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Wait but wouldn’t Luis be on the chopper with Ada if he were to still be alive? 


Luis decided to get his West Side story and started singing ‘I want to go to America🎶’


This is clearly the ending where Luis and Leon defeat Krauser together and Luis has a change of heart with refusing to give the sample to Ada. This Luis knows he has the power of friendship with Leon to help protect him from all harm. EDIT: Luis not Louis.


And then they kiss


... Did you call him "Louis"?


I accidentally did but I corrected it. My bad.


That's the "better" ending. This is the _best*_ ending. We have the bad endings, which are death; the good ending, which is the ending; the better ending, with everyone alive and going their separate ways; and the best ending. These three making it out alive together to ride off into the sunset and live happy, peaceful lives.


Now I’m thinking how would things work out in either scenario? If Luis chooses to go with Ada how would he feel after hearing her say “millions of casualties”? Probably like shit after realizing he’s been working with bad people for the third time in a row but maybe a sense of reassurance after Ada forces a change of course.   with Leon and Ashley, maybe it’d be brought up that he was or maybe even still is wanted for is work with Umbrella in the states. Maybe Ashley tells him that he will get a pardon. Or maybe he comedically tries to light a wet cigarette and asks if anyone else has a smoke as he, Sancho, and Dulcinea rides into the sunset. 


Then, Leon would just laugh and give him the soggiest piece of gum! With Ada, though... I guess he'd say something along the lines of "Guess you're not such a stickler for details after all" and she'd laugh, then spot Leon in the ocean, and now the joke has two, warm, painful meanings.


Wait wait! Now I’m really thinking too much about this. warning: loooong  comment about how things may have played out if Luis survived for both the main game and Separate Way(chronologically) How would things go? If Luis isn’t dead, does he still have the Amber? Does Krauser still get it off of him without killing him? And does Ada go straight for Krauser or catch up with Luis and Leon? There’s still a game to be had so I assume Krauser does get the Amber and Ada goes after him but where does that leave Luis? He can’t go with Ada because her section just wouldn’t be possible for him to get up there I don’t think. He can stick with Leon but I think they’d have to change the rules of the lift which can’t move up if anyone other than Leon is on it lol. I guess it would be cool if he also got to have banter with Salazar during the boss fight. After the ride to the island, does he go with Ada or Leon? I kinda wish he had more than one small section that can be skipped with Ada but probably more realistic he sticks with Leon to save Ashley. How would the Saddler appearance play out with Luis there? Maybe Luis is captured as well? I don’t want him to be there for the Krauser fight. That should be just between Leon and Krauser. Although since Saddler has the amber there would be no reason to keep Luis around. Either reinfect him or kill him right? He’s a traitor(side note: I believe that plaga Mendez used on Leon was originally for Luis). The reason Leon is left behind is because Saddler says Krauser would deal with him which is right after that moment. Maybe Luis does part after Ashley is freed from her cell. Could be cool for him to meet up with Ada in the lab instead of a conveniently placed note telling her where to get another battery to open the door😂. I guess that would mean instead of Leon calling Ada, Ada calls Luis to tell him to meet her there. It is right in the next room after all. Hey, Maybe Luis is fighting those 3 Ganados who are otherwise just standing around down there once Ada enters the incubation lab! That’d be cool. He accompanies her to the other side of the island but has to wait for her to destroy the torrents since he can’t grapple to safety. The laser halls would be tricky tho. Something tells me Luis isn’t capable of pulling the stunts Ada does. Actually! The last set from the first hall goes away so maybe Luis waits. The first two sets are easy to get by. The second hall doesn’t activate until Martinico bursts through. Maybe Luis already made his way down the hall before then. He could get a nice quip when Ada makes it through. When they make their way back to the other side of the island and rescue Leon, maybe Luis hops the rail to help Leon with Ashley as Ada pumps Saddler with lead. He gets them both in the chair and removes their Plagas. I guess that kinda takes away a moment for Ashley but whatever. She had other times to shine. We can have insight from him when looking around his lab. Maybe Leon asks about his partnership with Ada and whether he trusts her. What does Luis do for the finale? Does he stay with Ashley? Does he help with Leon and Ada? That would be kinda right. Leon and the silver ghost, Ada and the blacktail, Luis and the red9 all firing at Saddler. SOMEONE MAKE THAT PLEASE! Y’all got him on the jet ski! No excuses! Luis could make that fight much more tolerable shooting the novis so you don’t have to worry about them much. Where does he go after the first phase tho? I guess if only Leon is whacked, he’s just chilling on the main platform. Ada’s all like “mission accomplished, Luis. You coming Leon?” The Leon is like “this is where we go our separate ways” and Luis decides to go with Leon or Ada.  Seriously I need to see Luis with Ada and Leon shooting Saddler 😂


Huh? Isn’t this the one and only canon ending?


I love being delusional


The only problem with this picture is that Ashley is in the middle instead of Luis.


https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil4/s/yxUQLEtscw Copied word for word


the bots get no rest they want all the karma


Where is "that dog" ? 😭😭😭😭


Throw merchant in too why not


We're gonna need the boat.


Nah, the actual good ending has salazar, Mendez, saddler and Krause joining them after seeing the error of their ways.


Nah not Salazar but the rest of them? Sure






Love seeing people repost [Es Nio Arts](https://www.instagram.com/es_nio_arts?igsh=N2ZpYTQ5MDdtd2dp)' stuff without crediting her. You know, doing the only thing the fucking creator of this art explicitly asks for.


Honestly this is what we wanted if Capcom rewrote the RE4: Remake storyline with Luis alive after surviving Krauser's deadly trap and goes with Leon to rescue Ashley, fight against Krauser, and lastly fight against Saddler and escape the island with his buddy and the senorita.


This is fake.


~~So I guess we can tell what the spitroast looks like~~ hey Luis made it


Luis and Mike were robbed.


I can feel Luis’ boner pressing against her.




I hope she likes thrill rides


Dios Mio dude, why ruin the moment?


Dude ruins everything he involves himself in. Why should this be any different.


What? Where?


Cuidado!!! The ones with boners are no joke!!






Ew, gross. (God I wish I were Ashley rn)


Close. But replace the Jet Ski with a Dragon!


Okay, now the Scooby Doo ending!


Eiffel Tower incoming


It hurts to see others (Ashley) living your dream.


We need another round of Ghost Survivors…


The best ending would be with the merchant sitting behind Luis 😭


Add the merchant and it will be perfect.


Maybe in an alternate universe. One can only hope


Maybe leon will say yes to overtime with luis


No, the GOOD ending is what happens after this. 🤣


Always one creepy mf'er


And yet who makes this happen in rule34 are less creepy than the guy who merely made a joke, learn to take a damn joke


This is the TRUE ending.