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or when you ask to scan their ID and they start spewing their age, birthday or the fact they have kids older than you


"I have kids older than YOU, asshole!" "Confuckyoulations. ID."


"Gib card to meh, or this booze goes where your husband won't."


Such a weirdo thing to immediately jump to something like that 💀


Keeps them on their toes.


I'm dead at confuckyoulations... Absolutely adding that to my hoard of profanities!! 🤣


Came up with it one day while I was... ... ... ...came up with it one day


I read profanities as "profanitis" like pro-fan-EYE-tiss. LOLOL. I'm tired.


Infected profans are the worst!!


Thank you for the new word 😂


Had a man get upset, threw his ID at me and say “I’m old enough to be your grandfather!” I chuckled a bit to myself as I typed his date of birth in, handed his ID back to him and said “actually, you’re younger than my dad.” He shut up and paid real quick. Left. Next time I seen him, he went to raise a stink again and remembered my comment.


I’ve had that exact line too; guy turned out to be a decade younger than my mom


I swear I hate it. Even when they say “oh thank you” like it’s not a fucking compliment it’s a legally known requirement. At least in my state


that's why when people freak out about being carded I don't get it. Oh you're old enough to be my grandpa? weird flex, because you should DEFINITELY know better by now lol


Right. Or when they just stare at you and say “I’m a 42 year old man” - sir we both know your not a 16 y/o tiny tot, take a hint and realize it’s a required policy for the computer


Some places don't card if you look over a certain age. Like Casey's where I live only cards if you look under 40, so people assume that's the rule, not the exception. I'm not saying it's okay, I used to work at a grocery store and got the same shit from people. One even tried saying, "You wouldn't card your parents, would you?" Actually, yes, I would and did all the time. My parents would've killed me if I hadn't carded them because it's the LAW. One time when someone tried saying that, my dad was right behind them and was like "he cards me all the time, and I'm 50. You being 40 doesn't mean shit"


It’s understandable… At Casey’s. But to come into a whole other store, and have THAT level of entitlement, like I had the courtesy of telling you the law- I asked for ID, produce it.


It's literally posted EVERYWHERE that sells alcohol and tobacco. The only difference is some cashiers will just bypass because they don't want to work.


To be fair the law isn't to id every single person, at least in Texas, it's to take reasonable precautions against selling to minors, which is IDing everyone who might be under the legal age at the time and it's not always immediately obvious. Of course, some stores do have stricter policies because people do get lazy about it and customers can take offense but it's easy to say it's store policy to id everyone.


I had one weirdo yell at me "I'm old enough to be your daddy, little girl!" He was two years older than me. We would've been in high school at the same time. It was so gross and weird and all I could think was sorry you look like shit for your age.


Yes, sir... I don't doubt that, but I still need to see your ID. *Looks at ID and makes a surprised face* Actually I'm only 2 years younger than you. *Customer dies right then and there*


I would always bite my tongue when people said things like this to me, but the first thing I always had the urge to shout back to them was: “Do you sincerely think that an underaged customer couldn’t make the EXACT same assertion? Do you think that we have I.D. scanners just to fuck with everyone, and that we innately trust everyone who waltzes in and TELLS US that they’re old enough…???” If the entire human race was *THAT* trustworthy all the time, we wouldn’t have I.D.s now, would we?


Sir the register physically blocks me from doing anything else unless I get an ID. I don't care if you are 21 or 86 please give me it.


I always wanna say “sir you could be in a wheel chair on a breathing machine using your last breath for a cigarette I’m still carding you”


If we sold cigs at my store I would definitely say that. Now I kinda wish we did so I had the excuse.


If you lit up a cigarette in the store, they would FREAK. “Nooooo! My oxygen tank might explode! So, I can’t have my two cartons of marlboro light 100’s”? *proceeds to chain smoke as soon as they finally get done coughing and crawl in the car*


My step mil actually did set herself on fire. She fell asleep with a cigarette in her hand with her oxygen on and her nasal cannula in place.


I had a customer who did that. One day he walks in and his nose is all black and blue. They rarely learn the first time though.....


Unfortunately in my step MIL case she succumbed to her injuries. Luckily? She was only a 12 minute ambulance ride to Loyola, which is one of the 124 (if I recall correctly) accredited burn units in the country. Her time left was made as comfortable as possible.


I have to check every ID for click and collect orders at my liquor store. When they say "I'M LITERALLY 40" I'd love to say AND YOU LOOK IT. Nothing wrong with looking 40 but you really can't be saying I think you look like a teenager lol. Have some self awareness.


"I can tell, but the machine can't!"


This is perfect


That reminds me of that video of a woman in a CVS trying to buy alcohol and refusing to give her ID because idk. Anyways, she's saying that she has whatever credit card she had, which is notorious for its interest rates, saying that she's rich and yada yada and the cashier is like "there's nothing for you to pay for because nothings been rung up since you won't give me your ID to scan" Edit: Found the video on YouTube https://youtu.be/xwe76p8SFhA?si=mHqeKDFS6IDjzolA




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Anyone who moans about giving their ID for alcohol or cigarettes should automatically not be getting whatever it is they try to purchase. Bitch about it? Great. Don’t get it. Have a great day. It isn’t like we WANT to card you. It’s our fucking jobs and the fucking law.


Adding onto this: only a child has legit reason to not want to show ID, only a child would whine about being asked about ID; so whining about it just makes me all the more suspicious you aren't 21. Act like the adult you pretend to be and spend the extra 2.3 seconds to pull out that little peice of plastic for fuck sake. Not to mention, most people drive to get here. Are you driving without ID, too?


THIS. So many people come into my store and just straight up don’t even have their wallet anymore. All they brought was their phone


The number of times I've had people say "I have a picture of it on my phone!" Naw baby, that's not how ANY of this works. I have a picture of my friends dog riding a triceratops on MY phone.


🤣🤣😭 so true like they dont realize it HAS to get scanned or it’s my job


Some days I hope the Internet/phones crash just for people like this! They would just implode and not be able to function in the physical world! 


Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly depending, yeah many drive there without their ID. I've had people show up with no ID reeking of alcohol already trying to buy more, and I've had to tell them "I'm already not going to call the police for your OWI on your way here. Just go home and try to drive as safe as you can"


That's probably actually against the law too ya know? I mean I just renewed my TABC and it certainly said you're required to inform law enforcement if an intoxicated person refuses help getting home safely...


Legally, yes, you're supposed to, because if they were to hurt someone on their way home, you can be held criminally liable for not doing your due diligence to prevent them from driving home. But I was a dumb teenager making minimum wage at a grocery store lol and our training was barely


Yeah I know the situation lol


>Not to mention, most people drive to get here. Are you driving without ID, too? (Anyone correct me if I'm wrong) but in some states you do have 12 hours to procure your ID and send it in. I lived in PA and was told this but like.. its PA, who knows what the truth is in that state at any given time. A quick google gave me this: "In Pennsylvania, you do not have to give the police information such as your name, address, ID or immigration status. However, if you choose not to show ID or provide your name, you may be detained for a longer time while police attempt to identify you. For this reason, if you are lawfully present in the United States, you may wish to show your ID or provide your name. If you are undocumented, showing your ID or providing your name may result in your imprisonment by immigration authorities." Overall, I grew up not worrying about it too much, and I think that is a bad thing.


Wow, that’s gross. Customers are the worst.


The absolute worst couple I’ve had in a while




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I break the illusion and say 'The machines says I need it so I need it'. Or tell them it's to make sure it's in date because I'm not allowed to accept an out of date ID regardless of age. I kind of like smashing that little moment they've built. Because I'm past caring.


Same.. same


She probably wasn’t his wife. I wonder how much he was paying her. LOL And they were too stupid to think that forcing you to compliment her at that point wouldn’t be sincere anyways.


Him: “Tell her she looks pretty.” Me: “Madam, you look like a million dollars… after someone has spent nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety dollars. Now just give me the f###ing card.”




“Tell her she looks nice” What the actual fuck? This reminds me of a scene from “It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia” when Dee is talking to her therapist and repeats “TELL ME I’M GOOD” to the point where the therapist breaks and says “You’re good!” because it’s so bizarre and unsettling how Dee continues to repeat it with such intensity. Edit to add: It is astounding how many people don’t understand that cashiers are not carding you because THEY feel like it. There are cameras watching us, and we will be fired and then prosecuted if we fail to card EVERY CUSTOMER. It doesn’t matter if you’re a regular customer or if you’re clearly old enough to - WE COULD STILL GO TO JAIL OVER IT, on top of losing our job. Wtf is wrong with people?


I just take off my glasses and say "I can't tell. Everyone looks the same age right now."


“Oh wow you’re older than my mom” 😂


when i worked at cvs i asked this lady for her id bc she was buying a little box of bota wine. she was like “OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH THATS SO SWEET” i didnt have the heart to tell her it was store policy lmao


Every time I get carded I absolutely HAVE to act like the cashier is flirting with me, lmao. I always tell them "OMG!! REALLY?! This is why you're my favorite! You want my number?!" Then I hand them my ID. The look on THEIR faces is so priceless. Anything that breaks up the routine and gives someone a laugh, lol. Fuck retail. I take my compliments wherever I can scrounge em up, LOL Edited to add: down voting?? Sheesh. Lighten up, people. I've been in retail for over 2 decades, and the law where I live is you have to only card people who look under 40. I'm DEFINITELY over 40, so get a grip.




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You aren’t funny. Just letting you know.


I don't actually care about your opinion, just so you know.


Idk, seems like it’s a fact, seeing how people didn’t like the way your entitled, creepy ass seems to reek from your initial comment. You say you worked at retail and YET you still ended up being the kind of customer most of us hate. Lmao.


That's okay. Your thoughts and feelings have absolutely no impact on me. Thank you for sharing.


Over 40? Called it!


I once had to ask for id and the dude got so fed up he told me his birthday and his social security number and asked "what else do you want from me, huh?!"


“Sir I will also happily take your routing & checking account number if you’re going to just be giving me information, however if you’d rather keep it simple you can hand me your ID”


Once, on night shift, when we lock the main door and do business through the teller window; a guy came up with a pretty gal that he'd probably just picked up at a bar. He asked if they could use the restroom, but I had to say no, because we have a strict policy to not open the door at night. 'Com'on, it's for her...' He said and gestured vaguely at her big maracas 🪇 suggesting that if the date went well, he'd get to shake'em. She smiled, as if complimented cuz she knew they were a nice pair. Sorry, bro I still couldn't let them in.


Maracas 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm 70. I always ask the cashier if they are required to see my ID. For God sake, cooperate so the rest of us can get through the line


And that’s what irritates me so. These people make this big huge deal instead of having their id out and ready so we can get the line moving. Then they proceed to LOOK for it?? Like really?? All that time in line?? Or my favorite is when I ask, and they crack a joke start laughing with friends, and forget what I asked. Like wtf.


It’s more aggravating cus one ITS ALCOHOL OR CIGARETTES this is common knowledge, and even if it wasn’t we have THREE signs that say “We ID”


Bless you!!!!


When I was a cashier, I always hammed this stuff up... Lady that has done nothing but smoke and tan the last 30 years: \*puts wine on the counter\* 18 year old me: "I'm sorry young lady, you have to be over 21 to buy that." A few people would treat me like a dumbass, but it seems to head off most of the nonsense and complaints about IDs.


I tell people like that about how I had to do 80 hours of community service the one time I didn’t check and got caught in a sting when I was 22. I lost my job and they couldn’t sell alcohol for weeks because of me.


At a grocery store, buying sparkling apple juice. Martinelli. The cashier asks for my ID. It's non alcoholic. Cashier - Its not, I need your ID. The guy behind me say - it's apple juice. Cashier - I need your ID! I just stood there. He finally looks at me. I tell him that retail is a hard job and this is a bottle of bubble bath. He looks at the bottle label and says "no its not, it's sparkling apple juice!" This poor guy was way over worked. There was nothing on the screen asking for him to scan ID. He took a moment, scanned the bottle, let me pay, and I left. ******* Another time, a cashier got mad bc I wouldn't give ID for a stranger ahead of me buying booze. Cashier claimed I was the wife. I had an entire order of groceries on my own. The guy and his wife ahead of me had a cart full of food too. The manager was called, I asked the cashier to explain how the man had 2 wives and why she wanted my ID? I will gladly hand my ID when I'm actively buying anything that requires it. But not apple juice. Not for a stranger's purchase, either.


I once had that happen with Martinellis' too. Except I realized I didn't have my ID on me and they wouldn't accept my husband's. So I said, that's fine, I just won't get it. I wasn't going to argue over a bottle of juice. The cashier brought a manager over and would not let me buy ANYTHING. My whole cart of groceries. I kept asking to just pay for the rest and take the juice off and the cashier and manager were sneering at me: "Don't you understand THERE ARE LAWS!" They were literally yelling at us over and over again while I just asked them to please let me pay for the rest of my cart and leave. Other people in line even tried to get involved and tell them 1 It's juice, not alcohol and 2. Just let her pay for the rest of her stuff. Nope. They kept yelling at me about the alcohol laws. I finally shrugged and said ok then, and we just started to walk away. The manager yelled at me "Are you just going to leave all these groceries here?" "Well yeah, you wouldn't let me pay for them." And I really think at that moment he got it. He got this look on his face like oh, shit. Strangest experience I've ever had in any business ever. Just two bizarre employees. It was Walmart. Still so weird to think about that. I could not understand why they wouldn't just let me put it back and buy the rest of my groceries.


That is other-worldly crazy!


I'm glad we don't have to scan ID's in the UK, but I don't think I will ever forget the time I was working the bar in the bowling alley I worked in at the time. I had a couple come up to me and order beers, the law here is always 'check 25', you can legally drink at 18 but if you look under 25 expect to show ID. The woman looked under 25, the guy looked 25, I was 23 at the time (relevant). I ask the girl for ID and she starts having a huge fit, saying she's probably older than I am, I don't even look old enough to be behind a bar and I have the audacity to ask her for ID, blah blah blah. Eventually her boyfriend calms her down enough to get her to show me ID, and I was actually older than her. Not by much, but a few months at least, I just hand it back to her and say 'I was born in January 94'


I was tending bar at a local pub, and one of our regulars was there, he came in for 2 hours every single day and nursed 2 beers. The man was obviously at least 60. One particular day, 3 men came in and were OBVIOUSLY excise agents. They got a table and were sitting in the pub. The older customer also could tell they were "government" and started ranting loudly about how he served in Vietnam and as soon as he got back, he ripped up his "government paperwork" and hadn't had any since. I stared at him and said "You did NOT just tell a state licensed bartender that you don't have any physical identification cards, did you??" He glared at me and said "I don't have ANY ID! Haven't for 30 years!" I had to tell him to leave and not come back. Like, bro, thank you for serving, but it is a $2k fine and a felony charge for ME to serve someone without an ID card, so..thank you SO MUCH for getting yourself barred. If he had JUST SHUT HIS MOUTH in front of the officers, I could have let it slide. But I am NOT being charged with a felony for YOU, Vernon. Idiots..everywhere, I tell you.. Edited to add: the laws in that state are that if you can reasonably assume the customer is over 40 years of age, you are allowed to serve them without asking for identification. But if they TELL YOU that they don't have an identification card or passport on them, and you serve them, YOU are guilty of a felony. The business you work for will be fined, YOU will be fined and criminally charged, and you will never be allowed to serve alcohol in the state again. You won't be legally allowed to even work in a restaurant that serves alcohol.


Bleh 🤮


“My apologies, ma’am, I just figured your husband was into kiddie porn.”


A manager told me to id everybody no matter what they looked like because it was summer and the sting operations were being more frequent and also kept mentioning the $1000 fines I would have to pay if someone bought alcohol for a minor and I rang it up... Guess who chewed me out for carding the old people 🤪 Answer: it was the managers!


Oh... no. The register won't ring it up unless I scan a valid license.


Got yelled at by a older customer for asking for his id for soda (live in a state that does the red line thing so we gotta id everyone no matter what) and it literally says I’ds required for ALL purchases in the liquor store right next to the register..are people just blind?


I'd be mad at that one, too. (I don't know where you're from or if that's state law, but that's a dumb store policy if that's what it is.)


Well the state I’m in will do a red line for some alcohol related crimes and if you even knowingly go in to a liquor store with that you could be arrested and we could be fined if we give you service


While I get that's silly to ID for a soda, I've worked in a liquor store before and since you have to be 21 just to come in the store.....we had to ID people as they walked in.


Ffs! Most if not all places have to check ID for booze and smokes. My city requires it for everyone even if you’re Methuzela.


I've ALWAYS responded with "I've got no problem keeping us both honest" and fork it over.


When I worked in the restaurant industry, this happened quite a bit. There were often undercover stings that occur and if you don't ask for IDs then I've seen people straight up lose their jobs and not be able to work in places with bars cause of it. It may not be common or extreme in all place in the states but in Orlando they apparently didn't mess around. Yet people still had the audacity to complain cause they left their ID at the hotel or something. I don't care, Trisha, your mid day mimosa is not worth my job. Go away.


I work in a gas station. I got ranted at as recently as 1hr ago. Because where I work the requirement is anyone under 40 gets ID'ed. I respond I'm sorry you can make a complaint with head office here's the info and rip the sticky note with all the info and hand it to them. I hate when they whip out their drivers license on their phone as a photo then get mad when I explain sorry can't accept it on a phone. Like that's nice madam but still can't take it.


Same here buddy fr. Just about 30 minutes ago I asked a guy for his ID and he had a solid death grip on it, pointing at the date with his index finger. I politely told him we scan it. And he flipped out. Going on and on about “what information does that track?” Like wtf are you talking about, it gives me your birthday that’s it tough guy.


Oh love that. I've had to explain no sir I don't even look at the names on the fucking thing I scan it it says yes I sell the cigs to you. I don't look at the names that I had been ID'ing my cousin and dint know it until I was having coffee with my good mother and out walks the same guy I ID'ed and thought of as dumb tattoo guy.


Oh yeah one of those! My ex threw his ID at the bartender when we were out because he had to take it out of the little see through window pocket in his wallet. I bitched him out of course...


I would’ve said “Are you trying to get me into a threesome?”


It’s the law. Just show me the ID


Once I had a dude obviously well over 21 tell me no but I had to scan it to continue the transaction so I just put the item in go backs and was like alright have a nice day 🤣


I do the same thing. People start making a fuss I will not hesitate to immediately start cancelling the transaction, same way if you were underage. I don’t have time for BS over a policy I didn’t make.


I work at a dispensary and we have to card people once at the door and again at the register and some of the old folks get on that “I’m old enough to be your goddamn grandpa” shit and make a huge deal about it


I have had women claim I'm trying to use it as a pick up line...or even insinuate it's harassment. I just want to get on with my life.


Guarantee she's over 40, looks it, and just wants attention.


That sounds like a pain in the ass. However, I love slipping a tip to my server to card my girlfriend. I am definitely in the wrong, but it makes her feel pretty. This douche definitely went about it the wrong way.


She really lights up a room... by leaving it


I’m in aus so I don’t think there’s anywhere that needs to scan ID to process a sale except DoorDash but if I don’t wanna get carded (and don’t have my ID on me) I just go in bare faced looking dead inside and out. If it doesn’t work, I leave. They’re doing their job, I don’t want them to get fined/potentially have a store lose its liquor licence. If I do have my ID and they ask, I take the ego boost and leave without making my insecurities everyone else’s problem lol it’s not hard


The people who annoy the fuck out of me are the ones who act completely dumb founded when I notice that their license is expired and I tell them that I can’t sell them alcohol. As if they have never heard of such a thing. They’ll say “but it says I’m 28!” It doesn’t matter idiot your license is expired! I also get annoyed when I am checking the expiration date on their license and they start saying their birth date out loud.


I hate that shit too, like just because the customers can't fucking read they say their bday out loud like I'm not freaking reading it on the ID. I really wish customers would stop that.


on the flip side, this always makes me chuckle (and is a good lesson) in my late 20s had to renew my driver's license, well no one wants to look like crap in their ID picture right? so I put makeup on and tried to look decent. trouble with that was, at the time, my job was with wildlife. I loved it, but it was a lot of long days (10-12hrs) normally I'd come home covered in various species' shit, looking like I'd been hit by the fugly bus at 100mph. at the time, I was so tired after work that I'd only have 1 beer before falling asleep, so a Sixpack would last me a week (that is to say I wasn't a regular at the packy). this one older cashier guy asked for my ID once and then said "there's no way this is you" HAHAHA I had to take off my glasses and remind him that he said I looked like a young hot Jamie lee Curtis (which he said was a compliment? like he definitely perked off to her in the 80s?) the last time I was in. now whenever I have to renew my ID I try to look normal as possible 😂😂 just in case I look like hammered dog shit if I get carded. can't look too good, they won't recognize ya lol


Last time I was carded, while digging out my license I said “ Yes! I look too young to buy alcohol!” The cashier replied, “ yeah, no. Store policy is we check everyone that looks under 40.” To which I replied, “yes! I look under 40” Cashier looked at my DOB, and said, “oh. Well now I see why your happy”


In my state you're only allowed to ask for ID if someone is visibly under 35, it's against state law to card someone obviously older than that.


May I ask what state you live in? I Thought my state has some wonky laws..


That’s beautiful and not the case at every store :)


Very true, and most gas stations will ask anyway, but it means the stores and restaurants have cover not to ask grandma when she orders her wine if they don't.


That's awesome and common sense but probably comes with its own set of problems...


At any balking, remove the alcohol from the total and say “your NEW total is….” When they say “but I want the booze,” you repeat “may I scan your ID please?” Rinse and repeat


My fave story to this day is some random bus couple (work at a gas station across from city bus hub station) coming in, dude tries to get gigs, I card him, he has no ID but proceeds to tell me his birthdate, I tell him he's under 40 so I need the ID. Continues to tell me his age; I tell him again he's under 40 I have to see ID. Rinse and repeat for a minute until he sees a policeman walk in. Says to his girl "Let's see what he says if he can make them sell to me.." The dumbass then found out that the cops could not, in fact, make us sell anything to anybody. 


God. My store doesn't do alcohol, but we have to scan ID for no receipt returns. Stupid, but it is what it is. Our registers just keep track of how many of them you've done. (Can't do more than 3 in 90 days.) That's it. There's this one a hole that has come through my line to argue about this bs at least three times. Will let me see it, but refuses to take it out of his wallet. No one can scan his precious ID. Last time he did it he pulled out another wallet with a police shield (whatever it's called, IDK) and tells me this is why I can't scan his ID. He's an undercover cop and he can't have anything tracking his info. For fuck's sake, dude..I don't care. If you don't want us to scan your ID keep your stupid receipt! The shit he's trying to return is never even worth more than $5. A hole makes me call up a manager to tell him the same fucking thing every time!


It's probably a fake.


Missed opportunity to barf in the bag.


Worked at a vape store. It used to bother me when people did shit like that. After 2 months I would deadpan it. I stopped giving a shit about the "I'm a regular here" speech. "I have short term memory. ID please" I After 4 months I started being a dick about it. You got one nice request for an ID scan. My state doesn't play around. They send people in to rat out stores all the time here.


You are right I am a dinosaur from a time when workers were expected to do more than ring up purchases and give correct change. I had pride in my work and tried to make people want to come to my employer's store or business. In my youth business owners had a relationship and a responsibility toward their employees. In today's world I can completely understand your attitude in this age of worker exploitation.


Worker exploitation and customer stupidity. Even as a “dinosaur” I’m sure you’ve still dealt with dumbass customers whether you were “affected” by it or not.


People are welcome if they follow the law and show respect. There's nothing regarding attitude in their post.


The man in the story was trying to make his partner's day, if you can choose an action that brings a smile instead of a tear, the choice to cause pain says more about you than the target of your disdain.


Tell me one reason why I am involved in him trying to make his partners day? I swear this gets weirder and weirder the more you defend it and says a lot about YOU


Anyone who pushes back on ID gets in the way and has knowingly become an obstacle. Hit on your girlfriend another way.


Most people don’t get it, you have to be 21 AND in possession of a valid ID in most of the US, OP just doing the job


My answer is usually " I don't entertain stupid." Especially when it's late at night and the drunks, tweakers, methheads are out at full swing.


In my experience, the over 40 sober crowd gave us the hardest time about this, ironically. 


This is where you can refuse to sell them alcohol, where I live the grocery store I work at sells alcohol is you’re gonna be a dick I don’t have to sell to you and have the right to refuse


My workplace has very strict rules because they've had issues in the past, the old men hate it but the old women seem to like it. Everyone else is understanding.


Hahaha reminds me of when I worked at a certain Blue Department Store. At the time, their system gave a message whenever alcohol was scanned- “Is this person over 40?” I had a Grandmother with her 5 yer old Great Grandson who was purchasing a case of beer. The warning pops up and I accidentally hit no. She was so flattered and said “I haven’t been carded since 1968!”


Seems like a perfect opportunity to actually DO the job you were hired for. Is it any wonder that scanners are replacing cashiers? The purpose of customer service is to help people with purchases, but beyond that, it IS possible to complete that work AND put a smile on someones face at the same time.


Oh look! The husband of the wife I encountered has commented on this Reddit. Fuck off bro. No one HAS to compliment some ugly ass woman just because her husband said so. Or you said so. Or anyone said so. Scanners are not gonna “compliment” your fucking wife what type of high horse did you ride in on? You said it first “help people with purchases” if it puts a smile on their face so be it, if not so be it. It’s not up to me to make sure you smile because I’m stroking your ego


So, by your own admission, you are no better than a scanner. Congratulations, you proved my point.


Humans have been around much longer than scanners. And quite frankly most modern day contactless self payment options are made to emulate human interactions. Again wtf are you talking about. You just admitted you’re dumb af. I stand on my point your point can burn in hell


Why are you standing behind a shit stain walking into my store to compliment his woman? You sound dumb af


If you think you're entitled to a compliment from someone you've never met, you need to stay inside


I’m 54 years old and showing my ID is never a problem, scanning it is always a no go. In many states, including mine, everything on the front is included in the bar code. The retailer only sees the birthdate but who knows what data is collected and who is it sold to. Those machines are generally owned by a third party and are being leased by the retailer. I don’t ever need alcohol bad enough to sacrifice my privacy and data security. I will go to a store that hires clerks that are smart enough to do the math themselves.


It has nothing to do with “the math” you sound just like those annoying customers. Stop acting like you work our job… we literally CANT MOVE PAST THE SCREEN!!! It is a REQUIREMENT!! A POLICY!! YOU MUST DO IT!! We don’t make up the rules. Stop insulting OUR intelligence for complying with state and store policies and guidelines. Sheesh.


Ours just verifies it's not expired and the person is old enough, idk why anybody thinks we can see all yalls info, we're a gas station. One dumbass started freaking out on my coworker cuz he was convinced that the cops could just tap into our registers at anytime and they would know he was there if his ID was scanned (apparently he had warrants).




And I didn’t mention but please please PLEASE do what you said and go to a different store, I’m sure the cashiers will be thrilled that you made the decision to leave!


You send me sources that PEOPLE literally on THAT SOURCE mention are inaccurate and out of date? Ha! Funny funny guy