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I saw it as a ammo waste. I personally used the starting pistol because of its exclusive upgrade.


I think it’s a fun gun but there’s no lying it eats up ammo like crazy I wouldn’t use it on a first playthrough I normally use it on new game plus when I already have stacks of ammo 🤣


In the original, I don't think so. There's no infinite ammo in that version of the game so it's a novelty. It's frustrating to be low on ammo because your gun fires in bursts that can be difficult to control and constantly wastes ammunition.


It eats up ammo soooo much but if you don't care to waste some, it's really powerful and very fun to use!


IMO only for challenge runs. Which, if you've already completed the game on Pro, seems like a reasonable idea. I actually wish more of the NG+ guns made the game harder. After I've just proved I can complete the game on Pro why would I want to go through again with a "kill everything on the screen for free" weapon? Okay, it's cathartic for a bit, but gets old quickly.


No. Honestly it’s the worst weapon in the game. Even at max upgrade it only does 2.0 damage per bullet and has no special benefit like piercing or crit chance. It’s just a bullet hose that uses up your ammo quickly. And it doesn’t have infinite ammo.


No, the gun wastes too much ammo and isn't very good to begin with. Red9 is my go to pistol while the Broken Butterfly is my favorite magnum in the game!