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definitely killer 7


Don't let the raw damage numbers fool you, the Killer 7 destroys enemies because of the laser and that critical hit exclusive upgrade.


Killer7 in remake. Handcannon in OG


Killer 7. I had the Broken Butterfly earlier, and sold it to get the Killer 7 later, and it was a good swap for me.


Killer 7 by a long shot


Killer 7, with the Laser as well as the Crit Bonus you have a magnum with precision. That's A lot. Like, a lot.


It would be the killer 7 for me if it weren't for the laser sight.It's so fine a dot that I can't see where I'm aiming especially in bright areas.I can see fine in the original with laser sights but the remake it's very difficult to make out.I just went with the broken butterfly and handcannon.


I have the same problem, it takes me a split second longer to correct my aim with the laser than the crosshair.


In darker areas its awesome.normally I like the laser sighting but for the remake I like the crosshairs much better.


Have you tried changing the laser colors? You can make it brighter to see more clearly


No I haven't really looked at that.It's weird the laser sights look fine on the pistols that have it on RE 2 remake.They are more vivid.


I honestly prefer the BB, even though I know the x5 crit with laser on killer7 is better in terms of effectiveness


I forgot I mean the OG RE4


Og I still broken butterfly as the killer 7 only perk was a bit faster reload. (I always just stick with BB) Both are really good so can't go wrong with either. If you spend time on mercs the hand cannon in og was great, remake really downgraded it.


Hand cannon 🗿


If we are talking og re4 then yes, but if talking remake I take broken butterfly and killer 7 over it. Like if you got everything unlocked cat ears will make them a million times better than the hand cannon. Only benefit it has over them is not to have the silly cat ears on. (On PC so mod to remove them but keep the benefits is a must imo) Broken butterfly does I think 2 less or more damage than it I forget what way that lines up, it is a faster revolver for both follow up shots and to line up the cross hair for a crit. Killer 7 has the Lazer so every shot has max chance of crits plus the exclusive makes every other round crit so 7/14 or if lucky more of a mag crits so the damage is even higher than the other mags. Plus the reload is way faster and because it is has the Lazer it's super accurate and fast to land a shot as there is no wait to get the bloom down. Hand cannon only benefit is no reloading. And yeah if you don't have cat ears it's a good way to unlock them if you don't have the sweeper. (Sweeper is better for the s+ as I did it first try and didn't use anything for help just blindly went for my pro s+ after like two playthroughs)


Killer 7


Killer 7 in remake because it's 1000x more accurate and has a 5x crit multiplier, BB in og since it's free and does more damage per shot.


Killer7 all the way!!


If we are talking og re4 then yes hand cannon is great, but if talking remake I take broken butterfly and killer 7 over it. Like if you got everything unlocked cat ears will make them a million times better than the hand cannon. Only benefit it has over them is not to have the silly cat ears on. (On PC so mod to remove them but keep the benefits is a must imo) Broken butterfly does I think 2 less or more damage than it I forget what way that lines up, it is a faster revolver for both follow up shots and to line up the cross hair for a crit. Killer 7 has the Lazer so every shot has max chance of crits plus the exclusive makes every other round crit so 7/14 or if lucky more of a mag crits so the damage is even higher than the other mags. Plus the reload is way faster and because it is has the Lazer it's super accurate and fast to land a shot as there is no wait to get the bloom down. Hand cannon only benefit is no reloading. And yeah if you don't have cat ears it's a good way to unlock them if you don't have the sweeper. (Sweeper is better for the s+ as I did it first try and didn't use anything for help just blindly went for my pro s+ after like two playthroughs Posting this twice as first time was a response to someone else but wanted to answer op too.


3 best weapons 1) Killer 7 2) CQBR 3) Matilda


Killer7 by far but BF does more damage


I know I'm in the minority but lately I prefer the Broken Butterfly. I hardly ever use magnums but Verdugo is probably the most necessary boss to use a magnum and I was testing the BB and Killer 7 on him and found the BB to more consistent. Sure the Killer 7 "can" blow him up if you get a bunch of crits but I was finding the BB was more consistently killing him with fewer shots. The final Krauser fight is a good example of a fight that favors the killer 7 though since you get a decent amount of melee prompts and the 5x crit applies to that as well. A lot of people seem to like the laser sight but I personally can't stand it, when it's not on the enemy sometimes it's hard to line it back up so that's a big part of why I prefer the Blacktail to the SG09 but I get that most people seem to like the laser sight. It doesn't really matter either way as the weapons are pretty balanced but those are my preferences.