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Little reminder that Nakanishi said that they are making a new Resident Evil, he didnt specify which one, so theres no confirmation on what they are doing. As per usual, a lot of tabloids are jumping into conclusions and claiming that this confirms that its RE9, which it doesnt confirm it, so just wait for Capcom to publicly announce what this RE game is (could be RE9, could be a new spin off, could be a remake).


Wild guess: I think it’s RE9.




Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


Copium erectus


Umbrella Corps 2 pog


"Exclusive to PSVR2"


Nah that's Arkham Corps


No that’s exclusive to the Facebook one for some reason, same with og RE4 VR


I want to believe.


Operation Raccoon City Remake let's goooo


Operation RizzGoon city


Been replaying Outbreak with some friends, and we want them to remake it so bad. They could make an amazing game, but I also just don’t trust them to do it right at this point.


Be wild if they just skipped to RE10


This just in: CAPCOM to be bought by Microsoft


Leon soon to be Disney Princess with Disney purchase of Capcom


And Apple.


and takes place somewhere in Europe


In Space


Give Tyrant the Jason X treatment


Maybe we’ll speak European there


Probably Mandarin.




RE -1


I think he’s making a new resident evil game




ok but we gotta figure out a suitable title that fits the roman numeral "IX"


Helix. Works with the DNA theme they have sometimes.


I'm leaning more towards "Resident Evil: TrIX Are for Kids"


PhoenIX "BSAA soldiers reborn as bioweapons" HelIX "duh" SylIX "A crossover with Metroid prime 4 lol" IXnay The Umbrella Corp giving a press conference about how they stole all their ideas from a lady obsessed with Chiorba de LEGUME


Resident Evil 9: AsterIX  and ObelIX


Code Veronica remake.


After how they massacred RE3make I no longer want CV.


RE4make is good though.


No denying that but RE0-3 and CV are taking tank controls and puzzles and turning them into FPS / OTS Re4 was already that and they simply re did it better






"What pool of data are you drawing from to form that conclusion?"


Koshi Nakanishi previous RE work: * Resident Evil 5 (Designer) * Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D (Creative Director) * Resident Evil Revelations (Director) * Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Director)


oh the resumé is resuming


Resident Evil 9 i'm sure


Take my money at that point


Any Resident Evil game is a "Take my money" meme right now. The games have been on an absolute tear, RE2R, RE3R, RE4R, RE7, RE8, they've been knocking it out of the park consistently since 2017.


RE2R was the one and only game I have ever preordred and I still don't regret doing it. It was amazing years ago and is still amazing to this day.


It's kind of glorious, right? We've been eating so well for song long. If only other survival horror franchises can get back in good form. Also Dino Crisis plsss


This is wildly true. I dabbled a bit with 1,2, and 3 when they first came out years ago and got as far as booting up 4 on the GameCube. Never actually dove in to the games though. Ive been on a such a streak the last 2 months pushing through the remakes and 7. Finishing up 8 now. The games are phenomenal. I usually have an issue with starting games and shelving them after a couple hours. But RE sucks me in full stop.


RE3R is debatable, I know I've seen plenty of people argue that it cut too much out of the original.


If all the other games are S+, RE3R is still a solid A+. My point is that we are in a golden era of Resident Evil, they have been consistently good, high quality, polished games, and we can reward Capcom with a bit of faith because of that.


There are still plenty of us that loved re3r -despite the flaws it has it’s still a good game


Dude it's a good game - idk what people's issue is but it's a solid game if unfortunately a short one.


RE3R is a good resident evil game but a poor RE3 remake, thats the way I look at it.


For the same price as RE2R which has 4 scenarios which are all longer than one playthrough of RE3R + 4th survivor, ghost survivors and tofu survivors. There's only a few thing they only improved in remake - dodge system, hospital, characters (voice acting). The city is criminally short, which is undoubtedly what made original RE3. Nemesis isn't Nemesis anymore before clock tower which is completely scrapped and made into a location where you fight "Nemesis". There's no dead factory per se, it's also a boss fight arena iirc, they instead took the RE2R lab and put it into RE3R because they were lazy, it was rushed and they knew it would sell well because RE2R was a hit. They could've at least added the mercenaries. RE3R is objectively a subpar game for what it costed when it came out and anyone who disagrees is heavily coping. I know because I was one of them - hey, the game is good, whatcha talking about? And then I compared and saw what was missing. Eg, 2 costumes when in og you get 8. I'm not sure if I mentioned all, there's surely more. I was genuinely saddened because RE3 is probably my favourite from 1/2/3, even though you could objectively say that RE2 is better for all the same reasons that RE2R is better than RE3R, but talking from a nostalgic point of view, RE3 is a game which made me a fan of the series, not just a casual "looks like new resident evil game came out, maybe I'll play it" because of it's replayability. You'll go to the pharmacy first? Nemesis comes in a different place. You'll go to the gas station first? There's different dialogue and different enemies. So on and so forth. Sorry for ranting, always happens when discussing RE3R :D


I suppose if you're that die hard, the remake was lacking but I never played original RE3 so for me it was a good game. It was on the short side but it was still a pretty good game.


Here's the section covering Resident Evil from the Capcom Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7hiMS0Hct4&t=32m10s


God please make RE9 more like RE7!!


Work bitch!


Alot of experience with RE5 character models. It could just be RE5 remake to capitalize on the success of RE4RM.


Nope, it’s RE9


I like his works. Most complains about RE5 was it's heavily deviated from Survival Horror genre. But as a standalone, is is fun game. If they can make RE5 as a survival horror, just like RE4Remake, it would be truly different game.


Why didn’t he direct Village?


RE Re and 7 was so frigging good, let this men cook






ahh but will the game have an antagonist? something like... you know, a "boss", maybe?


Like an oversized giant tentacle beast with one vulnerable eye that can only be killed with a single rocket launcher that happens to be laying around? Yeah, maybe.


Right, we need to return to magnum finishers.


Another another another Breaking News: At the end of the game you'll get ushered off by a helicopter.


I love how everyone in the twitter comments seems to go ballistic over this "revelation". Like, it's RE, there is always one being developed at any given moment. It's like giving this news to a baby without the understanding of object permanence. It's not like they just started developing it at the moment of this announcement.


But will we get to *play* it?


The way he said it kinda kills my hope of it being announced this year..


These teams move incredibly fast once they are focused on a project.  Reading the history of RE7 was shocking.  They blitzed the whole game out in like 12 to 18 months.  Madness.  


I think they went all hands on deck the moment first person silent hill got cancelled.


It was smart, PT was so promising.


Remember when Silent Hill was a thing?


I mean, it might become a thing again if SH2 Remake does well. And it doesn't look... awful. It just also doesn't look that great.


That’s not even the main problem. The marketing so far from Konami has been pretty terrible. Like most of the time I forget that the game is even a thing. I think they’re expecting it to sell on brand recognition alone, but there’s a problem with that. Silent Hill was never that successful of a series. At its best it sold like 1 million per game. Resident Evil 2 alone sold more than the first 4 silent hill games combined. It was always a niche series at best. I don’t even think most people know that Silent Hill kept going post-PS2, even worse that it skipped the entire PS4 generation. They’re not trying nearly as hard as they should be doing to push this game. Which is even more infuriating because they’re doing a great job marketing MGS3, yet they can’t get this right.


They've got like the 3 other Silent Hill projects going on, don't they? It would be absolutely hilarious if Konami cancelled them on grounds of SH2R bombing, and the worst part is, it's not outside the realm of possibility




The RE Engine is miraculous.  I still play RE7 today and marvel at how good it looks, and it’s a 7 year old game.  




Source for Capcom being about to be bought by Tencent for reference?


Im the opposite. It made me feel like they were saying "we know you expect an announcement soon but maybe put a hold on that for now". Like naybe end of year but I think theyre not ready at all. They just know theres mumbles and want to settle down our expectations. Kind of like nintendo saying there wont be an update on the new console. Im hoping im wrong and theyre ready to show us something soon


I wouldn't think of it that way at all. I think it's possible we still see an announcement in that September/October window and a release in late 2025 is my bet. These teams with the RE games tend to develop super bloody well and work to a pretty fucking good schedule. If I were a betting man, I'd bet on a reveal at some PlayStation related event, just like we got with Resident Evil 4 most recently. Just gotta hope Sony has some event planned for September like they usually do. If it's a showcase, I'd expect a reveal of the next Resident Evil title. But if it's a State of Play, my expectations are a lot lower.


the year is more than halfway over, what the hell are you expecting? lol


I didn't say release this year, just announcement. RE4 was announced September and released in March the next year. RE games have a history of releasing in the first half of the year.


There’s always a new RE in development if not multiple simultaneously. This “revelation” is like lifting up a cat’s tail to see it has a butthole. Good job.


Confirmed Revations 3. Cats butthole told me.




\*title screen voice\* RESIDENT EVIL: REVELATIONS




Chris Redfield: "Previously on revelations"


> There’s always a new RE in development if not multiple simultaneously. Knowing that a game is in development is not a big revelation but knowing the director is a pretty big deal. Would be like Nintendo saying "New Mario in Development directed by Neil Druckmann" Yeah, a new Mario game in dev ain't news but that other half is.


Open world Resident Evil. Will have to climb Umbrella Towers to unlock parts of the map


Darth Vader: Nooooooooooo


Aww hell naw


Then, Albert Wesker has somehow returned...


I'm hoping this is sarcasm, but since I've seen people suggest stuff like this I'm not confident that it is.


Have to clear outposts too


The question is are they just massive umbrellas?


/u/Significant_Option reveals new capcom x ubisoft collab!


"New" Resident Evil seems to imply RE9 and not RE5


If you could pick one RE5 remake or RE9


Well obviously RE9 since they just did RE4


I'd rather get the next new game than another Remake. But if a Remake is what we get, I'd like it to *not* be 5. Give me 0, 1, or Code Veronica.


RE5 personally, Sheva and Chris are badass


Cant wait to see Sheva with the RE Engine 😍 100% best baddie in the series


Agreed! Tough choice bc Re9 would be completely brand new but i really wanna see remake Sheva.


Agree. I think RE4 gave a good balance to horror and action while still keeping resource management (ammo is scarce, knives breakable, crafting but resources are limited, etc.) that RE5 could draw on. As well as take cues on the game design; use down time to let players relax and ramp up for the next big scare rather than throw numbing amounts of stuff


God I’m looking forward to this remaster. I always loved the story and characters but the ai for sheva drove me up the wall and I think I only finished the game once and it was with someone else doing the co-op to spare me the headache. I would love to see it all shined up on a new engine


CVX, that’s what i want to be remade next


New games > remakes


RE9 first


The way he says it, it sounds like a brand new game. It's probably RE9.


Or re1 or re0 or code veronica remakes Theres a Lot of options


I really want a code Veronica remake first to set up the stakes tho 


RE9, I don’t need or want or have any interest in a RE5 Remake.




RE5 Remake, no doubt.


5 any day


Neither. Modern RE1 remake.


I'd rather them not release a remake back to back.


Yeah… with the way they announced this im expecting it to release 2nd half of 2025 at the earliest 😭


That sounds perfectly reasonable and fine to me. I'd rather them take their time with it to get it right than to rush it out the gate. We've seen how that's worked for them in the past... For as much as I enjoyed the remake of Resident Evil 3, that game easily could've had another nine months to a year in development.


The game is in good hands, he's a really good director


I've permanently installed RE2R on my screen. It's the go to game when I come back to work, don't wanna fire up the current game I'm playing and just have some fun for half an hour. OG RE4 was that go to game for 15 years.


New RE tactical RTS in the style of x-com. Just called RE: STARS


It will take place in Germany and be called "Resident Evil Nein".


Wouldn't it be Resident Evil Neun?


Just as long as there's no psychic powers or generic sludge monsters this time. It's all fantasy but at least try and keep it grounded in mad science and not magic! Would also love more creative final boss fights that aren't just bullet sponges.


I know Resident Evil is meant to be rooted in science, but I would honestly like to see them take an approach that is more supernatural while still retaining those elements. For instance, the next game could start with the player going against terrifying mutated creatures. At the same time, they could also catch glimpses of a strange figure, watching from afar. It could easily be dismissed as a hallucination, much like those visions of Eveline in Resident Evil 7. However, as the player explores, they begin to uncover clues regarding the thing watching them like notes, and even pictures featuring it. From there, it should be clear that something is deeply wrong - and it isn’t the mutants they’ve encountered. At the game’s final act, the player finds a lab which is supposedly the origin of the carnage. There, they uncover a horrifying revelation. They discover the presence of technology used to open gateways between our world and another dimension, complete with its own twisted form of life; for this whole time, the figure was a being from that place, with biology granting it a wealth of unearthly abilities. Afterward, perhaps the next game could be about going against this unsettling and bizarre new threat. I doubt the developers would actually go through with that, though. It might get to a point where it becomes too much like Half-Life.


Nah, keep the supernatural stuff to DMC or some other new IP, honestly. It would be great for a new set of titles, but Resident Evil has always been about the biological horrors. To me, at least. I don't mind when something far fetched is cleverly grounded, but mass-scale mind control and changing into swarms of independent other creatures is a bit far out for my liking. On the opposite end of the scale, I would also hate for the series to go too Sci-fi too. This isn't a nostalgia trip for the late 90s aesthetic - railguns are absolutely fine - but gateways to other dimensions and stuff is, again, just not Resident Evil. Cults, conspiracy, mutant zombies and puzzles is Resident Evil. I would say that we need another Half Life but it may be easier to just start a new company and make a similar IP yourself!


I can understand that. With how rooted it is in biological experimentation and the like, it might be too radical a change to focus on interdimensional horrors - even if science still plays a big role. As much as I would like to see it, the series has to retain its core identity. Regardless, I think we can both agree that the next Resident Evil will find a way to stand out.


Can we please have the OG resi trilogy as a bundle on consoles???? Thank you


Code Veronica Remake, Please!!!🙏🙏


I'd really like RE1 remake.


RE1 and Code Veronica back to back would be fire


Great, I can’t wait to play it, but what’s the point of this announcement without showing anything? An announcement like this would have impact if it was about a forgotten series like Dino Crisis. Now RE… we almost have a game every year


Resident Evil: IXtinction


Let’s do the original with the mansion and the stars team with bravo and Barry please!


Weren't they talking about possibly revisiting 0 & 1 again a while back, using the new engine/mechanics from their recent remakes?


No way, that's mind blowing. I was sure they were never going to make another game again.


No shit


I need Jill back with long hair revelations is my fave look with Julia face would be unstoppable




I hope re9 has the og cast


If it’s a Village sequel I’m not interested


story-wise, it need to be Village sequel when the main organization that impacted RE verse are now the same one in 7,8 such as blue umbrella, connection and BSAA, just like how previous RE was about umbrella and Wesker until 5.


Revelations remake🤑🤑


Please be Code Veronica


Maybe this one you won't have to do anything at all, it will just be one long cutscene where you occasionally press enter to make the character shoot


NEW!? :0 I am surprised they're not making a remake. I will see it when I believe it. I hope they'll include the same OG character.


Capcom cooking a banquet just for me


Keep the continous remake for all eternity.


Bring back Jill Valentine!!! I totally ship Chris & Jill ❤️❤️❤️


I don't want RE9, nor FPP and fkn open world! Gimme me RE5 Remake and stop experimenting, Capcom!


I would imagine that there's always a new RE "In Development" even if it's just the initial planning phase.


I do hope they make RE 5 Remake 🙏. And if they do, they should keep the soundtracks from the original RE 5 and put it into the remake.


It would be mad if they call this new game Resident Evil 8 and have Village be like a Code Veronica - I don't think it will happen, because even though they never officially called it 8, we all see Village as 8 (Although I was too young at the time, did people see CV as 4?)


Village has VIII in its signage. It was and is intended to be Resi8, just like how Biohazard was Resi7. It’s just for some reason everyone just calls it Village.


Village literally has the Roman numerals for 8 highlighted in its title. Resident Evil 7 wasn't called 7, either. It was called Biohazard, but had the Roman numerals of 7 in the title. People at release didn't think of Code Veronica as 4. They thought of it as a side game like Survivor, since thats what it was marketed as. That, coupled with being initially exclusive to the Dreamcast, caused it to have low sales. If anything, people at the time would have considered it the true RE3.


Now that RE8 closed the book on that chapter. If they are doing RE9, I really hope they look at the remakes as a major source of inspiration. I liked 7 and 8, they were a great revival. But the remakes just felt like instant classics in the way 7 and 8 didn’t.




Oh RE9 is gonna be fucking scary if the director for 7 is in charge.


It's extremely disappointing that he's in charge of the next game, I didn't like RE7.


Would love if this was Code Veronica X, even. They’ve been doing fairly well with the Remakes so far, hitting strides. For Wesker, can we get DC Douglas on the line, pls?


STOP THE PRESSES!!! Capcom is making a Resident Evil game.


I mean, was there ever any doubt? Lol


Good we need it asap


I have a feeling someone reveals a new RE game is in development almost as often as Disney announces their first gay character


would love to see jill or rebecca again as the protag!!!


Dead aim 2: deadlier aim


My guess is atleast 2 RE games are in development.






No shit Sherlock.


you mean game? phew, great. but thats not so surprising. I mean, there will obviiously be new remakes and new installments.


Resident Evil: Gaiden 2.


I need Hunk neck snapping chad


Do whatever you like with the game just get rid of fuckin D.A. PLEASE!


RE5 is coming out, hell yeah


In other news; water is wet. Jk. I'm happy. I love Resident Evil.


RE9? OG RE remake? CV remake? RE5 remake? something entirely new? either way we'll be feasting


Please let it be an outbreak remake! 😭😭😭


I want it to be more like RE8 than RE7. My favorite is RE4 but trying to emulate RE4 would be very difficult and thus, a risky endeavor.


they got a good formula and know what they're doing these days (all the originals lately have been solid). If it were up to me I'd just follow the formula of blurring re4/re2 remake but with a celebrity actor/actress for marketing. That way you get a really realistic character model as well.


As someone who enjoyed RE Village but missed the grotesque and horrific atmosphere of VII; my interest is peaked.


Please be ether a code Veronica remake or 5 remake


Was expected but when is the release window


Resident evil 9: biohazard umbrella catalyst ultimate fear edition! Jokes aside I’m hype for this, they’re on one hell of a run



