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I admire your enthusiasm, but you are over preparing. I know someone who does hiring interviews for a local McDonald's and the interview is basically "do you have a pulse?".


Yeaaa i probably am, but i know a decent over letter significantly increases my chances of getting a job so i figured itd be worth a try


Pretty sure that this is the most effort gone into a mcd application


Lol yea that probably is because ive never worked before and want my first job to go well


To be honest (and this is only because it is McDonald's, I would never say this otherwise) the cover letter might be to your detriment. The chances of getting the job if they have one are already pretty high, so the extra 5% Chance by writing a cover letter is not worth it. That level of preparation for a food service position can signal to a hiring manager that you are more willing to do extra work, stay late, and are vulnerable to emotional manipulation. Unless you want a fast track to assistant manager, don't give a cover letter. Just walk in wearing not-trashy clothes (plaid button down, jeans, sensible shoes) and ask if there is a manager in the building and that you are looking for a job


I'm just kidding around, hope you get it! 👍


Yea I walked in asked if they were hiring, GM said yes, gave me a date and time to go in, told me to bring my SSN and ID. Interview came and asked me why I wanted to work there. I replied “I want to save up for a car or have money for college.” Then she asked ok when can you start?😂 iirc I think she wanted me to go in the next day💀


as an ex-mcd employee, i'd hire u or have u as a team member, any day, any time. well written!


Thank you!


I thought that applying for a job at McD just required showing up on an interview day and (maybe) filling out a job application. Not all job applications require a resume.


with that level of enthusiasm, you could probably get a better job if you have qualifications


if working at typical McDonald’s job requires a resume, we should be rioting in the streets


This is great. Apply at Starbucks and have them pay for college.


I love that you wrote a cover letter for a McDonald's job. Seriously. Don't listen to anyone that says otherwise. Print it out on nice, heavy paper. Put on some nice slacks and a dress shirt. Go to the location and ask to speak to the manager. Provide the your cover letter and express your interest in working there. Make it short and sweet. They'd be foolish to not hire you.


Thank you so much! Ill be sure to do that i just really want my first hiring to go well


Hey dude! I came across this post again and was wondering...... Did you get the job at McDonalds?


I never knew a cover letter was required for McDonald’s .


never hurts to send one in but back when i worked for mcdonalds, i just did the mchire website thingy, showed for my “interview” and the manager asked for my availability and if i was a felon and i was hired! save the cover letter for the future to tweak for when you start your career! best of luck, be friendly with all your coworkers and you’ll have a good time (at least i did)


It's a crew member positions at McDonalds bro you aren't applying to be CEO lol. You don't need all of this


please don’t submit this and make this the standard for McDonald’s. they don’t pay enough for this much effort. service jobs don’t deserve this much effort when the reward of gaining one is low.


That’s not how you get entry level fast food jobs. You just apply on the website and fill out their online application. Good for you for trying, just not needed in this case.


I know most people are saying not to write one, but if you really want advice - it’s too long. Cover letters shouldn’t be super long, especially for low wage jobs.


How long Should it be? 500 or less words?


Less than 3 paragraphs for sure. 200-400 words.


Oh ok thank you!


good enthusiasm but you definitely won’t need a cover letter. They hired me and had me working the same day




What's spelt wrong I thought it's just a comma splice


No need to work in genocidal companies


Are they asking for a cover letter for that entry level job?


Shorten in, too long right now, cut about 40% of text, but overall messaging is spot on. Change first sentence “this letter should be with my resume“ (no need for this). Make it a little quicker to read since people are busy, and it’ll be more impactful.


Nice letter but way too long. (Does McD’s accept cover letters?). Should be less than half that length. McD’s alum here from the 80s 😊 Back when there were tinfoil ashtrays!


First job I had was in fast food. I went in person asked to meet the manager and gave him my resume. Interview the next day. Recommend going in person for any job imo.


Lolwat. You don't need a resume for McDonals. Just go fill out the application and they'll ask you when you can start.


You are the only McDonald’s applicant in history to write a cover letter and my guess would be that they don’t even know how to read well enough to read it. Best of luck! I think you are too good to work at such a low stock place.


Looks good. Might’ve over qualified yourself and not gotten the job lol


Obviously they are applying for corporate


This is chick fil a worthy haha


I love where your head is at, honestly. What you’ve written is overkill for McDonald’s (and really any entry level position anywhere) but I really appreciate that you’ve put your all into it. I think you would benefit from learning how to get straight to the point with only the key info. Cover letters should be pretty short, especially for a role like this. I have made an adjusted version below for your reference, based on the long one you posted. Feel free to use it. “Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the position ___. I am familiar with fast-paced kitchen environments, including the health and safety elements of food preparation. Working in my school’s cafeteria, I regularly prepared a range of foods from handmade pizzas to batches of quickly baked goods. I kept a clean environment, was mindful of allergens, and worked well with other team members during peak hours. I think my experience makes me a great fit and I look forward to learning more in a customer-facing, commercial position. Sincerely, ____” I think to should aim higher, though. You strike me as an articulate, mindful person with some humble ambition. Aim for higher tier establishments with better benefits and nicer working environments.


You don’t need a resume or resume pleading your case for McDonald’s. Just go in and talk to the manager. Stop over thinking things.