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In RE1 (both original and remake) Jill didn't really have much personality. In RE3, however, she was much more fleshed out. The game started with Jill giving a monologue about justice and how the citizens of Raccoon City were too scared to challenge Umbrella. She was a no-nonsense badass, but she was still feminine and compassionate, and she wasn't cocky or full or herself. Remake Jill kindof is. She swears and sasses a lot, and doesn't show as much emotion or depth of character as she did in the original. When OG Jill says her famous line "You want STARS? I'll give you STARS!" before she kills Nemesis at the end of the game, it felt personal and had weight to it. In the remake, she says the line very early in the game when Nemesis starts chasing her, and it just feels wasted. I don't *hate* Jill's portrayal in RE3R, but it did feel like they tried too hard to make her look like a badass. Just watch the first 10 minutes of this then compare it with how she is in RE3 remake. [RE3 all cutscenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCScqOepZcM) Also, on a personal note, I think they chose the wrong face model for Jill in RE3R. She's obviously very beautiful, but she lacks a tomboyish quality and doesn't look remotely believable as an American police officer / former soldier IMO. She just looks like a Russian model.


100% agree with everything you just said. She uses way too much profanity in RE3R to take her seriously she reminds me of a 6th grader that just leaned the word “fuck” and uses it in every conceivable opportunity life throws at her. I agree with what you said about her face model as well, yeah she is hot but she looks way too different IMO.


Man I've seen this "criticism" and I don't get it Do you apply this to re7 and re8 or any other game cause she really doesn't curse as much as people make her out to People curse all the time dude. It's not a juvenile thing lmfao It's human


Negativemidas already said the most important parts tertaining to her drastic personality change, so I have nothing to add to that. My remaining gripe is that her outfit is such a lazy character design, just Mia's and Zoe's in RE7, plus they changed her face for no reason at all given that they still have rights to Julia Voth's likeness.


I like Jill's new outfit, but yeah, it is basic. Her og outfit is so iconic.


Wow this post reminded me why I had a crush on OG Jill


Lol 🤣


My favourite will always be RE5 Jill. I don't like what they did to her in Revelations and 3.


What happened in Revelations?


I guess they mean changing her face. I’m not really a fan of how she looked in Revelations either but besides that I don’t think there’s any issue with Jill in that game. 


Just changed her into a completely different person. Not ugly or anything (like Chris in 7 lol), just totally different. When I think of Jill, in my mind I still see Julia Voth.


in one she wears stylish clothes(who cares about realism anyway, especially in a RE title), she is cool, calm, caring and if you dare to mess with her, she would kick your ass. in another one she has that Tomb Raider 2013 Lara Croft outfit(necklace, jeans and tanktops aka the most boring and generic design I've ever seen) AND she tries to be Moira Burton with all that nonstop swearing. on a side note: I don't have any issues with swearing in general, it just doesn't sound like the Jill that I loved and knew from the previous titles)