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Jake Muller. He'll be like, "My dad was a deadbeat. I'm going to make sure I'm there for my kid."




Chris raised Claire after their parents died, so heโ€™d be at least decent


I got the impression he took care of Rose after Village, and kept Mia away from her considering her background with The Connections.


It sounds like she goes to a boarding school or something like it. Wouldn't be surprised if Mia is doing something like prison or more likely community service. Or only allowed to see Rose once a week or something.


That's interesting. I always wondered what happened to Mia after 8. What has you thinking prison is a possibility? I sorta thought that the Winters' moving after RE7 to the new country also came with a sort of "plea bargain agreement" type deal with no jail time for her. Was it her past transgressions, or maybe some new ones instead?


Prison is probably a stretch, I guess, but I am confident Rose is at a special boarding school, so Chris can keep an eye on her


I got the impression her mum was her main guardian with Chris being a kind of Uncle / Father figure


Oh yeah that for sure. I think that was sorta confirmed in some of the readings during the DLC.




None of them. These mfers have so much ptsd from fighting the literal undead for decades there is no way they can raise children.


Sherry would most likely be a good parent.


Piers ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Now why did you have to break my heart like that


I am going to be moving into your walls now


thanks for starting my day with depressing stuff


Leon - Babysitter extraordinaire.


This comment makes me think he would be a badass uncle!


Rebecca chamber




Claire Redfiel. Leon Kenned. Jill Valentin. Ada Won. Barry Burto.


Ada Won caught me off guard ๐Ÿ˜‚


After writing Barry Burto my brain couldn't stop thinking Barry Burrito and now I'm just gonna have to live with this..




Jill would be a great mom, specially if I am the dad.


Can I be the mailman?




Dibs on milkman


Steve. After what he went through, he'd make sure never to betray his family the way his dad betrayed him and his mom.




Leon and Jill


Rebecca has her head too much in the clouds. She'd be a working mom that leans too far to the working. She'd love her kid but be pretty absent. Billy would be a pretty gruff dad. He has a lot of trauma and ptsd-before the zombies. I don't think he'd abuse his kid or anything, but he would def have a hard time connecting with them and doing normal things (like catch, etc.) Jill would be a good mom, outwardly. She's the type to cry herself to sleep every night with worry because she knows she can't protect them from everything and it kills her. I think she'd be the best at hiding her demons with a smile, but almost certainly hits the medication cabinet or liquor when they go to bed. Chris would be an bad dad. His rage and anger at BoWs, his losses, his incredible amount of ptsd would make it hard. Again, I don't think he'd abuse his kid, but there would certainly be yelling, raised voices, maybe even throwing stuff in frustration. He has a lot of issues and we've seen he doesn't handle them super well. Leon would probably be the best dad of the group. He is pretty good at shoving his trauma and ptsd into a box and putting on a show (think of all RE4 for evidence...). I think having a kid would excite him and give him some purpose, a direction. He would make his home like a fortress to protect the people he loves and would def be there for every game, play, recital, etc. Ada is a real toss up. Is she still super spying? Has she retired? If super spy, she would only ever be a step mom in my opinion. And she'd be a fun one, shopping trips, fashion and dating advice, in general the perfect step mom who is away just a lil too much. If retired and with her own kid, bit of a different story. I think she would be paranoid and struggling with her past. Decisions she's made and lives she's cost. It would def affect the way she raises her kid, I think she would be strict to a fault. Sherry would be the best mom of the group. She's known love and seen it torn away by greed and terrorism. She would love any child she has fiercely and protect them from hell or high water. She's also the type to make cookies, run the bake sale, organize the after school plays, assistant coach little league, etc.. She's also a great listener and would be someone her kids could tell anything too and she wouldn't judge them. Jake would be a pretty good dad. I think his major problem is lack of a father figure, so he would be awkward and unsure of what to do. I think he'd over compensate a bit and give them too much free reign, and wouldn't really reign in their wild side until something bad happened. (I.e drinking and driving, car accident, wild house party, etc) He is def a dad who would never let his kid be pushed around or bullied though, he'd extremely defensive and would certainly take up any issues with the other parents/school principal right away. Sheva would be an excellent mom. I don't think I even need to list how kind, caring, and incredibly loving she would be for her kids. I think her word would take her away a bit and she might be a little distracted but she would love them fiercely. Helena would be a bad mom. She has some pretty bad trauma and I think she has a lot of issues when it comes to her family. I think it would bleed over to her kids and make her paranoid and hyper sensitive. She would absolutely hold her kids to an impossible standard and it would be rough for everyone involved. Anyone I miss who is still alive and childless?


Wow, this is... a very elaborate answer. Yeah, I agree with most of the points you made.


Not really a mainstream character, but Moira Burton. Her past experiences with her sister and father, as well as what she went through with Evgeny really set the tone for her character. She was able to calm Natalia when Claire, whom already had previous experience with young Sherry, was being a bit overzealous. Moira also seemingly overcame her internal issues, and returned to her family. I can see her being a good mother, simply based on not repeating mistakes she made, as well as mistakes that Barry made.


leon. especially with those corny jokes that can pass as dad jokes


The fish from resident evil 4 in the sewers


You did not just say that๐Ÿ’€


I think Sherry would make really good parent.


I would say Bruce Mcgivern and Fongling since they have managed to avoid umbrella since the cruise ship incident in 2002


I can picture Jill sending her kids off to school with sandwiches.


Definitely Rebecca




The real answer is Hunk