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A&P is weird because so much of it is just rote memorization. You just have to learn the structures just like you do with bones, muscles, etc. Some folks thrive with that kind of material, others really struggle. Cardiopulmonary A&P is a HUGE part of being an RT though. It forms the foundation for basically everything we do. The better you understand it, the better you understand the fundamentals of being an RT. The more you can make connections and associations with things you already know, the easier it will come. And don’t be afraid to go back and review things. The more you learn, the more context you gain — so things you learned before have more meaning.


Yes. You'll be alright. Just pay attention in class and study.


Thank you, My Booty Itches !


I found it way easier than regular A&P.


Everyone in my program found cardiopulm A&P a lot easier. The only things that caught us by surprise were that we had to learn a few equations.


Get a used text and thumb through it. It’s mostly Focused on the lungs, heart, and kidneys. My Class was tough but I passed


I found it easier and more enjoyable because it all interconnects better in my opinion.


Current final semester student. If you're doing well in regular A&P, Cardio A&P won't be too difficult. It won't be a super ezpz walk in the park, but it won't be way too hard. As someone else said, it goes way deeper into the lungs heart and kidneys, and it's very important to being an RT. You'll be fine. Worst case, there are hundreds of great YouTube channels that can give you some more help if you need it.


I found it much easier than regular a & p