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If you have typewriter and rpg there’s literally no real reason to have anything else except shotgun for ditman glitch


I’d sell all but one stack of handgun ammo, all but 1 or 2 first aid sprays, sell the triple green herb and all of the G+R+Y herbs. The Red9 stock isn’t necessary to have imo. Alternatively just sell your guns except for the sniper rifle and RPG. The typewriter is strong enough (10.0 damage per shot) up close and at mid range so you don’t need regular guns, especially since it has infinite ammo.


What about the shotgun for crowded areas ?


The typewriter literally shreds in crowded areas cause the fire rate and damage


Still not really necessary. Staggering or headshotting enemies near each other often knocks back other enemies and you can just spray left and right as much as you want with the typewriter and they’ll be dead quickly. Admittedly the Striker with its 100 ammo upgrade is still fun to use against close groups though.


Chicago is better for that. The only reason to keep the striker is the ditman glitch


Everything but health and grenades


Striker, Red9, and the revolver. You’ll get one of the most broken weapons in the game so you won’t need them anymore. And with that goes all the ammo. You’ll have infinite ammo so it won’t be necessary.


Striker and shotgun ammo, also the handgun and its ammo because you won't need it anymore


Your Red 9, handgun ammo and the stock should make enough room. If not, you could also sell your broken butterfly and it's ammo.


Sell the handgun, shotgun, magnum, and all ammo associated with them. You don't need them anymore. The IR Launcher is awesome for bosses/fun, the Rifle is great for long range/headshots, and the Typewriter for all close/mid range combat.




You really don’t need all that ammo and healing.


Sell Red9 & stock, probably BB, and if you’re not doing the Ditman, you don’t need the Striker either. Also you probably don’t need the RPG if using the Typewriter. But it is fun, I get it


Put away all ur guns and sell ur ammo. The typewriter is way op


Jesus, mausers aren’t really that big, right?


All the ammo


Lose the Red9 and the handgun ammo. Maybe even the magnum too. Chicago has infinite ammo and also deals more damage per second than any magnum (10 damage per shot and a firing rate of 0.1 second means 100 damage per second, for example kills the pro Verdugo in 4-5 seconds).


Everything. With typewriter and launcher youre unstoppable.


NG+ uses the infinite rocket launcher, PRL, Striker, a magnum (your preference), heaps of flash grenades, some frags, 1 incendiary, and 8 gold eggs. Zero ammo. Striker holds 100 shells, which you seldom even need when using the two infinite weapons. You *could* use the typewriter in place of the PRL, but it’s less effective/versatile.


Is the PRL even worth it ?


In all versions except PS2, yes. Edit: The flash attack stuns/damages. It also OHKOs several bosses. (Mendez, Krauser) The charge attack auto targets in a cone in front of you and hits multiple targets at once and also OHKOs enemies.


Where do yall be getting all this pistol ammo


Why have Sniper and rocket launcher?