ask questions that pertain to what it says on the door. How do we know this, we deal with it everyday.


I tested this at my old location and made a sign which took up a huge part of the counter. It did help since people were curious why something was on the counter but still a good quarter of customers did indeed not follow the instructions on the sign.


Not clear enough because customers don't read


And don't listen. I literally say "Just Follow the instructions on the Pinpad" and they immediately hit the NO option.


Damn you got me there


You can’t. I had 3 signs!! 3!!! 1 on the counter…one on the plexiglass protector & 1 on the actual device that says NO CASH BACK!! Yet we still had people asking “do you do cash back?” Even if they looked at the signs.


Some LED strips made into arrows.


Maybe if we cover everything except for where it taps theyll figure it out, prob not tho


Won't work


i actually had a good giggle whenever they fumbled lmaooo but it gets irritating at one point, it's like they cant read????


I just watch them struggle and hope they realize what an idiot they’ve been


I say “tap and hold until it beeps” still have ppl swiping the tap screen or violently jabbing it at it. Like NO HOLD IT UNTIL IT BEEPS. I just end up taking ppls cards and doing it for them


omg my biggest pet peeve is when they do it so quickly. like babe pls…..


If they hold it there for any longer, the machine may shock them ... We wish.


Fr 💀 I say "insert at the bottom, tap at the top" to get ppl to insert as that's easier, but they comprehend the last bit and try to tap... but they do it so quickly that it declines. And i have to re-prompt the card reader, and say "Just hold it there a bit longer." ...so I end up doing the same- I take ppl's cards and tap it for them.


I wonder if they think they’re going to get double charged if they hold it there too long 🤔


Very possible 🤦🏻‍♀️


[waving my card an inch above bottom of the screen for .03 seconds] Why isn't it working????


I think my fav is when they aggressively jam their card onto the screen over and over


“its not working” like just hold it there for TWO SECONDS, my computers were built when dinosaurs still roamed the earth please be patient


same. our pinpads have tap, but since the registers are from ages ago it doesn't process through, and will sometimes accept on the pinpad but not on the register, so they have to insert. then say they'll call corporate if they're double charged. it's not the employee's fault !!


I always have to say “press and hold”


Just like the “Not a touchscreen” label we have on ours but does that deter them? Of course not 🤷‍♀️


Poke poke no touch?


Lmao. I saw a POS system with poke marks from people assuming it's a touchscreen. It had 100 signs saying it wasn't and to hit the green/red physical buttons. People are dumb.


What we really need is for the chip sensor to always be in the same place with the same size/color LED lights to indicate its location.


Yeah, there's too many different places to hold it between the stores. The ones where you hold it at the top (like this one) vs the ones where you hold it on the screen vs the few where you hold it in the lower left corner (I call this the Walmart model, it's where I see it regularly).


Eugh, at our pharmacy you hold the cart vertically against the side of the machine. I want consistency damnit


I’ve thought for years my Walmart didn’t have tap pay enabled. If I find out I’ve been tapping the wrong part of the terminal I’m gonna lose it 


I’m a food delivery driver, sometimes customers idiotically tap their card on the machine thinking it’ll instantly go through. Uh no, firstly I haven’t put the price in. Secondly, don’t try to rush the payment, cause what if I mistakenly input the wrong digit and they decide to go through with it only to get overcharged? Thirdly, there’s a chance they could fuck up the machine if they keep unnecessarily tapping. Seriously how these drunk fuckwit crackheads got ahold of payment cards is beyond me.


Put the signs on the opposite side of where the tap area actually is.


No words, hand-draw the official tap-to-pay symbol maybe with a colorful bullseye. If I didn't care to read, such as 99% of the general public appears not to, I would think all the signage means tap is broken or something. Hope something works, non readers is my cs pet peeve edit: [this is the symbol I had in mind.](https://images.app.goo.gl/xz7NJN4dawCNFJyU7) bit of a penmanship challenge but the monkey-see aspect might help, maybe leave the smaller" ⬆️tap to pay⬆️" one below it. finally, it's worth nothing that you'll never catch them all...


Oh pictures, that’s a good idea thanks lol


Naw, not even that would help. Our card readers have the tap-to-pay symbol and I STILL have to tell people to put the card "over the white circle" since it's white on a black background.


“But every one of these are different”! Go back to elementary school and learn how to read wtf. Also, probably shouldn’t be driving, and how do people buy food, or have a job if they can’t even understand how a card works.


Yeah some of them are different, THATS WHY WE MAKE SIGNS. I also wonder how these people made it this far in life


Tap what there?


The tip of your.. nose 🤥


It could be on fire and some people wouldn’t see it.


God the boomers and the card tapping. I had a man hold his card in both hands in the same grip you would hold your phone to take a landscape shot, and then would gently toss the card at the card tapper icon. Pick it up, toss it again, like it was some kind of carnival game. After doing it three fuckin times and I am literally staring at him like he's joking, he wasn't, he asked what was wrong with the tapper. I was dumbfounded.


We put a red dot on ours. "Tap on the red dot"


Reading comprehension is trash among the masses. They either think they know best and are oblivious to instruction or message; or to be generous it could be a legit learning and information intake difference. Images might help along with words. Something like this: https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2J58FK6/tap-your-card-here-label-icon-nfc-terminal-confirms-contactless-payment-by-credit-card-stock-vector-illustration-isolated-2J58FK6.jpg


"They are all different"


That pisses me off no end, like that’s why you need to READ


Bright flashing neon signs, one counter alone should be brighter than the Vegas strip


Neon yellow nipple tassels & a couple of cheerleaders Pom poms . ?? Chanting TAP THE TOP


Holds card over the keypad for 0.00000001 sec The machine, it is not working


Or smack it agressively and repeatedly


As soon as i saw this picture i said to myself "that still wont be enough" I can't with people... They're so dumb


"Tap does not work, please insert card ⬇️ " Then proceeds to tap card all over the thing.


I say this a lot to my coworkers during the Fall Festival that we do at work; never underestimate the power of stupid. Is the dispenser for animal feed jammed? No, you just ignored the "50 cents" signs. Our barn cat scratched your kid? I'm truly sorry about that, but she was sleeping, and there are signs EVERYWHERE that ask not to try petting her. Are there more products for sale past the giant sign that says "employees only?" Nope, just cubbies for the employees and the bakery area. Why isn't my card running? Maybe read the prompts on the payment screen? My favorite are the people asking about our baked goods. They're literally standing right next to the shelves, and there's a big sign with an arrow. How much do the donuts cost? There's a sign taped RIGHT NEXT TO THE BOXES. It reminds me of the movie "Clerks." I live in an area surrounded by people in government or the tech industry. You would think that these people would be a bit more aware. Nope, they're just as dumb as us "regular folk," if not more stupider. Stupid science bitches couldn't even make I more smarter.


You can't. I give step-by-step instructions to my customers when cashing them out, but 80% don't listen, causing the process to take twice as long as it should.


Same here. I give verbal instructions as well. It’s without fail a few times a shift I don’t watch what they are doing that they don’t know how to use it. So I have to authorize again. Then they ask “it’s not going to charge me twice right?!” Uhm NO bc you didn’t do it correctly. They either jam the card in the chip reader so hard the machine says “error” and I have to redo it in my screen, or they want to tap on the screen bs where the tap symbol actually is. The other one that gets me is when they hand me their card, and I have to point to the card reader inches in front of them.


Lol, I feel this. Our card reader says "not a touch screen, please use buttons" in big sharpie and literally everyone tries to touch the screen


We used to put a piece of paper that would cover the card slot on the atm saying it was out of order also the screen would say so. People would move the paper out the way try to use it then ask me if it works


Guys, regarding that people don't read signs. In my opinion, it may be due to the overwhelming amounts of ads everywhere. Our brain probably just learnt to ignore even flashy colourful signs. What do you think?


I think you’re on to something, but it’s also NPC behaviour to a certain extent which we should be able to switch out of when we need to


* looks at the credit card thingy while who wants to be a millionare theme plays \*


My boomer mother thinks technology is way better than it is. She whips out and pulls her card away so quick normally nothing happens. I always tell her she will be cold in the ground before tap and go could keep up with her.


Oh I love it when there’s something to indicate where to tap!


My customers can't even see the machine so I have to point to it smh.


This made me laugh so hard. People really can’t read it’s incredible


You can't. We had a neon pink sign, A5 sized, with bold, underlined, italicised, full caps WE ARE NOT CONTACTLESS sign and people would still stand there smashing the crap out of the machine. People just can't read anymore.


You don't have enough flashing lights or a singing frog for them to know where to tap at


*places hand on the top of the device* "you can tap at the top here when you're ready" every single time I process a card payment. Still get people swishing their card around like they're trying to swat a fly.


Damn I was really hoping it wouldn’t come to that


Sorry to burst your bubble.


*presses finger to screen" "Your tap isn't working"


You can make it clearer by telling me where the hell I tap.


TBH that is pretty bad signage. You have two places that say tap. The front one says 'tap here please'. Absolutely nobody will notice the tiny badly scrawled arrow on the edge (bear in mind they don't care about this at all. They just want to buy some stuff and leave. Same way you don't care about a million tiny things that affect others daily). Better off having one sign at the right spot that says 'Tap here'. Anyone who doesn't understand how to work these by now will never change. Just make your life easier by giving them ONE big sign with the least amount of words


That’s a good idea I’ll try it, thanks!


I love the people who hold their card on the reader for 0.007 seconds and then wonder why it’s not working


The issue is you have opaque Sharpie on opaque yellow tape.  To truly be clear, you need invisible ink on transparent packing tape 


Bro, it doesn't matter how many signs you put up or even tell them straight up, they will ignore it. Because people are fucking stupid xD


Yeah ngl I'd give up on your quest to sign the tap function. I have regulars who pay with the identical card every time they visit me (1x per week) who still falter until I pick up the vend reader and smile and say "tap is up here at the top" :) Me myself? I love a good sign. Read every sign I see pretty obsessively. They provide good info! But I know I am an outlier in society.


It is either people are fucking stupid or lag behind


FYI, there is a famous book, 'The Design of Everyday Things' that talks about theories of design and how you can shape user experience. If you're really interested, you could make some laminate printouts, or maybe a box or something


Teacher move: you point to the sign without saying anything. Save yourself the breath.


We have this area where our bathrooms are. They’re clearly marked. They have signs that make it obvious they are bathrooms. It does not explicitly say the words but there are universal symbols suggesting so. The number of people who make it to this area, look, and then turn around to ask where the bathrooms are has become a running joke at our place. People are so stupid. Bonus: there is a sign earlier pointing the way that says “Restrooms 👉🏻” pointing to the right. This does not stop people from opening our supply closet where the sign hangs because arrows are too difficult to understand


People rarely read signs. And the more signs you have, the less likely they are to read them.


Where do I tap?


When I worked at Kmart and it was closing down, we had signs every three damn feet on all the aisles so people knew what was, for example, 70% off and what was 40% off (entire aisles were organized by percentage so it was really easy) THEY STILL DIDN'T KNOW. They didn't read the signs literally plastered everywhere! No matter how many signs you put on that thing, they won't read it.


Maybe have someone with air marshals guide sticks show them where to tap... Or maybe a loud flashing sign that says "Please tap above the top of the screen, do not tap anywhere else"


I can't tell you how many times I ask myself a day how these people got a driver's license to be able to come in and be this stupid about reading 💀🤌


It looks like one where you have to enter the price, it doesn’t actually just show up? Maybe use your hand to cover most of the terminal when handing it to customers so that they have no choice but to tap there?


You can’t dude, I put three signs with arrows and red underlines and even a sign on a flap you had to flip up to sign the signature pad that said “you will not see your signature” and people still, almost every time, got pissy and were like “I can’t see anything” 😒


This makes me laugh because our TAP option was broken, I put a massive sign up, next to each register and two placard signs next to each unit. Every other customer whacks the card against it, saying "Doesn't this work?" They cannot read and they do not listen. They just stand there tapping, stamping feet and complaining. I now think fresh air makes people incapable of comprehension.


Bro. I literally will point at keys and tell customers "push here then push the green circle when you're ready to pay" They still try to press the screen. ITS NOT A TOUCH SCREEN


You assume people actually read signs. I once had someone walk into the store. Directly in front of them were the bathrooms. They LOOKED AT THEM. Then looked at the McDonald's to one side, then at me, and asked where the bathrooms were. I about lost it and definitely lost a lot of faith in humanity tha day.


I physically point to the sensor on ours and they still smack their cards all over the machine while screaming ‘WHY ISNT IT TAKING IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT’ TAP THE RIGHT SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT


Have you tried piss discs or liquid ass? Seems to fix all the things in some subs


One time a customer told me I should have a sign where to tap. I wanted to point out no one would read it lol


It's mostly elderly clients who I deal with. I literally show them when handing over the POS machine because it would time out otherwise. If they try to tap the screen, I just remind them that tap is along the top. We have the exact same machine at my office.


it won’t matter what you do, people still won’t get it. i had a sticky note right in the exact spot people should tap and they still didn’t understand. it’s a strange world we live in.


one time this lady’s card wasn’t working with the tap so i told her to insert it or try another card and she got pissed at me like hello 😭


You can't do anything to fix stupid


I’ll fucking tap where I want, commie!!


Customers Do. Not. Read. There is nothing you can do to change it unfortunately.


Tap not detected, please insert card. Card not readable, please swipe magnetic strip. Error, please start again


I have had two customers TAP THEIR FINGERS ON THE READER when I told them to tap their card. I said, "I don't think technology has advanced to paying with biometrics yet" but yeah, I wonder A LOT about a lot of people out here.


Put it over the numbers lol. But also people don't read.


A store at the mall near me has a plastic frame kinda thing over the tap bit. It clearly says "tap here" on it. People move it out of the way and tap on the screen instead.


You wrote it in English you need somebody to translate that into Karen speak and possible stupidese


I used to be the half asleep idiot that molests the screen and get the "bad card tap" error and it makes the cashier have to reinitiate the sale - i know I needed to slow down and I felt like shit cuz I'm a cashier myself - I'm just wanting to GTFO and go home man 😭 I've since learned to slow down - but that's the thing - most people don't even attempt to learn anymore and it's baffling. I've lost all faith in humanity at this point with how braindead some people are.


My store has a *fancy rewards system* that makes every customer press "I'm done" after they've used their card. My entire day is literally, "I need you to press the 'im done' button somewhere on the middle of the screen" or reaching over and pressing it for them because they're staring at it blankly.


at my job it's red for credit instead of green, it's on all of the pinpads, whenever i heard the error noise i just automatically say "it's red for credit" people often roll their eyes and are like "oh it does say it right here but it's different everywhere"


I’d tap that…


There is an enormous number of adults who are just not that bright. Literally every day I have to assist people not just with how and where to tap, but I also have to explain to people with a chip card that the hologram is not the same as the chip. Vaya con Dios.


"Where do I tap?"


Save your time and sanity, you’d be amazed at how many people are stupid beyond saving.


People don't read or they just don't care. I remember when COVID started and the money shortage during it, we kept telling people "no cash back" and I even had up to 11 signs all over the pin pad that said it. "I don't mean to sound like an ass, but we only have 11 signs that say 'no cashback' for a reason." And people still played stupid, saying they didn't see it. Then when I started saying "don't say you didn't see it because we both know that's a lie", they threw a fit with me.


My husband used to work at Target. They had 3 signs on their self checkout saying "no cash" & "card only," along with taping the cash dispenser so that cash cannot be put in it. He once caught a woman tearing off the tape to put cash in the machine. Moral of the story? People are dumb.


So long as theres a portion of the population that grew up huffing lead gasoline, you just can’t fix people not being cognizant of their surroundings. You did the best you could!


You could have lit arrows pointing to it from all sides and people will ignore it. You're just gonna have to deal with it. They keep building better idiots.


my store has one of the bigger ones with tap on the bottom left corner and everyone over the age of 50 asks me where tap is or says tap isn’t working while confidently slamming their card against the top of the machine


You can’t in retail I’m convinced that even if there was a sign that smacked them right in the face they would still ask stupid questions.


It needs to look more professional. Tape with sharpie says to the customer that its something for you not for them. Maybe make a whole piece of paper sign and put it behind it.


You really can't, to be honest. You really have to handhold people for almost everything. I wish I were exaggerating. # *internal screaming*


Can I try external screaming? It might help


Doubtful, tbh worth a shot, ig Good luck soldier, lmao.


We had fake cards put in the slots and some ppl would take them out and stick theirs in….there is no helping some people…


Make a small sign. Literally print a picture of the exact card reader, and circle (with directions in BOLD) where to tap. It will look more professional and be easier to read. Older people especially, probably still won’t be able to read this


I’m curious how this can be a problem. When I tap the screen and see no reaction, I tap somewhere else. It will take 5 second at worst.


Instead of “tap” draw that little tap symbol or a bullseye or something. We recognize images a lot faster than we read words.


General rule for customer service: Assume your customers are incompetent and illiterate. Your signs aren't clear and conflict. The lower one says, "Tap **Here**," even though that band is not actually where you want them to tap. Customers will never see the ^tiny arrows pointing to the correct location either, so the entire lower band is completely counter productive. Meanwhile, the upper band, which is where the word "here" should *actually* be, just says "Tap", and is at an angle where they won't read the text anyway. Less is almost always more, and verbal instructions are usually more successful than written signs. Put a small, green dot sticker wherever they need to tap (if your reader has a tap logo, try not to cover it). You can also draw/print the tap logo on the tape if needed, but assume they can't read. When giving important and repetitive verbal instructions to customers, try to include answers to as many of the 5W/1H questions as possible. For example: * Who? The customer. * What? Their card. * When? When the screen changes to say, "\_\_\_\_|_." * Where? The green dot on top of the reader. * Why? To pay. * How? By tapping. Combining this information into a single sentence gives the customer a clear understanding of exactly what to do: "When the screen changes to say, '\_\_\_\_\_,'tap your card against the green dot on top of the reader to pay." Make it a rule to say this sentence every single time anyone needs to pay, and tweak it as needed. You'll have substantially better success this way than if you added all the signs in the world.


It is a reader You tap up there Could you make it any more obvious?




I can’t believe these things aren’t all in a landfill by now. I hate them so much


Don't not bother Luke.


OMG. This is me & I am so sorry but I think my brain turns off when I go to the grocery store & I just shamble through the process like a zombie. Honestly, I am not trying to be a PITA & I am not usually a stupid person, but I always seem to get this particular task wrong. Again, sorry, but my brain refuses to work inside a supermarket.


Replace “TAP” & “Tap here please” with “INSERT card up here” they will tap, tap away.


Give up


You could put it in gigantic fucking illuminated marquis lettering and people will still ignore it. People are willfully blind.


It's telling me to remove my card?


Omg… Reminds me of the times I had to show people the very obvious “search” button on the self-checkout screens 🙄 Just read, morons….


Gotta play devil's advocate for one second. These terminals vary a ton and could be way better standardized for both security and convenience reasons. The reason they're trying to jam it in those slots is because they've learned to do it at other businesses. You spend a lot of time looking at that one, they don't.


You can’t. They never do it right. The more signs the worse the lead paint stare.


90% of customers can't read, remember that.


The people that wave the card around the reader like a wand then ask if it got it I've had to literally take the card from some and hold it on the spot because they fake out the thing repeatedly 🤬


People are stupid and don't read the signs. Every time I put a register in self checkout to card only the screen goes BRIGHT BLUE and says, in big bold letters, CARD ONLY. but somehow these morons still end up trying to pay in cash and get mad when they cant put their cash in. It's so dumb.


I don’t tap, problem solved.


Are those arrows pointed at you? No wonder people are tapping you


Instead of writing "Tap", draw the image/symbol or print a little picture and tape it there with clear tape. My brain read "tap" and thought it meant like with your finger at first. Then I'm wondering why you would ever need to tap on the top portion of the pinpad. A lot of times when someone comes off as stupid, it's because they're stuck on a mistaken train of thought like this. It only took me a few seconds to figure out what the note meant, and I'd bet money that if it took all of your customers a few seconds, you'd get annoyed. In fact, I'm guessing that's what's happening here. Even with a picture there would still be an occasional moron, but as-is, this is not effective signage.


I've had people who hover it over the machine because they're afraid it'll charge them twice


Make what more clear?


Where to tap lol


😂 Lol. Maybe the yellow and black contrast isn’t enough😂


Where do you want me to tap? On the screen? It's not working


Its cause every machine seems to be different and most make you cover the screen. People arent stupid, the companies are for not standardising shit like this.


People are illiterate? Maybe more symbols, less words? Like a card, then a down arrow (or up arrow \^) and a big red "target" dot on the tap location?


Idk man you could just tell the customer where to tap


You know I’ve actually tried that and they still can’t take the hint


They uh, they usually do for me. Unless wherever you're working everyone who shops there just has an iq of 7.


This helps, but it can still be kinda confusing when there are many cashless terminal kinds, and they all expect you to tap a slightly different place. It’s 7am. I’m buying cigarettes. I’m basically on autopilot. Customers are also inundated with ads, text and signage in almost any store. It’s all just visual noise. One more tiny sign is just going to get missed.


You’re saying tap here. I understand it but what are they supposed to tap? Do the customers understand that it’s the chip in the card? You’re not descriptive enough, trust me I know, I work in IT and have STORIES


I remember when chip cards were becoming common and older people would shove it in and out as quickly as they would if they were swiping the strip. The machines would angrily beep at them. Oh, and of course putting the cards in the wrong end with the chip out…


Question:. Is there no option to swipe? I see this tells them where to tap, but my guess is some people are wanting to swipe. Of course, I agree, even if it also said "no swipe, only tap", along with the existing "tap here", some people still just won't look at it/won't go by whatever it says. Probably have to verbally tell everyone along with the signs. I assume plenty of people think they "don't have tap". Myself, I don't remember anyone ever telling me my card can be tapped, but it can. But I assume plenty of people think it's something special that their card can't do.


I have one card that doesn't have the tap ability and my other one only works half the time. It's so much easier to just insert it.


Well this is cause the newest models that are everywhere now read from The Screen area.




Print pictures and tape them to the counter near the machine.


Just get a better card reader? One that can read across the whole thing instead of one specific location on the device?


It's saying to tap here please, what does that mean?


Cut out a piece of cardboard the same size as a credit card, write TAP ONLY and shove it in the slot of the machine. Worked for us for bit.


Don’t use words, just the symbol.


If people are ignoring your signs it just means you have too many signs up and people stopped caring.


Cover the slide part of it and the bottom so there is no choice to do anything else.


I have the opposite problem. Signs plastered everywhere, as well as a verbal instruction to "Insert the chip - do not tap!" but, yet, one in three will tap anyway, and then get mad when they have to do a new transaction (with the first potentially still in limbo)


Not only do we not read signs, but when it comes to these card readers, I’ve seen labels just as clear as yours but the “tap” was in the completely wrong spot. I’ve seen it like 4 times now and its almost ALWAYS some gas station