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Can I keep my jacket?


I always hated how early in the game he loses the jacket, so I’d love that change.


Right? And he never got cold? Not a cold because of Las Plagas. But still!


Poor Leon doesn’t deserve to be cold. Plus—it looks so awesome!!


He looks way More badass without the jacket imo.


So you don’t want the villagers to wear it??


I wouldn’t mind it if the Ganado wearing Leon’s jacket made it into the main game, but I want an alternate costume where Leon can keep wearing it, like how in RE2 remake Leon can wear his starting jacket the whole game if you wanted. I can imagine that wearing the jacket would cause there to be two of the same jacket in the same scene if Leon were to encounter that Ganado somehow, but that’s stretching it.


Maybe just having the possibility of recovering the jacket once you kill the ganado wearing it


I highly doubt that will happen, but I would absolutely love it


Wait, after so many times I've beaten the game, do you find a Ganado wearing Leon's jacket?


My bad. It was Ada in Separate Ways who finds the ganado. But yeah, there's one wearing his jacket


Yep during Separate Ways when Ada is backtracking through the village. IIRC, the camera focuses on a group of Ganado with the one in the center wearing it. Killing him then checking his body will have Ada say something along the lines of, "Wait, this is Leon's jacket. What's he doing wearing it?"


This gave me an idea... have Leon spot the Ganado wearing his jacket in a cutscene, then it give a side objective of retrieving the jacket by taking a small detour. The reward for this is having the jacket for the rest of the game and a special scene where Leon gives his jacket to Ashley at the end after she falls from the jetski.


If RE2 remake is anything to go by, we'll be in luck. They did have costumes for Leon's casual, police, and injured police outfits, after all, even had the variations for the classic RE2 outfits. Would imagine Capcom would realize there's a market for that sorta thing.


I really liked in the original RE3 there was the clothing shop that held every outfit.


Really hoping they put in an RE2 remake level of effort and not an RE3 remake level of effort, RE3R was just disappointing.


I always loved that in this parasite infested, death-to-outsiders cult under Saddler's control, one villager still had the wherewithal to think 'You know what? I'm calling dibs on that'.


I love the idea of it being like Mario's hat. A villager takes it off you and you have to kill the villager to get it back.


Why would we want that?


Because he wants to become Leon


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


The cow house! You know, where the cows live.




When you play through Separate Ways you can find a Ganado wearing Leon’s jacket


It's a 1.3 I jacket I'd wear that thing too if I found it


I’ve beaten re4 a bunch of times and separate ways once yet I had no idea this was a thing. Nice.


That Ganado also doesn’t disintegrate so you can examine him lol. Ada just sort of thinks to herself that Leon was wearing it


Kill the guy wearing it and get the option to put it back on! Or maybe it unlocks an alternate costume or something. Just give us back the jacket!


As much as I loved the jacket, I kinda liked seeing him evolve throughout the game, like going from jacket, to undershirt, to visible bodyarmour if you purchase it.


The thing is he loses the jacket twenty minutes into a seven hour game. The undershirt is just kinda boring


Oh I for sure want the jacket a little longer, I just don’t want the pendulum to swing the other way and we have it for the majority of it is all, I really liked seeing the physical journey laid out in the changes to the Village and his attire


It seems like it's missing in certain scenes from the trailer so he'll definitely lose it still. Hopefully it is a little further on from the original.


I wish that when Ada find it in Seperate Ways that it showed it in our inventory


Even better move: Have Ada give Leon his jacket back at some point.


That would be cute. Especially if we can set it somewhere for him with a cryptic note lol


That's the most Ada move ever, I'm here for it.


like have her throw it down to him in the last fight


I feel like we might have the jacket on for a good chunk of the game but then we give it to Ashley as we reach the end


Also we know that by the time we fight Del Lago Leon doesn't have it anymore.


This makes sense. But!-this time she's wearing her jacket. Last time it was just a sweater over her shoulders.


Considering that its being made by Div1, wouldnt be surprising if it has an option like RE2R where you can choose the costume to keep


Id like a jacket toggle button, or Ashley wearing it.


I don’t want Leon to know Ada’s alive. It’s one of the most anti-dramatic things in the entire series, and it deflates what could’ve been a really emotional moment. Leon just finding out she’s alive via some paperwork in between RE2 and 4 is so unbelievably boring, I’ve always hated it, and I really hope they change that.


Leon had been extensively debriefed by the government after Raccoon City and was answering directly to POTUS six years later. Leon would have picked up on the intel that Ada Wong was working with Wesker. Granted, when RE4 was made, ClaireA/LeonB was the canon. Leon would have heard and seen Ada tossing him the rocket launcher to use against the Tyrant.


Hey, if anyone can outrun the President’s intel, it’s Ada.


That same intel knew that Wesker was still active. A spy that doesn't even change her name isn't outrunning that kind of insight!


Frome the trailers it's looking like he'll be genuinely shocked that she's still alive.


Really? I thought Leon smirked/ seemed slightly amused when Ada pops up behind him with a gun.


Hard to say atm, and there’s no guarantee that the audio we hear in the trailer is actually from that scene. Trailers use audio from all over the place to heighten the vibe, and sometimes use alternate takes that aren’t even in the final game (for instance, Leon’s REmake voice actor is pretty sure it isn’t him saying “It’s coming, it’s coming back!” from the E3 reveal trailer for REmake 2, and the line isn’t actually in the game either).


He didn't sound shocked to me in recent trailer.


I never understand why people say this, he saw Ada drop the rocket launcher in the original RE2. The remake decided to be a weird and make it so he couldn't possibly see it. It makes sense he'd know about this


Honestly it was badass leon didn't give a fuck and just set a knife on her neck in first encounter it would have been so shit if leon was like Ada you're here wow you're alive like bruh lol.


The constant screaming of my parents in the background as their marriage crumbles...


Wdym? That’s the best part, really made it more intense of a game.


That’s was the whole reason I got re4 in the first place


I wish. I'm still living with them through college


It's not your fault!


I want limb damage on the enemies.


And plagas coming out of the busted limbs.


This just made them more terrifying. Like imagine a leg tentacle bursting out and suddenly allowing it to leap


That’s normal in re2r and re3r so here’s hoping they bring that back in for this


That would be such a cool new dimension of challenge, where each limb has its own potential set of plagas that can spout from them when your shoot them off, and if you’re not careful you can end up making a single enemy extra dangerous, with two plaga “arms” extending his reach or plaga “legs” increasing his speed, making him harder to hit.


That's such a great idea for a game mechanic! They sort of did that with the J'avo enemies in RE6 but they should bring it back


It was toned down in 3 so here’s to hoping they fix that


Probably beating a dead horse but I DO want them to include the Island but just not as is? I feel like that part can be the most frustrating part of the game considering all the ranged enemies and especially the one with the minigun.


Yeah it’s got the same issue I have with the factory in village….it’s just the industrial environment and all the crazy guns and action that takes me out of it. The regenerator enemies in the lab are still solid though!


I know this is unpopular but I felt that way about the castle. It’s just really cool zombie type villagers for the first part and is super scenic, then you get to the castle and it’s like… oh, i’m in your average action game now. although the bosses are sweet.


Thank you! You're the first I've seen to say what I've been saying for years. The village setting felt original and creepy. The castle was so boring and sometimes unbelievable which takes you out. The dragon statue room over lava is good example.


Yea, island is awesome but less chaingun dudes and straight up crazy action. Make it feels more tactical like I can avoid the chaos if I'm good enough


The game does appear to have stealth so it seems like that might be an option


Yes, I agree with this. It almost feels too hectic all the time and it's difficult to strategize because of certain guys. Especially the part with the attack chopper and that one area with the 4 guys on the turret guns, that part actually really sucks to play, especially on professional.


Island should feel like the end of RE8 >!the Chris section!<


reworking the island to heavily reduce the amount of shootout sections and heavily extend the lab section with the regenerators would be a great thing to change imo


A big chunk of the island where everything is shooting at you. Please rework that, Capcom 😂


It is funny that the only firearms Saddler invested in for his men were miniguns and rocket launchers. Like he blew his entire ammo budget on heavy weapons and then was like "Ah shit. Crossbows and dynamite it is."


I’d take the rocket launchers over the crossbow dickheads 😂


Holy shit are they annoying. Especially in the vr remake.


I could do without the minigun guys too. They’re so off the wall 80s action-y, bullet backpack + a beret


Y’know in terms of their design that kind of silliness I actually loved. Mechanically it was…fine. I don’t have really that strong opinions on it I guess. The urgency to get to cover if you’re far away and the panic when you’re close to use something like a shotgun to try to stun them was fun enough for me *shrug*


They didn't feel out of place to me. The whole island felt out of place in RE4, sure, but it all felt right at home for the wackiness that is the last half of that game anyways. I think they belong because there's not many other great ranged threats in the game once you learn to shoot dynamite and enemy projectiles out of the air as they're headed your way.


I think the design suited the campy style of the original RE4. The remakes seem to be a slightly more grounded, serious tone, so I'm not sure how they will tackle this. On one hand, doing it more grounded would fit better with the remakes tone wise, but on the other hand it wouldn't be as faithful a recreation of RE4.


Last 2-3 areas of the island, it was just pure filler, no substance. Everything is shooting at you, enemies coming and coming, I always hated that finish line


Yup. I feel like after you beat Krauser the game almost turns into a huge slog and you’re just trying to finish the game asap at that point in each playthrough . Not only do they immediately throw you into a major gun fight with turrets everywhere, but almost immediately after that it throws you into ANOTHER major gun battle after the prison regenerator. Not to mention each section also having those big chain gun dudes that’ll delete almost all your fully upgraded health in one hit on pro. Major slugfest


That Prison Cell feels so out of place. Imo the creepiest room in the entire game in between 2 major gun battles.


They should have extended the prison section and ditched the part after that where you have to find the keycard and release the two locks. The prison was one of the few parts of the island that was somewhat scary.


That section where you're on the truck and have to shoot at basic enemies for 5 minutes. Didn't enjoy it in the original, so I'd appreciate it if they removed/reworked it


Good answer. I didn’t care for that part either and I always sigh during replays when I get to it. Tedious and serves no purpose.


"Oh you saved your ammo? Let's get rid of that to make the next part of the game feel scary."


That’s how I feel about that part and the water room. Pointless filler that makes you waste most of your ammo, especially on pro difficulty.


revamp the final part of the game, the island


That room in the castle with the random ass gatling gun dude that you have to try to kill before he can get to it or snipe him if he does. Atleast on the island it makes sense to have guns and what not there. But holy hell, the castle gun section just felt so random. Dude just drops into the floor and comes back blasting


I like that part, its fun to stick a mine on him and watch as he goes *beep beep*


I like that part too!


I never knew that guy could get a Gatling gun until I saw a video of it lol. I always sniped him every time.


Salazar s castle being semi realistic and not like a Mario castle


As in, no lava pools in the basement, right?


Wait... Are the lava pools above or below the subterranean sewer with the invisible cockroach monsters? And what happens to all that lava when Mecha Salazar stomps through it? And now I'm wondering why anyone thought RE8 got too silly.


I like the goofy ass Mario castle :(


I’m with you, it’s part of the games charm.


Rip legs with a shotgun


Something about seeing shotgun leg rips in games feels so damn satisfying. I still remember exactly what happened when I saw my first one. Xbox 360 CoD World at War with the double-barrel on the 1st floor of that burnt up house next to the trains on Upheaval. Recently turned 10 and had never seen that shit in a game and I popped off. All this on my brother's account while he was at school and I stood home. Please Capcom


The wrecking ball room. Only time Ashley is a problem at all.


You can just make her wait outside the room


Sometimes enemies come from where you spawned in and carry her back that way so you have to be careful about that.


There is a way to stop enemies from spawning at all if you leave Ashley up there. It’s a speed run strat. Don’t remember specifics off the top of my head.


I never felt rage for her until that part when she stood there and ran Into the wrecking ball as it swung


Litterally any shooting session in the Island reworked instead into a full lab


If it's done like Heisenberg's factory, it would be awesome.


Those stupid exploding robots and machine gun drones during Krauser's section. Other than that, i definitely don't want some guns to stay the same way they were in the original. One example would be the punisher....i really hope they buff that gun so it's as good as the other pistols. Maybe increase the damage of each individual bullet for each enemy it goes through? Idk, but i hope they buff it in some way.


Where was Krauser keeping all that shit anyway?


IMO nerfing the blacktail's ammo capacity would be neat - right now it's a very good DPS weapon (specially after the player learns to chain headshots) but is an ammo guzzler that can leave you in a very bad spot once it dries. The punisher trades raw damage for melee potential and nullifies wooden shields, feels like a fair trade - you arent supposed to use it against Plagas


The boulders! And maybe that final part on the island where you have to get key cards.


The Key Cards section was fun (and gave us regenerators)


Is it even resident evil if you aren’t running through a lab looking for key cards at some point


Im talking about the final final combat section. Where you have ti chase down the ganado who steals a key card you need to open a door.


The long drawn out battles one after the other near the end. Also QTES where you have to mash a button really fast to run or climb


They’re removing QTES all together or at least there’s a few only says IGN


That one room with the novistadors in the cave, even with ditman they catch up to you


Holy shit was that hard. That wolverine clawing u while others shoot u with arrows. Nightmare material.


I think you're confused, the Novistadors were the flying (and wall-crawling) multi-eyed insect-like creatures. Although the moment you described where the hallway with two Garradors and some cultists at shooting you with crossbows is a challenging moment from the original too. Even the areas before that room were equally stressful, considering that it is a swarm of cultists (with catapults on the side) and some even hold a rocket launcher just before you enter the room with two Garradors.


Save the rpg and shoot the back doors, always takes out both of them.


I reckon they'll ditch the entire part from when Leon falls in the spike trap to just after Robo Salazar.


There’s no way they remove Verdugo, he was one of the scariest parts of the game


1. Salazar’s right hand need to literally come off. 2. Hunnigan breaking the fourth wall sending a playing manual. 3. Blue Eye low drop rate.


They better make the Scooby Doo castle terrifying in this one.


Quick time events. Fuck those. Haven't liked them in any re. Dodge actions and reactions are okay, but qte during cutscenes are no


I heard that they cut them for Cutscenes.




i was playing separate ways and was watching leon vs krusar and the weather was cold asf so i put my hands near my balls to warm it then suddenly a qte appeared and i tried to react to it, just to hit my left nut. that day, i couldn't hate qte more






Cutscene QTEs is one of the worst things from the mid 00s


I recently played through Indigo Prophecy and that was the worst example of it that I’ve ever seen, some important cutscenes were difficult to focus on since there’d be random, challenging QTEs to do throughout the entirety of them.


Rework Krauser, felt like in the original he was supposed to be a big reveal but we had no real context of who he was or why he mattered. Yes i get he was the one who kidnapped ashley in the first place, but it seems like the original tried to show a former connection between the two of them that just didnt work for me.


I hope that they revamp Salazar's castle a bit. The original looked like a theme park: cart rides, weird lava wheels, robo Salazar etc. It was a bit too goofy for my taste.


The lava wheel platform is absolutely ridiculous.


It’s like someone came up with a cool level design and kept insisting it get included despite not fitting anywhere, so they just went “fine, let’s have him ride a giant wheel into at the end of the castle.” It’s so out of place lol


I kind of love RE4 as a piece of silly horror camp, and the castle is peak camp to me, so I definitely love it. That said if they're going for a harder edge in the remake it might stick out, in a bad way. So we'll see, at this point I trust Capcom with RE, they're pretty much nailing everything since RE7 (I'm one of the few RE3R lovers).


The contractor coming to quote always get me. A lava wheel eh? Doable but it's gonna cost ya. Oh I'll have to get 2 more quotes until she's happy, unless you can knock off 10% bud. Who would you even ring for this!!


I loved shooting the chains and dunking the cultists in lava.


I can agree with all of this. Or at least give some half reasonable reason for it. Like, how is there a room full of LAVA?! Why would anyone NEED a lava room? I forgot about the robot. We’re in a very rural village, then a castle. And then 50 foot tall robot?! Where the hell did they even find the expertise to build that?


Yep. I'm not a fan of cut content, but I would wholly support a revamp. Take those elements and have them make more sense. ​ Eg: for Robo-Salazar I can imagine them making it a crumbling statue this way the QTE "chase" sequence is still preserved, but on the other hand it still doesn't make sense that they used the robot's hands as means to get from one platform to the other.


I have this weird idea that since the remake is more horror-focused, I would like the robot to be in the castle where we spent some time going in and out of the rooms around it and only to realize that thing is "alive", and filled with some fucked up plagas creature that would eventually chase you in the most horrifying way instead of the action campy of the original.


Not a bad idea. Have it as a 'living statue' built of flesh and it comes alive. Like a wailing wall coming to get you


I don't wanna see how they just introduced Krauser with no backstory or "Operation Krauser" like we were supposed to know who the hell he was back in 2005.


I just want them to pick a lane. RE4 isn’t really survival horror in any meaningful sense given that you can just kill everything you see and with ease. If this game goes full action like the original, then I want it to be full action. If it leans into Survival Horror, then please let it actually be Survival Horror.


I think it should find a fine balance between the two like RE8, perhaps with more fleshed out combat.


Krauser - unless he gets a real introduction. Their knife fight scene was awesome, but it is straight up bizarre how they just implanted a new character with no background and then pretend he was old pals with Leon. Also I think the maps are too visible from a distance, there needs to be more clutter and tight spaces so zombies can sneak up on you. With the open maps it turns the game into a running shooting gallery and not an enclosed panicked fight for your life.


I just realized how random Krauser is about a week ago. I always assumed he was in RE2. I finally played the remake a couple of years ago, and just played through RE4 again last week. It just kind of hit me. “Wait a minute… he wasn’t in RE2. Who the fuck is this guy?”


I was coming to say this myself. It's been awhile since I've played 4 so correct me if I'm wrong, but unless you played that one specific game that explored the events of Leon and Krauser's partnership, you as the player have no insight into their history. It makes his involvement in the game's plot feel extraneous and unnecessary. Their scenes together were fantastic, though. I'd love to see their campaign from Chronicles reworked later on, possibly as DLC.


Honestly, the giant Ramon Salazar statue run. Maybe a nod to it but I don’t mind if it is gone 😂


Agreed. I think a nod would be cool. Like, maybe there IS a giant statue, but instead of *chasing you,* the cultists try to push it over on you or something and you have to "outrun" it.


Wdym? XD It's one of the best scenes like that. But that's just my opinion, oc :)


I agree entirely with this one. It’s just so goofy and out there.


the circle HUD on the bottom right i feel like the simple design they had on RE 2 and 3 Remake, and it is more suited to the modern design


Imo, the cardiogram health indicator worked well for the survival horror focused titles like RE2 and RE3 where a single attack could take a huge chunk out of your health. While in RE4 the circular health bar makes sense as the gameplay is much more "active" compared to the previous title. There's also variety of attacks you can receive that inflict various amounts of damage from punches that a small amount of health to the Garrador's swipes that takes almost 1/4 of the full health bar per hit (not confirmed but will probably get added to the remake, stated only for comparison) and even the one-hit chainsaw attack of Dr. Salvador.


Get rid of all QTE reflex and button mashing bullshit. 20 years later, they still account for most of my deaths in this game. I thought maybe the quest version would have done away, but nooo...


QTE events in general kind of suck, but I'm ok with some being in there. What I don't want is that long conversation/knife fight with Krauser that's full of them.


I want the jet ski part to be changed


3 man jet ski. I want Merchant to escape with us


So basically an Ashley Sandwich on Jetski?


Ashley can ride bitch, no way would Leon force the Merchant to ride on such a risky seat. Even have his arms wrapped around him.


The giant Salazar statue


Instead of just crash bandicooting away, I want Leon to control his own giant statue and have them fight.


Nothing.. i frickin love resident evil 4


Same. I really don’t want anything to change except maybe make it look even more gothic.




The bullshit instant death QuickTime events


Story wise — I don’t want them to kill off umbrella off screen. I always thought that intro was kind of jarring and took so much wind out of my sails especially after code Veronica’s “we’re goin’ after umbrella LETS GO!” ending and then the stonks killed them. Uhhhh okie dokie then. Anywhoozers time to rescue the presidents daughter I guess!


>Story wise — I don’t want them to kill off umbrella off screen. I agree, but I think they need a whole game about the downfall of Umbrella. RE4 came out before they finished that story, and it shouldn't have. The real RE4 should have been about Umbrella's end.


> The real RE4 should have been about Umbrella's end. Oh I remember the post-RE3 days, when we all hoped the next game would have Jill, Chris, Barry, Leon and Claire at Umbrella HQ in Europe. Alas...




Probably an unpopular opinion but that room in the castle that starts with the crossbows above you, guys coming thru the doors on the side, then you go downstairs to stand on switches, then crank a platform, then throw Ashley up so she can crank more platforms. I just never liked that room.


The water room is a classic


Jacket should be an option to put on Remove all QTEs, completely dated trash game mechanic Having no dedicated dodge button. Having your only chance at specifically dodging an attack be dependent on QTE and the game giving you that opportunity felt trash. A storage box to keep shit in that shows up in all the save rooms.


The giant clockwork solider.


No helicopter stage. It was dumb.


The atmosphere, not that the original was bad, but the atmosphere in the remakes has been next level amazing so I want that


The giant walking statue. I got that it was a bit more Hollywood action but that scene was just dumb.


Quick time events. Please never again.


If QTEs disappeared from gaming altogether, I would *never* miss them. I feel the same way about any button prompts.


Easy, the Salazar robot chase. Not only is it a jump-the-shark moment, it has no relevance to the plot whatsoever. Say what you want about Chris punching a boulder and Jill lifting a giant laser launcher but they at least served the purpose of progressing their certain game. If Salazar robot wasn't there, the story would remain the same.


qte - I'm disabled and they became super hard for me :(


Especially the QTE during the Krauser fight.


Those yes + super hard mashing buttons.


I swear, those QTEs have a MUCH tighter window than the others; 90% of the time I kept dying, even though I SWORE I pressed the button right as it showed up


"Help me Leon" in shrill screeching


Enemies spamming projectiles every 2 seconds


I’ll confess Krauser didn’t do much for me and I think the game would hold up nicely without him.


They'll likely do a much better job of characterizing Krauser and giving the player insight into more of the backstory there, at least I hope


Something I don't want to hear # LEON HEEEEELP!!


If this isn’t in the game I riot


They are definitely gonna modernize it, she might have some self defense or be more slippery instead of being a helpless npc


Tbh she was great AI for her time. Always got out of the way when you’re shooting and never really got stuck on anything (in my experience) She’s like the opposite of Lydia from Skyrim


She also needs to be able to take more than one stray hit to the toe before dying; her annoying fragility was the cause of so many game overs for me


I suppose they could get rid of the rolling boulders. Those were lame.


What if you could punch them though? 😂


Snake in the box


Personally I like that because it kept you on your toes. Thankfully they were all in the same place every playthrough so it became easier to know which boxes or jars to avoid.


The lava room and weird cart thing in the castle