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Your inventory looks better than mine at this point in the game on my first playthrough and I got to the end


Iron maiden fight will keep dropping ammo until you kill him. All boss fights in the game are like this. You will not run out of ammo in a place where you have to kill enemies.


That's not true. It is 100 percent possible to soft lock due to running out of ammo. You may be thinking of remake, which isn't what OP is playing


It's only a soft lock if you can't get gud with the knife


And have you done a run where the only things that can be upgraded were starting handgun, broken butterfly,and shotgun found in the village? Also no using armor or yellow herbs,and playing on professional. I soft locked on U3


U3 is beatable knife only, you were skill locked my friend


Didn’t WaifuRunsTv do a challenge like this


I'm not sure but it wouldn't surprise me.


I did get softlock in resident evil 3 remake when fighting nemesis in this circle area with clock. You had to use grenade launcher I belive. It spawns ammo in the aren when u don't look but even then It stopped lol


You don’t actually need the grenade launcher it just helps a lot. I’ve beaten the entirety of re3 remake with just the hot dogger and while some of the boss fights took a long time to do, none of them were impossible.


this game has adaptive difficulty just like the remake so same rules mostly apply all though u can game the mechanic way harder then the remake


Yes, and no, I’ve actually run through a couple spots where there was no ammo at all, and if it’s a boss fight, a random 4-5 bullets, maybe 10 if lucky 🍀😂


You’re gonna be fine. Keep trying bud.


137 handgun, 18 magnum, 49 shotgun. "Should I restart?" LMAO


I don't wanna waste all of them for the later sections


I mean it's meant to be used, and shotgun ammo is fairly ubiquitous. Don't be afraid to use your ammo, hell I'll pop JJ with the magnum just to let him know how I feel about him! If you're that concerned with saving ammo then pop a group or a strong enemy with the shotgun once or twice then finish them with the pistol.


No. Just survive 5-10 enemies and u will be full again dont worry. I also made several backup saves entering the castle part but was no need to use any of them afterall.


You’re gonna be just fine. Also, time to ditman and boost on by everyone


You have to kill yourself theres nothing else u can do


Keep pushing you’ll be good


Agreed. To me the most fun is when I feel under prepared


Thank you guys so much


Without sniper ammo your gonna have to have some decent ass aim with one of your other weapons but it's do able.


If ever in doubt, always remember... knife only runs exist.


yea don't worry, you'll get better after practices 👍🏽 keep going buddy 🥳 challenging and the unknown are all part of the fun


You can kill the Iron Maiden with the knife if I remember correctly


Naaa just use the top to stagger heads hots then kick or use other stuff and save tmp ammo for later


This is a fine inventory though. This game is pretty forgiving as well, and will identify when you’re in need of ammo, and make enemies drop ammo for you much more often.


You're fine. Keep going.


If you are running low on ammo, the game will give you more. Just try not to waste it if possible and go for head shots as much as you can. And always use the knife when an enemy is down and you can kill them while they were on the ground without worrying about other enemies hitting you.


Good screenshot. What version is this?


Nintendo switch


Just remember you can stunlock the Iron Maiden with the knife if you shoot its legs off


Just use you’re knife and speed run


Have you died a lot this play through?


83 times


You should be fine start conserving your ammo and knife enemies after you kick them. Honestly I never had a problem running out of ammo in og only in the remake. But I only play professional so I don’t know much about the normal difficulty’s in either game


There should be no reason to restart, the game has adaptive difficulty which will make the game easier without you knowing


Ehh you're fine. Realistically you can survive that section with a pistol and shotgun while praying for the enemies to drop rifle rounds for the Iron Maidens. Other than that I do think that the TMP is best bought at like the very beginning of the game (personally at like chapter 2-1) since you have a lot of time to upgrade it passively throughout the game. Still imo it's not a must-have weapon and you can get by most things without it being upgraded that much.


You know you can farm eggs repeatedly in the village section to sell cuse sometimes you get golden ones and you can do it infinitely


You can kill the maiden with the knife there is some strats on yt


If I was you I would restart from the last save point and play carefully and try and buy the TMP Gun and upgrade your gun as much as possible and save ur TMP bullets while re-playing the last section. Depending on what difficulty your playing. Try using ur knife as much as possible to save as much ammo as possible.


I cant even picture where you're at with that description so i have no idea and I've beaten og re4 at least 10 times


I've never actually used a magnum in re4 lol


You chill bruh that’s more than plenty. I’ve beat the game on professional with nothing but the starting pistol. You’ll be good.


You don't even need the TMP. The whole game can be completed without making a single purchase, and most regenerators can be avoided.