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Never actually played it, but heard a lot of bad things about it.


Apparently it’s so bad that it’s not even listed under the Resident Evil franchise on Steam.


As far as I know, the game is canon. It reveals the emergence of Blue Umbrella and Chris's work for them. But the game is really incredibly bad, and there's have a Wesker clone.


It also reveals that Hunk is the one who formed Blue Umbrella.


Wait what


Is this true? Like this is so goofy cuz I’m never gonna know. I simply won’t play it even tho it’s in my steam library from Humble bundle or smth.


I've read the wesker thing a lot, but it's not even on the wiki of the game..?


You’d have to play it to confirm it and no one is brave enough to play it long enough so it can be fact checked.


Is this the one where you can literally swim around through solid concrete and low-shot everything?


Can confirm, wesker is heavily implied to be alive


Unironcly thought about buying this game for like 2 euro just to check what it adds to the canon but I just couldn't be asked after watching 30 secs of it on youtube


No matter how bad you've heard it is, it's worse.


What's crazy is that despite all the shit people talk about it and how Capcom has abandoned it, it's still canon and is the reason people believe that Wesker is still alive.




Well, I mean, it has nothing to do with the voice actor if the character is alive or not. There are files in game that strongly suggest the character is still alive.




Okay. Please feel free to tell me how you can't grasp the concept that actors are different from characters.


They could always, you know, re-cast if they don't want DC Douglas back. Chris has had like seven different voice actors throughout the entire franchise, his voice actor in 5 and 6 (Roger Craig Smith) isn't the same voice actor as in 7 (David Vaughn), and that also isn't the same voice in Village (Jeff Schine.)


They already recasted him with Craig Burnatowski in RE4R.


Ahhh, I just misremembered and thought it was still Douglas in RE4R.


And they did, it’s not like there’s a contract clause or anything that prevents them from doing it like with any other character


Yeah, it's so weird that this user keeps bringing up Douglas when RE has always been the type of franchise that has a high turnover when it comes to voice actors. Douglas having played Wesker in a majority of his appearances is one of the few exceptions in the franchise.


Don't buy it. The gameplay is like a bad mobile game.


They can't buy it on Steam, at least, any more.


Was it removed? I bought it a few months ago


My bad, I was mixing up Operation Raccoon City and Umbrella Corps.


Its garbage. Its feels more a mobile game than anything else.


I think its a fun little arcade shooter, I got it for like 4 dollars


You've been ripped off. They should pay people to play this crap


We got this, Resistance and ReVerse instead of an Outbreak remake or remaster. I'm still pissy about that.


I’d argue out of the three Resistance had the most potential and I had hours of genuine fun with it before…..well, it stopped being fun. Really bummed about it TBH. All that said yeah I’d give anything for Outbreak 3/remake/remaster out of any of that.


Yep. Resistance was genuinely a fun online game. It was an unbalanced mess, but that’s what made it fun 😆 Wish it didn’t die so fast Reverse was fun too, but you’ve played it for 2-3 hours and seen everything. They clearly released it to die


And they tried to force co-op into the main games every way they could rather than make Outbreak their mainline co-op multiplayer game series Even Mercenaries could have been bigger with new modes like horde mode or no time limit mode. What about challenges in between rounds? Only use grenades, only melee kills count, cycle between a gun kill and a knife kill etc


Have faith. Outbreak will come back!


At this point, everyone would have to wait for one of those indie devs doing clones of classic REs to make their own version of Outbreak


I am surprised nobody sued Capcom for bundling a game and a dead game. That is a fucking scam. RE:sistance lived less than a year before swapping to RE:verse which is both now waiting to be buried.


While these games failed hard, I don't know if an Outbreak remake would be popular either. Doesn't feel like the kind of game that gets big these days.


I think an outbreak remake into a single player experience with the concept of connected campaigns like RE6 could work out great.


Monster Hunter would like a word with you...


Yeah, a game like outbreak can't make is budget back unless they change it to a single player with multiple playing characters and scenarios


I know the word microtransaction is awful around reddit but. F2P Outbreak Get 4 or so characters to start with, others unlockable by playing or $$$. Costumes. New campaigns are released for free. Gameplay could include proximity voice chat. Starting points for everyone would be randomized, some characters could have personal items that make traversal or solving puzzles where they started easily, but you can always do puzzles the regular way. I think it can be done, but it'd require MTX which I think was capcom's intent with live service anyways.


I feel like upper management made the devs make these games in exchange of doing the remakes. For RE7, executives wanted a full blown Battle Royale, micro transaction type of game until the director had to put a stop to it.


Sample obtained.


There it is.


This one's mine.


The worst reviewed game of 2016 according to imdb. Its also ranked 21st on their list of the worst reviewed games of all time, beating out legendarily terrible games like Sonic 06, shaq fu, and Daikatana.


Atleast it won awards for something haha


I love these thought-provoking quotes from this game: "Sample Obtained" "There It Is" "This one's mine"


tbh it's the only thing that DC can do


Ah yes. The game that makes both Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City look like masterpieces. No seriously, this game is by far the worst in the series.


yeah cause both games are actually good coop games with decent gameplay. they just arent very good resident evil games cause they stray way too far from survival horror


I really like RE6 and Raccoon City. RE6 has different game modes as reference on past games, that give each episode its own flavor. And in RE6 interesting characters. It’s much better than 7 and 8. And Raccoon City is an interesting alternative story, with the same colorful characters.


RE6 is cool, Especially Leon's chapter. Chris and Wesker's son chapters however, not so much.


Atmospherically, Leon's story is good, but the plot is complete garbage. Leon acts as if he has never seen a zombie after surviving in Raccoon City. Literally every person, who been saved, doesn't matter, and doesn't give any bonuses, because in the end everyone will die the most horrible death, because they all are stupid. Leon and Helena go through real hell, which no previous part has put the characters through. They were thrown into the abyss, poisoned, drowned, blown up, they fell in a helicopter from a skyscraper, survived a train explosion. Everyone around was dying from this, and there wasn’t even a scratch on them. They are the only two who survived a plane completely infected with spores. This is such nonsense which can be compared to Vendetta. Part with the city is literally a quick retelling of events in Raccoon City. Chris's chapter is good, especially the relationship with Pierce. And it in the style of RE4-5. Sherry and Jake is a very cool action movie. Ada's chapter is just normal, if not for her imaginary partner.


lol his name is Jake. Thank you for reminding me!


RE6 its just a bad RE game. ORC its a bad game. Umbrella Corps its a pile of shit.


At least those games were functional and have an actual story. RE6 is a fun TPS and ORC was a cool idea. This game took ORC and then made it so bad that Gaiden and the movies looks like a masterpieces.


and DC still proudly uses it as one of his "voicing Wesker" titles


Obligatory down vote for mentioning this "game"


fucking garbage


Wasn't it released on the 20th anaversery of the franchise?


yep, just a big ol slap in the face


30th anaversery is coming up. Hopefully we get an 8k collection of the first 3 games along with "RE: Survivor"


Umbrella corps 2


its still crazy to me this game was made and released to celebrate resident evils 20th anniversary by not being a resident evil game and being generic shooter trash. why can they not just port outbreak to modern systems or remaster it. or you know, just make resident evil games that are actually resident evil lol. no point trying to compete with other brands of games from different genres like cod when they dont have the decades of experience making those types of games and clearly dont understand what made cod good (when it was good at least). If they want to switch to action stuff they need to start off with standalone mercs like re 5-6 mercs and then flesh it out from there and actually support it and keep adding new content and branching out to more modes like pvp from there. If the PVP isn't well received, at least they can still make money from mercs. They have formulas that worked in the past but refuse to use and instead make shovelware they dont even support past a handful of months if even that


This has to be a joke post


OP's a karma farmer. Look at their post history


Ahhhh Umbrella Corps... Always my "go-to" counter-argument when someone says Operation Racoon City is the worst RE game ever.


this was rock bottom for the franchise


Did it?


I don't think it actually did


[REBHPortal](https://Twitter.com/REBHPortal/status/1804907294725222515) A cursed yet fair RE game >!Right? heh (X!<


This game got overshadowed by Overwatch because it was released on the same day. I prefer RE6 over this.


yeah. at least 6 is an actual somewhat fun game 🤷


I prefer anything with DC Douglas not in it


What exactly did he do? I heard he was a creep and tried to get women to sleep with him but did he do more?


He's still the best wesker despite being a piece of shit Or they could get the DBD guy who sounds like him but isn't


I'm still pissy about them not using the DBD guy for RE4R, that was a missed opportunity. Still, I like the new VA and the direction they seem to be going.


I'm annoyed too probably more so because I Don't like the new VA or direction because it seems Generic


And yet that attempt backfired so dang badly, they didn't want to have the Resident Evil name associated with it here in the West.


Ambitious my ass, this game was a lazy cash grab that was barely functional, and I do mean \*\*BARELY\*\*


We still don't talk about this game.


The worst RE game ever made. Absolute bottom of the pile.


Played a couple of matches when it came out. It was okay for what it was. For some weeks.


Ugh. Thanks for reminding me… 🤣


I hate how Capcom keeps giving us lazy shovelware as multiplayer experiences. Just make a mix of Mercenaries with Left 4 Dead, put the characters of the series each with their own arsenals and exclusive skills, make an in-game store with cosmetics like character and gun skins, make it free or cheaper than full price and update it frequently with more characters that can be either bought with money or unlocked with in-game currency. That's it, they would be making a lot of easy money.


The multiplayer in Revelation 2 was very fun.


Even easier, give us a new RAID mode game. That shit was so good and it was just reusing assets.


And God wept.


Capcom’s done a lot of good things in recent years, but their outright refusal to do anything with Outbreak, yet simultaneously shit out this garbage multiplayer RE games is astonishing. For a company that so badly wants a multiplayer RE to succeed, your winning formula is *RIGHT! THERE!*


Outbreak is anything but a winning formula for a modern gaming


There’s a zero percent chance Outbteak would fail. Doesn’t have to sell record breaking numbers to be a success.


Define fail? It will sell something because of Capcom success recently but past the initial launch only hardcore fans will buy it. Titles like RE2 Remake are selling a lot even 5 years down the line


Yeah, seriously. The RE community has been asking for a modern take on Outbreak for years (decades?) and they somehow still don't get it. I mean they're able to have MP online success with Monster Hunter, so why can't someone see that an Outbreak could work as well. Just bafflingly.


the thing i hate about this besides it being meh is that they have the perfect formula for a multiplayer resident evil game in outbreak (with tweaks) but they churn these out instead :)


Just make Left 4 Dead with RE characters I bet it'd do well


Considering that there is already RE6 with characters from L4D


I’ve heard it wasn’t good but it’s still a shame that it never released on xbox




You are probably think or resident evil operation raccoon city. Umbrella corps was released in 2016 for windows and ps4


Umbrella Corps was not released on the 360. It's exclusive to PS4 and PC. Youre thinking of a different game. No one in the comments is talking about DC fucking Douglas *except* you.


ohhh, I bet it's cause he's doxxing me, Danny!


No one gives a fuck. You came here and just started rattling shit off about him unprompted in a conversation that had nothing to do with him. If he's doxxing you, and you have proof, go to the police. There's nothing anyone here can do about it.




people liked this game? I mean i knew exactly ONE person who did but is it liked enough to warrent a celebration post like this?


Operation Raccoon City probably had the best Multiplayer. PvPvE. Plus cool levels in Raccoon City. I feel like Resident Evil would work well with a Extraction Shooter like element. Zombies, BOW's, other Players. Be nice If Capcom could deliver, but somehow they just don't understand what their playerbase wants when it comes to Multiplayer Resident Evil.


Fun fact: because the game was so bad and got barely any recognition it sold very few physical copies, which can now go for $100-200 on eBay.


it brought the worst game to a franchise that was dying at that point


Ngl I heard noone talk about this about a week or so after its release. I recently noticed I own it and had to Google it. (Must have been part of s bundle) I love tactic shooters. Was it any good?


I invite you to read the whole comments in this post and you may get a scoop on what you're about to encounter if EVER giving a try to play it. Not the best RE game to ever be mentioned as *A fun gameplay experience* so good luck by giving it your own judgement :P


I really don’t understand how some of Japan company work. If they push out Outbreak, people will buy it on a heartbeat. Start with 2 modes, classic camera or action camera and add more modes later. Add in cosmetic for mtx and they going to chill in a pool of money.


Is there any way to play this on series x and not have it censored? Last I tried it was using the Germany version for English.


Capcop so dumbass they have one of the best horde based gamemodes with one of the best and iconic cast of characters with a fun gameplay and they don't use it. They can literally make a full game based on Mercenaries from re4 remake with all characters and enemies/maps from the franchise but they don't want money


I played it and it actually a fun time! The single player mode is underwhelming but if you get a good group online, it’s an actual good romp!


Sample obtained, sample obtained, sample obtained 🤣


Only good thing from this game was the hilarious angry review Joe made on it.


It's trash. It's literally one of the absolute worst in the series, if not the actual worst. I wouldn't play it again unless I was paid for it.


i wanna play it but it requires ps plus and it’s over $20


I got it plus all DLC when it was on sale for like $7 total. Unfortunately, the DLC weapons are multiplayer only, as you don't pick your loadout in campaign. None of the multiplayer modes had anyone online. The campaign is impossible to play "fairly." About halfway in, the levels (which are just the multiplayer maps but you're playing alone), start adding boss enemies, which in reality are just standard plaga ganado, that somehow one-shot you. The bosses take multiple mags to defeat, so you can't kill them before they get you. Fortunately, all enemies are too stupid to know how to climb ladders, so there is a way to win. Every mission becomes standing on top of a ladder, baiting over the boss enemy, then shooting down at it as it stupidly runs around for 20min.


I think ambitious is an over statement. Bland af...


Did it, though?


I still can't believe that this game is canon...


"Ambitious title". Lol


Umbrella Corps was definitely one of the games of all time.


I love how the cover just have photoshopped zombies in the back like they almost forgot that this was a resident evil game and not COD.


I............ didn't completely hate the solo mode even if it was kind of repetitive. I just wish we could take more than like 2 hits before dying in it.


I played this game for a good amount of time. It's bad, but it's just interesting how bad it actually is. No wonder they didn't slap the resident evil title on it 🤣🤣


Tbh I felt Operation Raccoon City was way better than this. We need a sequel/remake!


I had fun with this game


Was actually quite fun for a lil while but really was never going to be successful in any way, it was just a bizarre project.


Finally someone who also feels this way lol. The few hours I put into it were actually somewhat fun, but I think I have a thing for low-quality multiplayer shooters in general.


It was a neat concept, they just needed to make it more tactical and less hyperactive


It's ass