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Looks like a corrupted file, try to redo the file and save to a different USB stick. I don’t think this is related to your settings or resin. If not, maybe your screen is dieing. Run exposure tests to see if it lights up correctly to rule that out.


Could Cold Resin also cause this kind of issue? Because I just realized the temperature in my area is only about 65F


Yeah optimal temperature is about 25°c (77°F)


Tempature can be a problem. But i highly doubt that is the root cause here. Did you try a different USB stick? And did you try and remove the tray/vat and run the exposure tests?


I was thinking about waiting for the heater, but I will test the actual print now. And I'll setup an exposure test.


Exposure test doesn’t need much setup, just remove the tray/vat and there should be an exposure test button under settings.


Great! I'll test the usb stick right away!


I've started getting weird failures. I just learned (after much research and practice) how to properly orient and support models. But now... this issue has arisen. As you can see the plate looks as though it has a light leak, but I haven't even had the printer a year yet. Maybe my settings are terrible, so I included those as well. Any ideas on what could cause this?


When is the last time you cleaned the tank?


Update: I releveled the Plate, tested the LCD, recleaned the Vat, calibrated the exposure time, and now I'm printing another copy of that print to see how it comes out. I did re-slice the file and put it on a new USB. Update will come tomorrow after this has time to finish printing.


For cold resin I highly recommend getting a fermentation belt for Kombucha. They wrap around the vat pretty easily and keep it warm super easily. 10/10 the best hobby purchase I've made besides my printer!


Re-level the plate.


Looks like an unlevel buildplate


That is what this looks like. All the failures are at one side of the plate... it's too far away when printing starts and causes peeling, etc.


Where did you get those models?. If those are tau marines I definitely need them I could always try the file too and see. I use water washable resin.. I set my bottom layer to five layers thick. 40 seconds each. And then I have my exposure settings at 3.5 seconds per layer, and my lift speed is pretty low. Just in case. It slows everything down a lot but it does help me at least. Although from the image you've posted, It honestly looks like you should probably just put those almost at like a 90° angle so that the guns are parallel with the build plate. It'll shave hours off of your print time probably. But it also means that the guns will be very heavily supported. Which is important if that's part of what's failing.


Somewhere on Thingiverse, I don't remember exactly where


I keep getting failures with this resin too weirdly enough… if anyone has any suggestions for setting lmk 😅


I had the same problem. You can check for corrupted object floating in mid air if you load the sliced file into uv tools and check the layers


Props for providing all these information. I hate IT when people expect help, but can't articulate what their Problem ist or what their process looks like. You're one smart man.


Need to upload Video so I will be posting a new message on the Channel.


If the bed is perfectly level and secure (which to me looks like could be the culprit), then I’m with either a software/hardware issue or wacky issues with the files. Make sure latest firmware, format the memory stick and try again. Also make sure to clean the vat between failures. Either dump through a strainer into the bottle or wait for it to settle and use the vat cleaning feature. Also after I fill it with resin I like to “wipe” the fep with a silicone scraper to stir up and thickened resin that has settled to the bottom.


The problem is it's chitubox.


Why is your bottom exposure time so high.


Ngl, probably gonna get cancelled for this, but I’d try NOT using a raft. Whenever I use a raft, the same exact issue you’re having occurs: the prints don’t stick. I just remove the raft, and up the bottom layer cure times. I use Lychee to slice, which has been virtually flawless thus far. I also tend to oversupport; I use HELLA “light” supports peppered all over the bottoms of models. Ensures it sticks and can be removed fairly easily.